Author Topic: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!  (Read 10575 times)


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HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!
« on: 2012-07-12 11:27:19 »
Hi guys, I'm quite new here (made two posts in "[REL] Menu Overhaul Project"). Thanks to everyone involved in updating FF7!
I have managed to get FFVII up and running with mods on my stationary PC, and now my little brother wants me to install it on his laptop, too (hey, great that someone born in 2000 now wants to play FFVII. Much credit to these mods! ;D).
But now I can't get the bloody thing to work...
I HAVE, searched loads, read loads and tried loads. I'm at a loss, and I need help :-\
This post is quite VAST, but that's just to save loads of back and forth, with asking me to try things I've already tried :)
So here goes nothin', PLEASE HELP! :)

The laptop:
Name: Acer Aspire 5920G
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (SP1)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.83 GHz (T5550)
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 8600M GS (2GB, I think) [latest driver 301.42]
ISO Reader: DAEMON Tools Lite (Almost the same version as used on my stationary PC)

My problem is as stated...
When trying to start up FF7.exe, it just blinks the screen a bit and returns to Windows.
Had a look using Windows Task Manager, and FF7Config.exe just starts up it's process and terminates before anything happens.

- This happens with clean install, with patch v1.02, and after using Bootleg0039. Separate and all together.
- I am using the same ISO's I made for my stationary PC.
- UAC and AVG Free turned off. (Reset W7 after making these changes).
- Tried installing to "C:\Program Files (x86)..." and to "C:\bootleggedFF7GAME". Gave Users "Full Control" in folder security tab. No difference.
- I don't even have Google Chrome.
- Tried booting the exe's while W7 was in Safe Mode. (Have not tried installing FF7 in Safe Mode)
- Tried all the options of "Compatibilty", "Settings" and "Privilege Level" in Properties of both exe's.
- Tried:
64 BIT:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound]
Regarding the registry, this is what mine looks like:
It started like this before I touched it:
Now, all of a sudden it's like this:
I changed it to this:
Then this:
The, after booting ff7.exe with the previous registry config, it changed to this:

Tried booting ff7.exe with all of these registry configurations, but none of them worked.

Here's my APP.LOG:
Code: [Select]
INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.7.11b
INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce 8600M GS/PCIe/SSE2 3.3.0
INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
INFO: Found swap_control extension
INFO: Max texture size: 8192x8192
INFO: Number of texture units: 4
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1280x800, output resolution 1066x800, internal resolution 1280x960
INFO: FBO extension detected, using fast scaling/postprocessing path
INFO: Shader limits: varying 60, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 2048
INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
INFO: FF7Music helper plugin loaded
INFO: Loading external library Kranmer.dll
initializing sound...

and Bootleg.log (although, to me, this doesn't seem to be an issue with Bootleg/mods):
Code: [Select]
INFO: Bootleg Version 2012.07.04 Version .0039
------Bootleg Configuration Info------
INFO: 11.07.2012 - 22:04:19,92
INFO: Bootleg Options: /C2 /S0 /P2 /R0 /O100001100010100000000011000101000001001111001100111100100 /N0 /A1 /V0 /H3 /L5 /M8 /K0 /E1 /T1 /Z1 /B0 /J0 /U1 /W0 /Y0 /Q0 /G2
INFO: Brat Code: /@0111080110000000000021110011101001
---------Bootleg System Paths---------
INFO: Destination Location: "C:\bootleggedFF7GAME\"
INFO: Mod Path: "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\;C:\Users\Tommy\Downloads\;C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
INFO: Temporary Files: "C:\BootlegFF7\temporaryfolder\Bootleg_Setup\"

Validating Language Files . . .
Identified Compatible US Version.
Language Validation Completed.

Backing up Vanilla Data . . .
Completed Backup.

Preparing Sprinkles . . .
Sprinkles are ready.

Applying the official Final Fantasy VII 1.02 Patch . . .
Completed Final Fantasy VII 1.02 patch installation.

Searching for "Final_Fantasy_VII_Remix_v2-5-1_Installer.exe" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing The Remix . . .
Completed Final Fantasy VII Remix installation.
Recovering Remix Files . . .
Completed Remix Recovery.

Searching for "" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing Aali's Custom OpenGL Driver . . .
Extracting ""
Completed OpenGL Driver.

Installing Bootleg System Files . . .
Completed Bootleg System.
Locating Data Drive . . .

Using Data Drive E:\

Building system files . . .
Updating Registry . . .
Completed Registry.
Updating shortcuts . . .
Completed Shortcuts.

Searching for "Avalanche High Res.exe" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"

Installing High Res Team Avalanche Overhaul . . .
Completed Avalanche High Res Overhaul.

Searching for "Avalanche GUI v2.0.8.exe" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Updating Avalanche GUI . . .
Completed Avalanche GUI update.

Generating Bootleg Mods Folder . . .
Completed Generating Bootleg Mods Folder.

Installing Vincent's Animation Fix . . .
Completed Vincent's Animation Fix.

Patching Kernel . . .
Kernel Patches Installed - Bootleg
Scene Installed - Normal
Completed Patching.

Searching for "MO.exe" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing DLPB & Kranmer's Menu and Battle Interface Overhaul Project . . .
Configuring Menu Overhaul . . .
Completed Menu Overhaul.

Searching for "ff7music_install_15112.exe" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing FF7Music Silently . . .
Completed FF7Music.

Installing additional audio tracks . . .

Integrating Remix Soundtracks . . .
Completed Integration.
Completed Music Installation and Integration.

Searching for "FMVRes.exe" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing FMV Restoration Cut Scenes . . .
Completed FMV Restoration Cut Scenes.

Copying LGP Files . . .
Preparing BATTLE.LGP . . .
Preparing MAGIC.LGP . . .
Preparing CHAR.LGP . . .
Preparing high-us.lgp . . .
Preparing chocobo.lgp . . .
Preparing world_us.lgp . . .
Completed LGP Preparation..

Installing Field Art as PNG to Mods Folder . . .
Searching for "" in ""
Searching for "FacePalmer.part01.rar" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Verifying FacePalmer Files . . .
Verified 20 parts . . .
Installing FacePalmer Field Textures . . .
Completed FacePalmer.

Searching for "Field Files Pack 1.rar" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing sl1982's Field Enhancement . . .
Integrating SL1982 with FacePalmer . . .
Completed SL1982's Field Enhancement.

Searching for "yarLson Field Upscale Project" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing yarLson's Blackfan Field Upscale Project . . .
Integrating BlackFan With FacePalmer . . .
Completed yarLson's Blackfan Field Upscale Project installation.

Deglitching field textures . . .
Completed Deglitching.
Completed Field Art as PNG.

Installing Strayoff's Condor Minigame Upgrades . . .
Modifying condor.lgp . . .
Completed Strayoff's Fort Condor Remake.

Searching for "FL-WME Beta.exe" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing FeliX Leonhart's World Art . . .
Completed FeliX Leonhart's World Art installation.

Installing Battle Art as PNG to the Mods Folder . . .
Searching for "FL-BSE" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing FeliX Leonhart's Battle Art . . .
Extracting "FL-BSE"
Completed FeliX Leonhart's Battle Art installation.

Searching for "FL-BSE v0.1.1" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing FeliX Leonhart's Battle Art Update . . .
Extracting "FL-BSE v0.1.1"
Completed FeliX Leonhart's Battle Art Update installation.

Searching for "Magochocobo png battle files.rar" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Pack 1 . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Pack 1 installation.

Searching for "corel prison and bonus.rar" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Pack 1.5 . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Pack 1.5 installation.

Searching for "Magochocobo ff7 battle pack 2.rar" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Pack 2 . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Pack 2 installation.

Searching for "magochocobo_ff7pack3.rar" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Pack 3 . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Pack 3 installation.

Installing JeffDamann's Battle Art . . .
Completed JeffDamann's Battle Art . . .

Completed Battle Art as PNG.

Searching for "data.7z.001" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Installing Grimmy's Upscaled Magic Textures . . .
Completed Grimmy's Upscaled Magic Installation.

Repairing Glitched Magic Textures . . .
Completed Magic Texture Repairs.

Installing AC Potion Vials . . .
Completed AC Potion Vials.

Installing Anifiga's Sephiroth model . . .
Completed Anifiga's Sephiroth Battle Model.

Installing Bloodshot's Classic Cloud Field Model with Sword . . .
Completed Bloodshot's Cloud with Sowrd.

Installing Grimmy's Hi Res Cloud Battle Model . . .
Grimmy's Hi Res Cloud Completed.

Installing Grimmy's Huge Materia Models . . .
Grimmy's Huge Materia Models Completed.

Installing Classic Barret Model . . .
Completed Classic Barret.

Installing Kela51's Red XIII Model . . .
Completed Kela51's Red XIII.

Updating Vehicle Models . . .
Installing Costa07's Bootlegged Buggy Model . . .
Completed Costa07's Bootlegged Buggy Model.

Installing Costa07's Submarine Model . . .
Completed Costa07's Submarine Model.

Installing Costa07's HQ Highwind Model . . .
Completed Costa07's HQ Highwind Model.

Completed Vehicles.

Installing Slayersnext Cloud Swords . . .
Completed Slayersnext Cloud Weapons.

Installing Slayersnext Aeris Weapons . . .
Completed Slayersnext Aeris Weapons.

Installing Mike's Aeris Weapons . . .
Completed Mike's Aeris Weapons.

Installing Mike's Old Style Phoenix . . .
Completed Mike's Old Style Phoenix.

Installing Mike's HQ Masamune . . .
Completed Mike's HQ Masamune.

Installing Mike's Yuffie Weapons . . .
Searching for "Trish(aka Mike)'s custom model pack.7z" in "C:\BootlegFF7\Bootleg0039\"
Extracting "Trish(aka Mike)'s custom model pack.7z"
Completed Mike's Yuffie Weapons.

Installing Kela51's ICE Magic Textures . . .
Completed ICE Magic Textures.

Installing Kela51's Original V4 Limit Texture . . .
Completed V4 Limit.

Installing Millenia's Cloud Weapons . . .
Completed Millenia's Cloud Weapons.
Integrating Mike's Cloud Weapons . . .
Completed Mike's Cloud Weapons.

Installing Avatar Preset - Bootleg Bloodshot's Transparent Avatars . . .

Installing Customized Avatars . . .
Installing Barret Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Vincent Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Chocobo Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Cid Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Cloud Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Aeris Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Cait Sith Sith Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Sephiroth Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Proud Cloud Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing RED XIII Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Tifa Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Yuffie Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Completed Customized Avatars.

Installing Armorvil's Bootlegged Sound Effects . . .
Completed Bootleg SFX Patch.

Installing Alternate Menu Background . . .
Completed Alternative Background.

Installing Laptop Keyboard Controls . . .
Completed Laptop Keyboard.

Flavouring with Bootleg Sprinkles(tm) . . .
Bootleg is served with Sprinkles(tm).

Installing Kranmer's Master Control DLL . . .
Completed Kranmer's Master Control DLL.

Building LGP files . . .
Building battle.lgp . . .
Battle.lgp completed.
Building char.lgp . . .
Char.lgp completed.
Repairing magic.lgp . . .
Building magic.lgp . . .
Magic.lgp completed.
Building high-us.lgp . . .
high-us.lgp completed.
Building chocobo.lgp . . .
chocobo.lgp completed.
Repairing world_us.lgp . . .
Building world_us.lgp . . .
world_us.lgp completed.
Completed LGP Building.
Installing LGP Files to Game Folder . . .
LGP File Copy completed.

Completed Final Installation.
Completed Generating MOD Folder.

Removing setup files . . .
Completed Clean up.

Completed Bootleg: 11.07.2012 - 22:23:56,79.

Tried running FF7music.exe... Here's the log from the window:
Code: [Select]
DataPath is C:\bootleggedFF7GAME\ficedula\
Init patches
Reading ini...
Parsing paths... -currently Custom_Music

File search paths:
Files count: 95
Patch init done
FTH: (448): *** Fault tolerant heap shim applied to current process. This is usually due to previous crashes. ***

FTH: (3772): *** Fault tolerant heap shim applied to current process. This is usually due to previous crashes. ***

FTH: (4480): *** Fault tolerant heap shim applied to current process. This is usually due to previous crashes. ***




   ERROR: No sound driver is available for use. in FILE C:\lib\src\sound\dx_snd.cpp LINE 68

(I cannot find any "C:\lib\src\sound\dx_snd.cpp")
And that changed the registry to this:

Like I said - I'm at a loss...
I really hope somebody has some ideas? :)

EDIT: I have just tried installing FF7 in Safe Mode, and booting it in Safe Mode, tried w/wo patch 1.02, but no change.
(The process, "FF7Config.exe*32", still just starts and gets terminated straight away... What could this be..?!)
« Last Edit: 2012-07-12 12:44:09 by SETEM »


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Re: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!
« Reply #1 on: 2012-07-12 18:45:00 »
Can you run FF7Config.exe in compatibility mode?
You need to configure the sound driver.


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Re: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!
« Reply #2 on: 2012-07-12 18:58:32 »
No... That's the big issue :(
I can't get the FF7Config.exe*32 process to stay running long enough for even the window to pop up... I've tried all those compatibility options and other options on both files... :(

Any idea why that process gets terminated?

EDIT: Or, do you know of any way to configure the sound driver without actually running FFConfig.exe? Perhaps opening in Notepad or something, or via command line? ??? Grasping at straws here :P
« Last Edit: 2012-07-12 19:02:34 by SETEM »


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Re: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!
« Reply #3 on: 2012-07-12 19:59:20 »
You have the registry entry correct:
64 BIT:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound]

But you should set the type to DWORD, not BINARY.
You also might need to change the numerical value to match your primary sound card.


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Re: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!
« Reply #4 on: 2012-07-12 21:50:58 »
Ok, I renamed the old "Sound_GUID" key, and made a new one, type dword 32-bit... like so? But still no change, though :(
Thank you, anyway though, PitBrat ;)

How would I "change the numerical value to match my primary sound card"? Sounds worth a try...

However, the fact that FFConfig.exe just terminates is giving me a baaad feeling...


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Re: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!
« Reply #5 on: 2012-07-24 21:06:04 »
Did you try running the ff7config as admin before you did bootleg? bootleg wouldn't work for me until I did that.


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Re: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!
« Reply #6 on: 2012-07-25 03:10:25 »
The correct registry entry for assigning the default sound card is:
64 Bit
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound]


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Re: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start!
« Reply #7 on: 2012-07-31 19:15:15 »
Did you try running the ff7config as admin before you did bootleg? bootleg wouldn't work for me until I did that.
No, I don't think so... Maybe... I'll have to try that :)

The correct registry entry for assigning the default sound card is:
64 Bit
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound]

Cheers, I'll have to try that, too ;)

The thing is that that laptop might be getting a new HDD now very soon anyway, so I sort of gave this up for now... I might give it another go now, though ;)
If not, then I'll still have to try it again once I've performed a clean install of W7 on the new HDD 8)