Post compatibility fix= 8 times in a row success! and not a single Easyhook error in sight even with every mod I want on which is almost everything in the catalogue xD... log uploaded, may be a good Idea to add the possible error + fix in the FAQ.
By the way, battle boxes looses transparency after winning a battle half a second before changing the screen and Sega Chief Battle Model Swap and Mouth Texture Replacer both work but it says that the version is 1.01, when it downloads it downloads version 1.00 prompting an update which it fails to download everytime.
just small bugs, thanks for your time!
That's not a bug, but would be an oops on Sega Chief's part. His mod that actually downloads should match the version info listed in his catalog. If it doesn't it can trigger a condition like this, but it is up to him to fix.
Regarding the old compatibility fix, I'm glad it worked, but there's no rhyme or reason for that. It's a mystery. Unfortunately, the log didn't provide any additional info as I'd hoped. Something in your environment is not allowing or blocking the injection to work. My first thoughts go to security or A/V software, or non-typical or non-default settings in your Windows install, but what, I don't know yet. Of course "no mods"/vanilla would work fine because there's no injection occurring there. Injecting the 7H wrapper is what allows for the magic of the mods to work (and is only needed when running with mods, obviously).
So I have been looking around for a guide, but have not been able to find one. Has anyone here upgraded ver. 2.0 to 2.2?
If so, does it overwrite any configs, mods, settings, or save files?
Is the recommendation to just install a new instance of 7th heaven and then load up your .exe from the new version?
As I said, checked the forums and wiki for instructions, but came up empty!
On the first page, it says you can upgrade to 2.2 over 2.0 and install to the same folder. No guide is needed as it's just a simple regular install. However, for compatibility and stability reasons, the game driver settings and your 7H settings are reset and that's because of the switch in game drivers for 2.2 as well as big changes to settings from 2.0. It's better to reset than to break/crash the program. Setting these up only takes a few seconds, and most people don't change much from the 7h defaults, if at all, with the exception of the game driver. Your installed mod library and profiles (mod settings) DO stay intact however. 7H has not and never will touch your save game files.
If you're real touchy about it, you can always install 7H 2.2 to a new folder (but your mod settings will not be migrated over--you would need to manually copy over your profiles from 2.0) and keep 2.0 in its own folder so nothing changes with your 2.0 install. They can live side by side. But that would give you the opportunity to set up everything in 2.2 as you see fit to match 2.0 until you're perfectly happy with it before (if you want) deleting your 2.0 folder.