Hi EQ2Alyza! I've been here since the Titeguy3 Remix times and have not been active in a long time but I've been using 7th heaven and I love it!!! Thank you and all the team so much, here's for the next update and catalogue!
I had a few problems (1.56RC6) and didn't found a clear answer but I kept tweaking and manage to fix it, I'm going to describe the issues and how I fixed them in case someone asks:
#1: tried to install it like in the guide but the movies folder didn't worked, I always needed the disk in order to play movies (even if I selected a path in 7th heaven), so I saw the logs and find out that the path that the game seek was E:\ff7\movies (it didn't ask me for a movie path), turns out since I used the 1998 disk and not the blank one, it registered that path without asking, and even if I reinstalled I could't change it, so I just searched that path on regedit.exe (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII and another one) and changed it to the correct one, voilà it worked!
#2: After #1 it played perfectly... and then Windows 10 updated to 1903
sooo it stopped working, it just stayed in a black screen, the log indicated an internal error but no other info, so I unpached and repatched, same problem, reinstalled the game with same config and same thing, so instead of looking for the problem I reinstall the whole thing completely only saving the mods/7th heaven folder so I don't have to re-download them... well that didn't worked, the game launched but activating any mod crashed 7th heaven with an oops error (even while deleting all the 7H files plus cache), by deleting the mods and downloading them again worked.
Hope this helps someone