Hi guys!

I've released a hard mod in the french version two years ago and I finally decided to translate it in english. Here it is:
DOWNLOAD v2.5 FINALMaybe I should translate it in another language, let me know if you want.
IntroductionWhy a new hard mod when you have already here the New Threat Mod and the gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod ? Because my mod is different and complementary of these two excellent mods. His difficulty level is between them and you don't have to farm your team. I don't like the level-up so I made this as I like it.... except for the end of the game but I swear you won't have to stay for hours in the northern cave! ^^ Also, it is (as far as possible) close to the original game. No aditionnal bosses, you'll find all the items/materias/equipements at their place... and I've changed things only when it was necessary. Here's the list of the changings:
>Item-W, sources and hero drinks have been desactivate.
> KOTR no longer ignores the enemy defense.
> Ribbon doesn't protect of the Death sentence status.
> All master level at 65 000 AP
> Super EXP master level at 60 000 AP
> You'll find now the Carub nut in the northern cave. ^^
Also, ennemy attacks have been modified and maybe, they will surprise you !!
InstallationWell, for now I'm not as good as gjoerulv or Sega Chief to make an installer but maybe I will try to do it one day. ^^ Meanwhile, you'll have to replace yourself the files in the good folders:
First, remember to make a backup of your files, extract the archive where you want and:
For the original (98):Replace the "scene.bin" present in
Program Files/Final Fantasy VII/data/battle by the new "scene.bin"
Replace the kernel files presents in
Program Files/Final Fantasy VII/data/kernel by the new "kernel.bin" and the "kernel2.bin"
For the 2012 release:Replace the "scene.bin" present in
Program Files/Final Fantasy VII/data/lang-en/battle by the new "scene.bin"
Replace the kernel files presents in
Program Files/Final Fantasy VII/data/lang-en/kernel by the new "kernel.bin" and the "kernel2.bin"
For the Steam version:Replace the "scene.bin" present in
Program Files/Steam\SteamApps\common\Final Fantasy VII/data/lang-en/battle by the new "scene.bin"
Replace the kernel files presents in
Program Files/Steam\SteamApps\common\Final Fantasy VII/data/lang-en/kernell by the new "kernel.bin" and the "kernel2.bin"
In the end, I want to thank NFITC1 and all the testers I had since two years: ilares, Shadowtribal, Sega Chief, Acro.... especially Sega Chief and also XeroKynos who teached me how to change the AI, a so important thing! ^^
> Shadow Flare has been boost and is not reflectable.
> Basically, enemys who have strong ennemy skills have been boost. If you encounter a Zemzelett at the first time you go through Junon Area, you should run for your life. ^^
> Translation of the dialogue during the battle against Guard Scorpion
> Correction of a bug in the last update
> Correction of few bosses like Dayne , Materia Keeper and Palmer
> Drop of megalixirs at 100% for ennemis on platforms and Jenova-SYNTHESIS in the north cave.
> Increase of the exp and ap for all the ennemys in th north cave.
> Initial materia of some characters has been modified.
> Every character has his own triple groth weapon.
> Problem on Snow has been fixed.
> Correction on few bosses