Author Topic: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)  (Read 80625 times)


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #25 on: 2015-03-13 16:12:21 »
Kefka, Kivikaki has determined that the mod works on the German version by loading the German disc in HW, loading the mod file I sent him, and then exporting a patch that way. That said, obviously you can do your own thing; just being hospitable ;) Let me know if I might help.

Kivikaki, if you'd like to translate the mod and also release an expanded mod, why don't you go ahead and make two versions? Do the translation and save that, then do what other modding to a copy of the translated base. You/We can upload your version as your own version of my mod.

I made a list of the things you would translate in post #12 above. There are two or three spells and a number of other things.

I don't know about the 60hz question. Probably ask in another topic and someone might know.

Ability point changes? Do you mean the magic stones? Well, you can try it with a game you've already got going, but unequip all your activated abilities first so the game isn't using the magic stones number when you change it. If it doesn't work, then you can restart.
« Last Edit: 2015-03-13 16:14:02 by Vir »


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #26 on: 2015-03-14 17:15:09 »
So the german Translation of CD1 is almost finished. Just need to find out how exactly the color edit works. And yeah i already read your explanation of that one.  ;D
I did not only change the descriptions of the spells you changed but nearly every single spell to make it more clear of what exactly it does. I also renamed some spells like Zidanes Ah Puch!(I mean....what the fuck were they thinking about this name) back to Grand Lethal.

Do i need to make some changes if i want to apply this patch to the other CD's? Apart from open the second/third/... cd in hades i mean.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #27 on: 2015-03-14 17:37:02 »
No, I think the items and abilities are the same on each disc. If you change monsters, you may have to do it separately for each disc. But, for example, since D1 and D4 have the same monsters for the purposes of my mod (none of the forced exp battles), I might load D1, load my mod, make changes, save for D1. Load D4, load my D1 mod, save it as a D4 mod. You can translate once for any ability and item changes, load the mod with the other discs, and save that disc's mod without making all the changes over.

Not to say it hurts to check that a few random examples are okay in the editor when you've loaded the mod onto another disc.

Now that I think on it, you might want to check to be quite sure that the Phoenix Down/Pinion change in Mene's exchange is the same on each disc. It occurs to me that since German might not take the same number of lines to say things, I do not know if Mene's exchange is mapped to the same text space on each disc...?
« Last Edit: 2015-03-14 17:40:11 by Vir »


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #28 on: 2015-03-14 20:10:52 »
The dialogs are shared across discs (at least Chocobo places' ones), so you just need to fix it in 1 disc.
However, I doubt the Phoenix down/pinion mistake is present in the german version anyway. That's the english version which have this typo. At least, it is not in the french version.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #29 on: 2015-03-14 20:16:12 »
That's interesting, Tirlititi. Did they translate the French/German directly from Japanese? For some reason I had the impression that they translated from the English translation. Then again, perhaps in the interface they were using, it showed what item Mene meant.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #30 on: 2015-03-14 20:24:42 »
FF7 french is translated from english, but not the 9.
I think the 8 is also translated directly from japanese, but I'm not sure about this one.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #31 on: 2015-03-15 07:15:21 »
Off the top of my head, I can't remember if there was a mix-up of Phoenix Down/Phoenix Pinion in the German version, where does it happen? Is it in one specific Chocobo place or in all of them?

But the German version does have its own share of problems, not in terms of typos or grammar (that was done a lot better than in FF7 and FF8), but because a lot of the allusions to earlier FF games was lost. However, I don't know if that can really be blamed on the translators, because the first 6 FF games were never released in German, and so the German translators most likely didn't even know anything about the first 6 FF games, so they had to make up something. Which is also the reason why I didn't even recognize the story that Ramuh told the first time, even though I knew FF2 already (played the NES rom). The translators really took a LOT of liberties with that.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #32 on: 2015-03-15 07:23:43 »

This gentleman realized that the Phoenix Down Mene advertises is actually a Phoenix Pinion. He told us about it on GameFAQs. He seems to be the first person to have figured this out.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #33 on: 2015-03-15 16:33:17 »
How hard would it be to raise the chance of finding a choco card in the minigame?


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #34 on: 2015-03-15 16:38:53 »
You mean change the odds that another card player plays a Chocobo card?


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #35 on: 2015-03-15 16:40:36 »
No i mean the chance to find one of the treasure cards in the search chocobo minigmae.  ;D


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #36 on: 2015-03-15 16:57:25 »
Sorry, I don't know where you can do that. Tirlititi might be reading here, or ask in the Hades Workshop thread.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #37 on: 2015-03-15 20:05:15 »
So the Translation is almost finished.

Though while testing i noticed that the ability dragon soul doesnt work as intended. It still has is old effect of Healing instead of set an Ally in Trance.

EDIT: Found the error. Changed it by myself. ^^
« Last Edit: 2015-03-15 21:44:44 by Kivikaki »


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #38 on: 2015-03-15 22:05:37 »
Wait, it's supposed to do its original function to a single target. Clearly I have overlooked someplace where I still have the old idea posted. Also, haven't I changed "Dragon Soul" back to "Six Dragons" in the mod??

I liked setting an ally to Trance, but it garnered all negative feedback and wasn't such a big deal.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #39 on: 2015-03-15 22:09:53 »
Well, mine does the Trance effect now.^^

Do you want me to send you the translated version without the trance effect?


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes
« Reply #40 on: 2015-03-15 22:16:00 »
Ok, I see I made a post in this topic when I made that change originally, before I had had feedback from GameFAQs. I forgot about that. I'm sure relieved to check and see that the mod and the changelog haven't been wrong on this point all this time!

Yes, just the translation, please :) Feel free to make whatever changes you want for your own personal version, or even for a separate release. Let's get the translation up, if you like, and if you feel like releasing a mod-mod we can work out the best way for it.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #41 on: 2015-03-16 15:49:49 »
OK, Kivikaki's translation is up.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #42 on: 2016-07-16 11:15:08 »
Any plans on remaking this for the PC version?


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #43 on: 2016-07-16 14:04:18 »
Last I knew, Hades Workshop, which prescribes my FF9 modding abilities, didn't edit the PC version. Or am I out of the loop?


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #44 on: 2016-07-16 14:19:44 »
I've started working on it again a couple of days ago. For now, you can do a few things on the Steam game with an unstable version of HW.
Once the stable version is out, it'll hopefully be simple to import this mod on the PC version, so it's better to wait until then.


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #45 on: 2016-07-16 14:45:08 »
Don't do spend money to do more work? You've won me over. How'd you get so persuasive, Tirlititi?


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #46 on: 2016-07-17 11:43:52 »
I've started working on it again a couple of days ago. For now, you can do a few things on the Steam game with an unstable version of HW.
Once the stable version is out, it'll hopefully be simple to import this mod on the PC version, so it's better to wait until then.
That's damn fantastic. Thank you <3


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #47 on: 2016-07-23 06:39:00 »
As Tirlititi has damn fantastically come out with the PC version version of Hades Workshop, I am thinking back to BaconCatBug's question!

I don't have the PC version. I was thinking if anybody who does have the PC version is interested in this mod for it, then I will give them files and help to make a PC version the same as I did for Kivikaki to make a German version. It seems like the procedure will be similar, too, since, if I understand Tirlititi's post, the main bit of the conversion that might be some work is going through and reformatting some of the modded text. Naturally, whoever wants to do this gets the credit, gets everyone else the mod for PC, and saves me buying the PC version (quite unlikely to do in current budget).


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #48 on: 2016-08-10 12:33:54 »
Gib plx. I would happily love something to do :D


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Re: [FF9PSX] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #49 on: 2016-08-10 16:20:02 »
Great. I responded, hopefully explaining what's to be done. Let us know how it goes :)

Also, mind what Tirlititi wrote about making your own back ups! I'm just going to paste in here because I can't remember if I pasted the Text part into my PM.

Saving Instructions
You have to backup your files yourself. The program asks for the "FF9_Launcher.exe" file when opening the game, and then for a folder where you want to save your modded files. In any case, never choose the folder in which the selected "FF9_Launcher.exe" lies, either create a new folder either save it in a folder containing another "FF9_Launcher.exe".

The files created this way are intended to replace the files in the sub-folders of your "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder.

Here are the 2 safest possible choices :
1) Start by creating a backup of your "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder. When you use HW, only open the backup files and choose the non-backup "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder when you save (it's important that you keep that default name). As that's the game launched by Steam, you'll have your game directly modded.
2) Start by creating a backup of your "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder and use that backup for HW, but create a new folder somewhere else for the saving. To apply the mod, you need to replace manually the files in the "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder by the modded ones.

In any case, a 3rd backup is not a bad idea, unless you don't mind downloading the game again in case of problems.

About texts
The support for texts (in the Steam version) is quiet minimal, as the formatting is displayed as it is in the game's files. In particular, you have to write the size of the text box yourself in the 【STRT】 tag when needed, as well as the hexadecimal code to add color, etc...
As said, you shouldn't import the texts from PSX-saved .hws (just unckeck the related boxes), as only the text will be imported and the opcodes will be lost. This is particulary important for text blocks as the game bugs if the texts there don't start by the 【STRT】 tag.

The text preview window doesn't display the opcodes' effect either for now.

Also, there's a special UI text block, called "Localization", which contains generic texts of all the languages available. I let you guess how to properly modify them, but know only that the texts here must be single-line (use the escape character  '\n' if you want to add a new line). Also, the format is so easy that the devs themselves messed up with it and there are a few help texts that don't work the intended way :p (I'm thinking of the "OrderTargetHelp" field, which doesn't work in languages other than english and japanese).