So first you say only respect your own opinion and then you go on shitting on everybody who hates this game calling them 12 year olds?
Actually, your reading comprehension has failed you. I'm not "shitting on everybody who hates this game," I'm "shitting" on people like you specifically whose opinions are based solely on watching a handful of minutes worth of footage and are now on a warpath, all while believing they're voicing an objective truth and that they should be taken seriously in the slightest. THAT is what makes you come off as children. I assume all of us with older accounts are in our 30s at this point, which makes this type of behavior even harder to believe. This is what I expect to see on the first page of /v/, not an old school FF community where I assume most have an IQ that exceeds two digits.
Why would we have to spend tons of money for smth we know we don't like? And as far as I remember none of us tried to even expertly criticize detailed things we would only know after playing the game. We criticize first and foremost that its not a Remake, its a strawberries on the originals story and every major plot event and that is fact, or would you argue one has to play it to know that when its all right there in the cutscenes? Certainly not. And that is not what we expected or wanted. So why on earth is criticism not justified in that regard?
You've described the game as a dull action game that's just flashy and devoid of depth multiple times now, so your expert opinion has gone beyond just criticizing the story changes, which you've also not done your research on as displayed multiple times in this thread. You've concluded that the script itself (dialog, character interactions) and the character development is bad which you would have absolutely no knowledge of from watching a handful of cut cenes out of context from the tail end of a 40 hour game. Do you see why I think you're being silly and why anyone with a functional brain can't take this seriously?
Also it is well known that the combat system is action based, not ATB like in the original. This is known for years now. If ppl (like us) don't like these things in general or at least not in a Final Fantasy, considering this was not like this in the original, then again criticism is justified.
Just because something isn't your cup of tea doesn't make it objectively bad like you're claiming. There's good action-based combat and there's bad action-based combat. The combat in 7R is far from bad, despite the criticism I wrote in a previous post. It's certainly more in-depth than the original, as any action-based game inherently is by requiring at least a slight degree of skill and interaction to succeed. The original game certainly doesn't have any gameplay depth (it's flashy and fast-paced, but shallow and fun), so I'm not sure why you're even voicing this (baseless) complaint.
Mad that it's not turn-based despite never being promoted as such? That's fine, but if you want to criticize its various systems and mechanics you should do so from experience, not assumptions.
Btw with about the same validity could we say that the ppl spending 60+ bucks on this game and like that strawberries are 12 year olds, not grown men who expect a game to have actual thought through design, balance, story-telling, character development, etc.
See, there you go again making assumptions beyond your reach. If anything, this paragraph reinforces my original point. I also don't follow your reasoning in the slightest, and this makes the below quote even more ridiculous on your part.
That you like this game is good for you but stop acting so high and mighty and condescending towards ppl that don't. Their opinion is just as valid as yours and is not based on things they do not know as all aspects that were criticized are directly there in the game, not made up or exaggerated. There is time travel, there is characters that don't die but should have, there is matrix like drama scenes that are just over the top you can watch them on youtube, there is major flaws in that new story that just doesn't make any kind of sense with the original. It's all there and wasn't made up by us. It was made up by Nomura.
Yes, I'm the one being "high and mighty and condescending towards others", not the guy who's generalized every single person who doesn't share his opinion that 7R is a bad game. What was it you said, that we're all from that "Game of Thrones generation" and just swallow anything that's flashy and lacking in depth? Next-level self-awareness you have there.
"Their" opinions are not as valid as mine, because I've actually played the game to completion and can speak in-depth about every aspect of it. The last hour of the game is a mixed bag, but it doesn't invalidate everything that came before it. It's about the journey, not the destination, and the journey was highly enjoyable for reasons you and your kind have already written off as OBJECTIVELY BAD.
If any, this is the forum of highest quality reviews and opinions of Final Fantasy games and RPGs in general. These are ppl that spent their life modding these games, playing them hundreds of times over and over again, discovering new stuff, and just thinking about these games and its characters, their reason to be and say smth, their behaviour in certain occasions more than anybody else in the world. And certainly more than the devs.
What you're referring to is an echo chamber, and I'm sure most wouldn't appreciate being generalized or spoken for. What you're really saying is that certain people here are stuck in the past and hostile toward change. That doesn't sound like someone whose opinions you should value above more reasonable and level-headed individuals. As far as I can tell, there are multiple reasonable users here who are capable of thinking for themselves without clinging to one extreme or the other mindlessly. Are these people not part of this holy community of knowledgeable FF fans?
Todays game design consists mostly of graphics and I can tell you because this eats most of the programming work as it is BY FAR the most complex and tedious part when programming a game(as smbd with a degree in just that department of computer science you can take my word). The maths and work behind Ray tracing, multiple reflections, real time animations is OUTRAGEOUS. That's why the companies need most and their best ppl to work on that. And then it's natural that there is just not much personel left for actual story-writing and thinking these things through. Also at some point when you spent months/years until the animations look so real HD like in FF7R then your investors wanna see results and finally publish smth and make money. And what can you impress them most with at a press conference? Right, it's GRAPHICS because that's what every fat business idiot can see and judge wether it's good or not. That's what makes money and keeps companies alive. Sadly. This explains the strictly monotonous downward curve of stories and the strictly monotonous upward curve of graphics in games in the last 20 years. Ppl growing up with that or the ones that just weren't touched so emotionally by the RPGs of the 90s and early 2000s might not care and get used to the new era of gaming but others, like many in here, cannot.
Wow, it's almost like there are dedicated and specialized staff members who handle different aspects of development or something. You're also generalizing again, or under the impression that AAA development is all there is to the medium, or that every case is the same. Either way, it has nothing to do with the quality of writing unless you're implying that the programmers, animators, 3D artists and various game designers are too busy with their jobs to help write the script, which is pants-on-head retarded.
And if after all these years a company promises an HD remake of the most iconic game in video game history that has touched us more than any other game, and the outcome is tons of stuff completely made up, probably made up on the spot because it just looks cool in a scene, altered story scripts and what not then yes, then we do not like this game and want to talk to others about this that feel the same. That is why we post here and we're entitled to. If you think the majority here are 12 year olds that just hate because they like hating...then why would you wanna post here? You don't seem attached to the forum in any way so why care? It seemed to be so important to just insult a lot of ppl here that you needed to do it......Do you see any of us going to forums/reviews of ppl where the majority likes the game and shitting on it? I for myself do not do that.
They did call it a remake, and it is very faithful (character development, chain of events, locations, enemy design, overall aesthetic and on) up until the end of the game, but I called it deceptive marketing in my very first post. Either way, games - even remakes - should be judged on their own merits, and saying that FF7R is objectively bad in any regard is insincere and obviously fueled by an agenda, especially when coming from holier-than-thou observers.
You're generalizing again, by the way. This "us" you keep speaking about doesn't seem to include an awful lot of people based on this thread. My Qhimm account is 14 years old, by the way. Are you implying that I'm only here to insult someone?