Author Topic: Osama bin Laden is dead?!  (Read 17036 times)


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Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« on: 2011-05-02 03:11:57 »
Apparently so.

What is in store for our country now?


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #1 on: 2011-05-02 03:38:21 »
A counter attack.  You can't kill an idea without completely crushing all people who believe in it and all evidence of its existence.  Nothing will change.  You heard it here first.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #2 on: 2011-05-02 03:45:40 »
Conveniently, 8 years ago Bush said his "Mission Accomplished" Speech to. Or so I've heard/read.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #3 on: 2011-05-02 03:50:35 »    Any re airings of that speech have it removed/changed to say something else.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #4 on: 2011-05-02 05:31:10 »
I'm in shock, I honestly thought he was never gonna be found.

Guess he bought an iPhone


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #5 on: 2011-05-02 05:44:20 »
I agree with ObeseBear, for the most part. I don't believe there will be a counterattack, as the US will not be pulling its forces out of the middle east simply due to Osama's demise.

It helps radical Islam's goals having the US over there. They'll attack if the US starts moving out of the middle east as a whole, just to keep it in line.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #6 on: 2011-05-02 11:29:52 »

If its actually fake, there will be repercussions.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #7 on: 2011-05-02 11:41:28 »
A counter attack.  You can't kill an idea without completely crushing all people who believe in it and all evidence of its existence.  Nothing will change.  You heard it here first.

This is completely correct.  The only way to defeat an idea is to destroy the idea.  Killing 1 man or even 100 makes no difference.  With Hitler, it was possible to kill the leaders and creators of Nazism.  I am afraid you cannot kill Muhammad...

The only way to defeat Islam is to attack the ideology head on, and have an open and frank discussion about it, not blinded by PC nonsense.  The Koran is full to bursting with hate and racism and instructions directly from muhammad.  Do not mistake the Koran for the bible.  Whilst the bible also has some fairly dodgy quotes it is not in the same league.  The Koran is written by 1 man who gives instructions to his followers and states that the later passages supercede the earlier.

In that way, the more tolerant and peaceful quotes are the first ones, and the later ideology is war mongering hate which Muslims are instructed should be obeyed.  Not what came earlier (when 1 teaching contradicts another).

The truth is, you learn what an ideology is about by its followers.  Sure most Muslims are not war mongering fools like their prophet was, and I am sure most obey law.  But the problem is, a sizable and significant number of them obey the Koran and take everything literally (and most of the Koran IS literal).  As Dawkins said, there don't need to be a majority of Muslims causing trouble, it only needs to be a small fraction.

If one looks at the Ivory coast and almost ALL places where Muslims are a near majority or a majority, they see war, second class social structure, strife, lack of rights for Women/gays/other faiths and often dictatorships. 

You learn what an ideology is about by looking at countries with a large Muslim following.  Muslims are the effect, Islam is the cause.  It is not peaceful, it is dangerous.  It is as dangerous as Nazism was.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #8 on: 2011-05-02 11:44:30 »
You can't kill an idea without completely crushing all people who believe in it and all evidence of its existence.

But a terrorist organisation needs a strong leadership. When it doesn't have one, people get bored and it fades into obscurity. Its members cease to be militants and become bitter and angry but relatively harmless people.

That said, this doesn't mean the end of Al-Qaeda because I doubt that Bin Laden was still the big cheese. What they need to do is get all of the top brass.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #9 on: 2011-05-02 13:24:30 »
What did the Al Qaeda learn from Osama Bin Ladens death???..... Location - Location - Location...

In other news, Chuck Norris returns from vacationing in Pakistan...


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #10 on: 2011-05-02 15:00:51 »
Oh yeah, and nice to see Pakistan, our "ally" doing something about him.

Yeah he was only hiding out in Islamabad in an absolutely obvious hideout.

Also anybody who votes Obama purely due to this is an idiot. 
« Last Edit: 2011-05-02 15:10:57 by DLPB »

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #11 on: 2011-05-02 15:21:24 »
What did the Al Qaeda learn from Osama Bin Ladens death???..... Location - Location - Location...

And more importantly, don't use your real name and address on your PSN account.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #12 on: 2011-05-02 17:22:00 »
Too bad bad he got pumped full of lead.  Think of the information that could have been obtained.  Perhaps he is in custody and we say hes dead so we can torture him? hmmm

I definetely agree with KM on this one, the goal is now to eliminate everyone else at the top.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #13 on: 2011-05-02 19:15:37 »
I think its bullshit and they did it on purpose as a way to collectively unite the American public by creating a common enemy, in order to rally support for elite interests, similar to what Hitler did before WWII. The proof is already in the pudding, just look at this rediculous *Tea Party* movement happening all over the country. Whether we really killed him or not is of little consequence since we let him escape 10 years ago, over restricted air space deliberately. Don't believe me, but there is video recording of an American general (don't remember his name) stating as much, as well as a plethora of other evidence, so I don't care to argue this fact. Also Osama himself was an ex CIA operative and America funded his rise to politcal power in the first place. Whether 911 was an inside job or not, this is clearly a stunt in my eyes and I'm not falling for it.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #14 on: 2011-05-02 19:53:41 »
Liberal Consipiracy Theorist! :-P  It would be difficult to prove that the Tea Party is any more ridiculous than any other party.  Anecdotal examples ludicrosity are abundant in every party.  Is that stuff true about Osama?


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #15 on: 2011-05-02 20:04:36 »
Call me a liberal if you want. I tend to rely on facts not political affliations so I don't really give a shit. labels are about as useless as opinions in my eyes when it comes to politics. As for Conspiracy, its blatantly obvious that those that have power, use that power for the advancement of themselves and their families and leave the majority high and dry. They tend to lie, cheat, steal, kill and whatever else is required to accomplish this end. Again, call it a conspiracy if you want, but I think this is actually quite common knowledge that this has been going on in a traditional and standardized format for roughly 10,000 years, give or take.

As for what I said about Osama, do some research, it should take you about 2 hours to confirm what I've said, if that.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-02 20:07:15 by yarLson »


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #16 on: 2011-05-02 20:23:02 »
I'm not disagreeing with you, and I was half jokingly applying the label (didn't mean them as dirty words).  Of course power corrupts, but society, in all its forms, is responsible for differences in power.  Governments and Kingdoms are just carrying the torch that was lit for them when people decided to all populate the same geographic locations.  I was once an idealist that thought that inequalities could be abolished and power evenly distributed, but like you said..."I tend to rely on facts."  A utopian illusion is possible through absolute brainwashing or totalitarian destruction of all conflicting ideas but I don't think people can come together and say, "We are all equals, let's live in harmony," although those with power are currently trying to implant that idea in our minds.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #17 on: 2011-05-02 20:40:03 »
while I agree that a utopia is essentially an impossible goal. There is nothing that anyone can say that would convince me that things cannot be a lot better than they currently stand it terms of quality of life for the common man. This is because tehcnologies like 3d printing, tesla coils, geothermal energy, hydroponic grow houses, advanced robotics, mag lev trains and a million other extraordinary inventions that go entirely unused. ENTIRELY with one exception, WAR! Even though the tesla coil is older than the fossil fuel powered engine, we continue to rely on the latter specifically for the sake of milking the public dry of all its worth. the soul reason why we didn't go with the Coil in the first place is because it would have made energy access too abundant and therefore you wouldn't be able to put a price on it. In other words we shit in our own bed and we have been refusing to clean up the mess as we lie in it night after night, year after year, and the smell progressively worsens and the state of human health cognitively and physically deteriotates. There is no excuse IMO for not using what science has already acheived for the sake a a better society. Yes there is no such thing as perfection but that is no excuse not to try. In fact given that we only have a finite period of time until this planet becomes unsustainable, I'd say its our duty at this point to use our technology rather than letting it lie dormant for no excusable reason. IMO we are already 100 years behind where we should be because we didn't use Nikola Tesla's ideas to form this society. Keep in mind that the construction of a Tesla Coil for commerical and residential use actually began in 1906 somewhere on long island and still stands today. It would have sent electric energy flying through the skys all the way to china. The project was stopped deliberately by its investors JP Morgan, to move to the use of fossil fuels specifically for the sake of profit. However money is only paper, free energy is free energy, which would you rather have? There is no excuse or idealology which makes that okay for me. Sorry for going so far off topic but these are real heated issues for me. Might have to start a new topic or something.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-02 20:47:01 by yarLson »


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #18 on: 2011-05-02 22:44:08 »
Excellent points.  I agree.

Guess nobody will be  able to collect on this.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #19 on: 2011-05-03 03:18:59 »
Pretty sure it was 25 miliion USD.

It doesn't matter that he's dead.  Case in point, we're still over there doing EXACTLY what we've been doing, and will continue to be until we get a President who has the balls to completely leave the middle east and apologize saying, "Sorry we messed up your countries with our pointless 'war', but best of luck".

Until then, let's waste all of our money and allow our soldiers to die for nothing!  yippee!


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #20 on: 2011-05-03 03:23:09 »
he's dead but his organization isn't... i am against war but i really wish my country would more actively help in taking these immoral bastards out.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #21 on: 2011-05-03 04:02:58 »
Pretty sure it was 25 miliion USD.

It doesn't matter that he's dead.  Case in point, we're still over there doing EXACTLY what we've been doing, and will continue to be until we get a President who has the balls to completely leave the middle east and apologize saying, "Sorry we messed up your countries with our pointless 'war', but best of luck".

Until then, let's waste all of our money and allow our soldiers to die for nothing!  yippee!

They messed their countries up looooong before we got involved but yes, we are dying for nothing, because as soon as the troops leave they will go back to the rigid law of Islam and be back where they started.

Ask the russians....  they saw it happen last time.


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #22 on: 2011-05-03 07:12:24 »
GOD DAMMIT! from what I've read some of you are completely retarded. To kill people because of what they believe in is horrible beyond recognition. Rather, we need to destroy the people responsible for this radical action. I'm atheist, though I have read both the Koran and the bible. No where in the Koran does it state that it is okay to kill someone because of what they believe in. It was manipulative bastards like Osama that disgraced it and used random ass quotes and things that make no sense to convince uneducated people to commit these crimes. I am sick of this. My aunt is muslim, and she is one of the nicest people in the world. so, are you people going to keep acting like uneducated 12 year olds, or, even worse, uneducated seniors? or are you actually going to do your research and start thinking for yourself, rather than what Fox news tells you to believe?It's obvious the people who need to go are the people who manipulate the lower class, people like Osama, not people who follow a religion for all the right reasons(as an atheist, I consider religion stupid, but I really couldn't care less if you followed one). Same goes for our side of the world. My point being, stop acting like this! In considering completely destroying Islamic religions, you sink to the level of Hitler, A GENOCIDAL MANIAC! Many of you need to grow up.

A counter attack.  You can't kill an idea without completely crushing all people who believe in it and all evidence of its existence.  Nothing will change.  You heard it here first.

and to you, obesebear, you are the worst of all. You and DLPB. This quote proves how ignorant and backward you are. Do you really think that killing these people will solve anything? Do you really think you can erase history? No, knowledge stays. Would you kill the innocent, who have done nothing wrong their entire lives, because they simply believe in something you don't understand? You are just as bad as Hitler, because you know what you're considering? Genocide. You bastards.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-03 07:21:39 by megaknight »


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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #23 on: 2011-05-03 07:39:34 »
GOD DAMMIT! from what I've read some of you are completely retarded. To kill people because of what they believe in is horrible beyond recognition. Rather, we need to destroy the people responsible for this radical action. I'm atheist, though I have read both the Koran and the bible. No where in the Koran does it state that it is okay to kill someone because of what they believe in. It was manipulative bastards like Osama that disgraced it and used random ass quotes and things that make no sense to convince uneducated people to commit these crimes. I am sick of this. My aunt is muslim, and she is one of the nicest people in the world. so, are you people going to keep acting like uneducated 12 year olds, or, even worse, uneducated seniors? or are you actually going to do your research and start thinking for yourself, rather than what Fox news tells you to believe?It's obvious the people who need to go are the people who manipulate the lower class, people like Osama, not people who follow a religion for all the right reasons(as an atheist, I consider religion stupid, but I really couldn't care less if you followed one). Same goes for our side of the world. My point being, stop acting like this! In considering completely destroying Islamic religions, you sink to the level of Hitler, A GENOCIDAL MANIAC! Many of you need to grow up.

and to you, obesebear, you are the worst of all. You and DLPB. This quote proves how ignorant and backward you are. Do you really think that killing these people will solve anything? Do you really think you can erase history? No, knowledge stays. Would you kill the innocent, who have done nothing wrong their entire lives, because they simply believe in something you don't understand? You are just as bad as Hitler, because you know what you're considering? Genocide. You bastards.
I think you misunderstood what he said. It seemed pretty obvious to me that he was referring to al-Qaeda, not Islam in general. And he has a good point there; it's quite likely that members of al-Qaeda will seek revenge for Osama bin Laden's death. Eliminating an extremist sect is NOT the same thing as destroying all Muslims, and I don't think that's what obesebear was suggesting.

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Re: Osama bin Laden is dead?!
« Reply #24 on: 2011-05-03 11:24:59 »
I want to jump to obesebear's defense on that one.  If he was saying that the Muslims should be mass-murdered, then that response (see above) would've been appropriate.  But that's not what he seemed to be implying, so give him the benefit of a doubt.

Anyway.  I would be very cautious when talking about Islam and its followers.  If Islam were the root cause of the problem, then we'd be lucky to find a single likable good-natured Muslim out there.  As it just so happens, there actually are likable good-natured Muslims out there.

In all honesty, the Muslims are an okay bunch of people by my book.  Those people who execute women for being raped on the grounds of promiscuity, those people who hijack planes and fly them into tall buildings, and those people who are committed to raining terror on the world around them, aren't really Muslims.  They're just freaks.