I figured the problem, when you click out of the final fantasy 7 game on steam the game still plays but the music stops
is there anyway you can fix that problem on your program please
and is there anyway you could allow us to fix the battle music as well while being on the world map please
I will look into fixing these in the next releases. In the mean time:
Version 1.0.9 dropped! Since 1.0.6 the following changes & fixes have been implemented:
General- added version number to the status bar and a simple About dialog
- fixed a couple of UI bugs and made it clearer when a value can be clicked to edit
- added a picker with a list of game moments to choose from
- ability to change current party members
- editing in-game time now accepts time in format [HH:][MM:]SS
Field- fixed some UI bugs in the Warp to Field dialog
- "Warp to Field" now also works from the world map
- you can now edit field model coordinates and direction
World Map- added "Super Speed" option for 6x the normal movement speed
- fixed editing world model coordinates
Battle- fixed a bunch of battle descriptions in the Start Battle dialog
- chocobo rating is now set up correctly when starting a chocobo battle
- added a picker for battle music when starting a battle from the field
Thanks to Phantasm and others for testing and feature ideas!