Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99994)  (Read 5001737 times)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11300 on: 2022-06-20 16:11:20 »
I agree with you there. Overall the mod is great, I just don't like the unrewarding experience and "test my limits". Grabbed for example the Knights of the Round materia only to find out each hit does 2k damage! And the matera is already at maximum level. With MP Turbo (and perhaps more Magic?) you can at least reach "decent" 4k+ dmg per hit. Also read all patch notes and saw endgame weapon Masamune was nerfed so I were curious about it and cheated it and it does not impressive damage indeed. Far from what you can do in the vanilla game.

The feel about unrewarding and only challenge is just not for me. But otherwise the mod is great which other will love.

Right, it was a consistent experience of working towards a goal and being disappointed with the reward.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11301 on: 2022-06-20 16:46:43 »
    So I just finished the game in Hard Mode Type B after almost 80 hours according to the game timer but I'd say about 100 hours instead. I loved it, the subtle dialogues are nice and fun, the QoL changes are a blessing and I loved the gameplay changes; I can't play the original game now, the mod is too good for me :)

    I'm going to give my feedback below, there are also some bugs which fortunately aren't fatal, the list is not exhaustive, it's more of a hot take :
    • Restorative spells and attacks are supposed to ignore barriers but it isn't the case for MP restoration it seems; Cait Sith's MP restoration with his Weapon (can't remember which color) is halved with Barrier and the party can dodge his healing ! It is an intended counterplay ?
    • With his MP restoration weapon, Cait Sith single handlely carried me through farming sessions
    • In hard mode, you cannot gain Gils from Battles so it makes the Materia Gil Plus not usable; I think it would be nice to gain gils again but like half or maybe less
    • I would change the scaling of Red XIII's Limited Moon, it currently scales with Limit but I feel like it is not suited for him (or for anyone), if I want to go a Physical build, I'd prefer a more stable weapon, but even with a Magic build, the weapon is not that good
    • During the Emerald battle, it seems it sometimes enter in a Limit mode, there's a message saying : "Carmine enters Limit Mode !" I believe it is a relica of NT 1.5
    • There's no music once you reach the cave at the end of the Ancient Forest
    • I revisited the old man cave and he mentions something about a giant flower at the at the end of the Ancient Forest (Ho-chu ?) then he mumbles "gloves", I don't know what it is supposed to mean, Morphing it gives a Megalixir, so no gloves
    • In the North Crater, when you have to climb back to the entrance by pressing O, the leader jumps back automatically, sometimes multiples times
Spoiler: show
  • After beating the Chocobo in the Glacier, if there's a battle in the same scene, the chocobo music is played instead of the normal battle music
  • I haven't use the SP system because I wanted the supposed easter egg when you beat the game in hard with no SP, I don't know how it supposed to show, I had a screen with the party in the church with a thank you (no refunds), is it this one ?
  • I have beaten the Secret Boss at the North Crater (finally !!) but nothing happened after the battle; the leader comes back into the 4 save points room which are still awoken and my ?_?_?_? item is still in my inventory. I've beaten it without killing the tentacles, then did it again but killing the tentacles first. While the battle itself is intense, having basically no rewards (massive amount of EXP and AP but I maxed out the party) for it feels bad for me
  • The Party focused Side Content feels unbalanced; for Yuffie we have to defeat basically two bosses and has some cool dialogues, but on the other hand Cid has basically no side content(Highwind being automatically obtained, and Venus Gospel is the gold saucer battle rewards), Cait Sith has a funny boss to beat but the reward (Dark Matter) has no utility as far as I know (a relica of NT 1.5 I believe ?)
  • I still haven't find the usage of the Red DragonScales (reward from 3D Fighting Game in Gold Saucer)
  • In the battle against Bizarro Sephiroth, despire having all 9 characters, you still have to choose 8, I ditched Vincent (sorry), is it possible to add the possibilty to use all 9 characters in this battle if we saved Aerith ?
  • Safer Sephiroth's Super Nova seems bugged because most of the animation is dark as if it has no texture. I remember from the PS1 game seeing the planets getting obliterated one by one with their names displayed. I tried disabling all textures and 60 FPS mods to be sure, it's still the same
  • Contain + Elemental affects the Hidden element despite not being displayed as such in the game, it took me time to understand what makes my Cloud to absorb Pandora's Box's damage, I thought Contain would help to affect Fire, Ice, Wind and Earth elements instead
  • In the same reasoning, I'd love to see the Core materia to have this multi element effect
  • I wonder what a Shout materia would look like
  • I'd love to see a return of the Dark Cave side quest that was present in the 1.5 version; maybe less bloated, but with new bosses instead, or another Battle zone, maybe a mirrored version of the North Crater that would give lots of XP and less AP (or the contrary) than the North Crater

I'll replay the game again after some updates, it was truly a great experience !!
« Last Edit: 2022-06-21 14:40:26 by Aynath »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11302 on: 2022-06-20 19:29:47 »
Masamune was way too overpowered; given that most bosses don't have much HP, I read on the forum that Emerald had 165000 HP for example, which is far less than in the original game, but they are far more tough/more defense, so ignoring the armor is really valuable. But it is actually possible to reach high amounts of damage (relic ring, SP system, some materias combinations etc.), it's just more difficult to do so due to the overall balancing (crit damage reduction, level influence on attack damage, etc.).

I see. Just a weird and new way balancing the game which I didn't notice. Actually I played 1.5 before (the one I mentioned about can exploit the Knights of Round bosses and use Smoke Bomb to flee). And I LOVED some aspects about it for example the new Midgar Zolom so it's strange that he was reverted back to normal one in the 2.0.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11303 on: 2022-06-20 19:46:55 »
Oh right found another "exploit" in the 1.5 version and idk about 2.0 which may be intended or not. In the battle challenge at Junon you can steal endless amount of Megalixirs from the Train Driver and simply retreat the battle after to keep stolen Megalixir. So it was the best farming place for free Megalixirs.

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11304 on: 2022-06-22 02:32:06 »
Hey Segachief

I have been enjoying this mod a lot and managed to get up to the temple of the ancients on type B, I went to load it up and now its saying file is invalid when trying to load my save. Previously when i played I was farming some missing enemy material skills and I saved it at the save point in the gold saucer entrance ( bout to do date scene and get keystone ) Any help would be appreciated as I don't wanna start over again if It can be helped

It's maybe too late, but I'm not sure if it can be recovered or not. It may be worth trying to open it with the save editor Black Chocobo and seeing if it can be copy-pasted over into a new save file in case that helps fix it.

Parts of New Threat I like
The area music continuing into battles
No :O face characters
Additional dialog/story/character interaction
Ability to skip flashbacks/cutscenes
A few additional enemies and new enemy mechanics

And that's about it. I've just beat diamond weapon and ultima weapon and found the disappointing changes made to Cloud's Ultima Weapon. The absence of 2/4 Cut and Ultima materia have also been disappointing. I've ended up in a strange party arrangement with Nanaki just casting Comet and Tifa and Cloud just on support, its interesting, but not fun or cool. Is it possible to just mod in the elements I live and leave out the rest?

I've a plan at some point to make a vanilla combat version of the mod (similar to what 1.5 had) where the equipment, enemies, etc. are all vanilla-spec while keeping the mod's other aspects intact where possible.

Hello, have you tried making it work with the MS Store version or it is not possible/not planned and I should stick to the steam version?

I bought it and managed to get at the files (after a lot of wrangling with permissions and the like; they're locked up to an extent), but it seems I'm not able to patch them as changing the size of the files results in an error and not being able to run the game. That's as far as I was able to get with that.

So I've got all of Tifa's other limit breaks, I've met all the conditions, I've got the Final Heaven item, but she still won't use the item to learn the final limit break, anyone have any ideas why that might be and how to get it to work? Thanks.

There shouldn't be any other requirements other than she has every Limit learned at each Limit level like in the vanilla game (Beat Rush + Somersault, Water Kick + Meteodrive, Dolphin Blow + Meteor Strike).

I agree with you there. Overall the mod is great, I just don't like the unrewarding experience and "test my limits". Grabbed for example the Knights of the Round materia only to find out each hit does 2k damage! And the matera is already at maximum level. With MP Turbo (and perhaps more Magic?) you can at least reach "decent" 4k+ dmg per hit. Also read all patch notes and saw endgame weapon Masamune was nerfed so I were curious about it and cheated it and it does not impressive damage indeed. Far from what you can do in the vanilla game.

The feel about unrewarding and only challenge is just not for me. But otherwise the mod is great which other will love.

I feel that these things are being compared to their vanilla counterparts, which left everything else in the dust. The only way to balance around things like that is what's seen with vanilla's Ruby and Emerald Weapons where the bosses have massive HP pools. When that happens, all other options just go out the window. There wasn't any setup to them either, you just picked them up and that was everything outside of Ruby and Emerald basically moot.

But I'd say that KOTR in NT still does a tonne of damage, to the point where it almost achieves the same effect. 4k per hit on KOTR isn't as much as 10k per hit in vanilla, but that's still 52k damage per cast. The final boss, Safer, has 100k HP vs. the 80k of the original so he can only stand up to two casts of the NT KOTR. As for the single use, that can be circumvented either with Mime or getting a Master Summon materia (which is a lot easier to get in NT due to the Summon Materia all being 1-star and not being consumed for the Master Summon materia like they are in vanilla; this confers infinite uses for each summon).

Ultimate Weapons have been a pain to balance though due to their special damage formulas, which I've tried to keep. They should be dealing more damage than regular weapons though, I'll check again to make sure that's the case. Perhaps there just needs to be a point where

    So I just finished the game in Hard Mode Type B after almost 80 hours according to the game timer but I'd say about 100 hours instead. I loved it, the subtle dialogues are nice and fun, the QoL changes are a blessing and I loved the gameplay changes; I can't play the original game now, the mod is too good for me :)

    I'm going to give my feedback below, there are also some bugs which fortunately aren't fatal, the list is not exhaustive, it's more of a hot take :
    • Restorative spells and attacks are supposed to ignore barriers but it isn't the case for MP restoration it seems; Cait Sith's MP restoration with his Weapon (can't remember which color) is halved with Barrier and the party can dodge his healing ! It is an intended counterplay ?
    • With his MP restoration weapon, Cait Sith single handlely carried me through farming sessions
    • In hard mode, you cannot gain Gils from Battles so it makes the Materia Gil Plus not usable; I think it would be nice to gain gils again but like half or maybe less
    • I would change the scaling of Red XIII's Limited Moon, it currently scales with Limit but I feel like it is not suited for him (or for anyone), if I want to go a Physical build, I'd prefer a more stable weapon, but even with a Magic build, the weapon is not that good
    • During the Emerald battle, it seems it sometimes enter in a Limit mode, there's a message saying : "Carmine enters Limit Mode !" I believe it is a relica of NT 1.5
    • There's no music once you reach the cave at the end of the Ancient Forest
    • I revisited the old man cave and he mentions something about a giant flower at the at the end of the Ancient Forest (Ho-chu ?) then he mumbles "gloves", I don't know what it is supposed to mean, Morphing it gives a Megalixir, so no gloves
    • In the North Crater, when you have to climb back to the entrance by pressing O, the leader jumps back automatically, sometimes multiples times
Spoiler: show
  • After beating the Chocobo in the Glacier, if there's a battle in the same scene, the chocobo music is played instead of the normal battle music
  • I haven't use the SP system because I wanted the supposed easter egg when you beat the game in hard with no SP, I don't know how it supposed to show, I had a screen with the party in the church with a thank you (no refunds), is it this one ?
  • I have beaten the Secret Boss at the North Crater (finally !!) but nothing happened after the battle; the leader comes back into the 4 save points room which are still awoken and my ?_?_?_? item is still in my inventory. I've beaten it without killing the tentacles, then did it again but killing the tentacles first. While the battle itself is intense, having basically no rewards (massive amount of EXP and AP but I maxed out the party) for it feels bad for me
  • The Party focused Side Content feels unbalanced; for Yuffie we have to defeat basically two bosses and has some cool dialogues, but on the other hand Cid has basically no side content(Highwind being automatically obtained, and Venus Gospel is the gold saucer battle rewards), Cait Sith has a funny boss to beat but the reward (Dark Matter) has no utility as far as I know (a relica of NT 1.5 I believe ?)
  • I still haven't find the usage of the Red DragonScales (reward from 3D Fighting Game in Gold Saucer)
  • In the battle against Bizarro Sephiroth, despire having all 9 characters, you still have to choose 8, I ditched Vincent (sorry), is it possible to add the possibilty to use all 9 characters in this battle if we saved Aerith ?
  • Safer Sephiroth's Super Nova seems bugged because most of the animation is dark as if it has no texture. I remember from the PS1 game seeing the planets getting obliterated one by one with their names displayed. I tried disabling all textures and 60 FPS mods to be sure, it's still the same
  • Contain + Elemental affects the Hidden element despite not being displayed as such in the game, it took me time to understand what makes my Cloud to absorb Pandora's Box's damage, I thought Contain would help to affect Fire, Ice, Wind and Earth elements instead
  • In the same reasoning, I'd love to see the Core materia to have this multi element effect
  • I wonder what a Shout materia would look like
  • I'd love to see a return of the Dark Cave side quest that was present in the 1.5 version; maybe less bloated, but with new bosses instead, or another Battle zone, maybe a mirrored version of the North Crater that would give lots of XP and less AP (or the contrary) than the North Crater

I'll replay the game again after some updates, it was truly a great experience !!

For Cait's weapons this is the physical-damage formula doing its thing where it allows the target to roll for evasion, regardless of whether the effect is positive or not. I'll see if I can get around that somehow; there's some physical formulas that negate evasion which may help with one half of that issue.

There's been a lot of feedback on hard mode, and I think the gil aspect is generally the one thing that consistently comes up as a negative. It may be time to review the 0gil thing but if I did that then I'd maybe want to more properly revamp hard mode in general. Time's a factor though, I need to work on FF8 NT a lot more currently.

I should probably stop trying to retain the special Ultimate Weapon formulas as they are a bit unreliable in general. Balancing them tends to be a wild swing as well; people have said they found them disappointing a few times over the last year or so since 2.0 went out (and in 1.5 as well where the approach was more or less the same with these weapons). I'll review them again for the next patch and see what I can do.

No music in the cave is likely from 1.5 or something, will fix. As for the ho-chu hint the old man gave, it was probably to reference the location of a weapon like Master Fist maybe. Probably changed that at some point but forgot he had that dialogue (unsure when it was added; one of those things I don't remember even doing).

You get the church screen if you beat the mod on Hard Mode without toggling it off from New Game, there's a small easter egg for also not using SP and with No Exp toggled on from the start as well (you can thank wdx for that one).

That optional fight originally just shuffled the player off to the ending as there wasn't really much intended to be done past that; what I could do is set it up with something to make it more worthwhile. It wasn't supposed to be repeatable either; I thought I'd addressed that in the last patch so I'd better check it.

For the side content, I basically went about streamlining it as much as possible. The goal was to redo all of it, but I only did one or two before deciding to just scrap the rest as I had no ideas for what to give to the other characters and I didn't want to end up with 9 cheaply made sidequests like the 1.0-1.5 builds had. I get that some people liked them, but I think more people disliked them and I was one of them. The Dark Matter dropped from the Cait one should probably be given some sort of function (it was planned to be either a component for the secret boss in the Crater, or for triggering the boss in the Shinra Mansion, or for producing Masamune but in the end I just relegated it to a cosmetic key item).

The two key items from Wonder Square, from the snowboard minigame and the 3D-Battler minigame are just cosmetic key items with a description that references other games (Coolboarders and Legend of Dragoon); I didn't want to put anything with utility behind those minigames as one is difficult to master, and the other is just a series of coin-flips.

I tried a few times to have all 9 party members there for Bizarro but it would often crash soon after starting up; I may revisit it and see if there's something I've missed (perhaps some memory needs to be set aside for the 9th person) but that was basically why it stayed at 8-max.

Unsure what's went wrong with Super Nova; NT doesn't touch the magic.lgp (and the other loose files that handle this fight + attack) so the issue is likely coming from something else.

Hidden element is a bit of a pain because while it can be set freely on attacks, equipment, etc. the Materia has a limitation where it can't be set as non-elemental; I stuck with the vanilla approach of setting Hidden as the element though this isn't an ideal solution. Usually I'll set Hidden if the Materia has no obvious element or has multiple spells of different elements like Contain/Core do (maybe I could change this by setting Contain and Core to both use Holy instead).

I think the Bahamut summons should have the Shout element on them, given that they all use a breath-based attack. Their Materia also has this element. If it isn't appearing in-game then it may be that some elements aren't set to visibly appear; I think I remember seeing something that could add them back to the status menu, unsure about the Materia menu but I could look into it.

Type B harvested a lot of the Dark Cave scripts so it's unlikely to make a return (as that would be having 3 scenarios all living in the same space which likely wouldn't be able to fit). There has been stuff recently where new fields are added so a mirrored version of North Crater, while maybe a bit cheap, would be a nice little extra thing; bit like those extra dungeons added in the GBA versions of some of the FF games.

I see. Just a weird and new way balancing the game which I didn't notice. Actually I played 1.5 before (the one I mentioned about can exploit the Knights of Round bosses and use Smoke Bomb to flee). And I LOVED some aspects about it for example the new Midgar Zolom so it's strange that he was reverted back to normal one in the 2.0.

I felt that some of the enemies were a bit garish-looking and wanted to go back to be a bit closer to the original game.

Oh right found another "exploit" in the 1.5 version and idk about 2.0 which may be intended or not. In the battle challenge at Junon you can steal endless amount of Megalixirs from the Train Driver and simply retreat the battle after to keep stolen Megalixir. So it was the best farming place for free Megalixirs.

I'll check the available steals of the enemies used in Battle Square for 2.0; and I'll check the escape thing in the red materia cave as well; the flags are set to prevent escape in the scene.bin, but perhaps they're being overriden by the encounter type and something else needs to be set there. Will investigate.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11305 on: 2022-06-22 15:47:28 »
so this issue isn't about new threat, BUT, it's your mod and it's listed on the front page so here goes lol
7h is telling me the battle model swap og style mod has an update. but each time i try to update it, it simply won't. like, it'll download but not install. is there a way to manually update it without 7h? like do you have a site where you host your mods? apologies if this is in the wrong area :)

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11306 on: 2022-06-23 00:24:58 »
so this issue isn't about new threat, BUT, it's your mod and it's listed on the front page so here goes lol
7h is telling me the battle model swap og style mod has an update. but each time i try to update it, it simply won't. like, it'll download but not install. is there a way to manually update it without 7h? like do you have a site where you host your mods? apologies if this is in the wrong area :)

It doesn't have its own page so here is fine; recently it seems all of them are getting this issue though it was a couple of the other ones that were affected; there's no actual update it needs, something to do with version numbers. Unsure why this one is now acting up. Best thing to do is delete the mod from the library then re-download it from the catalog; I'll check them all out in the meantime and will update the version number for any affected.

Edit: The XML for each IRO didn't match the version number held in the catalog managing them so I've updated them all to a new version number to get rid of the update available issue.
« Last Edit: 2022-06-23 09:49:59 by Sega Chief »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11307 on: 2022-06-23 16:06:48 »
Reunion R06 Version
*Specifically for use with the Reunion (R06) Framework. Place the unzipped folder into: FINAL FANTASY VII\The_Reunion\CUSTOM. In the Options.cfg file of The_Reunion folder, set the New_Translation option to 'n' and under [CUSTOM] set this line: Mod_ID = New_Threat_Reunion_20995

Hello Sega Chief,

Firstly, thank you very much for your hard work over the years. I've played this mod some time ago and enjoyed it very much - it's a masterpiece and truly a heartfelt homage to, and brilliant extension of, the original design philosophy.

I'd just like to ask please, is it possible, or could it ever be possible, to play your mod with Reunion's Beacause submod enabled? I had decided to replay again with Reunion for the first time, but the core game mechanics are just too simple to really find thrilling these days, and as such would very much like to replay it with both New Threat and Beacause combined.

Thank you for your time, patience and hard work.



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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11308 on: 2022-06-23 18:13:47 »
I felt that some of the enemies were a bit garish-looking and wanted to go back to be a bit closer to the original game.

I see. I don't think Alpha Zolom was "garish" looking but better look than the vanilla Zolom and impressive skills (harder with 60k+ hp as well). I had to be a bit above lvl 30 to be able beat it and it was epic :)

I'll check the available steals of the enemies used in Battle Square for 2.0; and I'll check the escape thing in the red materia cave as well; the flags are set to prevent escape in the scene.bin, but perhaps they're being overriden by the encounter type and something else needs to be set there. Will investigate.

I didn't expect there be bosses for the materia because I obtained the Gold Chocobo early. I thought damn and tested Smoke Bomb item which worked. So I got the summon materia but missed on great loot. Didn't work for other materia bosses though.

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11309 on: 2022-06-23 23:14:44 »
Hello Sega Chief,

Firstly, thank you very much for your hard work over the years. I've played this mod some time ago and enjoyed it very much - it's a masterpiece and truly a heartfelt homage to, and brilliant extension of, the original design philosophy.

I'd just like to ask please, is it possible, or could it ever be possible, to play your mod with Reunion's Beacause submod enabled? I had decided to replay again with Reunion for the first time, but the core game mechanics are just too simple to really find thrilling these days, and as such would very much like to replay it with both New Threat and Beacause combined.

Thank you for your time, patience and hard work.


What I could do is combine in the battle part of NT into Reunion's translation part, that should at the very least get a mix of the two (I have a combat-only version of NT 2.0 that I've not released yet which is currently undergoing testing). I'll put that together over the weekend once testing is done as it should bolt right in without issues.

I see. I don't think Alpha Zolom was "garish" looking but better look than the vanilla Zolom and impressive skills (harder with 60k+ hp as well). I had to be a bit above lvl 30 to be able beat it and it was epic :)

I didn't expect there be bosses for the materia because I obtained the Gold Chocobo early. I thought damn and tested Smoke Bomb item which worked. So I got the summon materia but missed on great loot. Didn't work for other materia bosses though.

Fair enough; I kept 1.5 because I felt it was different enough that people would prefer it to the 2.0 build.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11310 on: 2022-06-24 14:19:44 »
What I could do is combine in the battle part of NT into Reunion's translation part, that should at the very least get a mix of the two (I have a combat-only version of NT 2.0 that I've not released yet which is currently undergoing testing). I'll put that together over the weekend once testing is done as it should bolt right in without issues.

That's fantastic, thank you so much. Looking forward to it - have a lovely weekend there.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11311 on: 2022-06-27 18:31:10 »
I have sunken into the mod, playing original story (type A) for now and have encountered an error while visiting Prof. Gast house.
After playing first interviev video of Gast and Ifalna about Jenova going after ancients, after the video:

Spoiler: show
Aerith character spawned and she has a dialogue which is probably from type B story when she visited the lab house and she doesnt want to watch videos about her or her parents

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11312 on: 2022-06-28 13:45:57 »
I have sunken into the mod, playing original story (type A) for now and have encountered an error while visiting Prof. Gast house.
After playing first interviev video of Gast and Ifalna about Jenova going after ancients, after the video:

Spoiler: show
Aerith character spawned and she has a dialogue which is probably from type B story when she visited the lab house and she doesnt want to watch videos about her or her parents

It's a flaw in my script handling that I forgot to fix; the video scenes toggle characters on/off for the duration and it doesn't check for the appropriate flag when making characters visible again. I'll add it to my notes now so it doesn't slip my mind again.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11313 on: 2022-06-30 09:09:02 »
Replayed this after a long, long time.

Is the Masamune completely disabled now? The weapon-smith lists the ingredients, and I have all of them - they're all 1/1 in the dialogue box, and I also double-triple-quadruple checked that they're all in the inventory, too. All of them were obtained regularly (no editor shenanigans). But the dialogue won't continue. All he says is "This is what I need" giving the list of ingredients, and that's it, the window just closes after that. Is that a bug, or is there some other, hidden requirement?

I'm on Disc 3 of course, hard mode game. Used the current version, via 7H. No other mods/editors of any kind.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11314 on: 2022-06-30 13:48:52 »
The weapon-smith lists the ingredients, and I have all of them - they're all 1/1 in the dialogue box, and I also double-triple-quadruple checked that they're all in the inventory, too.

if you check again the line which states the 7778 needles theres more than 1 required :) requires 7


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11315 on: 2022-07-01 06:46:53 »
if you check again the line which states the 7778 needles theres more than 1 required :) requires 7
Well, THAT certainly does explain it!

That's why I ask such things XD

EDIT: Finished the run, here's some unrelated feedback (Hardmode)

1. Counterattack might be too strong. Counters scale up your turns considerably, often by several factors (if you put them on multiple people). Might be a candidate for being mastered, so it can't be grown at will (and removed from Chocobo, obviously)
2. Defense-ignoring weapons are definitely too strong. Masamune was one big offender (and apparently fixed now), but even with Drill Arm and Spirit Lance I was able to absolutely school Ruby Weapon and Big Ball Boi, easily scaling damage to 5k+ a hit even in the lvl70s
3. White Wind might still be too good. Its early availability, good MP and Materia-slot efficiency, and easily abusable scaling mean that you barely if ever want to use any of the other healing spells. Given that there's both Restore AND Renew, it seems weird to have them sidelined that much
4. Goblin Song is absurd. 0 MP for a full party 100% HP resurrect that even gets around zombification? What?
5. Maybe I'm not remembering this, but did Emerald Weapon always poison itself, so it just dies to 5k ticks?

Had an overall great time, though. Thumbs up!
« Last Edit: 2022-07-01 11:27:20 by BiOMEGA »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« Reply #11316 on: 2022-07-01 16:13:55 »

That's disappointing to hear about the lifestream reveal music; I suspect what might have happened is that the adjusted music track supplied in the IRO hasn't been loaded which can happen sometimes if there's another mod overriding it or maybe just because of other reasons (if the installer, then might be that the target folder for the music file has a different name or something). I made some tweaks to the field script to go with that track which has extra looping in it to make it 'fit' the length so if that track wasn't used then whatever was used instead would probably not make it to the end. Or there might be some other factor affecting things there.

The toggle flags are a bit busted at the moment; the music flag was using the wrong one for instance. I've got this sorted out in my 2.1 files but the patch isn't quite ready to go up yet.

Hi Sega Chief.  Any news on this issue with lifestream reveal?  Just ran into it and I see you've done a bunch of minor patches since this post.

Awesome mod btw


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11317 on: 2022-07-03 14:33:22 »
Is this a visual bug, upscaled background mod error or this purple materia near top exit grid is not possible to be picked up?


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11318 on: 2022-07-04 17:15:13 »
It used to be the Long Range Materia, but it's no longer here. It's only visual; Sega Chief may remove it on a later patch


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11319 on: 2022-07-06 13:18:00 »
Hi! I really love and enjoy this mod, it's awesome and a game changing, but I'm asking myself something: Why Cloud has poor stats in comparison with Tifa and Barret? Not to mention that he's very slow in comparison with the others. I'm at Shinra building and so far the only thing Cloud's better at than the rest is with the magic.
« Last Edit: 2022-07-06 13:21:57 by SteynerX »


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11320 on: 2022-07-06 13:39:45 »
Hi! I really love and enjoy this mod, it's awesome and a game changing, but I'm asking myself something: Why Cloud has poor stats in comparison with Tifa and Barret? Not to mention that he's very slow in comparison with the others. I'm at Shinra building and so far the only thing Cloud's better at than the rest is with the magic.
Characters have different innate stat growths. Cloud is a hybrid - he has high STR and high MAG, so he can do both attacking and casting well. Barret is about STR and VIT. Tifa also has high STR, both lower MAG and HP. And so on.

But that's not that important, because this mod has a dedicated stat system that allows you to grow stats the way YOU want. You unlock the upgrades gradually, at four specific points during the story - don't worry, the game will tell you. Then you can customize your stats and make characters into whatever you want them to be.


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11321 on: 2022-07-07 05:01:19 »
Characters have different innate stat growths.

this mod has a dedicated stat system that allows you to grow stats the way YOU want.
"you can customize your stats and make characters into whatever you want them to be."

i'll add to that that both equipment and indeed materia can have a huge effect on stats.
if your finding cloud is a little slow, perhaps give him some DEX boosting. depends on the way that you set up a character on what they're stats are.
most yellow materia gives +12dex is a good example whilst some other materia can reduce dex.  same regards other all other stats  some materia boost some whilst others can have a negative effect on others. 


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11322 on: 2022-07-09 14:50:57 »
Ok thank you guys :)


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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11323 on: 2022-07-13 16:49:35 »
Hey Sega Chief,

I didn't played the mod in a while so I don't know if you already have done something with Cait Sith limits breaks.

But I realized today that Cait Sith actual has 7 completely unique Limit breaks attacks in his slot combinations. And I thought it actually would be really cool to have those as actual limit breaks which you can learn and use like you do for all other characters.

If not for the New thread mod then maybe as a single Caith Sith mod.

Triple Crown = Toy Soldiers - Deals 5 times normal damage to all enemies.

Triple Heart = Lucky Girl - Makes all attacks of the party to auto crit.

Triple Star = Mog Dance - Restores all HP and MP the party.

Triple Bar = Summon - Will summon a random picked summon. (Could also be one that you don't have)

Triple Moogle = Transform - Allies disappear and Cait grows based on their stats.

Triple Face = Game Over

The seventh is called Jokers Death and kills the whole party. You could leave it as the seventh limit break as a joke. But you could also keep the animation but change the effect into something different like something from Aerith.

Like filling up the limits of the other party members.

Most of this limits are pretty strong. So if you are worried about the balancing, it would be cool have it at least as single Cait Sith mod to make him more useful and fun.
« Last Edit: 2022-07-14 11:53:54 by ovo »

Sega Chief

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Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.995)
« Reply #11324 on: 2022-07-14 15:43:26 »
Hey Sega Chief,

I didn't played the mod in a while so I don't know if you already have done something with Cait Sith limits breaks.

But I realized today that Cait Sith actual has 7 completely unique Limit breaks attacks in his slot combinations. And I thought it actually would be really cool to have those as actual limit breaks which you can learn and use like you do for all other characters.

If not for the New thread mod then maybe as a single Caith Sith mod.

Triple Crown = Toy Soldiers - Deals 5 times normal damage to all enemies.

Triple Heart = Lucky Girl - Makes all attacks of the party to auto crit.

Triple Star = Mog Dance - Restores all HP and MP the party.

Triple Bar = Summon - Will summon a random picked summon. (Could also be one that you don't have)

Triple Moogle = Transform - Allies disappear and Cait grows based on their stats.

Triple Face = Game Over

The seventh is called Jokers Death and kills the whole party. You could leave it as the seventh limit break as a joke. But you could also keep the animation but change the effect into something different like something from Aerith.

Like filling up the limits of the other party members.

Most of this limits are pretty strong. So if you are worried about the balancing, it would be cool have it at least as single Cait Sith mod to make him more useful and fun.

So I tried to do this a ways back, but the problem is that Limit Level 2 and onwards are hard-coded to bring up the reels when used, even if Slots isn't the Limit Break being executed; this causes some issues. For that reason, I settled on adding 1 extra Limit Break instead to Limit Level 1: Transform. I think a 3rd could be added to Limit Level 1 as each Limit Level actually has 3 slots for Limit Breaks, but the remaining options were a bit too strong.