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The Ice Bucket challenge...
« on: 2014-08-21 20:15:41 »
... is one of the most stupid things that I've seen.

Let me elaborate.

The Ice Bucket challenge started as a fundraising activity (most of you probably heard of it already) to help research to find a cure for ALS. While it is in itself a good idea to raise funds, the method used could have been done better. Currently, people are wasting huge amounts of potable water, and for what? Literally nothing. That same water could be put to a much better use (although that's another matter, and won't be discussed here). If you really cared, you would simply donate money, you would not pour water on yourself. Basically, once someone nominates you, you have to pour water on yourself then give $10. If you don't, you have to give $100? Not is it entirely stupid, it's also disrespectful to people suffering from ALS. If you could ask 100 people who did the Ice Bucket Challenge "Did you know about ALS before this challenge?", at least 95 of them would say no. On one hand, it's good since it raises awareness, and that's always a good thing. On the other hand, it's bad since it means a lot of people are doing it to "fit in", which is a flawed and stupid concept (although that's again another matter which won't be discussed here), and not to actually support the cause.

Alison McDaniel on Facebook made a video, which can be summed up to say that you're supposed to donate money, and if you drop water on yourself and recording it, you're just being an attention whore. While I don't entirely agree with all she says, what I do agree with is the fact that you're not supposed to drop water on yourself "just because". If you do it, which I find dumb myself, at least donate a reasonable amount of money to the research.

And then, of course, there's the fact that you have to donate $100 if you refuse to do it. Wait what? So basically, if I don't want to do a silly challenge, I have to pay for it? Where's the logic in that? All it achieves is people dropping water on themselves to avoid giving a hundred dollars. In other words, it achieves nothing positive. At all. It doesn't show you care, it just shows you want some attention and don't want to give much.

But then all of this is my opinion, and then there are the people who go all "You're the one who's stupid, Ice Bucket is a great way to raise awareness and it shows you care!" because there will always be someone who will disagree with you, no matter what. So I know some people are going to disagree, others will agree and some will stay neutral.

What are your thoughts?



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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #1 on: 2014-08-21 21:04:51 »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #2 on: 2014-08-21 21:31:27 »
Now I almost feel bad for making such a long post while you summed it up in a single picture :P


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #3 on: 2014-08-21 21:36:30 »
i dont care. i took notice of it,but nothing more.

btw, the first sentence was really everything i had to read. if i would be sceptical, i have read your whole post. sorry ^^"


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #4 on: 2014-08-21 21:45:37 »
Yeah, but some people don't like an opinion without some explanation. So I stood my point :P


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #5 on: 2014-08-21 23:04:33 »
I dislike it too...

...but I just got word not ten minutes ago from my boss that my whole company has to do it. Lucky me, at least I get to be behind the camera.


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #6 on: 2014-08-21 23:43:40 »
As stupid as the whole bucket of water thing may seem, I think that it is genius marketing. Bill Gates, Elon Musk etc... they've all participated
And because of the bucket challenge, they've raised over 41 million dollars in research donations. It may be stupid but it isn't without merit


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #7 on: 2014-08-22 00:24:45 »
As stupid as the whole bucket of water thing may seem, I think that it is genius marketing. Bill Gates, Elon Musk etc... they've all participated
And because of the bucket challenge, they've raised over 41 million dollars in research donations. It may be stupid but it isn't without merit

I agree. It's silly and there are other ways. But this is what caught on and has raised a ton of awareness for a terribly scary disease that could sure use a cure.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-22 02:31:06 by obesebear »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #8 on: 2014-08-22 01:52:48 »
Now I almost feel bad for making such a long post while you summed it up in a single picture :P

To be fair, I didn't make that. That was one of the first images on google search.


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #9 on: 2014-08-22 03:31:29 »

Seriously though, there are so much money that leaders of the world can fund on this instead of making warz! Why isn't someone making a challenge on this? Stop war and raise money for people's diseases...

It's so sick and demented that they are not even pausing it for a while and take a break to solve serious matters that trouble the whole humanity first and then they can keep on with their gun business...
« Last Edit: 2014-08-22 03:35:11 by LeonhartGR »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #10 on: 2014-08-22 03:37:07 »
As stupid as the whole bucket of water thing may seem, I think that it is genius marketing. Bill Gates, Elon Musk etc... they've all participated
And because of the bucket challenge, they've raised over 41 million dollars in research donations. It may be stupid but it isn't without merit

I agree. It's silly and there are other ways. But this is what caught on and has raised a ton of awareness for a terribly scary disease that could sure use a cure.

As I stated, I agree it did raise awareness, what I said was that it could have been done another way. I'm not diminishing the importance of fundraising, this particular fundraising or the disease, but it's silly nonetheless. That's like asking everyone to walk shirtless for one day to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer. It may gather money, even a whole bunch of it, it may raise awareness, but it's still going to be silly. At least it wouldn't waste resources needlessly.

To be fair, I didn't make that. That was one of the first images on google search.

Still :P


Seriously though, there are so much money that leaders of the world can fund on this instead of making warz! Why isn't someone making a challenge on this? Stop war and raise money for people's diseases...

I have to agree here. But it's not as governments had something between their ears (actually they do, last time I checked it's called air). Some leaders might be worth something, but most aren't worth half their words.


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #11 on: 2014-08-22 03:47:14 »

« Last Edit: 2014-08-22 03:48:53 by LeonhartGR »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #12 on: 2014-08-22 06:20:30 »
As I stated, I agree it did raise awareness, what I said was that it could have been done another way. I'm not diminishing the importance of fundraising, this particular fundraising or the disease, but it's silly nonetheless. That's like asking everyone to walk shirtless for one day to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer. It may gather money, even a whole bunch of it, it may raise awareness, but it's still going to be silly. At least it wouldn't waste resources needlessly.

Are you implying that a 'serious' fundraiser would have raised more money? Maybe part of why this campaign has been so successful (They have done 'serious' fundraisers that haven't come close to this kind of success) is because of its viral silliness?
I don't get why people hate on the campaign if it's been incredibly effective. If you had ALS-would it really matter to you if it was viral and silly?


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #13 on: 2014-08-22 07:05:51 »
As far as I understand the physic and chemistry on our planet nothing can disappear (only acceptation seams to be money but that's a different story).
They pour water over themselves? Let them do it. The water will be soaked into the earth and that what's left will evaporates and come down in form of rain, which will help some plants. The kids in Africa don't need our water they need a well (on the other hand a healthy Africa would collapse the planet ...).

Do you know what the real aim is? Open a discussion like this. This is the high form of media manipulation.
"Don't think on a blue elephant." Now your brain will automatically think on an elephant with the color blue on it. You can't do anything against it, that's how our brain works. To know what it shouldn't do it needs to imagine it first. That's why to say 'Calm down!' will have a better effect as 'Don't get into a panic!'.
This Ice Bucket challenge, looks stupid and it won't bring some real money, which is worth to mention, but a discussion(?*) which will work like this one. And this will keep you busy so you won't find time for other important things, like what's wrong with our society or what's wrong with my life.
ALS wont be cured by us, this is the job of the scientists and even if they find a cure the first step is 'How can we make money with it?', because the main investors** are big medical companies. So in the end all your gifted money help them to lower the cost for the research.
(That's for example wrong with our society.)

*A discussion needs actually two sites, but as the nature these pseudo discussion is, it will give one major indignant side, which condemn the happening and be happy that they are not so stupid, which will raise up there own wellbeing. What Alison McDaniel is simply another form of being an attention wore. She condemn the action, but on the same time she shows how clever and better she is, compared to the others who play the silly game. She has jumped on the long train of haters only to gain approval.

** In the end it will need a distributor and if a company hasn't invested in the research yet, they will invest in the cure and the right to distribute it the end. The problem lies on the hand: if a cure doesn't bring more money, then it will be to expensive for a normal human being or vanish from the radar. They can do it because they have the rights on it.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-22 09:15:17 by Kaldarasha »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #14 on: 2014-08-22 08:33:06 »
If the money is going to Africa, or many other areas like it, then the funds may as well be chucked down a bottomless pit.  Good intentions will not sort that place out.  They need to be left alone.  We are papering over the cracks, and despots are using the money directly and indirectly.

I remember a very good book on this by an African lady too..

How much longer are people going to throw money at this dead end?  A start might be for them to practise proper contraception instead of adhering to a fictional book and man made dogma.

And I'm not saying that because I am a heartless animal.  If I thought money was correcting these places, I'd be the first to donate.


I don't have any feelings on the ice challenge.  Novak Djokovic did it too, which I respected.
« Last Edit: 2014-08-22 08:41:43 by DLPB »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #15 on: 2014-08-22 10:41:33 »
Are you implying that a 'serious' fundraiser would have raised more money? Maybe part of why this campaign has been so successful (They have done 'serious' fundraisers that haven't come close to this kind of success) is because of its viral silliness?
I don't get why people hate on the campaign if it's been incredibly effective. If you had ALS-would it really matter to you if it was viral and silly?

I'm not implying anything, interpretation is left up to you :] Although yes, that's definitely how it became successful in the first place. As I stated, I'm not diminishing the importance of such a fundraising, and of course if I had ALS I would like it.

As far as I understand the physic and chemistry on our planet nothing can disappear (only acceptation seams to be money but that's a different story).
They pour water over themselves? Let them do it. The water will be soaked into the earth and that what's left will evaporates and come down in form of rain, which will help some plants. The kids in Africa don't need our water they need a well (on the other hand a healthy Africa would collapse the planet ...).

Do you know what the real aim is? Open a discussion like this. This is the high form of media manipulation.
"Don't think on a blue elephant." Now your brain will automatically think on an elephant with the color blue on it. You can't do anything against it, that's how our brain works. To know what it shouldn't do it needs to imagine it first. That's why to say 'Calm down!' will have a better effect as 'Don't get into a panic!'.
This Ice Bucket challenge, looks stupid and it won't bring some real money, which is worth to mention, but a discussion(?*) which will work like this one. And this will keep you busy so you won't find time for other important things, like what's wrong with our society or what's wrong with my life.
ALS wont be cured by us, this is the job of the scientists and even if they find a cure the first step is 'How can we make money with it?', because the main investors** are big medical companies. So in the end all your gifted money help them to lower the cost for the research.
(That's for example wrong with our society.)

*A discussion needs actually two sites, but as the nature these pseudo discussion is, it will give one major indignant side, which condemn the happening and be happy that they are not so stupid, which will raise up there own wellbeing. What Alison McDaniel is simply another form of being an attention wore. She condemn the action, but on the same time she shows how clever and better she is, compared to the others who play the silly game. She has jumped on the long train of haters only to gain approval.

** In the end it will need a distributor and if a company hasn't invested in the research yet, they will invest in the cure and the right to distribute it the end. The problem lies on the hand: if a cure doesn't bring more money, then it will be to expensive for a normal human being or vanish from the radar. They can do it because they have the rights on it.

Money doesn't actually disappear, it's just the higher tiers that keep it :P You see, I know media is manipulative, but if getting people to discuss was their goal, I think they'd have gone this way. Or maybe they would, then so be it. I don't see why we can't have intelligent discussions on various matters. I shared my opinion, and then you comment, making me reply and so on, sharing our perceptions on the matter. That's how we can see what various people think, instead of stopping ourselves to one interpretation, maybe flawed.

As for the funds it raises and the help it brings, yes it's indeed a good thing, as all fundraising activities are. Again, it's not the activity itself I dislike, it's the way it's been done. Maybe you're right, and such a discussion drifts me away from what I should be doing. So does that mean I need to be a sheep and follow the mass? That's completely opposite to my values, it's not something I would enjoy doing.

While a discussion needs at least two sides, there's always a third side, the people who refuse to take part in it. It's often the best choice, and is often the side I prefer to take in controversial situations. While Alison McDaniel might be an attention whore as you state it, she's using that to make a point and share it. Pretty much the same thing as posting in a forums full of video game modders does.

That money goes somewhere that's for sure. But yes, if people do it once then stop, then it will help for a short time and not on long-term basis. People wouldn't donate $10 every, say, 6 months, would they? Research is expensive.

If the money is going to Africa, or many other areas like it, then the funds may as well be chucked down a bottomless pit.  Good intentions will not sort that place out.  They need to be left alone.  We are papering over the cracks, and despots are using the money directly and indirectly.

I remember a very good book on this by an African lady too..

How much longer are people going to throw money at this dead end?  A start might be for them to practise proper contraception instead of adhering to a fictional book and man made dogma.

And I'm not saying that because I am a heartless animal.  If I thought money was correcting these places, I'd be the first to donate.


I don't have any feelings on the ice challenge.  Novak Djokovic did it too, which I respected.

And now I have a good example of "I don't take any position but feel the need to comment" kind of people. It's not bad, I just personally believe that you need to take a side if you're going to discuss. Not that it's a norm, that's just how I see it.

And also, even with a controversial topic like this one, where both sides are in right and in wrong, we can still have intelligent discussions.


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #16 on: 2014-08-22 12:12:46 »
So does that mean I need to be a sheep and follow the mass? That's completely opposite to my values, it's not something I would enjoy doing.

Get me right, nothing against a good discussion, but this whole action stinks after provocation and if it provokes you then it has succeeded and you will follow the mass.
I only wanted to show that there is a possible hidden media concept behind the whole action. So the best thing is technically to ignore it and take a look on what else is going on. Sometimes things like this are used to keep peoples away to deal with other important events in the world.
I don't think we will run out of water because of this, it will bring more attention to ALS for a short time that's for sure, but for me is any discussion about it an overvaluation of the thing itself. It is a stupid game, but that's all. We all waste more clean water in the bathroom in a day.

Alison McDaniel might be an attention whore as you state it, she's using that to make a point and share it.
She had also make a video about how easy it is to make a donation. What she has done might give a shock moment, but it is also an insult to the people who have done it already. I don't punch a kid to show him how stupid it is to punch other people.


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #17 on: 2014-08-22 14:19:26 »
« Last Edit: 2021-10-28 16:52:01 by dkma841 »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #18 on: 2014-08-22 14:21:57 »
I still don't know what ALS is lol never bothered to google it but see it mentioned when people throw water on themselves

But you know what ALF is?  :-D


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #19 on: 2014-08-22 15:44:00 »
I still don't know what ALS is lol never bothered to google it but see it mentioned when people throw water on themselves

You don't even need to Google :P It's in the first paragraph of my post :P


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #20 on: 2014-08-22 15:54:57 »
I don't have any view on the actual act itself.  I do have a view on where the money is going.  The latter is far more important than the former.


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #21 on: 2014-08-22 17:10:58 »
I still don't know what ALS is lol never bothered to google it but see it mentioned when people throw water on themselves

Here you go pal


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #22 on: 2014-08-22 17:32:18 »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #23 on: 2014-08-22 19:14:53 »
« Last Edit: 2021-10-28 16:52:12 by dkma841 »


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Re: The Ice Bucket challenge...
« Reply #24 on: 2014-08-22 19:21:36 »
« Last Edit: 2021-10-28 16:52:16 by dkma841 »