Author Topic: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5 - unsuported anymore  (Read 449859 times)


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    • My softs (french only)
This version is obsolete, i won't do any support on it, please use this version instead

    Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5.65

    Please Use Steam AIO installer unless you want to add other mods; if you want to add more mods then use 7th Heaven 2.4+ 7z archives (no support from me).
    The versions number might be different between Steam AIO installer and iros files, but the textures are the same, just use the latest version for both.

    (Trailer: Download or YouTube)
    (French users only: Use this Here instead.)

    Make a donation: HERE.

    What's SYW?
    The SYW mod represents the most accurate modern take on the PC version of Final Fantasy VII helped by deep learning techniques (such as ESRGAN). The package includes cleaner, more detailed and higher resolution background arts, battlefields, worldmap, magic effects, animations, minigames, menus and videos. All upscaled with AI or done in HD from scratch.

    The main goal of the SYW mod is to get as much as details as possible without having an oversharp and overclean effect; also to keep the rendering as natural as possible and constant in quality across the whole game.​

    • Vanilla Final Fantasy 7 Steam version 1.0.9

    Features (AIO pack)
    • All FFNx great features (Mainly TrueOdin, myst6re, Vertex2995, Comos, sithlord48)
    • Upscaled HD Fields with full animations (plus char texture for 3D elements like the flipper in the bar for example)(by myself)
    • Upscaled HD Battle backgrounds (plus textures for some enemies)(by myself)
    • Upscaled HD Worldmap (plus effects)(by myself + Aavock for minimaps)
    • From scratch HD Battle effects and magics by Kela51 (plus several fixes by myself)
    • Upscaled HD Minigames based on english version of my old waifu + updated texture (Aavock and myself)
    • From scratch HD Menus and Font (by Aavock)
    • Upscaled HD Animations (first mod with these animations)(by myself)
    • Upscaled HD 30fps Movies (first mod with 30 fps fmv)(by myself)
    • Modern 3D models (ChaOS by Kaldarasha)
    • Psx HQ music (FFNx FF7Music by myst6re)
    • Complete sound overhaul (Cosmo Memory by bonez)
    • 60 fps patch (Obesebear, Kaldarasha, Vertex2995, and quantumpencil)

    Steam All-In-One Installer
    • Download and extract the .zip archive file
    • Use the .exe install (will take some time)
    • Launch the game with the desktop shortcut to setup FF7_SYW
    Video of the installation : HERE.

    Further Modding: 7th Heaven 2.3+
    • Use the lastest updated 7th Heaven version HERE. (Scroll down, click "Assets", and grab
    • Then go in 7th "Settings/General Settings" and bottom-left you'll find FFNx section, click canary then check for updates, say yes and then "Restore defaults" next to save.

    My mods for 7th don't use the "iro" container to optimise loading speed and avoid lags ingame.

    I recommand to install thoses mods with 7th catalog, it's the easyiest way to do it.

    To install them manualy it's amost as easy as using a ".iro" file :
    -Download the .7z file
    -Extract it (with 7zip for exemple)
    -In 7th use the "Import Mod" button, then "From Folder" and select the folder where you have extracted the mod (do it for each mod you want to import).

    ingame previews picture

    Spoiler: show

    World map:
    Spoiler: show

    Battles and Magics:
    Spoiler: show

    Menu and Fonts:
    Spoiler: show

    FMV (SYW vs Steam):

    To-do List:
    • Translate to english the great Aavock's minigames (as soon as he'll completed them)

    Special Thanks:

    -TrueOdin for:
       FFNx driver
       A ton of help
    -Bonez for:
       Cosmo Memory
    -Aavock for:
       Minigames, Menus, Fonts
    -Kela51 for:
       Magics and effects
    -Kaldarasha for:
       3D models
    -myst6re for:
       FFNx audio work
       Psf music pack
    -Obesebear, Kaldarasha, Vertex2995, and quantumpencil for:
      The 60fps patch
    -Kuraudo for:
       Video trailer
       Human jenova_e enchantment (fmv)
    -All the people who helped me in any way to make this pack possible

    Changelog 5.65
    --Updated FFNx.
    -Updated gamepad help.
    -Corrected a bug if HD menu was disabled.

    Changelog 5.64
    -Optimised launcher speed on mouse over option.
    -Updated FFNx 1.14.0 stable.
    -Updated Cosmo Memory v1.1.
    -Added updcaled HD textures for ending credits + Updated opening credits (all 4 languages).
    -Added true 16/9 game mod.
    -Small update in mds7plr2 fx and mds7plr1 grid (thanks laz@ro).
    -Mirror correction in tunnel_5 (thanks Acro).

    Changelog 5.63
    -Updated FFNx.
    -Corrected a rare bug of battle animation slowdown with no mouth option (again, now it's 100% ok ^^').

    Changelog 5.62
    -Updated FFNx.
    -Updated some menu's portraits (by Aavock).
    -Updated the always run function with all languages (compatible with sound overhaul, thanks Chrysalis).
    -Added the True Honey Bee Inn (missing BHI fields, thanks Cloudiar, english and spanish only ATM).
    -Corrected a rare bug of battle animation slowdown with no mouth option (thanks Bumpin' for reporting it).

    Changelog 5.61
    -Updated FFNx (lots of optimisation for 60 fps, HDR FMV corrected).
    -Updated Cosmo Memory (added worldmap footsteps).
    -Updated 60 fps fields animation for modern 3D model.
    -Added some flevel script correction for 60 fps mode.
    -Corrected the alway run option for the french exe.

    Changelog 5.60 FULL ! You need to do a full install ! (Backup your save files and uninstall previous version before installing)
    -Updated FFNx (fields's animations and lighting now need much less power to run).
    -Updated Cosmo Memory (version 1.010).
    -Added Steam achievements.
    -Added 60 fps mode (BETA!).
    -Added 30 battle mode (BETA!).
    -Added HDR support.
    -Added an option to choose the fields's animation level (depending computer's power).
    -Added autorun option.
    -Added 60 fps FMV (BETA).
    -Now all FMV are interpoled to 30 fps (2 of them wasn't before) and with better quality.
    -Now all FMV are not chibi version (Thanks Cosmos)
    -Removed Psx battle shadow.
    -Corrected the "Miss" battle texture in some cases.
    -Added C# source code for the launcher to the release (root install folder).
    -Lots of small tweaks and update i forgot to list ^^'.

    Changelog 5.42
    -Corrected a dialog not showing bug in ancient temple with Modern 3D models (Thanks L@Zar0)
    -Added a direct launch shortcut
    -Updated FFNx (some Dynamic Lightening improvement + full analog stick support in fields)
    -Optimised the "mouth hide" option to looks like in psx
    -Optimised trnad_2 / ancnt2 / ztruc / fship_1
    -Optimised one part of the wutai bridge in worldmap (bad transparency in a small part)
    -Optimised the background movie of field white2 (Thanks L@Zar0)

    Changelog 5.41
    -Updated FFNx (way faster Advenced Animations)
    -Corrected Modern 3D models to avoid visual bugs with Dynamic Lightening (5 fields)
    -Optimised Chorace2 / bugen_2 / crcin_1 field

    Changelog 5.40
    -Added Cosmo Memory sound overhaul by Bonez
    -Updated FFNx
    -Corrected the psx like shadows option

    Changelog 5.32
    -Updated FFNx
    -Corrected the gold saucer wheel (was not showing in some cases)
    -Small optimisation of HD fonts (Aavock)
    -Added an option to disable antialiasing
    -Added new textures for chocobo minigame (thanks Aavock)
    -Added the Beta option for dynamic lightning (thanks Comos and TrueOdin)
    -Added the missing onna fieds (for futur mods ^^)
    -Optimised 1 FMV (minor tweak at the end of FEELWIN0 Thanks L@Zar0 for reporting)
    -Optimised 5 fields writing - crcin_1 / chorace / ghotin_1 / ghotin_3 / md1_1 (thanks Kuraudo and Aavock)
    -Small optimisations/correction in mds5_5 / mds7plr2 / colne_6 / blin69_1 / blin1 / blin61 / blin67 (thanks Laz@ro for help and Tsuna for reporting some of them)

    Changelog 5.31
    -Updated FFNx (correct some special function shortcut)
    -Updated Aavock's HD fonts

    Changelog 5.30
    It's not an update you can do, it's a full release.
    The main change is that version use 1998 .exe to launch the game instead for the steam's ones.
    So no more save delete bug is possible (finally).
    The game will also launch faster as it don't need to launch steam first.
    The very first time you launch the game it can take some time to launch because it'll need to copy some file.

    Changelog 5.21 to 5.28
    -Solved a potential colision bug.
    -Added an option to auto disable saves in cloud (avoid random delete of save files).
    -Added an option to auto backup save file each time the game is launched (with auto-restore if save have been deleted).

    -Added a warning message with some renderer and modern 3D models.
    -Added an uninstaller.
    -Updated FFNx (correct a save bug with not english version of the game).
    -Corrected the option to launch unmodded steam version.
    -Corrected a potiential crash with "auto" "graphic engine".

    -Removed the auto detect if GPU is D3D12 capable and auto set it at runtime (cause more bug than it solve).
    -Updated FFNx (correct save witch can be deleted by steam if the game crash).
    -Better Steam user management.

    -Auto detect is GPU is D3D12 capable and auto set it at runtime (fix glitchs with some ATI/AMD drivers).
    -Updated FFNx (worlmap music resume between battle optimisation).
    -Added an option to auto-disable steam overlay for FFVII to avoid bug with some gamepad not working.
    -Corrected some localised texts in worlmap.

    -Updated FFNx for some minor ingame optimisations.
    -Added help for special shortcut (speedhack, random battle...).
    -Added an option to get better shadows under models in battle.
    -Added an option to hide mouth from 3d model to get them like in psx version.
    -Corrected a bug if the steam's ff7 account is not created properly by steam.

    -Updated FFNx for correcting then ending2 movie not playing in some cases.
    -Added an option to use full log for bug reporting (just in case ^^).

    -Updated FFNx for some minor ingame correction.
    -Added options to enable or disable alpha from dialog box and battle menu.
    -Added an option to show or hide debug information real time.
    -Add an option to launch steam unmodded version if you want to test/compare
    « Last Edit: 2023-12-21 07:38:40 by satsuki »


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      • My softs (french only)
    I'll do full support on this thread too (some people tell me they can't properly register tsuna forum ATM)


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    nice  :)


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    Thanks for the update, looks great ;)


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      • My softs (french only)
    V6.00 movies iro is ready to dl ^^
    It' a big improvement other my v5 version
    I've donne the whole processing from ff7 psx iso from scratch.

    a quick comparison v5 Vs v6 :


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    The new FMV's look amazing!  Thank you so much for this pack, really appreciate it. Going to hold off with my annual FF7 playthrough until you get Aavocks UI ported over aswell. And then i can truly enjoy a FF7 Remaster :)


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      • My softs (french only)
    As soon as Aavock ui will be translated (working on it but while take some time) i'll make an iro for the menu + font and also a full installer from my pack (+kaldarasha's chaos models and myst6re's psf files) for vanilla steam, so no need for 7h nor manual tweak.

    I'll also provide a minimal UI for ffnx basic settings.



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    Every now and then I forget how incredible your upscales look, and then you push a new update to remind everyone the definitive way to play FF7


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      • My softs (french only)
    Every now and then I forget how incredible your upscales look, and then you push a new update to remind everyone the definitive way to play FF7
    Thanks ^^


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    v6 looks great!
    « Last Edit: 2021-01-05 00:17:23 by RaimeST »


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    V6.00 movies iro is ready to dl ^^
    It' a big improvement other my v5 version
    I've donne the whole processing from ff7 psx iso from scratch.

    a quick comparison v5 Vs v6 :

    wow thats a significant improvement


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    Why not try and use DAIN or something similar to make the FMVs 30fps before upscaling them?


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      • My softs (french only)
    doing some interpolation tests maybe a v6.5 for the fmv in some days/weeks ^^.


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    wow!! looks absolutely amazing
    Another question will it be possible to have a png version for The Reunion or a direct install folder setup so I can convert the dds to png myself without moving things out of many directories?


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    doing some interpolation tests maybe a v6.5 for the fmv in some days/weeks ^^.
    a 6.5 does seem necessary


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      • My softs (french only)
    wow!! looks absolutely amazing
    Another question will it be possible to have a png version for The Reunion or a direct install folder setup so I can convert the dds to png myself without moving things out of many directories?
    No you can't dds is mandatory for advanced animation feature, png is useless because way too slow for loading 100 or 1000 files for animations


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      • My softs (french only)
    a 6.5 does seem necessary
    Seems we need to have to patch ffnx of flevel because out of box 30 fps cause issues in script timing (based on waiting x fmv frame)
    So .... we'll see ^^
    All fmv processed so far but 5 show issues i need to slove too


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    Hopefully it won't be too difficult to implement (wait, fmv frames x2)


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    No you can't dds is mandatory for advanced animation feature, png is useless because way too slow for loading 100 or 1000 files for animations


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      • My softs (french only)
    Hopefully it won't be too difficult to implement (wait, fmv frames x2)
    TrueOdin tryed it's doesn't works.
    Seem related to the cam data (in moviecam.lgp).
    So he's working on it atm, and if it's ok, i'll only need to ship the modded lgp with my 30fps movie pack


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      • My softs (french only)
    30 fps movie ingame preview, look at how smooth the fmv and 3d models mouvement are now ^^ :
    some differences in 3d models animations, but not a big deal here, probabli can't optime more than that.

    now need to do the full game (again) to check each fmv just to be sure that no bug or bad path model animations


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    I want to use your mod with only the Steam version. No Reunion and no 7th Heaven. How do you install it manually?


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      • My softs (french only)
    ATM it's not possible out of box, you need to setup FFNx manualy, unpack de iros files and do manual setup
    But wait some time, i plan to do an automated installer for vanilla steam version (need to finish HD menu translation in english)


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    Two questions, Satsuki:

    • Will your upcoming "easy installer" of SYWV5+Aavock UI play nice with Reunion R06h/R07? I imagine many people will want to use both mods to get the most "definitive edition" possible of FFVII. But as you know, Reunion has its own menu overhaul and DLPB is very particular as to what mods do and don't work with Reunion.
    • Will we have the option to choose the original 15 fps FMVs for SYWV5 (and upcoming SYWV6) or will be forced to use 30 fps FMVs? I feel like 30 fps will look too smooth next to the 15 fps field/battle model animations
    « Last Edit: 2021-01-12 23:52:46 by Hyperthesis »


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      • My softs (french only)
    DLPB never share anything, i won't enter in a debate here again, but i helped him, he never returned any help or hex value i needed, he does the same with lots of devel, too bad for users but reunion will never be supported by me and my mods, and as my mod needs lastest FFNx feature and DLPB don't use it...
    long story short "never"

    fields animations are 30fps but fields animation while fmv are 15 fps so if fields is used as 15 fps with 30 fps fmv the animation is messed up.
    that's why ATM trueOdin working on make the field's animation while fmv in 30 fps, so no speedup nor slowdows feeling when doing fields to fmv transition
    so 30 fps fmv will look great with 30 fps fields aniation and it's only in this way i'll release the 30 fps fmv
    long story short you won't be able to choose because 15 fps fmv will be useless and will only degrade the game comparing to 30 fps