Thanks guys, glad you like it. I know the colors are different but I wanted to follow the ambient and art of the previous fields
Hello Jusete ! How are you ? Your works are literraly splendid !
Some questions for you : Are you working alone on this project ? In the forum, i've read that some others guys are working on scenes too ! i don't want to seem impatient, but do you have a percentage of finishing work ? Because there are many many object and i can't estimate the amount of work (i don't know anything about 3D, rendering etc).
i'll donate some money at the end of the month ! Your work are amazing and need to be supported !
Thank you Jeehan, I appreciate that. About your questions:
I think I´m the most active creating this scenes. Falulked is working in some as well(his work is very good) and Shampignon and AxlRose are importing the fields to the game(big work here, they have to cut all the layers and animations wich is a lot of work).
About the percentaje, I don´t really know tbh xD. I have completed kalm, materia caves, sleepy man and Weapons seller house, chocobo sage house, Pagoda ....and few from the path to the 5th reactor.