Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 5006140 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1775 on: 2015-07-28 22:17:49 »
Yo, bud; welcome to Qhimm!

Alright, so the database is currently out of date. It was written for early 1.3 but there's been the 1.35 update + a bunch of item shuffling since then and I'm supposed to update it very soon. If you need info in the meantime, just ask. Let's go through the Ultimate Weapon components first; the 1st set of weapons you need are all found in the Crater, by Morphing the more dangerous enemies wandering around like Dragon Zombie and Master Tonberry. The 2nd set comes from Morphing Extra Battle monsters found in Battle Square.

If you need more specific info, let me know and I'll go through the game's files to track them down. But the majority of them should be where they were originally, unless the database is REALLY out of date :x

Thank you for the welcome, it means a lot. :)

I'm fairly certain I'm playing 1.35, cause like I mentioned I just downloaded NT like hardly two weeks ago. I wish I'd alt-tabbed to see this a few minutes ago, I was just in the Crater mastering Double Cut :o. Again, cheers for the reply. :)

Since we're on the topic of the Crater, I guess now's as good a time as any for my first bit of personal feedback to you. Really liking the options of having different party leaders (as I'm sure most of us are ;p), and this isn't a really big deal more like an observation, but when I'm descending the Crater as Tifa she has some choppy animations (Like when she's in the rooms where you fight the Movers, for example, and you pass through the water to get to the room where Shield originally is, she always lands doing the roll like when she falls during the escape from Junon). It doesn't happen with every jump you have to make on the way down but it's prevalent enough for me to have to ask if this is known and/or intentional? Again, not really a big deal but I ask more out of personal curiosity. ;p

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1776 on: 2015-07-28 22:36:52 »
It's intentional, and now that I think about it the reason was because I couldn't find her proper 'landing' animations (I was a bit frazzled maybe) so I ended up going for the tumble animation she has when falling onto the Junon Cannon (it made me chuckle at the time if I recall). The choppy animations are likely due to the ones she's using not being suited to the frame instructions that the script has; I could go over the area again and refine it. But if you want to see REAL choppy animations then I 'recommend' going to the Gold Saucer for the minigames as either Tifa or Cid :p

I think my favourite animation faux pas though was Aeris' old sky-diving one which was basically Sephiroth's 'falling off a bridge' one. She'd run up to the rail, clamber really slowly over it, and then plummet like a stone.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1777 on: 2015-07-28 23:11:44 »
It's intentional, and now that I think about it the reason was because I couldn't find her proper 'landing' animations (I was a bit frazzled maybe) so I ended up going for the tumble animation she has when falling onto the Junon Cannon (it made me chuckle at the time if I recall). The choppy animations are likely due to the ones she's using not being suited to the frame instructions that the script has; I could go over the area again and refine it. But if you want to see REAL choppy animations then I 'recommend' going to the Gold Saucer for the minigames as either Tifa or Cid :p

I think my favourite animation faux pas though was Aeris' old sky-diving one which was basically Sephiroth's 'falling off a bridge' one. She'd run up to the rail, clamber really slowly over it, and then plummet like a stone.

I'm gonna have to go check that out, for sure. ;p

It seemed strange to me because the second screen of the actual descent (I think you know which it is, you put a Battery there :o) she has normal jump/land animations, so I didn't know if it was a bug or not. Also, Aerith's sky-dive was real lolz, you more or less put it word for word how I told it to my friend. xD

So I recently just moseyed my way back down into the Crater for some Morphing, which monster would I be looking for if I was seeking that component for the Premium Heart (I think it was a Micro Motor? Something like that I'm sure you know what I refer to ;p)? And again thank you for taking the time to not only make a badass mod, but also to answer my inquiries. I've got 46 hours clocked on NT so far and I haven't regretted a single moment! :D


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1778 on: 2015-07-28 23:37:57 »

------Feature Request--------

this may have been asked already, but, is it possible to make Sense continue to hold information gathered AFTER the battle is over? Like a Mob Database or something?

----possible bug-----

I have the music set to Battle music (NOT field music), but in Sector 5 Reactor, where the Save point is right before setting the bomb, I'm getting Field Music while in Battle still. In the very next room, the one where you plant the bomb and fight 2 Bio Soldiers and 3 Red guys, it goes back to Battle Music.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-29 00:12:33 by AverageJoeFF7Fan »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1779 on: 2015-07-29 00:18:13 »
I'm gonna have to go check that out, for sure. ;p

It seemed strange to me because the second screen of the actual descent (I think you know which it is, you put a Battery there :o) she has normal jump/land animations, so I didn't know if it was a bug or not. Also, Aerith's sky-dive was real lolz, you more or less put it word for word how I told it to my friend. xD

So I recently just moseyed my way back down into the Crater for some Morphing, which monster would I be looking for if I was seeking that component for the Premium Heart (I think it was a Micro Motor? Something like that I'm sure you know what I refer to ;p)? And again thank you for taking the time to not only make a badass mod, but also to answer my inquiries. I've got 46 hours clocked on NT so far and I haven't regretted a single moment! :D

One of the three items for each weapon is actually a special drop/key item that can only be obtained either from a Lv.4 Limit boss, a Materia Cave, or from the Dark Cave sidequest (none are missable, however). Micro Motor is obtained from the Dark Cave sidequest, one of the bosses has it.


------Feature Request--------

this may have been asked already, but, is it possible to make Sense continue to hold information gathered AFTER the battle is over? Like a Mob Database or something?

----possible bug-----

I have the music set to Battle music (NOT field music), but in Sector 5 Reactor, where the Save point is right before setting the bomb, I'm getting Field Music while in Battle still. In the very next room, the one where you plant the bomb and fight 2 Bio Soldiers and 3 Red guys, it goes back to Battle Music.

So you found him then  ;D

I don't know if I can do that with Sense, unfortunately. Maybe if there were enough variables for each type of repeatable monster that could be activated permanently in-battle + a way to get whatever it is that defines a monster as having been Sensed, but it's unlikely to do just with AI.

As for that music bug, I'll have a look at that field screen.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1780 on: 2015-07-29 00:25:14 »
So you found him then  ;D

does he have anything special? i looked through the Database file but didnt see anything about him.

I don't know if I can do that with Sense, unfortunately. Maybe if there were enough variables for each type of repeatable monster that could be activated permanently in-battle + a way to get whatever it is that defines a monster as having been Sensed, but it's unlikely to do just with AI.

hmmm I am wondering HOW the game Remembers the HP DURING the fight, maybe that holds the key?? Cause if you toggle Assist in the battle, then sense, it will constantly show the enemies current/maximum health. So for atleast the duration of the battle, its storing that information somewhere. Mayhaps its possible to dump said info/store it permanently.

As for that music bug, I'll have a look at that field screen.

it appears to be ONLY that one room with the save point in it, the next room, and the room with the gap you have to jump across all go back to Battle music. Would you like my Save File?

---possible bug??----

is the Techno Soldier supposed to be that Brown color?
« Last Edit: 2015-07-29 00:30:39 by AverageJoeFF7Fan »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1781 on: 2015-07-29 00:26:56 »
One of the three items for each weapon is actually a special drop/key item that can only be obtained either from a Lv.4 Limit boss, a Materia Cave, or from the Dark Cave sidequest (none are missable, however). Micro Motor is obtained from the Dark Cave sidequest, one of the bosses has it.

So you found him then  ;D

I don't know if I can do that with Sense, unfortunately. Maybe if there were enough variables for each type of repeatable monster that could be activated permanently in-battle + a way to get whatever it is that defines a monster as having been Sensed, but it's unlikely to do just with AI.

As for that music bug, I'll have a look at that field screen.

Cheers, I may or may not have been trolling around for the past hour or so Morphing everything possible ;p

Do the Oversoul Shards have any other function in this version of NT besides being used to construct Masamune?

Also, it's not directed at me but the screen that AverageJoeFF7Fan speaks of, the music did not shift to the Battle Theme for me either when I was there, but since I noticed now and then throughout the story the Field music will play regardless due to story setting I thought it was normal there.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1782 on: 2015-07-29 01:27:05 »
Are you sure Thundercracker IS manip-able? I used it on him a fair few times, but it never took.

Robo Jesus

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1783 on: 2015-07-29 04:35:31 »
Are you sure Thundercracker IS manip-able? I used it on him a fair few times, but it never took.
I've been wondering this myself. I have Cait Sith at level 45, something like 140~ Luck, and using that character still haven't been able to manipulate that damn bird.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1784 on: 2015-07-29 09:39:40 »
does he have anything special? i looked through the Database file but didnt see anything about him.

hmmm I am wondering HOW the game Remembers the HP DURING the fight, maybe that holds the key?? Cause if you toggle Assist in the battle, then sense, it will constantly show the enemies current/maximum health. So for atleast the duration of the battle, its storing that information somewhere. Mayhaps its possible to dump said info/store it permanently.

it appears to be ONLY that one room with the save point in it, the next room, and the room with the gap you have to jump across all go back to Battle music. Would you like my Save File?

---possible bug??----

is the Techno Soldier supposed to be that Brown color?

That dude drops an early Chocobracelet if he's beaten; has no Steal/Morph though.

Yeah, there must be a flag but what I'm wondering is whether or not it can be set through enemy/character AI. If it can, then that'd be a step in the right direction. But then the next hurdle is finding enough variables that can be operated inside a battle to handle every reoccurring enemy in the game...

I don't need the save file, just knowing which field screen it is will let me take care of what's likely an oversight with the switch.

Brown colour? He's orange in NT as far as I know. All the bosses have a new colour.

Cheers, I may or may not have been trolling around for the past hour or so Morphing everything possible ;p

Do the Oversoul Shards have any other function in this version of NT besides being used to construct Masamune?

Also, it's not directed at me but the screen that AverageJoeFF7Fan speaks of, the music did not shift to the Battle Theme for me either when I was there, but since I noticed now and then throughout the story the Field music will play regardless due to story setting I thought it was normal there.

Oversoul Shards are only used to build Masamune, but then Masamune can be equipped by all of the characters...

Are you sure Thundercracker IS manip-able? I used it on him a fair few times, but it never took.

I've been wondering this myself. I have Cait Sith at level 45, something like 140~ Luck, and using that character still haven't been able to manipulate that damn bird.

I have goofed. I checked him and the Manipulate flag hasn't been checked. I'll need to correct that later today with the patch I'm planning to make.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1785 on: 2015-07-29 10:45:55 »
Just got to Gongaga and beat Rude and Reno easily (though I probably should have stolen from them - only got a Turbo Ether) Morphed a Heavy Tank for a gold armlet, and even morphed Boxer :D  Tifa is looking a bit OP now

Robo Jesus

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1786 on: 2015-07-29 11:06:41 »
Just got to Gongaga and beat Rude and Reno easily (though I probably should have stolen from them - only got a Turbo Ether) Morphed a Heavy Tank for a gold armlet, and even morphed Boxer :D  Tifa is looking a bit OP now
Nearly every enemy and boss has a Common/Uncommon/Rare steal. Reno's rare steal is quite worth it, as is Rude's (though that particular steal is one you can also get via Dyne or the Battle Square).


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1787 on: 2015-07-29 12:00:50 »
Nearly every enemy and boss has a Common/Uncommon/Rare steal. Reno's rare steal is quite worth it, as is Rude's (though that particular steal is one you can also get via Dyne or the Battle Square).

Yeah, I'm just never sure whether to steal or not, in case the drop is decent.  Hey Sega, do you know whether the database posted is altered much for this version??

Robo Jesus

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1788 on: 2015-07-29 12:32:50 »
Yeah, I'm just never sure whether to steal or not, in case the drop is decent.  Hey Sega, do you know whether the database posted is altered much for this version??
Stealing doesn't affect enemy drops. Morphing however does.

EDIT; Also, are you talking about the "Mod Database"? If it says "[1.3]" in the title, the document is slightly out of date. For example, some of the items have been changed around in certain ways. Like the Carbon Bangle now gives four slots instead of three, as one example.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-29 13:02:04 by Robo Jesus »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1789 on: 2015-07-29 12:38:02 »
That dude drops an early Chocobracelet if he's beaten; has no Steal/Morph though.

T.T; wut

i killed him but got nothing. and he never shows up again.

---Feature Request----

I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I'm going to ask anyway, can we get an option somewhere to have 100% drop rates against 1 time encounters? I like a challenging game, not an RNGing game.



well now im even more frustrated. i reloaded an older save, went through the whole train scene, went to go fight the chocobo again, and this time, he didnt show up.

so here's what i did. I went to the part where the 2 guards are, stoped, turned around to the previous field, did some equipment/materia organizing, came back to the 2 guards and now the chocobo event doesn't trigger.


redid everything again, got the chocobo, got him to around 400 health while I had 3 limit breaks, poped all 3 limit breaks immediately so I could be absolutely sure I killed him, but he still ran away. or is the running away part of his Death Animation?


killed him 9 times now. no items other than Hi Potion. Don't think this one works.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-29 13:52:21 by AverageJoeFF7Fan »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1790 on: 2015-07-29 13:47:03 »
Stealing doesn't affect enemy drops. Morphing however does.

EDIT; Also, are you talking about the "Mod Database"? If it says "[1.3]" in the title, the document is slightly out of date. For example, some of the items have been changed around in certain ways. Like the Carbon Bangle now gives four slots instead of three, as one example.

Huh.  From my experience so far whenever I've stolen anything I never gotten a drop.  And regarding the database, I was wondering if there was a list of possible steals and morphs


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1791 on: 2015-07-29 15:48:40 »
Hey Chief!

Progress Update: I've been going around in preparation for the Dark Cave sidequest, doing some of the Lv4 Limit Break events and whatnot. Just got done fighting Django as of this post, and two things I wanna mention in case it hasn't been prior. First, from watching the fight in a previous version of NT (It was LetCreativityPlay's 1.2 playthrough on YT) Django has the proper animation when he does Terra Rave, he merely moved himself in front of his targets and the attacks went off in his standing animation. Second, after defeating him and attempting to leave, the game softlocked on me. :0 I'm gonna attempt it again, and I'll edit this post with the outcome, whether it advances normally or if I get softlocked again. I don't know if it's because Tifa is party leader or not but thus far since I have assigned her when it was first possible there hasn't been an issue. This is actually the first time I've been softlocked throughout my entire playthrough of NT so I just wanted to touch base, see if maybe it's just a one time glitch or if it's an actual problem.

EDIT: Reloading from the save point you put right before the fight, the game softlocks the moment I try to enter the next screen. Reloaded a few times, same result every time. :(
« Last Edit: 2015-07-29 16:16:52 by BelialLion »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1792 on: 2015-07-29 16:05:18 »
Just got to Gongaga and beat Rude and Reno easily (though I probably should have stolen from them - only got a Turbo Ether) Morphed a Heavy Tank for a gold armlet, and even morphed Boxer :D  Tifa is looking a bit OP now

yeah i felt this way too, she do 70% or more of damage of the party. The sense mechanic is kinda OP. Just my 2c.

Edit: After hitting end game i can say that this comment makes no sense. Tifa is a glass cannon. She can do MUCH damage but die easily.
« Last Edit: 2015-09-05 17:47:48 by rgmarks »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1793 on: 2015-07-29 16:25:47 »
T.T; wut

i killed him but got nothing. and he never shows up again.

---Feature Request----

I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I'm going to ask anyway, can we get an option somewhere to have 100% drop rates against 1 time encounters? I like a challenging game, not an RNGing game.



well now im even more frustrated. i reloaded an older save, went through the whole train scene, went to go fight the chocobo again, and this time, he didnt show up.

so here's what i did. I went to the part where the 2 guards are, stoped, turned around to the previous field, did some equipment/materia organizing, came back to the 2 guards and now the chocobo event doesn't trigger.


redid everything again, got the chocobo, got him to around 400 health while I had 3 limit breaks, poped all 3 limit breaks immediately so I could be absolutely sure I killed him, but he still ran away. or is the running away part of his Death Animation?


killed him 9 times now. no items other than Hi Potion. Don't think this one works.

Yeah, I just investigated. The Chocobracelet has a 100% drop rate...but I've screwed up and used the Chocobo's escape action to end the battle which means that the drop (and presumably the EXP & AP) doesn't actually drop. Whoops :I

Huh.  From my experience so far whenever I've stolen anything I never gotten a drop.  And regarding the database, I was wondering if there was a list of possible steals and morphs

If you steal an item, nothing will drop. But I think you can Morph + Steal, or Morph & get an item drop. I think.

Hey Chief!

Progress Update: I've been going around in preparation for the Dark Cave sidequest, doing some of the Lv4 Limit Break events and whatnot. Just got done fighting Django as of this post, and two things I wanna mention in case it hasn't been prior. First, from watching the fight in a previous version of NT (It was LetCreativityPlay's 1.2 playthrough on YT) Django has the proper animation when he does Terra Rave, he merely moved himself in front of his targets and the attacks went off in his standing animation. Second, after defeating him and attempting to leave, the game softlocked on me. :0 I'm gonna attempt it again, and I'll edit this post with the outcome, whether it advances normally or if I get softlocked again. I don't know if it's because Tifa is party leader or not but thus far since I have assigned her when it was first possible there hasn't been an issue. This is actually the first time I've been softlocked throughout my entire playthrough of NT so I just wanted to touch base, see if maybe it's just a one time glitch or if it's an actual problem.

EDIT: Reloading from the save point you put right before the fight, the game softlocks the moment I try to enter the next screen. Reloaded a few times, same result every time. :(

Alright, so the screen that connects the back of the cave where Django is and the Save Point screen isn't loading up properly/soft-locks? And this is now happening before you fight Django so you can't reach him anymore? Also, what's happening with Terra Rave? Is the animation not playing correctly for you?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1794 on: 2015-07-29 16:29:04 »
Yeah, I just investigated. The Chocobracelet has a 100% drop rate...but I've screwed up and used the Chocobo's escape action to end the battle which means that the drop (and presumably the EXP & AP) doesn't actually drop. Whoops :I

XD I figured it was something about that Running away bit.

Let me know when you release a fix. got my save sitting right there...just grinding away some xp at the ghost trainyard.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1795 on: 2015-07-29 18:29:37 »
Yeah, I just investigated. The Chocobracelet has a 100% drop rate...but I've screwed up and used the Chocobo's escape action to end the battle which means that the drop (and presumably the EXP & AP) doesn't actually drop. Whoops :I

If you steal an item, nothing will drop. But I think you can Morph + Steal, or Morph & get an item drop. I think.

Alright, so the screen that connects the back of the cave where Django is and the Save Point screen isn't loading up properly/soft-locks? And this is now happening before you fight Django so you can't reach him anymore? Also, what's happening with Terra Rave? Is the animation not playing correctly for you?

Yes. You know how you put the save point right before you initially fight the Gi Nattak? That screen softlocks the moment I try to advance. It stops me like it's going to attempt to play out when Bugenhagen would give his word of caution. Since the first softlock I haven't even been able to fight Django again, but yes Terra Rave's attack animations do not play out; he merely stands in front of the target that will be receiving damage for the hit(s). I've tried about 10 times now and still nothing. :/

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1796 on: 2015-07-29 18:54:43 »
XD I figured it was something about that Running away bit.

Let me know when you release a fix. got my save sitting right there...just grinding away some xp at the ghost trainyard.

Will do, it'll likely be put in with the flevel patch instead of the scene one.

Yes. You know how you put the save point right before you initially fight the Gi Nattak? That screen softlocks the moment I try to advance. It stops me like it's going to attempt to play out when Bugenhagen would give his word of caution. Since the first softlock I haven't even been able to fight Django again, but yes Terra Rave's attack animations do not play out; he merely stands in front of the target that will be receiving damage for the hit(s). I've tried about 10 times now and still nothing. :/

Alright, I'll isolate the problem and get it fixed. As for Terra Rave's animation...that's actually standard, I couldn't get enemy models to use Limit animations.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1797 on: 2015-07-29 19:15:43 »
---Feature Request/Idea---

not sure if you've already done something like this, since I havnt gotten there yet (i'm waiting on that chocobo fix XD ), but I think it would be neat if you could do something with Jessie when you meet her again during the Pillar scenario.

If you recall, it was Jessies blunder that caused the Sector 5 Train incedent. She apologizes to Cloud and even says "I'll make something special for you when I get back to the hideout", but we never learn what that special something is. Maybe expand on this? Maybe its some new armor? Maybe its a materia? Maybe a weapon? An Accessory? Or just a nice item, like a Turbo Ether or something? Or maybe when you meet her again she says something about it like "Sorry I didnt get to finish it..."

What do you think? Or has this been done already?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1798 on: 2015-07-29 19:50:03 »
Will do, it'll likely be put in with the flevel patch instead of the scene one.

Alright, I'll isolate the problem and get it fixed. As for Terra Rave's animation...that's actually standard, I couldn't get enemy models to use Limit animations.

Really? I remember seeing it actually go off in LetCreativityPlay's video where he does all the Lv4 Limit sidequests...huh. Maybe I'm suffering from too much lack of sleep on that note, but nonetheless, the only real issue was the softlocking. Sorry for the additional headache I know you've put so much into NT.

EDIT: I stand corrected, definitely just rewatched that video...lack of sleep's a real killer sometimes. ;p
« Last Edit: 2015-07-29 19:56:15 by BelialLion »

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35)
« Reply #1799 on: 2015-07-29 23:06:09 »
Alright, so I fixed the Django problem; he lost his activate menu/movement script when I added the SP additions. What I've not been able to replicate though is the soft-lock you've encountered in the screen where Gi Nattak is fought. Does the screen load up or does it stay black? Also, can you leave the Cave of the Gi?

I'm also looking into the scene with Cloud's memory and encountered the soft-lock toward the end. Also noticed some music problems while the scenes play, likely caused by the field music option.

Edit: Fixed the Cloud's memory scene (one of the pauses in dialog was causing it), as well as the music problem so the correct music tracks will play throughout the scene. Going to have another look at the Cave of the Gi.

---Feature Request/Idea---

not sure if you've already done something like this, since I havnt gotten there yet (i'm waiting on that chocobo fix XD ), but I think it would be neat if you could do something with Jessie when you meet her again during the Pillar scenario.

If you recall, it was Jessies blunder that caused the Sector 5 Train incedent. She apologizes to Cloud and even says "I'll make something special for you when I get back to the hideout", but we never learn what that special something is. Maybe expand on this? Maybe its some new armor? Maybe its a materia? Maybe a weapon? An Accessory? Or just a nice item, like a Turbo Ether or something? Or maybe when you meet her again she says something about it like "Sorry I didnt get to finish it..."

What do you think? Or has this been done already?

Y'know, I could maybe do that.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-30 00:40:21 by Sega Chief »