uh, what? IGN liked all three games, and Gamespot liked the first two. If we didn't like the games, we certainly didn't get it from the popular gaming websites.
I already explained what's wrong with the battle system in FFXIII. You can literally spam one strategy throughout the whole game, and character progression is basically on a straight line with no real choice at all except for tiny branches that you complete right away. That isn't depth. The story is full of contrivances and contradictions (and not adequately explained; you have to read all the datalogs because they forgot about a writing tool called "exposition"), and the non-battle gameplay isn't fun at all, forcing you through a series of barely-branching uninteresting corridors for approximately 90% of the game.
The second game improves on that last point, but the battle system is still essentially broken, and the story is even more contrived and self-contradictory.
The combat in the third game is completely different from the first two, and has a lot of potential, but it's destroyed by a broken targeting system. There's nothing like losing because the game decided to block the wrong guy. The story is absolutely full of things that don't make sense at all, which the writers basically wave off as "because we said so"... not that it matters, because paying attention to the story pretty much dooms you to fail against the poorly-implemented time system. Ugh, that time system is such a broken mess that the game is virtually impossible to complete without either a strategy guide or a LOT of luck.
What really irks me about the whole FFXIII series is that there's so much potential. Throughout all three games, there's a ton of good ideas, particularly where combat is concerned. Even the story has some cool ideas that are never allowed to be executed properly; Vanille would've been a great character if she'd been more fleshed out. It kind of makes me wonder if there were some lower-level employees trying their damndest to make good games, and higher-level employees fiddling with things they didn't understand.
Suffice to say we're not just "butthurt cause its not oldschools anymore". There are legitimate, measurable problems with these games. The fact that you personally found the trilogy amazing does not change this fact. We're not just hating on it for no reason, or because the games are popularly hated on. We can identify exactly what's wrong and offer ways that they could've fixed these problems. We couldn't do that if they were actually good games.