Author Topic: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5 - unsuported anymore  (Read 473046 times)


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Is this for that first movie that plays with Cait Siths theme or does it disable the actual credits with the Prelude song?

The first movie with Cait Sith's theme


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I don't get the point of removing my presentation, it's only a few second FMV to show you're using my work...


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Is there any way I could launch FF7 with the custom stuff from steam?


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I don't get the point of removing my presentation, it's only a few second FMV to show you're using my work...

This might sound a little odd but for me it kind of breaks the immersion by reminding me that my game is modded. My favorite kinds of mods are ones that just seem like they "belong" in the game.

I know you took an immense amount of time creating these and I'm very grateful (Seriously, THANK YOU for being so meticulous) but for me, the intro feels out of place, and since we're all modders here, finding a way to have what we like is what we do!  ;D


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I don't get the point of removing my presentation, it's only a few second FMV to show you're using my work...

I very much understand that, and I appreciate the work you put into your mod. But from a user POV, having the video play everytime that they launch the game is a bit much. It adds up over time.

Moreover, there are a lot of mods available for this game. If more mods started putting a short video that plays when launching the game, as a form of signature, it would end up overwelming pretty quickly. There's probably a conversation that should be had amongst modders about establishing a rule against such a practice.

Lastly, when only one mod amongst many installed has a signature opening video, it feels a bit gauche. "Why this mod but not that one?", one might ask.

I think having the video play by default is fine. But the addition of a parameter in the mod's settings letting the user turn off the playback of the video would be appreciated.


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I understand having your signature in something so people know that it's your work. I also understand others POV where maybe we're enabling/disabling mods for testing purposes and we want to get into the game quicker. Or like Fewtch said for immersion. Which brings me to ask: Could you or did you ever upscale the original Eidos opening video? Maybe you can add your SYW signature to that? In any case, myself, and many others really appreciate all your hard work and effort you put into this WONDERFUL mod. Thank you very much!


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My intro FMV is the same exact time that the eidos FMV so it don't take more time to launch than the vanilla game.

As for other mods, well i made an intro FMV you'll see it if you use my fmv pack, so it's logic, like jusete tag each of his fields with a signature or easter egg in it (and as i've done it myself in 3 of the 686 fields i upscaled).

Of course if you want to disable it you can, mod are make to be tweaked, but think about it, you spend more than 2000h to make a mod, you put your sign on a fmv no longer than the original one witch only play once when you launch the game, then users just remove it ... i feel sad about it, but of course do as you want.


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I like Satsuki's intro and l honestly cannot understand how a "reminder" that the game is modded can break atmosphere.

To me it has the opposite effect.

The game was made better through modding and I'm happy to be discreetly enough reminded about it. It's not like there's a permanent watermark to annoy the player with during game time, really. *That* would be breaking immersion.

We say we're all very grateful. Perhaps a small way to show it would be to "tolerate" the artist's signature video?
« Last Edit: 2021-06-04 07:32:19 by Salk »


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please help me.

In the tutorial it says that setup recognizes the game installed in the folder..
because you don't recognize mine.

which version I have to download from steam, I tried several and nothing..the installed always gives an error in the beginning.



obs: this path in the tutorial.. which version of steam does it install like this

C:eux\steamz\StaemApps\comom\Final Fantasy VII

all isos I downloaded from steam none create this way.


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seems the installer don't even launch fully.
are you sure your antivirus don't block it ?


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hello friend, I'm Brazilian, I'm communicating through google translator.

I downloaded the newest pack.

it also doesn't find installed game.
I discovered it only works if I buy a game from steam and download it there.. then it installs with the right paths.

but i wanted to install packs with version downloaded by torrent.because the guys create mods to install in that damn paid staem,
you don't know a version that don't have a ready-made installer...

friend I just wanted to change only the avatars of the characters in the game..I don't want to install anything else just change the dolls for the bigger ones.

NOTE: I wanted a mod for steam downloaded in torrent that alters only the characters and nothing else.


do you know pack.tifa-s-package-bootleg040-mods

do you know what the tifa-s-package-bootleg040-mods mod file...that modifies only the peronsgens and nothing else...

which file is responsible for changing the characters' avatars?


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no support here for pirated version.


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I installed tifas mode tifa-s-package-bootleg040-mods-updated-11-24-2013 -  FF7-Original (Unmodified)

installed everything 100% more when I press on newgame.give an error...why did this error occur?
says crash.dmp file error but is it already in the folder, or do you have to move it to another place?



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Can the direct folder version of Ninostyle models work with this? I noticed there is a "direct" folder within the separate folder for the mod, but nothing happened when I copied the files into it.


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As said in the first page
Please Use Steam AIO installer unless you want to add other mods; if you want to add more mods then use 7th Heaven 2.3 + iros (no support from me).

So if you want to add mods, go to 7th ^^, you'll find my mods and others mods


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As said in the first page
So if you want to add mods, go to 7th ^^, you'll find my mods and others mods

I just started trying to play FF7 modded today, but I'm having trouble downloading your mods from 7th. It throws "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel". This does not happens with NT or Qhimm mods. Just yours and a few others.

Edit: Had to update to the canary build of 7th.
« Last Edit: 2021-06-08 19:45:31 by rootpath »


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With regards to the intro, perhaps it would be less overbearing if it was silent?

I've always preferred the way the PSX game opened, the silent logos fading in and out were way more tasteful and dramatic than the stupid Eidos and Chocobo FMVs.


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Amazing pack satsuki! Thank you!

Just to report, the battle square wheel bug is indeed an issue with the All-in-one Installer option.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Installed FF7 fresh from Steam
2) Installed "All in-one Installer" (v5.30 + Update.v5.31)
3) Battle square wheel bug occured

1) Reinstalled FF7 Steam clean
2) Installed SYW V5 pack using 7th Heaven iro
3)  Battle square wheel appeared normal

If I choose the option "launch game unmodified" from the control panel the Battle square wheel will appear as normal. I have tried various combos of turning on and off certain mods and engines but to no avail.
« Last Edit: 2021-06-24 01:10:11 by Napper »


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Witch language do you use for your ff7 version ?
Witch option of the pack do you use ?
« Last Edit: 2021-06-24 08:08:19 by satsuki »


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Mine will be ENG!


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My version is v1.0.9 English Steam
The pack im using is
[TSUNAMODS] ( size 5.03 GB (5,408,287,962 bytes)) ( size  22.1 MB (23,232,729 bytes) )

My FFNx.toml file looks like
renderer_backend = 0
enable_antialiasing = 8
internal_resolution_scale = 4
mod_path = "SYWV5"
fullscreen = true
enable_vsync = true
preserve_aspect = false
enable_anisotropic = true
enable_animated_textures = true
use_external_music = true
external_music_path = "psf"
he_bios_path = "psf/hebios.bin"
external_music_ext = ["minipsf", "ogg"]
override_path = "SYWV5/overid"
show_version = false
show_fps = false
show_renderer_backend = false
show_stats = false
renderer_debug = false


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please take a screenshot of the launcher itself, all option are not in the ffnx config file ^^


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Ok i'll try to reproduice the bug, do you have a save file near ?


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I do indeed!

Second slot, called "Ropeway station". You'll be in the Gold Saucer and can go straight there to the battle arena.

Thanks a lot for looking into it, as I prefer your installer to 7th Heaven.