Author Topic: Apology  (Read 71214 times)


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Re: Apology
« Reply #75 on: 2011-02-26 22:31:49 »
But there was no reason for him to be such a d*ck when he responded.  Now he's just getting ridic in calling out Mako and Covarr, two people who are quite possible the most benign and neutral people around here.

I won't go into the Mako situation; I know far too little about it. However, it's ridic to say that Jari called out Covarr; it was the other way around.

Mako situation in a nutshell: Jari is convinced that Mako is not a real person, despite a crapton of evidence saying she's a real person.


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Re: Apology
« Reply #76 on: 2011-02-26 22:35:37 »
i don't know whats happened in the past, nor do i give to sh*ts, for as long as i've known, Mako has been one of the nicest people here i've met. i have alot of respect for her. so if anyones going around trying to cause issues over it, they need to stop smoking whatever it is they're smoking.


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Re: Apology
« Reply #77 on: 2011-02-26 23:56:12 »
Mako situation in a nutshell: Jari is convinced that Mako is not a real person, despite a crapton of evidence saying she's a real person.

Actually, no. What I am convinced of is that Mako and Master Aden are one and the same person, or possibly two people; either a girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband (take your pick, she certainly has changed her stories...) team. There most certainly is a female in that team. Whether she works alone is another matter. Or maybe she is just a front - but certainly her domain belongs to a female.

Well, here's the log. It is - of course - entirely unedited, except that the IP-addresses of people joining, quitting and being disconnected have been removed. Since those seem to be a big deal to some people. If you suspect that it's been edited in some other way, please do ask any of the other people present if they log the channel.

A short preface; I think this was the first time Mako came to the channel, and for the first hour the conversation had nothing out of the ordinary.

Then this happened: the log.

I got a really weird vibe from that. Out of the blue she brought up a really obscure troll, which even I had forgotten - and I'm pretty sure everyone else had, as well. How would she even know about this person? Why would she bring him up? More to the point; I got the impression that it was almost like she was bragging about how Master Aden had made me quit - from the safety of a new user account. Sort of like arsonists like to return to the scene.

That is actually what got me curious about the whole thing. So, I did some digging.

It turned out that she and Master Aden post not only from the same geographical location, but also use the same ISP. Then I noticed that a whole bunch of accounts on different sites, and email addresses registered to those accounts seemed to tie these accounts to a single source.

And then I noticed the curious typing quirk shared by these accounts; they both occasionally - more often when agitated - start a paragraph with a variable amount of empty spaces.

   Like this.

See for yourself; compare Master Aden's posts to Mako's posts.

After that I questioned her about it, and she changed her story from Master Aden being an acquaintance to him being her husband and later on to her boyfriend.

Anyway. My point was that she seems to be again gloating about how she made me quit. Well, that's what she thinks, anyway. It's the very same thing that happened in IRC, that night.

I do not care one bit whether you believe them to be the same person, or persons. Or whether you simply believe that being nice now is all that matters. Neither concern me. What I do care about is that now I am even more sure that Mako indeed is Master Aden. And that's all - I am very much vindicated. Rather similar to feeling to when Qhimm finally admitted - after me yanking his chain for quite a bit :P - that even he thinks they indeed are one and the same.

Right, I was planning on replying to some posts, too.

If I'm in the "Told you so"-position, then yes, yes I do. :)
Do you even realize how immature this stance is? This is how 8-year-olds behave, and it should be embarrassing that you do as well.

Happy 8-year-old reporting for duty, sir!



Assuming you are correct and a normal, balanced person would shrug your replies off, and assuming you don't consider them to be normal and balanced, that would mean that you expected them to respond in a manner similar to how they did. If this is the case, then logically you WERE trying to get a negative reaction. It doesn't matter how you look at it, you were deliberately trying to incite trouble. And as I said before, in this way you are no different from hermoor.

I don't really see myself responsible for their mental health.

You've mentioned hypocrisy multiple times. You haven't clarified, but I'm guessing you mean that Mako and DLPB have no place to call you out for your behavior. To this, I have two responses:
1. Whether or not they're guilty of misbehaving in the past has no bearing on the fact that they're right. You are trying to start a sh*tstorm, regardless of what other people have done. Man up and stop deflecting.
2. Looking strictly at the present, you are the only person behaving like an ass right now. In the past few months, they have been nothing but pleasant, whereas you have openly mocked and insulted the members and management of this forum both here and in the IRC channel. The past has no bearing on the fact that right now you are causing trouble and they are not.

1. Nope. I am having fun on their expense, of course. Because I don't see how they could really afford to be very judgmental. So, you indeed did read my meaning right. I am not trying to incite anyone, however. If they themselves fly off the handle... well, that is not my problem.

2. Only commenting the part about me mocking and insulting members and management. Indeed - I do not hold the current management in very high respect, and I tend to speak my mind. Guilty as charged. :)

Umm, what I said doesn't prove anything. I don't believe for a second that Mako is masteraden, but the point I was making is that even if she was it does not matter.

And I don't care. Trust me. I'm not seeking to change anyone's opinion, or to be some kind of hero in the eyes of the people, or something bizarre like that. It's quite enough for me that I know they are the one and the same. Whether you share that opinion, or whether you care about it... neither concern me.


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Re: Apology
« Reply #78 on: 2011-02-27 00:07:34 »
This is fantasic! This is what you have? this is your evidence? This proves that there are two are embarrassing and the log is heavily edited. I just didn't come out like that, there was a phone call that lasted for a bit...

Jari you have sunk to an all time low, I hope you enjoyed it. It really don't prove much. 
« Last Edit: 2011-02-27 00:12:12 by Mako »


  • Covarr-Let
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Re: Apology
« Reply #79 on: 2011-02-27 00:10:29 »
I got a really weird vibe from that. Out of the blue she brought up a really obscure troll, which even I had forgotten - and I'm pretty sure everyone else had, as well. How would she even know about this person? Why would she bring him up? More to the point; I got the impression that it was almost like she was bragging about how Master Aden had made me quit - from the safety of a new user account. Sort of like arsonists like to return to the scene.
If she knew him IRL, and he TOLD her what he'd done (or even implied it), this is neither out of the blue, nor surprising that they'd know each other. Additionally, if they were indeed dating, it is no surprise that they would be in the same geographic area, possibly even the same IP at times if one or both of them has a laptop.

Your logic fails. Try harder.


  • And then it dawned on me, that Satan is also an old fuck.
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Re: Apology
« Reply #80 on: 2011-02-27 00:11:46 »
Wow Jari, have you ever considered working for Fox News, you do a great job of taking things out of context


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Re: Apology
« Reply #81 on: 2011-02-27 00:16:13 »
This is fantasic! This is what you have? this is your evidence? This proves that there are two are embarrassing and the log is heavily edited. I just didn't come out like that, there was a phone call that lasted for a bit...

Jari you have sunk to an all time low, I hope you enjoyed it. It really don't "Prove anything.

Just saving this. In case you change your mind. Because you know as well as I do that it haven't been edited at all - except to remove the IP-addresses.

It is curious why you'd want to lie about that. 8)

I got a really weird vibe from that. Out of the blue she brought up a really obscure troll, which even I had forgotten - and I'm pretty sure everyone else had, as well. How would she even know about this person? Why would she bring him up? More to the point; I got the impression that it was almost like she was bragging about how Master Aden had made me quit - from the safety of a new user account. Sort of like arsonists like to return to the scene.
If she knew him IRL, and he TOLD her what he'd done (or even implied it), this is neither out of the blue, nor surprising that they'd know each other. Additionally, if they were indeed dating, it is no surprise that they would be in the same geographic area, possibly even the same IP at times if one or both of them has a laptop.

Your logic fails. Try harder.

Yes, if. You do know Occam's Razor, of course? :)

Also, you perhaps noticed that I told you she later changed her story about him? ;)

Wow Jari, have you ever considered working for Fox News, you do a great job of taking things out of context

It's all there, my dear Cupcake. All there.


  • Covarr-Let
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Re: Apology
« Reply #82 on: 2011-02-27 00:20:45 »
Yes, if. You do know Occam's Razor, of course? :)
Occam's Razor states that the simplest answer is usually correct. That doesn't apply here, because YOUR ANSWER ISN'T SIMPLER.


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Re: Apology
« Reply #83 on: 2011-02-27 00:23:00 »
Yes, if. You do know Occam's Razor, of course? :)
Occam's Razor states that the simplest answer is usually correct. That doesn't apply here, because YOUR ANSWER ISN'T SIMPLER.

Agreed, it's either a boyfriend/girlfriend or something of that sort.... Or one person, trying to troll us all for no apparent reason, especially considering one of them is a pretty awesome person 'round here, and even through all this accusation has stuck to them being two different people...  I think the former is simpler, really

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Apology
« Reply #84 on: 2011-02-27 00:24:52 »
Occam's Razor states that the simplest answer is usually correct.

Fact Nazi time, Sieg Heil!

Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor[1]), often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae, translating to law of parsimony, law of economy or law of succinctness, is a principle that generally recommends selecting the competing hypothesis that makes the fewest new assumptions, when the hypotheses are equal in other respects.[2] For instance, they must both sufficiently explain available data in the first place.

The principle is often incorrectly summarized as "the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one".

BTW, I feel like I'm playing Phoenix Wright, with all these objections flying around. It's jolly exciting!


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Re: Apology
« Reply #85 on: 2011-02-27 00:25:08 »
It is curious why you'd want to lie about that. 8)

You know I was on the phone for a bit...that's when I first found out it could be "Him"  were is that whole conversation? and it looks terrible out of context like that. Really just looks dumb. So yeah YOUR the liar.

Why don't you troll somewhere else? Cause as far as I know you are 100x worse troll then masteraden. I have never altered my posts EVER to bend the truth like you have. Were are all your posts Jari? seems you deleted them I wonder why?!.


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Re: Apology
« Reply #86 on: 2011-02-27 00:31:08 »
Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor[1]), often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae, translating to law of parsimony, law of economy or law of succinctness, is a principle that generally recommends selecting the competing hypothesis that makes the fewest new assumptions, when the hypotheses are equal in other respects.[2] For instance, they must both sufficiently explain available data in the first place.

The principle is often incorrectly summarized as "the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one".
Okay then, let me point out that Occam's Razor still doesn't apply, because the only difference is that one assumes she's telling the truth, and the other assumes she's lying. Equal amount of new assumptions there, and both stories fit with existing data.


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Re: Apology
« Reply #87 on: 2011-02-27 00:40:51 »
It is curious why you'd want to lie about that. 8)

You know I was on the phone for a bit...that's when I first found out it could be "Him"  were is that whole conversation? and it looks terrible out of context like that. Really just looks dumb. So yeah YOUR the liar.

Right. Well, if it makes you happy, here's the hour before it: log. I think I killed all the IPs, let me know if I missed any.

I don't really think it adds much of a context - except to show how unexpected your comment was.


  • Covarr-Let
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Re: Apology
« Reply #88 on: 2011-02-27 00:47:08 »
Except it DOES add context. It shows the conversation was already on trolls, which makes her initial comment in the other log anything but out of nowhere.


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Re: Apology
« Reply #89 on: 2011-02-27 00:48:00 »
Except it DOES add context. It shows the conversation was already on trolls, which makes her initial comment in the other log anything but out of nowhere.



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Re: Apology
« Reply #90 on: 2011-02-27 01:00:14 »
Awww, look at the Mako-brigade go. ;)

You guys are really worried that I'm right, are you not?

Anyway, I'm off to bed. While I'll be getting sleep, explain her curious typing quirk to me. They both do share it, feel free to check their older posts.

It's rare enough that I have seen only these "two" people exhibit it with any frequency. So, since you seem to think that both theories are as likely, or mine is less likely, you probably have a good explanation for that too. It's contagious, or something like that? :P

After that, tell me why she later switched stories about Master Aden's supposed personality from this person mentioned in the IRC log to her current boyfriend/husband/whatever?


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Re: Apology
« Reply #91 on: 2011-02-27 01:01:14 »
Awww, look at the Mako-brigade go. ;)

You guys are really worried that I'm right, are you not?

Anyway, I'm off to bed. While I'll be getting sleep, explain her curious typing quirk to me. They both do share it, feel free to check their older posts.

It's rare enough that I have seen only these "two" people exhibit it with any frequency. So, since you seem to think that both theories are as likely, or mine is less likely, you probably have a good explanation for that too. It's contagious, or something like that? :P

After that, tell me why she later switched stories about Master Aden's supposed personality from this person mentioned in the IRC log to her current boyfriend/husband/whatever?

your not an admin anymore, nor should you even be here so honestly, what does it matter to you who she is and whatever?

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Re: Apology
« Reply #92 on: 2011-02-27 01:18:27 »
What is kinda sad is that every looser that defends mako does so only because she is a girl and because their cocks and animal instincts at the very core fights over her.

This can actually be observed in our cousin the apes. The females offer themself to the males not to be hit or harassed or for better social status etc. This is obviously what is happening here.

Mako trades her sweet talk...she offers her to the boys in exchange for protection against potential opponents. I suspect this is how she has gained a few trusted members at her forum.

They were all very defensive of her when I dropped in for a visit. I said her little project was unrealistic and they all went into defensive alfa male mode.

Control your hormones you cock thinking monkeys...or don't...this is very much like watching the Discovery channel with a bunch of baboons showing of their red rear end towards eachother while fighting over a spoiled drama queen.

Please keep going...I don't really have much to add to the discussion but to say it's very entertaining. 


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Re: Apology
« Reply #93 on: 2011-02-27 01:19:58 »
What is kinda sad is that every looser that defends mako does so only because she is a girl and because their c*cks and animal instincts at the very core fights over her.

This can actually be observed in our cousin the apes. The females offer themself to the males not to be hit or harassed or for better social status etc. This is obviously what is happening here.

Mako trades her sweet talk...she offers her to the boys in exchange for protection against potential opponents. I suspect this is how she has gained a few trusted members at her forum.

They were all very defensive of her when I dropped in for a visit. I said her little project was unrealistic and they all went into defensive alfa male mode.

Control your hormones you c*ck thinking monkeys...or don't...this is very much like watching the Discovery channel with a bunch of baboons showing of their red rear end towards eachother while fighting over a spoiled drama queen.

Please keep going...I don't really have much to add to the discussion but to say it's very entertaining.

after the stupidity and honest to god bitterness you've displayed repeatedly in the past, nothing you say has any real berring. sinse you seem to wanna talk to animals screwing, go watch your porn collection or the discovery channel

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Apology
« Reply #94 on: 2011-02-27 01:21:09 »
go watch your porn collection or the discovery channel

The Discovery Channel is his porn collection. ;D


  • Covarr-Let
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Re: Apology
« Reply #95 on: 2011-02-27 01:21:43 »
They were all very defensive of her when I dropped in for a visit. I said her little project was unrealistic and they all went into defensive alfa male mode.
You said the project was unrealistic and then proceeded to insult everyone working on it. Gender has nothing to do with it.


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Re: Apology
« Reply #96 on: 2011-02-27 01:23:53 »
What is kinda sad is that every looser that defends mako does so only because she is a girl and because their c*cks and animal instincts at the very core fights over her.

This can actually be observed in our cousin the apes. The females offer themself to the males not to be hit or harassed or for better social status etc. This is obviously what is happening here.

Mako trades her sweet talk...she offers her to the boys in exchange for protection against potential opponents. I suspect this is how she has gained a few trusted members at her forum.

They were all very defensive of her when I dropped in for a visit. I said her little project was unrealistic and they all went into defensive alfa male mode.

Control your hormones you c*ck thinking monkeys...or don't...this is very much like watching the Discovery channel with a bunch of baboons showing of their red rear end towards eachother while fighting over a spoiled drama queen.

Please keep going...I don't really have much to add to the discussion but to say it's very entertaining.

...Or we've evaluated all evidence and have come to the conclusion that Jari is, in fact, wrong.  Way to fail yet again


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Re: Apology
« Reply #97 on: 2011-02-27 01:24:30 »
go watch your porn collection or the discovery channel

The Discovery Channel is his porn collection. ;D

its either the animals screwing or the narrator's voice that he wants to jerk off to, or both, either way, i say he keep it in his sick lil mind, and stop trying to make every comment about his urges

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Apology
« Reply #98 on: 2011-02-27 01:25:15 »
I must say that Hermoor's reappearance is very interesting. Is he siding with Jari in order to discredit him? That's probably too clever for Hermoor.

Or is he picking the fight that will cause the most butthurt?

Or is he, after getting raped by me, in the kind of particularly misogynistic mood basement dwellers get into when they're reminded of their permanent virginity? (/r9k/ was a classic example of this).

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Apology
« Reply #99 on: 2011-02-27 01:27:23 »
Apparently his IP Ban has been lifted

Very interesting. I thought he always used proxies to sign up and no way had ever been found to prevent him from doing this.


Oh great, delete your post and make it look like I double posted! :roll: