Author Topic: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)  (Read 352078 times)


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #475 on: 2020-05-24 17:44:48 »
@levantine: Fujin and Raijin are very fast indeed,  making it hard to stabilize in battle. Their Speed gave me quite a bit of trouble while testing this battle as well. I guess reducing it a little to have more time to react, like for reapplying buffs, healing etc. would be appropriate without making things too easy. Glad you found a strategy that worked for you though.

@Dealer1993: The Stat Bonus Abilites shouldn't be there at all, as levantine said. Them being available from Cactuar was a side effect from not starting a new game after mod installtion (meaning the custom init.out file that determines GF Abilities learned by default was not loaded for your save). Should have realized sooner, sorry. You can use the the Hyne tool to undo all of the acquired bonus stats from the Characters tab if you like. The LV Up Ability will probably be replaced from the mod as well for the next version, as it allows way too big level jumps in general.

The BGH251F2 in Fisherman's Horizon automatically gets weaker after a set amount of turns indeed, to match its Scan description ("Can only fight for a short amount of time."), so going full defense before that happens helps a lot.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #476 on: 2020-05-24 18:49:11 »
@levantine I thought you were playing lionheart mode? BGH251F2 was super hard, I had to go play cards with quistis for an hour to get wizard stones and a power generator (ray bomb) just to beat it

@Callisto I will undo the bonuses, in terms of defense they were completely broken, having 255 spr means even ultimas deal less than 1000 dmg to me. I think I found a bug, while fighting Adel she did a move that instantly gave me victory. I couldn't see what it was very well because I was using the 3x speed option but it was called reflect something. she used it and instantly laguna's dialogue popped up. No defeat animation or anything. I retried the fight but she never used that move again.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-24 18:55:49 by Dealer1993 »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #477 on: 2020-05-24 19:19:01 »
@Dealer1993 : *NotE that I'm playing lionheart mode
Sorry for missing a letter "E" that cause misunderstanding, so yes I play to the lionheart mode, never play to the standard Ragnarock mod i wanted to start directly with the lionheart one ;)
Surprise that we encounter different experience with BGH251F2, as I said in my case, this boss wasn't too difficult with the strategy I used (the same as Callisto said, buff/heal at the begining until the boss auto-nerf himself).


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #478 on: 2020-05-24 20:46:20 »
@levantine I think we have different playstyles, I never use attacking magic, I have 1 or 2 characters in low health use limit breaks all the time as the others defend. I'm on disc 4 and maybe you'll struggle with bosses I had no trouble with. Looking forward to reading more of your posts


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #479 on: 2020-05-24 21:50:08 »
@Dealer1993 : Indeed we have a different playstyles ;) , mine is more classical : 1 fighter, 1 mage dps and 1 support, try to keep them high hp as I can
I'm at the end of disc 2, we will see how are futur bosses with my playstyle hehe


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #480 on: 2020-05-24 23:07:55 »
Seifer and Edea Kramer were a pain in the ass i think, i went into that fight unprepared. It was a pretty epic win i had Rinoa petrified, Squall on 230hp Renozkuken then dies and Irvin finished him off with a pot shot.

This is a lot of fun so far.

I think this is a bug instead of getting Pet Pals 4 from the Deling Hotel i got a Magical Lamp that i can't do anything with.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #481 on: 2020-05-24 23:58:59 »
@Dealer1993: That new Ability you saw in the Adel fight is supposed cast Reflect on both Rinoa and Adel, but for some reason, it also had a 100% Petrify effect on it that won you the battle. I already fixed it a couple of days ago, but there's no need to update in your case, as this Ability won't be used by any of the upcoming bosses (the only other enemies that use it are the unique Iguions in Deling City sewers).

@Tempest: Pet Pals Vol.4 is only one out of eight items that can be received after staying at Galbadia. The possible items are as follows (1/8 chance each):

- Pet Pals Vol.4
- Pet Nametag
- Luvluv G
- Mega-Potion
- G-Mega-Potion
- Life Ring
- Rune Armlet
- Magical Lamp

The Magical Lamps can be traded for a random stat up item or an Elixir at FH Seaside Station after the Lunar Cry event on disc 3, so it pays off to keep them until that point.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #482 on: 2020-05-25 11:47:52 »
@Callisto I have just beaten Lionheart mode. Overall it was a very good experience, I particularly liked the new enemy formations, new save points and the new attacks/AI scripts on bosses. Also Card Mod was very well balanced. Disc 1 and 2 in terms of difficulty were the most challenging; Disc 3 and 4 were too easy in my opinion. Beat Ultimecia first try, Omega weapon was super easy and didn't last 10 minutes.
I can go in more detail about the mod (specific bosses/disc/area difficulty...) if you want more feedback.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #483 on: 2020-05-26 04:00:06 »

Which late-game bosses (other than Ultimecia and Omega Weapon) do you think should be more difficult in particular? Or would you rather say that the lack of difficulty is a result of player resources still being too generous? You said that you used a low HP strategy for most of the time, so was there a certain Limit Break that was just too powerful? If the issue was Angel Wing, then there's unfortunately not much I can do in Remastered other than bringing back the damage cap for spells (or increasing enemy Spirit before they get hit by an Angel Wing spell, but not sure if that would work).

Otherwise, thank you very much for the feedback and testing the Hard Mode so early. I see that the late-game diffculty is probably not that far from Standard Mode at the moment. I'll see what I can do to improve it for the next version.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #484 on: 2020-05-26 05:54:02 »
I've been playing this pretty much non-stop (I believe on Lionheart mode, but honestly I can't tell for sure) for the last few days. I've always enjoyed the FF8 system and was looking for more of a challenge - I'm not a hard-core player so this is my first non-vanilla foray. My previous experience has been (many) play-throughs on vanilla - getting punishment before leaving balamb, lion heart disc 1, basically "rule breaker" out there, I've done.

I have been mostly enjoying the adventure with the welcome rebalancing and huge difficultly bump until getting the mobile garden, then immediately hit a wall.

These are my personal notes, which I am sure will have some disagreements from others who have been deeper into the re-balancing than myself over the last 20 years.

- I get that the cards/card mod was excessively over-powered in the vanilla version, but this makes it excessively weak. Playing cards feels like a waste of time with this "rebalancing", both because I am effectively cut off from all the decent spells and because I am completely cut off from higher-level equipment until the game "lets" me. What I loved about the card game originally it it let me "break the mold" and get things earlier than I was supposed to. I agree that I shouldn't be getting curagas before I leave Balamb, but the high-level boss cards shouldn't be as junky as they became. Nothing sparks joy like getting Punishment before leaving the Garden, or Lion Heart on disc 1. No, I'm not expecting to be able to jump up to that level as fast in a properly balanced mod, but I also don't like feeling held back either. I didn't get a mesmerize blade to upgrade my gunblade until the scripted garden encounter, at which point it was almost insulting that the game was now "letting" me upgrade my weapon, rather than being something I earned.
- Removing the enemy auto-levelling works great 90% of the time, but then I get railroaded into using one party because my B team is too weak to switch in. My Irvine and Rinoa are struggling to break level 20 because I can never justify having them in my party without spending hours on random encounters to beef them up - especially when Rinoa's Angelo limit breaks are now a pile of hot garbage.
- I am using this mod along with the "hard mode" launcher (, I'd like some clarification if they are SUPPOSED to be used concurrently. As things are now, I feel like melee is a complete waste of time compared to magic, which seems like an over-correction. But this is my first attempt into modding the game, so it very will could be that I'm handicapping myself more than the rebalancing intended.
- I was pissed that Ultima at the shumi village was replaced. I'm already paying a fortune to draw, just let me have ultima. If I want to waste 6 hours running in circles to fully stock all characters, that's my problem (but its really the principle of the thing). After all, this is a single player game - there's no real reason to cap what I get out of pure grining.
- A lot of enemies just feel like damage sponges for no real reason. I shouldn't need multiple full-strength attacks to kill a bite bug on disc 2 - the random encounters just eat an obscene amount of time.

What inspired this rant was trying to get Odin. I have no idea if I'm under- or over-levelled compared to others at this point in the game, but it is extremely frustrating to get a moving garden, head over to centra, and get timed out on random encounters because I can't kill the enemies fast enough. I haven't had a crazy time with any encounter before this (unless I was being greedy with draws), but that is mostly because I was free to go on the defensive.

I can't do that with a time limit, and I really hate effectively having an "invisible wall" around that part of the game until I feel like grinding. Until this point, I haven't encountered anything that I would consider "unbeatable" (brothers took a few tries, the Garden Master series of souped-up enemies took a few tries, but nothing I didn't think I could do), but now it feels like the doors opened on exploring the world, only to slam shut because I'm not "at the level" this area requires.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-26 06:03:21 by aegisjester »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #485 on: 2020-05-26 10:01:27 »
@Callisto : Is Angel Wing so much strong in the lionheart remastered mod? I was plan to use Rinoa in my team, but I don't want to play with someone who break totaly the difficulty you put in :/
Did you find something that's allow physical attack break the cap like magic or it's something that you still working in? Fear that fighters would be useless compare to magicians in end game, espacially for someone like me who don't use so much limit break.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #486 on: 2020-05-26 10:38:06 »
@Callisto On my first try on omega weapon I accidentally used ray-bomb instead of shockwave pulsar and he got vit 0. I assumed that he would be immune. After that I just used angel wing and hit for 60k with ultimas and 80k with meteors. My suggestion would be to lower the damage multiplier to 2.5x or just get rid of it completely. She doesn't need angel wing as she already has wishing star.
Lion heart is also too overpowered, every hit needs to deal 1/3 or 1/2 of the damage it does now. Quistis's limits are fine, I didn't use Zell because they changed the buttons in remastered for duel.
Just as in vanilla, Selphie's limit is very good early game but useless in late-game. My suggestion is to increase the odds for high damage spells like calamity as she levels up or as she gets better weapons (if that's even possible).

To answer your question, I think the modified natural stat growth of all characters played a big role in this lack of difficulty. More specifically, if you wanted Rinoa to be a magic user in vanilla you had to use high tier spells like ultima to the mag junction to get close to 255. Now I can use Thundaga or something and use Ultima for some other stat like luck or HP. My Irvine had 135 speed with auto haste and 124 luck(!) with luck +30%. I beat Ultimecia with his limit break alone.

I have played through this game a million times and I don't want to make other players suffer with insane difficulty just because the late game was easy for me.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #487 on: 2020-05-27 19:30:00 »
@aegisjester I agree with some of your points. I didn't like that the Shumi draw point was changed to Quake, but Ultimas are a bit overpowered in disc 2; in my opinion it should contain Flare, Holy or Meteor. I also didn't like the forced battle in Centra and the fact that you can't leave the area after it. I also had a hard time against Odin right after I got the garden but after grinding a little bit he was easy


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #488 on: 2020-05-28 00:50:12 »
@levantine: In Remastered, Angel Wing is pretty much the same as in the base-game, so it's quite broken if you set Rinoa up to only use Meteor. Ultima is quite powerful too, as it can break the damage limit, but still not as good as Meteor on a single target. I've been making some progress with checking Remastered game code though, so hopefully it'll be possible to tone it down soon, identical to Steam 2013 version. Physical attacks still can't break the damage limit at the moment, but you should be able to hit 9999 frequently with Irvine's Exeter weapon and a high Luck stat for Irvine. Darkside can help with keeping physical attacks relevant too, of course.

@Dealer1993: Thanks for elaborating on your impressions. So it was mostly the Limit Breaks that made things easy for you.

The issue with Selphie's Calamity still being relatively rare in the late-game is the possibility of it popping up in the early-game, where it can one-shot bosses easily. There's unfortunately no reliable way of keeping this spell exclusive to the late-game, so I was overly cautious of not making it appear too often. I could try making it weaker in the early-game though and make it appear more frequently in return.

As for Lion Heart, I think it's ok as it is. Omega Weapon is one of the few late-game bosses that are actually vulnerable to Vit 0, so against most other bosses with a decent Vitality stat (Jumbo Cactuar, Ultima Weapon, Griever etc), it's not quite as powerful. Angel Wing definitely needs a change in Remastered sooner or later, as even without knowing the game well, it's easy to abuse. If I can manage to make it work like in the 2013 version, then Rinoa's high base Magic should be no problem (damage average is about 20,000 HP per spell in 2013 Steam with Rinoa's Magic stat maxed out).

@aegisjester: Welcome to the forums and thanks for the feedback. I'm afraid that some of the frustation you've experienced so far is indeed caused by the Hard Mode launcher you linked. It decreases all player physical damage by a factor of 1.5, which explains your impression of random encounters taking too long. A Bite Bug should never take more than 2 weapon hits from Squall or Zell as long as they have access to STR-J and a decent spell junctioned to STR. Furthermore, enemy levels and enemy physical damage are also slightly higher than intended with the Hard Mode active, so all in all, I would advise against using it in conjunction with this mod.

As for the other points you made:

- I get that the cards/card mod was excessively over-powered in the vanilla version, but this makes it excessively weak. Playing cards feels like a waste of time with this "rebalancing", both because I am effectively cut off from all the decent spells and because I am completely cut off from higher-level equipment until the game "lets" me. What I loved about the card game originally it it let me "break the mold" and get things earlier than I was supposed to. I agree that I shouldn't be getting curagas before I leave Balamb, but the high-level boss cards shouldn't be as junky as they became. Nothing sparks joy like getting Punishment before leaving the Garden, or Lion Heart on disc 1. No, I'm not expecting to be able to jump up to that level as fast in a properly balanced mod, but I also don't like feeling held back either.
Some of the Card Mod results are quite weak, yes, but I wouldn't say excessively weak in general, as Card Mod still allows getting many spells before they become available by drawing from an enemy. For example, the Water and Bio spells that can be won from Fastitocalon and Tri-Face cards right after the beginning of the game are a great help with getting through the early-game. The same goes for cards that refine into Magic Stones to get early access to the -ara spells, or the Grendel card to get more Double spells that are very valuable until they can be drawn from regular enemies later in the game. I also think that the boss cards are in a reasonable spot, as they also provide the earliest access to high-level spells (-aga spells through LV 6 cards that become available from Fisherman's Horizon onwards, Tornado and Quake through LV 7 cards at the beginning of disc 3 onwards). Not sure if you have noticed yet, but all these spells are way more powerful than in the base-game if you cast with a magic-oriented character, so getting some through Card Mod should always be worth it - most of them aren't even very good for junctions to encourage free use in battle.

I didn't get a mesmerize blade to upgrade my gunblade until the scripted garden encounter, at which point it was almost insulting that the game was now "letting" me upgrade my weapon, rather than being something I earned.
So the weapon in question is the Flame Saber which is the 4th out of 7 weapons for Squall. One the mod's goals is to achieve a sense of progression in regards to become more powerful overall, something the base game is clearly lacking. So the earliest occasion of getting the Flame Saber is around mid-game after the Mesmerize battle in Balamb Garden, to make sure this weapon is easily accessible to all players, without playing Triple Triad or searching the world for materials, which I thought was important to keep in check the physical vs. magical output at this point. If the Flame Saber was available right from the start by just playing a couple of card games, that wouldn't be very balanced, especially not when considering the increased Strength bonus the weapons provide. I think the possible jump from Revolver to Cutting Trigger right after the beginning of the game by playing Triple Triad is fair enough.

Other than that, I understand that this kind of gating things can take away from the feeling of having earned something, but there are still enough weapons that won't fall into the player's hands automatically, among other things such as getting certain steals from bosses (for example, the Power Wrist from Minotaur is very good), looking for spells (drawing the Life spell in Deling City sewers as Laguna already etc) or the rewards from additional challenges like for doing the Fire Cavern in 5 minutes.

- Removing the enemy auto-levelling works great 90% of the time, but then I get railroaded into using one party because my B team is too weak to switch in. My Irvine and Rinoa are struggling to break level 20 because I can never justify having them in my party without spending hours on random encounters to beef them up - especially when Rinoa's Angelo limit breaks are now a pile of hot garbage.
Yes, the level gap between characters can become problematic for sure. For the next version, EXP for bosses are planned, so this should help mitigating this issue. Probably should have implemented this sooner, but I've been reluctant as it takes away the possibility of low-level runs (found a solution though) - sorry for the trouble. Some of the character starting levels will also be changed, which makes sense especially in the case of Quistis. Most of Rinoa's Angelo Limit Breaks are based on Rinoa's Strength stat, so if you raise it enough, they shouldn't be too bad.

- Ultima Draw point in Shumi Village: I think that having basically limitless to access Ultima that early would make most of the upcoming bosses too easy - even 15-20 would already be enough. This Draw point contained Meteor in older versions of the mod, and it was still too powerful according to player feedback, so it was changed to Quake which is still good in the hands of a magic-oriented character, and not easy to get through other means at this point of the game.

- Centra Ruins changes: I see that the instant Game Over after the time is up doesn't add much, so I'll probably revert that back to default, at least for Standard Mode. For Lionheart Mode, I'd definitely like to keep in the inability to leave Centra Ruins after a certain point, as just solving the riddles until the door to Odin's chamber opens, and then returning to the world map and save, kind of defeats the purpose of the timer. Of course, the timer could be changed to begin in Odin's chamber, so it's only relevant for the battle itself, but I like how the scripted battle along with the timer create a good degree of tension. If the Chimera that appears in the scripted battle becomes a problem, it can be easily dealt with using gravity-based attacks or Degenerator.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-28 04:57:22 by Callisto »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #489 on: 2020-05-29 21:19:17 »
Hi callisto really enjoying this mod so far, feels good to be forced to run from battles time to time
Also had a tough time with edea on disc 2 but that's the way it should be I actually had prepare my junctions just for her (auto potion and death resist)  gave me a real sense of accomplishment finally beating her

Don't have much feedback for you yet except maybe junctioning death to attack for nearly 100% death with lots of enemies made alot of battles trivial at least on disc 2 no idea how what this is like late game yet though.

I was just curious is it possible to uninstall an older version of this mod install the new one and continue my game?
Is it possible to convert it somehow to lionheart mode from standard?
I'm only worried late game will become to easy but I suppose I can use another difficulty mod along with this one


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #490 on: 2020-05-31 02:50:28 »
Hi warkwarth. Yes, you can convert from Standard to Lionheart anytime by just going through the installation process again and choose the Lionheart files instead. If you then continue using your previous save game, there can be minor issues with your GF Ability lists, but only if you are currently on a really old version of the mod.

A difficulty mod that can be put on top of this one is this Hard Mode, but I would not recommend doing so, as your physical attackers will be severely handicapped with it active, as mentioned above. I would try Lionheart standalone first to see how it goes (enemy resistances against Death are increased in this mode), and then maybe go for Hard Mode if you feel it's still too easy.

Otherwise congratulations on defeating Edea. Auto-Potion is indeed useful in that battle and generally often overlooked. Well done :)


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #491 on: 2020-05-31 20:47:13 »
Great, I will drop off the hard mode launcher, as physical attacks were just pointless.

Re: Cards - I guess it comes back to the balance of junction vs casting magics. In Balamb/Timber, I was indeed trying to load up on water spells from Fastitocalon cards, but they're not very common at that point in the game, and it still takes a couple to get a fish fin. I spent about an hour card playing and walked away with 20 waters. Meanwhile, I just power through Timber (exactly 1 boss battle later, so having the extra spells doesn't really impact difficulty progression) and I can mug them to my heart's content on the beaches outside Dollet. The loads of potions I'm getting out of my card wins just seems kind of "dummied". Grendel and Tri-Face don't have that issue - the cards are rare enough, and require enough refinements, that its too much of a pain to try to grind them to get junctionable stocks of spells, but can give me some good spells to keep in my back pocket in a pinch (which is how it feels like the card refinements "should" be, to me anyway).

Re: Weapons: I'm not going to complain too much on this, going around looking for random encounters opens up a few more possibilities. But I got my flame saber only to hit another wall for the Twin Lance, which I'm basically locked out of with the current level caps of all the enemies, since I can't get the required materials (as far as I can tell), relegating it to a Disc 3 upgrade (so I get all of 1 new weapon in disc 2). Not really a bad thing, and if I was playing FF8 for the first time I wouldn't think it was weird - I was probably more annoyed that my attacks were so weak from the hard mode mod that I was frustrated I couldn't get that extra 5% out of a better weapon. HOWEVER - if possible (and I can't see if it is the case), it would be fantastic if some weapons boosted magic instead of just strength.

Shumi quake draw: What if you make the recharge for the draw point much longer, but at least set it to flare or something non-elemental (I don't know which is stronger for junctions - meteor or flare)? Or circumvent that whole issue by switching to Full Life/Renew - OP, but in the opposite direction. If it can be done, what I think makes sense thematically for this particular draw point is that it would be randomized out of -aga and above spells (a guarded magic spring that puts out randomized "powerful" spells - and you're taking a gamble with each purchase).

I spent a few hours wandering around the world map, and started the battle of gardens. Love the Shockwave Pulsar without maxed Siren, but seifer and edea are absolutely wiping the floor with me. I get he's desperate, but his attacks are WAY stronger than the earlier battle (and he seems to be draining himself?). I'd say that if you want that maxed-out desperate attack, he should start out poisoned or something (he's going well beyond his limit, which is breaking him).


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #492 on: 2020-06-01 01:48:06 »
« Last Edit: 2020-06-01 17:44:25 by DefinitelyMarc »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #493 on: 2020-06-01 13:09:25 »
Just so you know I've started an LP of the Ragnarok Mod, especially the Lion Heart Mod, doing an effort and I'm gonna do this all LP in english think it will be better feedback to actually show everything I'm doing and comment directly on it, english is not my native language tough so sorry if this isn't fluide or if it sounds weird, anyway just uploaded the first part for now :

Not a lot to say, I just follow the instruction to show and ensure the mod is properly installed, did an early drawing spells and beat Ifrit in 10 minutes, little mistake in the dialogue from the guard at the entrance they say "You managed to get the GF within 5 minutes." but on Lionheart the minimum you can choose is 10 minutes, yeah I know just a little nitpick  :-D , manage to do it in 7 minutes.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #494 on: 2020-06-01 15:35:41 »
One last "Ask" - let one of the card holders in the Galbadia Garden act as an items shop (similarly to Joker in Balamb)


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #495 on: 2020-06-01 16:20:10 »

does this mod have a hard mode on it yet, just curious


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #496 on: 2020-06-01 21:19:44 »
Thanks for the reply I ended up reading through the thread and looking at the files and realized I could start in lionheart anytime.
I am on an old version of this mod so I do have cactuars bonus abilities and I used them a bunch on squall not realizing it wasn't a part of this mod?!

Even so I am having a hell of a time trying to beat adel I junctioned both life and and full life to stat defense and doom strike STILL always gets me, even tried remedy+ is there no counter to doom?!

Energy ball is pretty much a 1 hit kill too unless I have renew and especially after ultima but I can't keep haste or renew because doom kills everyone

I am forced to used renzokuken spam but everytime fated circle kills rinoa, how the hell are people doing this fight!??!
I am on at least my 10th try and am waiting for a lionheart to proc feels like a lot of luck and I'm also having to use a lvl 20 characacter because rinoa was in my team.

Can anyone help with with strat against adel?

Also as a minor feedback could rebirth flame heal at least 1 person to full life!? as it is now it never helped me once I'm always dead next turn anyways

I won't be switching ti lionheart mode anytime soon


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #497 on: 2020-06-02 08:43:06 »
Updated Lionheart Mode with the following:

- Seifer (3rd) no longer uses Drain on himself
- Garden Faculty dialogue after exiting Fire Cavern has been corrected (5 min -> 10 min)
- Some alterations to Omega Weapon's AI
- Some Elem-Def options have been toned down

@aegisjester: You've made some really good suggestions. Especially your idea in regards to the Shumi Draw point containing random spells sounds tempting. Not sure if I can make it work though, need some more time to check first, so I've put that idea on hold for now. An item shop somewhere in Galbadia Garden should be no problem, and will be included in the next version of the mod. More weapon stat bonuses have been requested quite a lot for FF8 mods, but it's unfortunately one of the harder things to do, so it probably won't happen too soon.

As for Seifer (3rd battle), he uses two scripted attacks on Squall that are auto-crits, so maybe your impression of him being stronger than before relates to that. Apart from those two hits, he is actually weaker than in the previous battle, especially defensively. It's also possible to poison him to get rid of him as soon as possible to fully focus on Edea.

@Nesouk: Well done Ifrit battle, but maybe the Fire Cavern challenge should be changed from "Beat Ifrit within 10 minutes" to "Beat Ifrit without Double". I guess it's the thing that makes the fight more than managable even in Lionheart Mode. Anyway, interested in seeing more of your playthrough, I hope all goes well and not too frustratingly.

@Zara9: Yes, a harder version of the mod was released some weeks ago. Check out the DL links and setup instructions if you want to try it out.

@warkwarth: If Cactuar has the Stat-Bonus Abilities, your save must be indeed from a really old version of the mod. Starting a new game after a new version has been installed is recommended to avoid issues like this, but I guess it's not a big deal and be corrected anytime with Hyne Save Editor if you feel like it (it would also unlock the replacements for those Abilities in Cactuar's Ability list).

If Adel's Energy Bomber one-shots everyone, you probably didn't remove the Vit 0 status effect from your characters, which is caused by Adel's opening move, Ray-Bomb. Always watch for its visual cue (a red-purple-ish tint on your characters) and remove it as soon as possible. The Doom status can be removed with the Treatment Ability, Elixirs or Megalixirs. If you don't want to use any of these, you can also use Zombie to stop the countdown. As for attacking, junctioning Wind spells to your characters' Elem-Atk is your best bet. Phoenix has recently been buffed in the 2013 Standard version - he now revives characters with 25% of their max HP (instead of 12,5%). That's all I can do to make him better at the moment, sorry. Hope you'll manage to beat her!


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #498 on: 2020-06-02 10:35:22 »
Yeah double make Ifrit easier, maybe instead of double you could make Shell, make Ifrit manageable but then would be to beat within the 10 minutes.

Also sadly can't continue for now Rose and Wine W07 keep screwing up on me, and it gotten even worse now for some reasons it litteraly disable my keyboard for FFVIII and since you can't close the Windows that show the button mapping, I can't even play the game, and this is definitly due to RaW W07 cause when I install W06 again it works with no problem.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2 & v1.0)
« Reply #499 on: 2020-06-02 15:32:24 »
The BGH251F2 in Fisherman's Horizon is pretty hard to kill in the Lionheart version, it's the hardest fight so far for me. I'm trying to change up my strategy a bit for it. I'll get him eventually.

Also was Tonberry changed at all ? Do you acquire him the same way as the base game ?
« Last Edit: 2020-06-02 17:36:57 by Tempest »