Author Topic: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness  (Read 5673 times)


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Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« on: 2012-10-16 12:26:06 »

A perfect example.

1.  If you can't explain a stupid or badly implemented plot/character logically, have a long winded and futile conversation about how the plot can work if x is y and z is w and a is b.  If these are true, perhaps it will make sense after all. 

2. If someone criticises your game in any way, they must be annihilated or made to feel like an idiot.

3. Discuss story like it is real life... Remember, this story defined your childhood.  The story was not made up, it is literally true.

4.  The story can't be wrong or bad because the story defined your childhood (and is literally true).  No matter what cracker jack plot exists, it was obviously intended (or actually happened).

5.  Make mention of a past member who hasn't been on site in months because he is the person you believe embodies everything that attacks your sacred game.

I assume this thread is in response to whatever DLPB or DLPB-ganger wrote on 1up this week, spewing his "remove Cait Sith" falderal. I've thought about that, thought about what it would mean to the story to remove Cait Sith or alter him in a way that is less... uh... starkly contrasting to the more serious tones. But it's actually some welcome levity, especially when his character arc is about kidnap, betrayal and self-sacrifice.

What a load of waffle that is.  What a load of waffle!
"Correcting the plot wouldn't work because that would be correcting the plot"
That being said, getting older, I kind of like the concept of Cait Sith more and more. I think he charms me more now that I've thought about him critically and learned to deal with his presence in the story. I'm not entirely sure what changed in me.

I can explain it to you... you became a fanboy.  :-D

Rufus coming back to life?  No problem!
Cait, a mounted robot on top of a stuffed white toy infiltrates your party?  That's cool!
Hojo, brain in a computer?  No sweat.
Sephiroth returns?  Hell, yeah.
Dyne's bones dug up and used as a new weapon?  I guess so!

Some people need to wake up and realise that VII is a great game but not a perfect game (and the spin-offs are deeply flawed).  And fanboys need to enter the real world.  It is no wonder Hollywood and square churn out more and more mediocre games and stories when they can get away with anything.

« Last Edit: 2012-10-16 12:43:36 by DLPB »

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #1 on: 2012-10-16 12:44:23 »
Welcome to the internet, where fanboys are everywhere.
You think cockroaches are hard to kill and disgusting? rabid fanboys one-up that.

Translation note: there are very big differences between
Fan ( Just likes something, doesn't care much )
Fanboy ( Likes it way too much, cares way too much )
Rabid Fanboy ( Crank the one above up to eleven )
Fanbois ( The penultimate of idiocy, reasoning goes out the door and logic is lethal to them )

Rufus coming back to life?  No problem!
AC, iirc. Lol'd.

Cait, a mounted robot on top of a stuffed white toy infiltrates your party?  That's cool!
FF7. I was not amused.

Hojo, brain in a computer?  No sweat.
Where is THAT from?

Sephiroth returns?  Hell, yeah.
IT'd be harder to find some FF7 thing where he DOESN'T
That'll be the next spin-off. "Sephiroth DIDN'T return!? - I" "An epic quest about finding out what happened to our favorite villain."

Dyne's bones dug up and used as a new weapon?  I guess so!
Yo, I'm gonna let you finish SE but man, skyrim got the best bone weapons of all time, of all time


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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #2 on: 2012-10-16 14:23:22 »
I took a risk and read your post.  Luckily, a good risk.    I haven't played the spin offs but I do remember his brain being put in a computer.... was it Dirge?  Anyone?

As for fanboy rating, that forum is under Rabid and above.

omega res novae

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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #3 on: 2012-10-16 14:29:11 »
yea his conscious of something was uploaded to the system right before his body died when meteor was coming. then from the computers he was pulling strings to release deepground. he also managed to manipulate people like weiss in my avatar

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #4 on: 2012-10-16 14:36:09 »
Next sequel - Hojo runs rampant on the future, building an army of robots to exterminate humanity
Cloud Mc Cloud, leader of the last resistance against the hojo-hivemind and the descendant of cloud, who was saved by cloud sent to the past to protect him from a sephiroth T-21 sent to the past to kill him.
I wonder where I have heard that plot before...

omega res novae

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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #5 on: 2012-10-16 14:46:00 »
ff7 gets serious. cloud gets cancer from repeated mako poisoning and whatever that was in ac. cid gets lung cancer. tifa gets arthritis from her wounds, beatings, and general stress from being tossed like a rag doll. redxiii gets rabies. yuffie arrested for stealing. barret gets gangrene from a bad upgrade to his arm. vincent all alone attempts suicide over and over and fails each time. sephiroth enjoys his throne with a pet  robot cat.


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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #6 on: 2012-10-16 14:57:34 »
hahaha!  I wouldn't put it past 'em!

Tenko Kuugen

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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #7 on: 2012-10-16 15:19:25 »
ff7 gets serious. cloud gets cancer from repeated mako poisoning and whatever that was in ac. cid gets lung cancer. tifa gets arthritis from her wounds, beatings, and general stress from being tossed like a rag doll. redxiii gets rabies. yuffie arrested for stealing. barret gets gangrene from a bad upgrade to his arm. vincent all alone attempts suicide over and over and fails each time. sephiroth enjoys his throne with a pet  robot cat.

The funny part: none of the characters would change at all in personality if this happened lolol


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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #8 on: 2012-10-16 18:45:19 »
Make mention of a past member who hasn't been on site in months because he is the person you believe embodies everything that attacks your sacred game.
Not quite. You are known on that forum for your dislike of Cait Sith. And also for being a dick. And the "being a dick" part has nothing to do with your opinions of FFVII either.

Taking issue with anything anyone says about something you believe? Surely classic fanboy behaviour, right? DLPB, you don't like Cait Sith, that's fine, we get it. But someone liking Cait Sith or thinking he has value in the story does not make them a fanboy. People liking something you did not does not immediately make them a fanboy.

That is all.


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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #9 on: 2012-10-16 20:02:31 »
No, you and your members are crazy rabid fanboys.  I am not part of that forum and haven't been in a long time.  Yet hey ho, my name still gets mentioned when I am not even there and it is for the exact reason I mentioned.  Obsessed utterly with protecting Final Fantasy to any criticism... because... you are a rabid fanboy.  I don't know which pillock you are on there, but I do know that nearly all the main members (I hear there was a mass culling recently.  A massive meltdown.) are sociopathic weirdos.

My dislike of Cait Sith is completely logical and so are the arguments I made.  Read the thread I just posted to again, and watch how logic makes way for the typical brain-dead fanboyism you adore.  I don;t take offence at anyone liking cait sith, but when we are arguing about the story and someone tells me Cait is well written and I am an idiot for arguing otherwise... yes, I do take exception.  Cait isn't well written and he is a story destroyer to anyone with a brain.  Whether you like him personally does not concern me.  As for me being a fanboy, sorry but no.  I continually state VII is not perfect and there are numerous things I cite as needing improvement, including that main character.  I also hate AC and the spin offs (which I refuse to play).  I am as far away from a fanboy as possible given I am a fan. I was also attacked on tls for being a FF7 hater (laughable).


Luckily this forum actually gets things done and wants to better the game.  Most here aren't stuck with a "post macro" "complain something I grew up with is being changed" mentality.  It is no surprise to me that you have posted only a few times here.  Nothing other than weirdo behaviour to contribute very likely.  Haven't you got a crazy ass forum to be returning to and posting macros on?  :-P

Oh, and if you don't like me singling out your pathetic little dump of a forum, kindly tell your friends to stop mentioning me there.  Otherwise... what is fair is fair. 

Why don't you make my day and argue with me about Cait Sith and how he is a totally understandable and well written character and that anyone who says otherwise is obviously stupid.  The boys over at lifestream certainly did and it is much easier when you have a whole army of weirdos to back you up, isn't it?

I am sure I will get a warning for this post, but so be it because it needed to be said.  I won't return to this thread to talk to you or anyone else from your detestable little cess pit, so don't waste your time.  8-)

Lastly, when you are confronted with 20 people on one forum all telling you that to believe Cait is badly written makes you stupid (I see the poll there still shows the Cait love-in), then proceed to bait and post macros at you, how else can someone come back to that without treating them like the cunts they are?  If you want a fair and impartial (and interesting) Cait discussion, I am game for that.
« Last Edit: 2012-10-16 20:38:53 by DLPB »


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Re: Fanboyism is a Mental Illness
« Reply #10 on: 2012-10-16 20:42:35 »
I am sure I will get a warning for this post, but so be it because it needed to be said.
No, you will get a warning for this whole thread. None of it needed said. I'm sure you can find more productive things to be doing than insulting people and trying to start flamewars between sites. ~Covarr