Author Topic: Damn those spambots!  (Read 2621 times)


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Damn those spambots!
« on: 2011-12-27 20:17:51 »
Yesterday, the Esper NET IRC networks were subject to a spambot. This proved a very good laugh but some complications for the network staff. Rather than just writing what happened, I will paste the log (and will remove some useless points to not make too long). It. Was. Really. Funny. :P

For those who aren't familiar with IRC, people with @ in front of their names are channel operators. In this channel, they are all network operator as well, which means they can ban entirely from the network an IP address. People with +v (+ before their names) means they can talk if a channel if +m (muted/moderated). +b is a ban, and +q is quiet (cannot talk). Anna is a bot who auto-voices people when they talk and devoices them after ~45 minutes of inactivity.

P.S.: Please note that all timestamps are GMT-5

[21:01] * Joins: Romney2012 ([email protected])
[21:01] <Romney2012> Mitt Romney will restore America's greatness. It is only American power—conceived in the broadest terms—that can provide the foundation for an international system that ensures the security and prosperity of the United States and our friends and allies. Vote for Mitt Romney in the Republican primaries in 2012!
[21:02] * Anna sets mode: +v Romney2012
[21:02] <+Vgr> spam?
[21:02] * Quits: +Romney2012 ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:02] <Law> Ah man... That thing.
[21:02] * Anna sets mode: +v Law
[21:02] <+Vgr> thanks whoever banned him from the network
[21:03] * @Raiden bows
[21:03] <+Vgr> :P
[21:04] <@FiX> in that idiot?
[21:04] <+Vgr> yeah :P
[21:05] <@FiX> *again
[21:07] <@FiX> anyway, i'll try sleeping again
[21:08] <@Raiden> good luck!
[21:09] <+Vgr> ^^
[21:11] * Kurtis[Away] is now known as Kurtis
[21:15] * Joins: Romney2012 ([email protected])
[21:16] <Romney2012> Mitt Romney will get America back to work! Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility.  Vote Mitt Romney 2012!
[21:16] * Anna sets mode: +v Romney2012
[21:16] * Quits: +Romney2012 ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:17] <+Vgr> wtf
[21:18] * Joins: MittRomney12 ([email protected])
[21:18] <+Vgr> FUCK
[21:18] <MittRomney12> Mitt Romney will get America back to work! Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility.  Vote Mitt Romney 2012!
[21:18] * Quits: MittRomney12 ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:19] <+Vgr> how does it come back?
[21:19] <+TheBadShepperd> Magic.
[21:19] <+TheBadShepperd> Romney is that awesome
[21:19] * TD|Away is now known as TestDummy
[21:20] <@Raiden> It shouldnt anymore without some extra work
[21:20] <+Vgr> who is Romney anyway?
[21:20] * Joins: ElectRomney ([email protected])
[21:20] <+TheBadShepperd> You Canadians.
[21:20] <ElectRomney> Mitt Romney will get America back to work! Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility.  Vote Mitt Romney 2012!
[21:20] <+Vgr> err
[21:20] * Anna sets mode: +v ElectRomney
[21:21] * Quits: +ElectRomney ([email protected]) (Killed (TestDummy (Bugger off.)))
[21:21] * Joins: ElectRomney ([email protected])
[21:21] <ElectRomney> Mitt Romney will get America back to work! Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility.  Vote Mitt Romney 2012!
[21:21] <+Vgr> NO FUCK
[21:21] * Anna sets mode: +v ElectRomney
[21:21] * ElectRomney was kicked by Steve_Restless (ElectRomney)
[21:21] * Joins: ElectRomney ([email protected])
[21:21] <+Vgr> so wtf
[21:22] * Raiden sets mode: +m
[21:22] * Quits: ElectRomney ([email protected]) (Killed (TestDummy (.)))
[21:22] * Joins: ElectRomney ([email protected])
[21:22] <+Vgr> annoying
[21:23] <+Vgr> just ban the fuck out of every "Romney"
[21:24] <+Vgr> it's annoying
[21:24] <+Vgr> I assume you're doing something
[21:26] * Steve_Restless sets mode: +b *!*romn*@*.mx
[21:26] * Quits: ElectRomney ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:26] <+Vgr> but having this chan +m is not very intelligent
[21:26] <+Vgr> thanks!
[21:26] <+TheBadShepperd> Sadly, you don't get to decide what is intelligent
[21:26] <+Vgr> yes, sadly
[21:27] <+Vgr> can't it get an auto network ban instead of just the channel ban?
[21:27] <+Vgr> for sure he won't get elected if he keeps doing that
[21:28] <@Raiden> testing something
[21:28] * Raiden sets mode: -o Steve_Restless
[21:28] * Raiden sets mode: +o Steve_Restless
[21:28] * Joins: GUIpsp ([email protected])
[21:28] * Joins: Nazdroid (~theintern@c-67-164-***-***
[21:28] <+Vgr> err can you remove the +m?
[21:29] * Joins: GoMittGo ([email protected])
[21:29] <+Law> :o
[21:29] * Steve_Restless sets mode: +q *!*@*.mx
[21:29] * Quits: GoMittGo ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:30] * Steve_Restless sets mode: -m
[21:30] <Jam> *gasp* Finally!
[21:30] <GUIpsp> Steve_Restless, what did he do?
[21:30] <+Vgr> yeah
[21:30] <+TheBadShepperd> Love you Jam!
[21:30] <+TheBadShepperd> <3
[21:30] * Anna sets mode: +v Jam
[21:30] * Anna sets mode: +v GUIpsp
[21:31] <@Raiden> its a spambot
[21:31] <+Vgr> yes
[21:31] * Joins: ElectMitt ([email protected])
[21:31] <+Law> Does that mean people will vote against the guy?
[21:31] * Quits: ElectMitt ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:31] <+Vgr> yes, indeed
[21:31] <+Jam> :D
[21:31] <@Steve_Restless> What I wanna know is why a mexican cares who we elect
[21:32] <@Steve_Restless> (yes I know its probably just a botnet slave)
[21:32] <+Vgr> yeah...
[21:32] <+Law> Hmm.
[21:32] <+Vgr> shitty
[21:33] * Joins: Zap (webchat@173-126-***-**
[21:33] * Joins: Romney4Pres ([email protected])
[21:33] <Zap> ...
[21:34] * Anna sets mode: +v Zap
[21:34] <Romney4Pres> Mitt Romney will get America back to work! Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility.  Vote Mitt Romney 2012!
[21:34] * Quits: Romney4Pres ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:34] <+Vgr> get the fuck out of it
[21:34] <Hikaru> holy god KILL IT WITH FIRE
[21:34] <+GUIpsp> Steve_Restless, honeypot that
[21:34] * Anna sets mode: +v Hikaru
[21:34] <+GUIpsp> that message
[21:34] <+Hikaru> It's likely using a botnet
[21:35] <+Hikaru> otherwise the hostnames wouldn't be as bizzare and random as they are
[21:35] <TestDummy> Vgr: DON'T PANIC
[21:35] * Anna sets mode: +v TestDummy
[21:35] <+Hikaru> TestDummy: Let us know when it's okay to PANIC! ok?
[21:35] <+GUIpsp> TestDummy, can you trap messages?
[21:35] <+TestDummy> Can I herpderp?
[21:35] <+TheBadShepperd> He can into herpderp
[21:36] <+GUIpsp> Permission to herpderp?
[21:36] <+TheBadShepperd> GRANTED.
[21:36] <+Hikaru> I can herp a derp, but can you derp a herp?
[21:36] * Joins: Elecciones ([email protected])
[21:36] <+Jam> O.o
[21:36] <+GUIpsp> Herpderp
[21:36] <+Vgr> FUCK IT
[21:36] <Elecciones> Mitt Romney will get America back to work! Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility.  Vote Mitt Romney 2012!
[21:36] <+GUIpsp> BAN HIM
[21:36] <+GUIpsp> njdfauisdfuijewfkdasjf
[21:36] <+Hikaru> Good christ.
[21:36] * Quits: Elecciones ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:36] <+Jam> AUGH!
[21:36] <+GUIpsp> I knew it!
[21:36] <@Raiden> See Vgr, this is why I wanted it +m
[21:36] <+Hikaru> F*cking roach!
[21:37] * Raiden sets mode: +m
[21:37] <+Vgr> ok...
[21:37] <+TheBadShepperd> Keeping it -m makes it easy to find them though
[21:37] <+TheBadShepperd> It's like whack-a-mole! :D
[21:37] <+Vgr> yeah
[21:37] <@Raiden> Its fairly obvious who they are when they join though :P
1[21:37] <+Vgr> yeah
[21:37] <+GUIpsp> make it joinable only by people registered with ns
[21:37] <+Vgr> yes
[21:37] * Joins: geraldbrent ([email protected])
[21:38] <+Vgr> people can't talk sadly
[21:38] <+Hikaru> yeah, this could be a problem
[21:38] * Steve_Restless sets mode: +v geraldbrent
[21:38] <+Jam> Kill Geraldbr-oh, nevermind...
[21:38] <+geraldbrent> Wat haha
[21:38] <+Vgr> lol
[21:38] <@Steve_Restless> geraldbrent - spambot keeps coming to say hio
[21:38] * Joins: Tijuanense ([email protected])
[21:38] <+Vgr> ^
[21:38] <+Hikaru> here we go again!
[21:38] <+Jam> KILL IT! BLOOD BLOOD!
[21:39] * Quits: Tijuanense ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:39] <+Hikaru> >D
[21:39] * mr_flea sets mode: +v Kurtis
[21:39] * Steve_Restless sets mode: +v Kramer
[21:40] <+Jam> Oh, we can assasinate Romn-No, that wouldn't work either...
[21:40] <+TheBadShepperd> I doubt that.
[21:41] <+TheBadShepperd> Jam: Where did we hide that .308 again?
[21:41] <+Kurtis> TBS: It's obviously a botnet.
[21:41] * Joins: ElAngelMoroni ([email protected])
[21:41] <+Vgr> and again, fuck it
[21:41] <+GUIpsp> Bam
[21:41] <+Jam> ._.
[21:41] <+TheBadShepperd> Wait.
[21:41] <+Jam> Is it only joining this channel?
[21:41] * Quits: ElAngelMoroni ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:41] <+Vgr> no
[21:41] <@Raiden> its joining a bunch of them
[21:41] <+Hikaru> no, it's joining at least two that I'm in
[21:42] <+Vgr> ElAngelMoroni on #minecraftforums #tropers #multiverse #mcp-modding #smp #dynmap #McMyAdmin #permissionsex #pesterchum #idle #chipmusic #mcchatter #lobby
[21:42] <+TheBadShepperd> Somebody voice Wuggles? <3
[21:42] <+Vgr> that's...
[21:42] <+Jam> "#minecraftforums #tropers #multiverse #mcp-modding #smp #dynmap #McMyAdmin #permissionsex #pesterchum #idle #chipmusic #mcchatter #lobby"
[21:42] <+Jam> My god.
[21:42] <+Vgr> indeed
[21:42] * Raiden sets mode: +v Wug
[21:42] <+Vgr> at least it's a network ban
[21:42] <+Jam> Probably the largest channels...
[21:42] <+geraldbrent> Can't someone network ban the entire hostname
[21:42] <+Hikaru> he's joining and spamming #idle.
[21:42] <+Vgr> people there could be happy
[21:42] * +Hikaru laughs hysterically
[21:43] <+Hikaru> It's not very likely him
[21:44] <+Kurtis> Truth be told, this is probably by someone who wants to tarnish his name.
[21:44] <+Hikaru> Though I admit it'd be damned amusing if it was.
[21:44] <+Kurtis> Not that it needs to be tarnished.
[21:44] <+TheBadShepperd> It's not like %80 percent of the network is too young to vote
[21:45] * Joins: TheTFEF (~JS@cpe-173-88-***-***
[21:45] * Raiden sets mode: -m
[21:45] * Joins: RomneyPAC ([email protected])
[21:45] <+Jam> NO.
[21:45] * Quits: RomneyPAC ([email protected]) (Network ban)
[21:45] * Raiden sets mode: +m
[21:45] <+Hikaru> good god bad timing
[21:45] <+GUIpsp> TheBadShepperd, where did you pull those stats from?
[21:45] <+Jam> Like lightning!
[21:45] <+Vgr> whoa
[21:45] <+TheBadShepperd> Vgr's ass. :D
[21:45] * Raiden sets mode: -m
[21:45] <+Vgr> Hey! :D
[21:45] <@Raiden> Well, they're gone now
[21:45] <+Kurtis> what a hostname.
[21:45] <+GUIpsp> [email protected]
[21:45] <+Vgr> LOL
[21:45] <+Jam> O.o
[21:46] <@Raiden> Now, all of you should thank mr_flea
[21:46] <+geraldbrent> Thanks flea!
[21:46] <+Vgr> thanks mr_flea
[21:46] <+Vgr> what did he do?
[21:46] <+Hikaru> thanks mr_flea
[21:46] <+GUIpsp> Thanks robot with lazer eyes!
[21:46] <+Vgr> :P
[21:46] <+Hikaru> Killed the internets. ALL OF THEM
[21:46] <+Jam> Thanks mr_flea!

And so it goes :P It provided me the best laugh in a looong time (especially the last hostname =D) and I wanted to show that to someone :P