Author Topic: [PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.04)  (Read 527847 times)


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #100 on: 2015-04-08 12:35:11 »
I am happy to announce, I am running all mods absolutely flawlessly w/ v2.03 w/ Cache Size=200.

I played the game for roughly 3-4 hours straight w/o a crash.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #101 on: 2015-04-08 12:36:42 »
To those who are experiencing the crash:

Set your cache_size=250 or less in \tonberry\prefs.txt. I believe the problem is that the cache is growing too large.

I managed to reproduce the crash today, and the debugging I've been able to do is making it look like the FF8_EN.exe process is trying to use greater than the ~1.75GB of memory allowed to 32-bit processes. It seems the simulated PSX GPU is using more non-GPU memory than I realized... and I may have added a zero when I was doing my memory calculations to determine optimal cache size.  :o

But on the bright side, debugging this thing has led to all sorts of optimizations that should make things faster once we get the crash sorted out. I'll know more in the next few days, but our solution may be as simple as keeping the cache size between 100-250 (which seems to be about 20 gameplay minutes worth of textures).

I set down the value and it worked at first. then i installed rebirth Flame and it started crashing again. Not just with the Fated circle but also with Blast zone. I will try again with disabled Rebirth Flame and the low cache value and report if something happens.

Edit: Nope, still crashes with Squall's limit breaks. Rebirth Flame is disabled and cache-size is 100. I also upgraded to tonberry 2.03
« Last Edit: 2015-04-08 13:56:16 by KJT »


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #102 on: 2015-04-08 13:55:37 »
Do the backgrounds use the same cache as the rest of the textures? If so would be there any benefits if they have their own cache?

No. The problem is not a full cache--the data structure we've created could hold millions of textures if we had the RAM for it. The problem is that 32-bit processes are only allowed 2GB of memory, and after necessary OS components that ends up being less, something like 1.75GB. The FFVIII process (FF8_EN.exe) is necessarily 32-bit and the d3d9Callback.dll library we've created is attached to that process at startup, so we're limited to that 1.75GB minus whatever the game is already using. I haven't had an opportunity to properly profile FF8_EN.exe to see the most memory it uses without Tonberry and I'm not sure there's any way of determining that maximum for sure, but when I set my cache_size=300 it finally crashed after a long while and at =280 it seemed to reach a steady state, so I think <=250 should be safe, assuming we have at least 2GB of RAM to work with.

Eventually it's possible that I could add in some logic to dynamically determine the usage of the process and adjust the cache_size accordingly but that could prove pretty CPU-intensive. I will also be looking into the possibility of running d3d9Callback.dll in a separate process (which would give us a full 1.75GB of cache space on 32-bit systems and basically as much RAM as you can spare on a 64-bit system) but it doesn't seem likely since it has to hook into FF8_EN.exe.

I am happy to announce, I am running all mods absolutely flawlessly w/ v2.03 w/ Cache Size=200.

I played the game for roughly 3-4 hours straight w/o a crash.

Really happy to hear this. I will release 2.04 ASAP with the optimizations I stumbled upon while debugging the crash and everything should be even smoother.

I set down the value and it worked at first. then i installed rebirth Flame and it started crashing again. Not just with the Fated circle but also with Blast zone. I will try again with disabled Rebirth Flame and the low cache value and report if something happens.

I am not convinced that these crashes are related to the memory overflow exception we've been talking about. The fact that you're seeing the crash specifically during certain moves and animations is evidence that this is something texture or hash related. I vaguely remember some others discussing a problem with certain limit breaks in conjunction with the new character textures, I'll see if I can find it.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #103 on: 2015-04-08 15:17:22 »
enabling Large Address Aware on FF8_en.exe would allow you to access up to 4GB of RAM for a 32bit process. It would be an extra step for the users, But it could greatly reduce the amount of crashes. link to the patch if you wanted to have a look


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #104 on: 2015-04-08 16:01:19 »
enabling Large Address Aware on FF8_en.exe would allow you to access up to 4GB of RAM for a 32bit process. It would be an extra step for the users, But it could greatly reduce the amount of crashes. link to the patch if you wanted to have a look

Neat, I didn't realize you could enable Large Address Aware without compiling the executable yourself. Still, this is not guaranteed to work; depending on what kind of pointer arithmetic FF8_EN.exe is doing--the fact that the port is emulating PSX processes worries me--this could break the game even without Tonberry running. Have you (or anyone else) tried patching FF8_EN.exe? I will try later when I get a chance.

Note that this is most helpful for people running a 64-bit version of Windows; 32-bit systems would be still be stuck with the hard limit of 2GB unless they modified Windows settings to allow a maximum of 3GB. Still, setting the cache_size to 100-250 should prevent the memory-related crashes and honestly the performance hit is pretty small. The cache is most essential for the 100 or so textures that the game is re-using extremely frequently, e.g. menus, text, characters, and worldmap textures.

Edit: I enabled the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE header for my FF8_EN.exe and it seemed to start up without issue. I'm accessing my PC remotely so I can't properly stress test this, but this could potentially allow 64-bit users to up their cache_size to as much as ~700 and 32-bit users to as much as ~450. Either way, everyone should be lowering their cache_size from the default 1000 to 250 or less until we're sure. I will be putting a hard limit on the cache_size and changing the prefs.txt default with the release of 2.04.
« Last Edit: 2015-04-09 00:41:07 by mavirick »


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #105 on: 2015-04-09 00:41:12 »
All right, I've successfully filled up the cache to 4GB using a LargeAddressAware FF8_EN.exe. At cache_size=700 I had no trouble, so I upped it to 800 (manually in the VS debugger), still no trouble, then to 900 and it crashed when the memory overflowed. I think 700 will probably be a good size for 64-bit users to max out their RAM usage while avoiding a crash. Obviously, you have to have at least 4GB of RAM to do this. And if you're wondering why my initial guess for a proper cache_size was so far off (2000+ :o) your guess is as good as mine, but I'm thinking I must have dropped a zero when I first did the math. Replacement textures are generally 1024x1024 pixels and each pixel is 4 bytes for a total of 1024x1024x4 = 4MB per image, plus a little bit of overhead for the cache logic. For 2GB of RAM that comes out to 512 images, but of course we have to allow for FF8's memory usage which is why we drop to 250. For the additional 1-2GB enabled by LargeAddressAware, we can safely add 200 and 500 images to the maximum cache size since the additional RAM will not be used by FF8 itself.

Still, please be aware that I don't think this large of a cache is necessary. You should be able to enjoy Tonberry at smooth speeds with a cache_size less than 250--at a size of 700 we're replacing textures the game loaded 20 minutes earlier. Many of these old textures in the cache are going to be backgrounds and character textures from an area you've long since departed and the speed gains from keeping these textures in RAM are going to be minimal.

Last thing, this is a known issue I will be working on: if the cache has been full and you've been playing for some time without seeing any text (dialog, menus, etc), the cache will dispose of the high resolution font textures and you will start to see text with mixed high-res/low-res characters. This is because, unintuitively, the process that loads the textures is called very rarely for the most common textures, and if they're not actually seen in game they will fall to the back of the cache and eventually be removed. I will be working on a way to keep the most essential textures in the cache no matter what.
« Last Edit: 2015-04-09 01:04:58 by mavirick »


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #106 on: 2015-04-09 18:09:04 »
Would there be a way to keep the font and menu backgrounds in the cache based on file name?
I feel like, with as often as they are accessed. We'd want to ensure those files are always kept in RAM


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #107 on: 2015-04-10 04:19:26 »
Last thing, this is a known issue I will be working on: if the cache has been full and you've been playing for some time without seeing any text (dialog, menus, etc), the cache will dispose of the high resolution font textures and you will start to see text with mixed high-res/low-res characters. This is because, unintuitively, the process that loads the textures is called very rarely for the most common textures, and if they're not actually seen in game they will fall to the back of the cache and eventually be removed. I will be working on a way to keep the most essential textures in the cache no matter what.

That's because it's using the PSX's cache management system. The menu module's graphics that have the font/menu stuff are loaded into VRAM perminatly and never swapped out. Things like backgrounds and battle scenes are overwritten at a drop of a hat, (Most often during a module swap)


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #108 on: 2015-04-10 04:48:17 »
Would there be a way to keep the font and menu backgrounds in the cache based on file name?
I feel like, with as often as they are accessed. We'd want to ensure those files are always kept in RAM
That's because it's using the PSX's cache management system. The menu module's graphics that have the font/menu stuff are loaded into VRAM perminatly and never swapped out. Things like backgrounds and battle scenes are overwritten at a drop of a hat, (Most often during a module swap)

Precisely. I want to expose this capability to modders and players such that hashmaps have an option for designating textures that should be kept in the cache at all times. This should be quite possible using the current cache setup, I've just got to add a persistent portion that will not be involved in a few cache operations.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #109 on: 2015-04-11 13:36:36 »
New crash details. As I already mentioned, my game crashes while using Squall's Limit Breaks. But as I now found out, it only crashes while using Squall's Limit Breaks against Tonberries in the Centara Ruins while trying to get the GF Tonberry. Anywhere else, his Limit Breaksare no problem.
I hope it's a good clue for you guys.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #110 on: 2015-04-11 15:20:45 »
New crash details. As I already mentioned, my game crashes while using Squall's Limit Breaks. But as I now found out, it only crashes while using Squall's Limit Breaks against Tonberries in the Centara Ruins while trying to get the GF Tonberry. Anywhere else, his Limit Breaksare no problem.
I hope it's a good clue for you guys.

Mcindus brought this up before. But it's probably the battler codes, Squall's most likely, from Rebirth Flame colliding with the Lunar Cry mod if you're using that. You can either disable one of the mods to see, or disable the Tonberry upscale code and or Squall's to see if that fixes the crashes.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #111 on: 2015-04-11 23:27:30 »
New crash details. As I already mentioned, my game crashes while using Squall's Limit Breaks. But as I now found out, it only crashes while using Squall's Limit Breaks against Tonberries in the Centara Ruins while trying to get the GF Tonberry. Anywhere else, his Limit Breaksare no problem.
I hope it's a good clue for you guys.

This is super helpful. As FatedCourage said, this is a known issue, but colliding textures should not be causing the game to crash--they should just look weird in game. I've recently been successful in attaching the Visual Studio debugger to the FF8 process (which is made unnecessarily difficult by that damned launcher...) so I will try to replicate this crash and figure out what's causing it.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #112 on: 2015-04-13 18:59:20 »
This is super helpful. As FatedCourage said, this is a known issue, but colliding textures should not be causing the game to crash--they should just look weird in game. I've recently been successful in attaching the Visual Studio debugger to the FF8 process (which is made unnecessarily difficult by that damned launcher...) so I will try to replicate this crash and figure out what's causing it.

It was said before that because Tonberry had special animations, it would cause a bit of a problem. I personally turned Lunar Cry off for that side quest and turned it on again only after getting Tonberry King. This was before I limited the cache size to 350 (and before Tonberry 2.03), which, by the way, has eliminated my crash problems for the time being.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #113 on: 2015-04-13 20:02:23 »
attaching the Visual Studio debugger to the FF8 process (which is made unnecessarily difficult by that damned launcher...)

Use OllyDbg or Cheat Engine debugger to show debug window, as those two allow you to attach to running process instead of running with debugger.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #114 on: 2015-04-13 22:05:16 »
Use OllyDbg or Cheat Engine debugger to show debug window, as those two allow you to attach to running process instead of running with debugger.

You can attach the VS debugger to a process as well, it was just cumbersome because the options VS gives you make it seem like you have to start the actual process from within VS, which is impossible because FF8_EN.exe must be launched from FF8_Launcher.exe. What I ended up doing was creating a message dialog from within d3d9Callback.dll that halts the process before Tonberry is loaded, then attaching the VS debugger to FF8_EN.exe through the Windows task manager before closing the dialog and continuing.

In any case, I have been unsuccessful in replicating the Tonberry/Squall limit break collision crash. I've probably used Squall's limit breaks in the Centra Ruins against a Tonberry 20-30 times without issue. Is it possible that a) it only occurs before you've gotten the Tonberry GF or b) it only happens with the Lion Heart finishing move? Because the save I was playing on had already defeated Tonberry King and did not yet have Lion Heart, so the only finishing moves that were being used were Rough Divide and Blasting Zone (I'm assuming Fated Circle is not used when there's only one opponent because I never saw it in those 20+ Renzokukens vs. a lone Tonberry).
« Last Edit: 2015-04-14 22:27:44 by mavirick »


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #115 on: 2015-04-13 22:25:46 »
In any case, I have been unsuccessful in replicating the Tonberry/Squall limit break collision crash. I've probably used Squall's limit breaks in the Centra Ruins against a Tonberry 20-30 times without issue. Is it possible that a) it only occurs before you've gotten the Tonberry GF or b) it only happens with the Lion Heart finishing move? Because the save I was playing on had already defeated Tonberry King and did not yet have Lion Heart, so the only finishing moves that were being used were Rough Divide and Blasting Zone (I'm assuming Fated Circle is not used when there's only one opponent because I never saw it in those 20+ Renzokukens vs. a lone Tonberry).

I've went and fought against the Tonberry and every Limit Break I use(Lion Heart, Blasting Zone, Fated Circle) does indeed cause a crash. It's like when those Grendels use Breath and causes my game to crash.
« Last Edit: 2015-04-13 22:31:01 by FatedCourage »


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #116 on: 2015-04-13 22:51:36 »
I've went and fought against the Tonberry and every Limit Break I use(Lion Heart, Blasting Zone, Fated Circle) does indeed cause a crash. It's like when those Grendels use Breath and causes my game to crash.

Okay well I've also been using this opportunity to test out the new persistent section of the cache and the optimizations I've made along the way, so maybe this means the other changes fixed this bug without my realizing it. 2.04 should be released by tonight or tomorrow :)

Edit: I did manage to replicate the crash using 2.03, so I believe 2.04 should fix this issue. Unfortunately I'm not quite ready to release 2.04 yet--still a few kinks to iron out--but it should be out soon. Stay tuned.

Edit2: It seems I accidentally included the objmap.csv from FatedCourage's early version of Rebirth Flame in the 2.03 release. I'm sorry I didn't catch this before, but this file will cause problems for character textures if used in conjunction with Rebirth Flame.

If you have a file called 'objmap.csv' in your \tonberry\objmap directory, it should be deleted!
« Last Edit: 2015-04-15 14:38:25 by mavirick »


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.03)
« Reply #117 on: 2015-04-16 00:55:18 »
Download Tonberry Enhanced v2.04 Here

I'm excited to release Tonberry Enhanced v2.04, which should hopefully clear up the issues people have been having with 2.03 and earlier versions. This includes all necessary .dll's, an empty debug directory structure, and the minimum necessary hashmap .csv's. To find hashmaps for individual mods, see Mcindus' post on the first page (first comment).

What's new?:
  • Persistent textures - modders now have the ability to designate textures as "persistent," meaning they will never be removed from the cache. This feature should be used primarily for the core textures, such as those replaced by SeeDReborn.
    • To mark a persistent texture, simply precede the name of the texture with a bang/exclamation mark (!) in the relevant hashmap or objmap .csv. For example:
      • !sysfld00_13,8637763346649579509
    • Please be aware that filling the cache with persistent textures will lock it in place and all subsequent textures will fail to be replaced, so use this feature with discretion.

  • Significant performance improvements - although dampened in part by the increased complexity of the persistent textures, Tonberry should be running faster than ever due to some major cache optimizations and an improvement to the way we handle the core (SeeDReborn) textures.

  • No hard limits on cache_size - the cache size no longer has a hard minimum size of 100. You can now set it to 0 to disable the cache and texture replacements altogether, although Tonberry will still be touching each in-game texture and checking for replacements (that never exist). This feature should be entirely ignored by average players but could be helpful for modders. Note that you can also set your cache_size too high and cause memory overflow exceptions! If you do not have LargeAddressAware enabled for your FF8 executable, your cache_size should be no larger than 250.

  • Actually disabled textures - before, textures that were disabled with a star/asterisk (*) were not handled any differently; Tonberry would simply fail to load the replacement texture when it looked for a .png file beginning with the asterisk character. Now these textures are actually excluded from the internal hashmap, which should yield a slight increase in performance and keep these textures out of your \tonberry\debug\noreplace folder. If for some reason you want these textures to show up in your debug\noreplace folder, simply change the asterisk to any other character--just so long as the texture name in the .csv does not match any file in your \textures folder.

Known issues:
  • The game crashes when using Squall's limit breaks around some enemies (especially Tonberry in the Centra Ruins) while both RebirthFlame and LunarCry are enabled. Fixed...? I have not been able to replicate this crash since using 2.04. While I never isolated the cause of the crash in earlier versions, I believe 2.04 to have fixed the problem. If this is not the case, please let me know.

  • If the cache has been full and you've been playing for some time without seeing any text (dialog, menus, etc), the cache will dispose of the high resolution font textures and you will start to see text with mixed high-res/low-res characters. Fixed! The persistent textures feature should allow these textures to be kept in the cache indefinitely (see "What's new?").

  • Some users are experiencing random crashes when using Tonberry with Project Eden. If you are having this or any other issue please post here with details so I can look into it. Until more is known about the crash, my best advice would be to save frequently. Fixed! This exception was caused by memory overflow errors; make sure your cache_size in \tonberry\prefs.txt is 250 or less.

  • The overlay is still not supported by Tonberry and should be either disabled or circumvented using Mcindus' GeDoSaTo configuration.

While Mcindus and other modders should weigh in on exactly which textures should be persistent, in the meantime this is the SeeDReborn_hm.csv I've been using to test the persistent portion:

Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: 2015-04-16 01:05:59 by mavirick »


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.04)
« Reply #118 on: 2015-04-21 04:24:24 »
i acutally dont know where to put this, maybe ask the general question here will help me out, but my game seems to go to 2 fps when blur animations are played (eden summon and wishing star for rinoa is the main thing for me) and ive been trying to find a fix but the only thing that people say is putting it to original graphical mode (which i think blocks all the mods?) and it works and is fine, anyone have anywhere i can start to try to fix this?

(notice someone was saying it might be specs on the computer, so ill list the main components)
AMD FX 8320
Nvidia GTX 670
16gb 1333mghz ram


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.04)
« Reply #119 on: 2015-04-22 07:30:42 »
i acutally dont know where to put this, maybe ask the general question here will help me out, but my game seems to go to 2 fps when blur animations are played (eden summon and wishing star for rinoa is the main thing for me) and ive been trying to find a fix but the only thing that people say is putting it to original graphical mode (which i think blocks all the mods?) and it works and is fine, anyone have anywhere i can start to try to fix this?

(notice someone was saying it might be specs on the computer, so ill list the main components)
AMD FX 8320
Nvidia GTX 670
16gb 1333mghz ram

Doubt it's the specs. Your computer shouldn't have any trouble playing the game. I have lag at those moments and I have an AMD FX 8370, GTX 970, and 32GB of ram. It's no Intel rig, but it's great for most everything. I've noticed it only lags depending on the resolution you set. For example, when I set it to 1600x900 there is no lag for summons like Eden or Gilgamesh. Or for Wishing Star. And no lag in the final battle. But once I set it to 1920x1080 it's obviously there. And if I use GeDoSaTo to go even higher...well let's just say that it's a slideshow. :P Not sure if others experience it much or not. I don't see it discussed often. Just seems like it has something to do with the game itself.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.04)
« Reply #120 on: 2015-04-22 13:29:26 »
Doubt it's the specs. Your computer shouldn't have any trouble playing the game. I have lag at those moments and I have an AMD FX 8370, GTX 970, and 32GB of ram. It's no Intel rig, but it's great for most everything. I've noticed it only lags depending on the resolution you set. For example, when I set it to 1600x900 there is no lag for summons like Eden or Gilgamesh. Or for Wishing Star. And no lag in the final battle. But once I set it to 1920x1080 it's obviously there. And if I use GeDoSaTo to go even higher...well let's just say that it's a slideshow. :P Not sure if others experience it much or not. I don't see it discussed often. Just seems like it has something to do with the game itself.

The game's internal renderer is locked to 720p. You can set the output higher but the game doesn't benefit from the extra pixels. However I can't test if the game's internal is able to render 1080p too, if so then it might explain why there is a sudden performance decrease.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.04)
« Reply #121 on: 2015-04-22 21:07:27 »
I've noticed it only lags depending on the resolution you set..... But once I set it to 1920x1080 it's obviously there.
Now that's an interesting observation. I'm using a 1920x1080p and I noted animation lag early in Tonberry's development, but assumed it was something I wasn't understanding about FF8's DirectX. If it doesn't occur at all at resolutions below that, it is certainly a hint towards a solution.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.04)
« Reply #122 on: 2015-04-23 01:16:00 »
Now that's an interesting observation. I'm using a 1920x1080p and I noted animation lag early in Tonberry's development, but assumed it was something I wasn't understanding about FF8's DirectX. If it doesn't occur at all at resolutions below that, it is certainly a hint towards a solution.

Well, from what I've tested, the game seems to start lagging at those moments(for me) after setting the resolution on anything higher than 1600x900p. Anything at, or below, 1600x900p and the game runs fine. If this is of any use, then I'm glad.


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.04)
« Reply #123 on: 2015-04-23 02:27:31 »
i did a search and found out that some think its just the blur effects (of course this was steam community that i seen it on) and also said that lower the resolution the less frame loss they have so i wonder if its something to do with the game not able to render those blur effects above a certain resolution? (overload on the program itself or something along those lines?)

the only thing i can give is what i experience i dont know how to do any debugging like you guys can do unfortunately XD is there a general debug tool i can run with FF8 to try to get more information for you guys about this?


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Re: [FF8PC] External Texture Support - Tonberry: Enhanced (2.04)
« Reply #124 on: 2015-04-23 05:14:35 »
is there a general debug tool i can run with FF8 to try to get more information for you guys about this?
PIX for Windows. Sort of hard to get a copy these days but I'm sure they're out there.