@Kefka: So, you are definitely doing something wrong (or maybe there was a bug in a previous version of HW and I don't remember fixing it and you are still using that old version of HW).
In your .hws file, there was no script update at all. There was only an unconfigured "Abadon + Amdusias" battle and 4 unconfigured "Hecteyes + Ring Leader" battles. When I say "unconfigured", it means that there was no entry added for the new enemy and no change in the "Main_Init" function. The enemy's stats and attacks were properly copied to the new battle and the group was properly setup. However, there was no proper script for him and it lacked its battle animations for some reason.
So you need:
- To do the steps 6) and 7)
described there. Maybe you did on your end but shared an old .hws because none of these steps were put in the file you provided (and it cannot just be a bug with the entry: even your "Main_Init" function was not modified).
- To add the animations required to cast spells. The Ring Leader only uses 3 animations: select him, click on "Edit Resources", then "Add Animation" x3 and change them to "Cast Init", "Cast Loop" and "Cast End". Alternatively, changing the enemy's model ID to something else and switching it back will reset the resources (and thus automatically add these 3 animations).
After this fix, it was all good on my end. However, the other battles were you added more enemies (you have battles with 4 Ring Leaders) are not working correctly because you didn't add any "InitObject" line in those battles' script either.
1- For the PSX version, HW can't show these "avatar" and "dialog box" images indeed. I don't know if I will ever add them. I think that one of
Zidane_2's tools can extract all the images of the game though... But they are not easy to use.
2- I didn't understand all of your question, but "File Batching -> Export Field Backgrounds" and "Manage Background -> Export" are nearly the same.
In "Manage Background -> Export", you can preview what you will export and choose if you want to export only the selected layers (if you export all the layers, you will see all the frames of the windmills' wings on top of each others).
In "File Batching -> Export Field Backgrounds", you can export quickly a large number of backgrounds.
Apparently, the latest versions of HW have some problem with the PSX japanese version of the game, because you should have the names of the fields instead of those "0000000000..." things. You should go to "File -> Preferences -> PSX -> Charmap -> Japanese" when using the PSX japanese version of the game in order to display texts properly.
"Opening-for-FMV" is the name of one field (it's an empty field that is the first one to be used when the player hits "New Game" and its main purpose is to launch the opening FMV before switching to the "Prima Vista/Cargo Room").