I'm sorry Tetraspore. There is no LUA scripting in FFX I see... Still I don't know how does the event scripting is parsed on maps.
Also I inspected the dds.phyre format. It's easy:
The DDS texture IS ALWAYS at 0xA4E, and the real filename (.dds) is at: 0x99B.
The DDS texture should be read as normal DDS DXT1 or DXT3. Still can't really find the texture width x height bytes.
However user can using TextureFinder open any texture, see which DXT compression to use at 0xA4A.
At 0xA52 there is uint16 that so far I see is fixed at 2816. Add 4 to it and just display the texture using either 512x512, 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 and shift bytes by 2820.
If I could find the the texture width and height then I could code the soft to convert Phyre to DDS and DDS to phyre converter. :3
Topher, create new topic in TOOLS section, so everyone will see it.
You can extract FSB files with:
http://aezay.dk/aezay/fsbextractor/Working, just tested.
@Back to DDS:
Width: 0x9E7 (DXT1?) / 0x9F0 (DXT5?)
Height: 0x9EB
I'm very close to prepare the DDS. You just need to edit the header, modify it and everything will work as normal DDS.