Author Topic: scene.bin / 2x difficulty mod update & download link  (Read 4214 times)

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I finally setup a link to download the newest version of the 2x mod.

Last Updated:Wednesday, 10 August 2005, 10:09:18 PM
- check the last modified date to make sure the correct file has been downloaded and report if there is any problems

just a few notes:
* The game should now be very playable and enjoyable
* The entire game should now be hard but not impossible to complete.
* Leveling should not be nessassary (but makes he game less difficult)
* You should be Level 50 or 60 by the time you finish the first disc (I think)
* you no longer need to worry about using hypers to help get your limit break due to the fact you get them much more frequently.
* now creatures who's level exceeded 99 after i increased them by 1and1/2 has been reduced to max lv.99
* beware of yuffie, she actually put up a fight this time.

* by the way im currently lv.49 at Nibelheim with some heavy leveling to be able to get all the items from the gold saucer (im not very good at the battle square.)

let me know if ive fekked up anything, ive got files all over the place at the moment.


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scene.bin / 2x difficulty mod update & download link
« Reply #1 on: 2005-08-15 08:19:13 »
Good work!

Would you say this is harder, easier, or on par with Elentors in terms of difficulty? (at least in regards to how far he has modded it).

Do you think the limit-breaks might trigger too often? Sure it`s harder and you need them, but think you shouldn`t get them every second round. But I take it nobody has found a way to tweak that yet?

Karma Fiend

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scene.bin / 2x difficulty mod update & download link
« Reply #2 on: 2005-08-15 23:54:38 »
smithie, im impressed with your work, it has inspired me to make an attempt at a custom scene.bin file...

i tried the 2x scene, and im having some difficulties at the beginning...

im going to start fresh with the original scene.bin file that ships with FF7, and make things a little more difficult, but not too drastic...

honestly, i dont think too many modifications need to be made to the original as far as the beginning of the game goes... ill make things a LITTLE harder at the beginning, but nothing crazy...

my main problem with the unmodded version, is when i reach around the costa del sol area, enemies become too easy, since by that time, you have a good amount of materia to use...

so im going to make the beginning a little more difficult, making minor difficulty upgrades to the random encounters, but focusing mainly on the bosses... once i get to costa del sol or so, i will start making the enemies even more difficult, because i think that by that time, with creative use of materia, you should be able to defeat enemies FAR more advanced than the ones presently in the unmodded game...

my only gripe with the "2x" mod, is in the first hour or so of the game, because with limited items/materia, it becomes kind of a "hit or miss" type thing... like in the very beginning, when blowing up the first reactor, if you happen to get unlucky, and have alot of random encounters before reaching guard scorpion, you are forced to use ur potions, making it difficult or impossible to escape the reactor after beating guard scorpion...

ill post back later when i make some progress on this...



ok i made some adjustments...

any monster with hitpoints under 1000 got multiplied by 1.5...

any monster with hitpoints over 1000 got multiplied by 2...

there are a few exceptions, like certain bosses...

i didnt touch anything besides hitpoints... all the rewards stayed the same, all the levels stayed the same, i strictly dealt with HP only... if i dont like the results, i may go back and change other categories, but im trying to keep it as close to original as possible...

im gonna start a new game tonight and play through, making adjustments as i go, PM me if you want a copy to try for yourself...


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scene.bin / 2x difficulty mod update & download link
« Reply #3 on: 2005-08-16 06:01:01 »
Quote from: Kinseek

Would you say this is harder, easier, or on par with Elentors in terms of difficulty? (at least in regards to how far he has modded it).

Do you think the limit-breaks might trigger too often? Sure it`s harder and you need them, but think you shouldn`t get them every second round. But I take it nobody has found a way to tweak that yet?

standard creatures tend to be about the same as elentors i think, where as the bosses later in the game tend to be harder and sometime require a bit of leveling beforehand. i find however that once you are out of midgar the gameplay is excellent.

yea you do get limit breaks alot more often and if you dont level up at all you get them too often, but i like it like that because before i had never even seen or needed to use half the limit breaks.

Quote from: Karma Fiend

honestly, i dont think too many modifications need to be made to the original as far as the beginning of the game goes... ill make things a LITTLE harder at the beginning, but nothing crazy...

-- I agree with you there. If i was going to do another one i would leave the start area fairly untouched, but this mod started out as an experiment and now i just like playing the game with it on. by the way i've just gotten up to yuffie's village and i am lv.60 cloud lv. 50 everyone else.


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scene.bin / 2x difficulty mod update & download link
« Reply #4 on: 2005-08-17 04:36:33 »
Hey smithie, sorry bout not replying..Comp wasny very friendly and decided to act up..didnt even internet for almost a week..just got back now. Stopped playing ever since, gona try your new scene from where I left off at shinra hq. i'll let you know if ever anything needs a change.

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scene.bin / 2x difficulty mod update & download link
« Reply #5 on: 2005-08-17 05:40:08 »
just found a major f..k up. when you enter the 2nd battle agains shake in the tower with yuffie it crashes instantly the cause of the crash is unknown but i do know it is something with the scene file as the original scenefile works fine. will fix it as soon as i know how and also gotta get some uni work out of the way as well.

-- edit --

my computers not been very friendly either.. just reinstalled everything. worst part about it is it wiped my copy of c++ and i dont have the money to buy a proper copy.. im sooo pissed off at everything right now :evil: .