Author Topic: [FF7PC] Red Werewolf  (Read 230159 times)


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #200 on: 2014-07-30 20:56:36 »
One last thought. Would using galian beast sjaa be just as easy as using Cid? If so it seems that would be a much easier transition. (I know you told me that before but I'm just now starting to thoroughly understand). Keeping in mind that after the battle mod I will need to do field mod and limit breaks. Or is Galian Beast too limited?

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #201 on: 2014-07-30 20:59:58 »
Galiant Beast will require extensive work to be a fully playable character, although it is possible, but right now my head is killing me and I don't feel like explaining it.

Out of interest, how many of the old crew are still around?


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #202 on: 2014-07-30 21:18:09 »
No worries Kuroda, I think you've done enough for today. Lol. I will just stick with Cid and get some progress. :)


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #203 on: 2014-08-01 05:44:42 »
Does pcreator have a max polygon allowance? It seems that when I do the head, which is the bulk of my polys at 20k, it won't allow me to open textures. All other parts are fine. Or is something else wrong with the head that I am not seeing.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #204 on: 2014-08-01 13:42:24 »
Opening bitmap should be the very last thing you do. As soon as you open it, immediately hit save and you'll be OK.  Not sure why the bitmap causes crashes sometimes.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #205 on: 2014-08-01 15:37:13 »
Does pcreator have a max polygon allowance? It seems that when I do the head, which is the bulk of my polys at 20k, it won't allow me to open textures. All other parts are fine. Or is something else wrong with the head that I am not seeing.

Have you checked the .3ds file for the head? Is the uv mapping intact? It's odd for a piece that large to have issues with corrupt uv mapping, but I suppose anything is possible. If it continues send me the original piece you cut (.obj I assume) and the texture and I can take a look.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #206 on: 2014-08-01 16:23:35 »
I have made a fully playable gallean beast , but its for PSX, i dunno if the file format are similar on PC version but its not hard to do,   the gallean beast ( and all vincent limit break) does not fit with a standar playable character's animations, they are like empty char with only two  limits break, so you need to create the missing ones(its not hard when u know what mean each values), if the format is similar to the LZS from psx i could take a look.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-01 16:25:45 by Jeet »


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #207 on: 2014-08-01 17:01:10 »
That's awesome Jeet. I'd love to use a fully playabe Galliant Beast to overwrite with my files. Who did you replace in the game for that to work. I'm going to upload the head tonight with the texture of just the head.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #208 on: 2014-08-01 17:52:09 »
I didnt replaced anyone, i keep the gallean beast as a limit break, and changed the animation script of all vincent's limit so they are not AI controlled, then i changed the animations script of each model ( chaos, gigas, gallean and hellmask) so they can perform moves like " double cut"  " death blow" even the standar attack as to be modded, to summarize, there is 2 step for this.

But if i understand well, in your case you need to replace red13 model with gallean beast,  then u need to put your werewolf on the gallean's skeleton model, then editing it with hex editor to change his animation script so they fit with a playable character, the problem is Im not sure if the values are the same for PC and PSX.

Example of an animation script for playable character: when u open it with hex editor

E8 B6 00 AA 01 02 03 EC E5 EE

E8 mean the character load an effect (magic , summon etc), B6 mean the camera is paused, 00 mean to wait, AA unpause camera, 01 play the first animation of the character, 02 second  animation etc, EC will launch the magic itself, E5 reset your character position, EE is the end of the animation script, knowning all these values ( and more) you can customize each animations of a character, even bosses and monsters( but since they are not playable there is more works to do on them)

Once again, all these infos are for the PSX versions, i will check if the PC version are similar,but never modded on pc and dunno where the battle models and vincent limits models are located.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #209 on: 2014-08-01 17:57:09 »
The battle.lgp, Galian Beast is SJAA.   The script you're referring to in the psx is going to be file SJAB. 


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #210 on: 2014-08-01 18:23:27 »
Ok thx, i found the sjab , its seem they are exactly the same as on the psx , i could edit them so gallean beast would be playable, but i remember that on  PSX version, once i edited a model, i couldnt open the file with a model viewer anymore ( the character still  works ingame but cant be viewed  with a tool), if the same problem occurs then the animations editing must be done after the re-skin.

EDIT: on playstation, when i enlarge the file the offsets for the skeleton/animations have to be modified too, how does it works on PC  If i make the file bigger? since the animations script are not in the same file as the skeleton and animations.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-01 18:32:07 by Jeet »


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #211 on: 2014-08-01 18:58:55 »
AFAIK changing the filesize won't have any adverse effects


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #212 on: 2014-08-01 19:16:59 »
Anyway i found a way to not altering the size, instead of creating new animations script for each moves, i just modify the animation offset .

I used Berserker Dance's animations for every physical attack , and Beast flare's animations for magic, enemy skill and summon  moves. Editing vincent's monsters is easiest that an enemy/boss, since their offset are similar to the playable chars.

Since im too lazy to re install my ff7 re release i just copyed paste the animations script of the PC "sjab" that i modified, into the PSX ( with that way i can be sure that the value are the same) and its works , i have a gallean beast playable instead of Red13. ( dunno how to insert it back on PC but it mustbe donable with LGP tool that i used for extract them)

For now i just edited the "attack , enemy skill, and summon" animations for testing, if interested for a fully playable i will finish it and upload it( i suppose its legal since "sjab" is not the 3D model but only the animations data?). Note that his animations will be limited for limit break, vincent's monster donthave many animations unlike true playable characters.So it can be repetitive.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-01 19:18:59 by Jeet »


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #213 on: 2014-08-01 19:38:10 »
Jeet I would absolutely love it if you would upload him. This would be very helpful in my project!!!


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #214 on: 2014-08-01 20:29:12 »
I upload the fast version of it, i just modified the attack , magic , enemy skill and summon casting, all other skills wont work, this is just for testing if its work on PC, so u can test your new skin on it,  ill upload the full version tomorow, so this is the animation data of the playable gallean beast from the PC version make me know if it works, its NOT the 3d model, so need to replace sjaa too ( and maybe other files i dunno how it works on PC)

Kuroda Masahiro

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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #215 on: 2014-08-01 20:45:09 »
This is very helpful Jeet, I just finished testing this, and I can confirm it works.

Although, I am saddened by the fact that Wolfman does not need to do any animation editing, I was quite looking forward to that.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #216 on: 2014-08-01 20:53:44 »
Ouch Kuroda. LoL. I am hurt. I'm a noob and this is starting to get a little overwhelming. This was simply too big of a task to take on for my first 3D project ever.
But theres nothing like picking on the fng to get some fire lit.  :evil:
« Last Edit: 2014-08-01 20:58:42 by WolfMan »


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #217 on: 2014-08-01 21:11:24 »
Kuroda>Thx, so the file are really similar thats a good news.

Sorry for my english but I didnt understand what u mean by " i was looking forward to that",  you wanted to create some animations for the model? In that case its still possible that the character have two differents models  and morph into them using the same animation script that vincent's limits break, to sumarize he can transform his character into another , with different color/weapon/skeleton for example, but using this method will erase one of vincent's limits break. Unlike vincent, the modded character can use one morphing limit break, and one damaging ( vincents is forced to have only one limit per lvl)

This method is not limited to playable characters, large size monster can be used on vincents limits break, combined with cait sith animation script it will erase the two other players(and transfer their HP) so the big monster have enough space to be summoned.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #218 on: 2014-08-01 22:26:49 »
Kuroda>Sorry for my english but I didnt understand what u mean by " i was looking forward to that", 

He meant that he wanted to see my squirm and cuss while I tried to figure out how to do the animations on my own.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #219 on: 2014-08-02 13:25:57 »
Ok i see, he wanted you to improve alone lol, I understand .

Anyway here is the full playable gallean beast

There is two method to do this, the first one is to only modify the offset of each animation script, (i used that one for the test model incomplete because thats fast) but for the full version i used a different method, since galleant physical attack have a very long animation script ( he hit many times and very fast) , I was forced to " enlarge" the data, for the 2Xcut and 4Xcut, and modify the offset too.

To summarize unlike the other file, this one is very altered, so im not sure it will works on PC, if someone can try and confirm i'll appreciate. I tested the same values on PSX and its worked perfectly, so its probably gonna works.

Note: all his limits break have beast flare's animation, so you need to modify red13 limits break with a limits break editor and give him " projectile"  limits break , ( beast flare, limewire, nightmare will works , if you use something like cosmo memory or omnislash it will not work correctly)


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #220 on: 2014-08-02 15:08:22 »
Ok i see, he wanted you to improve alone lol, I understand .

Anyway here is the full playable gallean beast

There is two method to do this, the first one is to only modify the offset of each animation script, (i used that one for the test model incomplete because thats fast) but for the full version i used a different method, since galleant physical attack have a very long animation script ( he hit many times and very fast) , I was forced to " enlarge" the data, for the 2Xcut and 4Xcut, and modify the offset too.

To summarize unlike the other file, this one is very altered, so im not sure it will works on PC, if someone can try and confirm i'll appreciate. I tested the same values on PSX and its worked perfectly, so its probably gonna works.

Note: all his limits break have beast flare's animation, so you need to modify red13 limits break with a limits break editor and give him " projectile"  limits break , ( beast flare, limewire, nightmare will works , if you use something like cosmo memory or omnislash it will not work correctly)

This is phenomenal just absolutely amazing. I will try to see if he goes into pc version sometime tonight. In the mean time if Kuroda wants to test him in game that'd be awesome!!


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #221 on: 2014-08-02 16:04:34 »
This is awesome. I was just looking at galliant and his fingers are separate parts!!! And I will get the bottom jaw back. I am so excited. Thank you again jeet!!!


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #222 on: 2014-08-02 17:29:11 »
This is awesome. I was just looking at galliant and his fingers are separate parts!!! And I will get the bottom jaw back. I am so excited. Thank you again jeet!!!

The Galian Beast is a great idea, and the skeleton is perfect for this. I have no idea about fixing attacks and stuff like that though so I cant help much outside of the importing side of the project. Have you looked at the model in kimera yet? I think for the most part most of your parts are likely fine, core model pieces are generally very similar, but the neck, hands, and feet maybe different. Maybe the legs too. Particularly the fingers, importing them as separate pieces like the Galian Beast will get you a lot more options with animations.


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #223 on: 2014-08-02 18:02:29 »
I looked at the skeleton and it seems almost perfect. Couple of things I have to look at.
1. Some of his attacks involve his horns. Guess he could just have a head butt attack lol.

2. I may have to shorten the shins.

3. My tail is much shorter I don't think that'll matter though. 


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Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« Reply #224 on: 2014-08-02 18:07:29 »
I looked at the skeleton and it seems almost perfect. Couple of things I have to look at.
1. Some of his attacks involve his horns. Guess he could just have a head butt attack lol.

2. I may have to shorten the shins.

3. My tail is much shorter I don't think that'll matter though.

True, and perfectly fine. Changing the length of bones, even to 0 isn't a problem. His tail certainly doesn't have to be the same length, or even as many pieces, but you definitely want the tail in at least three pieces though so it doesn't look stiff. Headbutt attacks will look fine, hell his regular physical attack is one isn't it? I actually think importing onto this model will be easier than Red XIII's, except for maybe the hands and jaw. Once those parts are lined up and look good though should be smooth sailing, just zoom in and take your time. Let me know if you need help with any problem pieces and I can take a look, importing the model maybe the easy part of this mod lol.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-02 18:09:58 by cmh175 »