Recently, as a result of investing way too much time and energy into Eden savage raids (the E5S-E8S, although I've paused at E7S), I've started experiencing right hand and arm pain. I usually use my right hand for mashing abilities buttons while my left takes care of WASD controls, but the former has consequently been very strained (not sure if it's the beginning of carpal tunneling or RSI). I've taken a week off and will continue to do so until the pain reduces a bit--and at this point, my hand/arm just feels sore and heavy. If and when I go back to progging, does anyone have any advice/precautions or tips about how to advance these raids and game-playing in general to prevent it from happening again? I'm more casual but recently became super into high end raiding (played for 6-8 hours all day, pretty much nonstop. That was a mistake), but should I buy a brace? A keyboard, and if so, any recommendations? Any suggestions would be appreciated!