Author Topic: Final Sephiroth patch / Complete Sephiroth patch FF7 PC *work in progress*  (Read 69722 times)


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Dear forum readers/users,
Dear Final Fantasy VII fans,

I want to let you all know I'm working on my own Sephiroth patch for FF7 PC. Mine differate from the current existing ones because in this patch Cloud's in-game field model + animations are replaced by the original Sephiroth field model + animations (without ANY of the other models going berserk/broken).

To give an example that enlightens the above statement, current Sephiroth patches pretty much just copy/paste Sephiroths textures/skin on top of clouds field model. Resulting a Cloud that looks like Sephiroth but doesn't stand like him, doesn't run like him and etc. etc. This old dated method also consist of manually adding ''bones'' on field skeleton files to give Cloud an extra attachment point to paste Sephiroths hair.

I have NONE of this, I literally replace Cloud in EVERY scene, background, field with Sephiroth, replacing every animation that cloud would have performed in all the respective scenes/backgrounds/fields with animations Sephiroth has. To give Sephiroth more animations I imported a few from Reno and Tseng. With this I want to build the final/most completed Sephiroth Patch out there. Because everything else has already been done by others. Changing battle model, world map model is all old news. Changing spells, getting a shirtless Sephiroth model or One Winged Angel has already been done. Even giving Sephiroth different weapons (more models swords/spears) have already been done.

The only thing remained was a real Sephiroth on the field with his animations, his walking/running. The real Sephiroth fans out there know what I mean right? When the patch is done I'll make a executable program that will install it. You will be able to use this with any additional mods out there such as NPC reconstruct etc. (since this patch doesn't mess around in your char.lgp).

A special thanks go out for Ice_Cold , Teknomidnight, Anifiga and Scorpicus. Because those people kept projects on a Sephiroth patch alive throughout the years.

I hope I will have people supporting this, kindly asking to keep this thread clean and friendly. I will keep you all informed of the completion in this post by updating/editing it.

I'm a big fan of the original ''lego'' models so my soon to be shown footage will be in the according format. I'm giving my word I will complete this a.s.a.p. It's a very devious and time consuming job because I need to literrely change all models + animations in every separate scene/background/field. But in the end it's worth it. (Don't worry though, I have Aspergers Syndrome -Autism, people like me can do the same thing over and over and over again and again so I won't quit this project half way.)

Also good thing to note is that this technique works with all models in game, so you could even play as the turks or as zack with the ''real'' field model + animations. But before getting people hyped up, let's finish this first shall we :)

When this is done I'm slapping in a compilation to make it the fully fledged (hopefly FINAL/LAST one) Sephiroth Patch. Things like damage/status nullifiers are at your own concern though. I still prefer to play a Sephiroth patch where I can still die in-game. Things like giving Sephiroth a limit (just use Vincents ones + swapping battlemodels) will also be something I'm going to experiment in after this. I'm not going to use other forum members works in this patch at this point because I don't want to have any ''I never gave you permission'' debates. So for now just the original artwork within FF7 PC once I release this patch. --untill further notice because I would never want to steal anyones hard work.

This is the new portrait im going to use for Sephiroth in the menu;

Anyways let's finish this first then we see what we can cook up.

I'll edit this post from time to time to add videos so you can see the animations in various scenes in the game.


I got a grand idea for the replacement of cloud in the wheelchair! Trust me on this one =)

Footage 1: (slow speed video due to fraps, has nothing to do with the patch)

Example of the walking / standing still / running animation. I specifically picked sector 5 slums to show you other models that normaly ''uses'' clouds basic animations do not get ''@#$@# up'' with my method of replacing. As you can see in the video all the animations go smooth for each and every character.

Footage 2: (slow speed video due to fraps, has nothing to do with the patch)

Example of the animation that makes sephiroth bending over to grab the materia and then standing up. Also his nodding no animation, being ''startled'' animation and him kneeling over to set the bomb animation is shown.

Footage 3: (slow speed video due to fraps, has nothing to do with the patch)

Example of various field animations whilst talking, running etc etc.

Progress indicator
Sector 0 trainstation - 1/1 models replaced 4/4 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 before entering your name - 1/1 models replaced 6/6 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 after gate cinematic and barrett introduction - 1/1 models replaced 3/3 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 after the bombing mission when cloud asks barrett about his payment - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 after the bombing mission where Aeris sells flowers - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 on your way to the train station - 1/1 models replaced 3/3 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 tunnel after the bombing mission - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 trainplatform when shinra soldiers attack you - 1/1 models replaced 7/7 animations added - 100% complete

Sector 0 makou reactor frontside bridge - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 makou reactor first room - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 makou reactor elevator room - 1/1 models replaced 8/8 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 makou reactor second room - 1/1 models replaced 6/6 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 makou reactor third room - 1/1 models replaced 7/7 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 makou reactor fourth room - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 0 makou reactor fifth room - 1/1 models replaced 13/13 animations added - 100% complete

Sector 5 makou reactor frontside bridge - 1/1 models replaced 3/3 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 5 makou reactor frontside bridge with cinematic - 1/1 models replaced 11/15 animations added - 73% complete
Sector 5 makou reactor first room - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 5 makou reactor second room - 1/1 models replaced 6/6 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 5 makou reactor third room - 1/1 models replaced 6/6 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 5 makou reactor fourth room - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 5 makou reactor fifth room - 1/1 models replaced 13/13 animations added - 100% complete

Shinra Train cargo cabin - 1/1 models replaced 20/20 animations added - 100% complete
Shinra Train cabin one - 1/1 models replaced 18/18 animations added - 100% complete
Shinra Train cabin two - 1/1 models replaced 8/8 animations added - 100% complete
Shinra Train cabin three - 1/1 models replaced 10/10 animations added - 100% complete
Shinra Train cabin four - 1/1 models replaced 9/9 animations added - 100% complete
Shinra Train railroad map - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Shinra Train tunnel part one - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Shinra Train tunnel part two - 1/1 models replaced 8/8 animations added - 100% complete
Shinra Train tunnel part three - 1/1 models replaced 4/4 animations added - 100% complete

Train Graveyard part one - 1/1 models replaced 7/7 animations added - 100% complete
Train Graveyard part two - 1/1 models replaced 5/5 animations added - 100% complete
Train Station part one - 1/1 models replaced 8/8 animations added - 100% complete
Train Station part two - 1/1 models replaced 3/3 animations added - 100% complete

Sector 7 weapon shop first floor - 1/1 models replaced 8/8 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 weapon shop second floor - 1/1 models replaced 8/8 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 weapon shop third floor - 1/1 models replaced 8/8 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 slums field map - 1/1 models replaced 18/18 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 materia shop - 1/1 models replaced 4/4 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 Johnney's parents house - 1/1 models replaced 3/3 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 Seventh Heaven bar main floor - 1/1 models replaced 37/37 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 Seventh Heaven bar basement floor - 1/1 models replaced 21/21 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 slums road field map - 1/1 models replaced 11/11 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 pillar cinematic view - 1/1 models replaced 4/4 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 pillar part one - 1/1 models replaced 3/3 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 pillar part two - 1/1 models replaced 3/3 animations added - 100% complete
Sector 7 pillar part three - 2/2 models replaced 20/20 animations added - 100% complete

« Last Edit: 2011-11-14 16:25:41 by GF-san »

Milo Leonhart

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Hi, sounds great, will you add the battle model too ?


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Yes absolutely. When the field work is done I will make it a full ''package''. More about that will be released once the field work is done. But I can say already that the end product will be AT LEAST the following;

*real Sephiroth field model
*real Sephiroth's field model animations
*Sephiroth in battle
*Sephiroth in minigames
*Sephiroth on world map
*Sephiroth on ''sub movies like the train monitor, bombing mission gate close up etc. etc.''
*Sephiroth in battle with limit that changes him into either safer Sephiroth or shirtless one -still undecided-
*Super Nova will be fixed so it can be used freely without the purple swirling background in battle

That's the things I can ''make'' happen on my own without help. It's what I'm also aiming for.

Anyways let me first concentrate on that which has not been done before!
« Last Edit: 2011-11-08 18:09:28 by GF-san »


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Beaming with excitement :D


  • Covarr-Let
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What's this? Someone's working on a proper, complete Sephiroth patch, rather than a quick hack that just works but not much else?

I'm not really a huge fan of gamechangers like this personally, but I'm glad somebody's actually bothering to do this right for a change. Best of luck :D


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Thank you Covarr & e1sunz for your motivating posts :)


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Might be useful for someone.

Although i'd be more interested in being able to play with Sephiroth in the party.
As in, Sephiroth joining the party by doing a side quest or something (like Vincent) and add 3 or 4 weapons for him, without touching the story. Hell, i'd be happy just to be able to PHS him to the party later on ^^


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Might be useful for someone.

Although i'd be more interested in being able to play with Sephiroth in the party.
As in, Sephiroth joining the party by doing a side quest or something (like Vincent) and add 3 or 4 weapons for him, without touching the story. Hell, i'd be happy just to be able to PHS him to the party later on ^^

That's actually really simple and even less time consuming, -if- I replace for example Cait Sith with him. However completely adding him out of nowhere is also still very doable with my technique, just means that with that method I also need to edit text in game and build spawn points, additional field messages in every scene. Fastest way of course is to replace a lesser significant character. Anyways just giving my 2 cents on that, I'm continueing with the above project first! Thanks for your share of mind though!


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Replace him would be easier indeed but add him as an additional char would be "cooler".
But i guess it would involve a lot of work as he shares data with some other characters.


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Great work:), I tried this as well but it hell a lot of a work, so I decided to finish my work with limits first, it by itself eats my time:), btw you can use my model and limits for seph when I finish with them as well, or any part of my work, if you like:)


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Great work:), I tried this as well but it hell a lot of a work, so I decided to finish my work with limits first, it by itself eats my time:), btw you can use my model and limits for seph when I finish with them as well, or any part of my work, if you like:)

Much appreciated Anifiga, first one to offer help :D thank you.

At the moment I replaced cloud + every field animation up to Junon. I'm to lazy to write out my progress (cuz it's an incredible amount - people really underestimate this.. but ahwell im doing this for the fans and not the lolboys out there).. but I'm keen on finishing this/ I will finish this. After that I really want limits for Sephi (such as transforms) etc. I would be honored if you would want to work together so we can make a finalized Sephi patch.


Your Sephiroth battle model = must use :) excellent work on it.

Much appreciated once more.

« Last Edit: 2011-11-21 15:51:16 by GF-san »


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I'd also be glad to help you, as I've worked quite a lot on the battle models. Feel free to add me on msn (my address is under my name) or send me a PM.


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Much appreciation towards you too Vgr. I'll take you up on that offer. I'm adding you to msn. This place has the potential to finaly finish a true sephiroth patch, so we should.

Milo Leonhart

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just a question... if Sephiroth take the place of Cloud, who is the bad guy ? Cloud ?


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just a question... if Sephiroth take the place of Cloud, who is the bad guy ? Cloud ?

Questions = always welcome

Answer = For the current existing Sephiroth patches that was always the case. However in mine it isn't. I made a poll in the general section of the forums asking the fans what they want. Most votes to the following idea:

Sephiroth splits into 2 parts after the nibelheim event, one stays sane (you, the player) one goes berserk (sephiroth + makeover skin).

This means text will be altered in this patch as well. I'm already rebuilding several strings on field animations etc, when that's all done, text is next. We are going to cover every aspect in this Sephiroth patch.

*Field models
*Field animations
*Story plot
*Battle model
*Battle limits
*Battle animations (such as when sephiroth gets hit in combat)

And much more. I'm very very excited when I talk about it all but just wait it out, calls for help will come from time to time aswell. At the moment I'm very very happy with Anifiga and Vgr offers to help.



I know some people will hate the concept, can't make everyone happy but the above is whats gonna be done for now.


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this comes when borde announces his restart on Kimera... just perfect!


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    • Ian Merryweather
question about your limits idea:
    are you planning on making him controllable once he's transformed, with a slightly different moveset for a small amount of time (thinking along the lines of trance here, from ff9) or purely the same as Vincent, where he randomly uses one of two attacks for the whole rest of battle?

Good luck with this! It should be fun to play :D


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question about your limits idea:
    are you planning on making him controllable once he's transformed, with a slightly different moveset for a small amount of time (thinking along the lines of trance here, from ff9) or purely the same as Vincent, where he randomly uses one of two attacks for the whole rest of battle?

Good luck with this! It should be fun to play :D
At the moment limits uncontrollable. I tried to make them controllable but there are some glitches so I decided to make them work like Vincent's(btw it's more balanced in my opinion). Limits and moves and their effects can be changed. GF-san  can modify them as he likes of course for his patch after ill finish my work with them.
P.s. btw it seems I've found a way to fix cloud's limits for seph:)(but it's a secret, so shh) :)
P.p.s. for those who likes to see cloud as arch enemy I too have smth special in mind:)
« Last Edit: 2011-11-23 21:00:34 by anifiga »


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Just curious how the progress is coming.


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Sounds like a great mod, I've downloaded tons of these things the closest one i found to be near perfect was Scorpius's one, but the limits were screwed up and It would crash all the time.
I also have a couple of questions(just for a refresher on what you plan to do).

Is the dialogue in the game going to be changed, because some of the stuff Cloud says doesn't fit Sephiroth's character(not that it matters).

Also I've read the other post and your limit's are going to be based around transformation and so on, but is there going to be any normal limit's, like Octoslash or Black Materia etc.

also I can't wait for this mod, I don't really play FF7 any more because it's just gotten to boring, a full Sephiroth mod is a great idea and your way of planning it is also a very different but interesting way to look at it(chasing Cloud around never really worked). anyway good luck.  :)


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I'm still alive, and working on this =)

Holidays and some IRL stuff have been slowing progress down but definately not stopping it.

I want to use this oppertunity to wish everyone a great christmas!

Rest assured, there's still progress on the patch!


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This has made my day I have been wanting a finished Sephiroth patch since playing on Scorpicus ver whilst really good it was just a shame it didnt get completed.

Kuroda Masahiro

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I tried to do this before, and I managed to get all of the scenes up to the end of Midgar sorted, but that was just too time consuming. -.-

I ran a quick analysis of how long it would take based on current trends and the loaded model and animations alone would have taken around 20 to 30 hours of solely that, so I decided to not finish it.

But, it is refreshing to see that someone is willing to actually finish it properly.

Sephiroth 1311

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Thanks for your hard work, I've been dreaming to play a 100% complete Sephiroth patch for years. I just hope I'll be able to use the original avatars, dialogues boxes etc. ;)
Happy new year, by the way!


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Any updates?