@Sega Chief
Saw the Youtube update. Grit sounds awesome. Reminds me of Breath of Fire 2. RIP focus and its early game damage spike, though.
Oh yeah, I better mention the new Innates for 1.4; here's the changes:
Barret: Slightly better defence boost per stack
Tifa [New] - Grit: When KO'd, she'll auto-revive with 1HP, retaining buffs + Limit gauge.
Aeris [New] - Geo(mancer) Stance: When using Defend, Aeris will absorb Fire, Ice, Bolt, Earth, Water, Wind, and Holy. This might be extended to cover Poison, Gravity, and Hidden (which is treated as the opposite of Holy in this mod) if Kernel space allows.
Red XIII: Boost can go up to 50, but builds slower.
Yuffie [New] - Reactive Evade: When hit by a damage type, Yuffie gains an evasion bonus against that damage type (physical or magical). She can only have one of them active at any time, and gaining one will cancel the other. It isn't 255% like Perfect Dodge, but it does give a noticeable boost.
Cait Sith [New] - MPgen: As much as I liked the idea of a Rage system, it was too cumbersome and space limitations ultimately killed it. The new innate compliments his role as a potential tank; once a tick, he'll gain HP back equal to his Current MP.
Vincent [New] - MP Regen: He's inherited Aeris' passive MP regen, except it now recovers 5MP per tick instead of 1MP. Still working on a way to make it based off his level (his true level, rather than the adjusted Synch one) but MP values seem a bit finicky when it comes to accepting other values. If anyone with AI experience knows why this is or a potential solution then it'd be appreciated.
Cid [New] - Luck Boost: Still not decided on this one, he gains +5 Luck as a battle goes on. I still need to test if this can go to 510 or if the stat is capped to 255. Might reinstate the old one, but trying to go for smaller script size and I was advised to avoid using ones that encourage keeping characters at low HP. Let me know what your thoughts are.