Author Topic: If you hate Bush or America, and would find propaganda funny...  (Read 14453 times)


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This is very true and funny. Hope no bad fellings stem from this, I am an American. (Japanese in it I think, not Korean)
And if you find "Fuck'n USA" reapeated again and again bad, well don't watch...
(Hopefully this isn't agaisnt any rules...)

Emerald Weapon

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I don't think it's shocking at all, I believe hilarious is the word. Bad lyrics, bad singing and even worse asian-english pronunciation.  :wink:

I also think it's a typical example of stereotypes. Bush likes to make Kim-Jong-Il look bad in any way he possibly can without making it too obvious, and these guys, well they're just a little bit less sensitive. Also, when you say that it's very true, yes and no.

First of all, yes. It is true in the sense that they do have a point when asking why they aren't allowed to say what they want. America, as well as any other country, does not have the right to tell any country what to do, or in this case what that country can say or not say. The "truth" in this is, that America has the nasty habit of doing so, or in any case making a big fuss about it, nonetheless. And, put in a crude and simple way, going to war over things like this.

On the other hand, no. The thing is America is, AFAIK, not explicitly saying Korea cannot say or think things. They are merely warning them that if they actually carry out some of things they are speaking of (in American stereotypes "threatening to do"), Korea will have to face the consequences, whatever that may be. And, let's be honest, North-Korea is not what one would call the most democratic free state on the planet. There are definitely things "wrong" there. However, one could argue that the land of the free and the home of the brave isn't exactly what claims to be either...

This particular subject has been the subject of many interesting discussions and many more to come. One of which may start to unfold right here.  :-)


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You're free to your own opinions...

I'm not American by birth and I sure as hell don't care for the Bush administration.  This propaganda only produces hatred.  This is no different then the American propaganda against the Japanesse during World War II.  If Kim Jong Il is producing nuclear weapons and openly defying the UN, my concern lies their much more than some silly cartoon.

Quote from: Midgar
This is very true and funny.
I wasn't aware the US was responsible for the Korean War.  My understanding was the communist North invaded the South, hmm interesting.  Maybe we should ask the people in Gaeseong, Chuncheon, Uijeongbu, or Ongjin.  And that whole Olympic medal hiest.  What do you think Nazi Germany said when Jesse Owens won the gold medal?

There are many things wrong with America today, but this video addresses none of them.  This is silly propaganda spit to the North Korean people to try to justify their dictator's policies.  I'm pretty sure that it is Kim Jong Il who is preventing his people from speaking freely, not the United States.

Sad Jari

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Something worth noting, the lyrics certainly were not made by North Koreans. If I would have to bet, I wouldn't really put money on the video, either.


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Something worth noting, the lyrics certainly were not made by North Koreans. If I would have to bet, I wouldn't really put money on the video, either.
Ah well it doesn't  take away the humor of the song. I don't think it was Korean at all. I began to suspect that it could have fit the profile of Vietnam, but they mentioned North Korea... If they didn't however, it could have.
I think they may have mixed Vietnam and Korea. America aggravated the situation in Korea, had we done nothing, then they could have had a unified country, and maybe even a nondictatorship. America sure did messs up Vietnam and Korea...


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It's difficult for me to find something offensive, idiotic, and likely fake to be both funny and true.

You know...I had this gigantic post. It was about the majority of my views on the U.S., its involvements with other nations, how I feel about its government, and my overall feeling towards that video (regardless of its validity). All of my perspectives were mostly U.S.-positive. But I deleted it. Several, several paragraphs worth of information, but I couldn't post it.

I can't even post how great the U.S. is on the Internet anymore, because all that'll happen is I'll get torn apart by non-Americans and I'll become belittled with other posters telling me about how evil the U.S. government is and how stupid they are...and how stupid I am for standing alongside them. No way, I won't deal with that, not even on the Internet...


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Do it, its not like you have to go back to see what they wrote..

Sad Jari

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I can't even post how great the U.S. is on the Internet anymore, because all that'll happen is I'll get torn apart by non-Americans and I'll become belittled with other posters telling me about how evil the U.S. government is and how stupid they are...and how stupid I am for standing alongside them. No way, I won't deal with that, not even on the Internet...
Awwww. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, indeed.

I don't see the point in moaning about it; if you want to voice your support for administration that breaks most human rights, goes into offensive war to gain strategic foothold and some oooooooil - while lying about their reasons, tries to set up Orwellian society on the grounds of catching all those evil terrorists, wants the sea levels to go up by few meters if that means competitive edge for their own heavy industry, tries to boss everyone around, has this perverted notion that the latter is even their God-given duty, etc... I think that you should be prepared to hear what other people will say about it.

It is easy to support such things, if you have to deal only with your opinions. :-D

No, you won't get tiniest bit of sympathy from me.

PS. Perhaps even more to the point, why the hell would anyone even want to post how great their country is? If you have ever wondered why some people consider Americans obnoxious, wonder no more.

Do it, its not like you have to go back to see what they wrote..
Concept behind Bush foreign policy... starting to make sense... all of a sudden.


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Jari, who is your Avatar? It looks like Mao Zedong...
Zero, post it...


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I don't see the point in moaning about it; if you want to voice your support for administration that breaks most human rights, goes into offensive war to gain strategic foothold and some oooooooil - while lying about their reasons, tries to set up Orwellian society on the grounds of catching all those evil terrorists, wants the sea levels to go up by few meters if that means competitive edge for their own heavy industry, tries to boss everyone around, has this perverted notion that the latter is even their God-given duty, etc... I think that you should be prepared to hear what other people will say about it.

It is easy to support such things, if you have to deal only with your opinions. :-D

No, you won't get tiniest bit of sympathy from me.

PS. Perhaps even more to the point, why the hell would anyone even want to post how great their country is? If you have ever wondered why some people consider Americans obnoxious, wonder no more.

I knew I'd get reamed out by YOU, if I did it. And hell, I didn't even post anything. I didn't mean to imply how great the country is at large, but how great it is to me as an individual.

But I said it once, I don't want to hear it. Little that did me, as it's already been posted...why do you insist on doing this? You know as well as I that regardless of what you say, it won't change my mind any.


  • Covarr-Let
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Ugh. I am afraid of this turning into a flame war.

I dislike Bush, personally, yet I loathe most of the negative "humor" I see about him. It's like, everybody thinks that comparing him to a chimp is funny and original. I have seen a few anti-Bush jokes that I actually enjoyed, but for the most part it's just idiotic. I'm just glad that this video didn't go so far as to compare him to Hitler, as I've seen done before.

I say, come on, at least complain about something real and intelligent, such as the fact that he sent troops to Iraq rather than Iran, which would have made more sense.

Emerald Weapon

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First of all I would like to ask you to please still post your ideas on this matter, being an American citizen. I think it's interesting and worth discussing. So, if you would, thanks.

I knew I'd get reamed out by YOU, if I did it. And hell, I didn't even post anything. I didn't mean to imply how great the country is at large, but how great it is to me as an individual.

Do not take Jari's post as a personal attack. (Why do people always do this?)
He has a "slightly different view" on the whole situation than you and is being rather straightforward, but that shouldn't be reason for you to not post your ideas, right?

But I said it once, I don't want to hear it. Little that did me, as it's already been posted...why do you insist on doing this? You know as well as I that regardless of what you say, it won't change my mind any.

I do not understand why you wouldn't want to hear it. You are "defending" a government that is hated by many, many people all over the world, so reactions to it might just be that bit heavier than normal.
Also, saying that it won't change your mind anyway, it doesn't have to. That's not, contrary to what many people think, the main goal of a discussion. The goal is to explain your views and point out why you support them, so that your counterparts might understand why you do. That doesn't mean either side has to be convinced of the "truth".

If you simply do not want to hear it because you do not want to, you should've refrained from posting in the first place. No offence.

So, if you would post, that'd be nice.


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Being an American, I see the retards getting the foods that they do not deseve. Retards take away from the productive citizens of other countries, which require less, and produce more. Not to mention the normal wastes of the people. As an American, I see waste everywhere, lights not turning off, water facet running, taking a bite of food and discarding it. I see prevailent waste and the dying are in the other countries. We can take as much as we want and leave nothing to show it, and then throw the wastes into their areas. That is the reason why America looks so nice. Not to mention the quality of life versus the quanity. Why should we send medications into areas like Africa and Estonia? I think we should give them food so that the strong can survive and make it, not the weak and sickly, and the strong eating the foods and all dying from malnutrition. Why should we save a live just because we can? Because its right to have another drain on scociety, and saving them makes us feel good about ourselves?

I see a bully at a small school, who likes to make big friends and have strong ideas, and also likes to take the milk from another boy. However the boy is being controlled by his medications. The bully searches through his bookbag and takes them. Now he asks him for some of his milk, and the boy agrees. The bully gives him some new medication so that he could give him more milk the next day.

This is my idea of America. Its good to me but bad to others. I can eat and get fat, and then purge it later because I eat too much. Too bad the starving kids only have one option.

Sad Jari

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Jari, who is your Avatar? It looks like Mao Zedong...
Why, it is Neo Jong-Il, hero of the working man and saviour of the Matrix, not to mention the One. :-D

It's actually cropped from this. Which must be the first time a head of state is trying to impersonate - or cosplay if you will - Neo. :P It might be coincidence, but it's about as close as you can get without looking totally ridiculous with the shades and all. :)

He has been photographed with Mickey Mouse ears, so who knows, maybe it is intentional.

I knew I'd get reamed out by YOU, if I did it.
See, me being the head of anti-Dubya mafia here, it's kinda my duty. :P

No, I'm just amused by your approach, that's all. See, we have had the "kill all ragheads"-people before. And we have had the "your stinking UN ruins our New York"-people before, too. We have had people who really like post "funny" pictures, when they run out of arguments. And we have had people who go totally nuts and afterwards blame multiple personality disorder (and hell, I'm not even making these up). But I've never seen a person who moans about people being mean to him if he supports W, even before posting anything.

Well, that and your comment about how great the U.S. is sounded like a schoolbook example of American Exceptionalism.

But I said it once, I don't want to hear it. Little that did me, as it's already been posted...why do you insist on doing this? You know as well as I that regardless of what you say, it won't change my mind any.
I don't insist anything, silly. :) I'm perfectly aware that there will be no changing of minds, I'm just curious about your reasoning.

Whether you'll post it, instead of just complaining how mean people will be, is up to you. Usually this is a pretty nice place to discuss politics and at least in the past the people who got personal in our discussions have been on your side of the fence.

Your arguments might take a beating, but that's discussion. :)

I'm just glad that this video didn't go so far as to compare him to Hitler, as I've seen done before.
Seeing that some W's methods are similar to those used by Hitler, what is the problem?


  • Covarr-Let
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Bush didn't kill nearly as many as Hitler did, nor did he order scientific experiments done on twins and other such genetic anamolies, nor does he send citizens of HIS OWN COUNTRY to gas chambers.

An idiot, Bush certainly is. Bad at decision making, very much so. An evil man set on killing all but a "master race" he is not.
« Last Edit: 2006-07-07 18:55:40 by Covarr »

Sad Jari

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Bush didn't kill nearly as many as Hitler did, nor did he order scientific experiments done on twins and other such genetic anamolies, nor does he send citizens of HIS OWN COUNTRY to gas chambers.
1) So, the evil is in the numbers? :)

2) Are you sure that Hitler - in person - did?

For that matter, twins are very popular subject for all kinds of studies all around the world because they offer the best control group possible; the other twin. You didn't mean this, but I just thought that I should point that out.

3) Does lethal injection count? He did very well on that account, while being a governor. :)

But more to the point, why the caps on "HIS OWN COUNTRY"? Is it less evil to gas citizens of another country? :P

An idiot, Bush certainly is. Bad at decision making, very much so. An evil man set on killing all but a "master race" he is not.
How about a ruling class, which rules America, which in turn rules the world, then?

Are you familiar with PNAC and their agenda? Many members of Bush administration, often the people who make the actual decisions, are members. And surprise surprise, the administration agenda follows closely PNAC agenda.

Google PNAC and see for yourself from their very own homepage.


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Quote from: PNAC Homepage
The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle.
This is just simply funny propaganda - so we're getting back on-topic  :-P
Somehow, this reminds me of Team America...

 - Alhexx


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Well, let's see:

-I find this propaganda quiet unfair. America is not Bush (the same way Spain was not Jose Maria Aznar when we entered the Irak war). Is not very different than Bin Laden's propaganda. I'm openly anti-Bush, but not anti-American. There is a lot of great people in the history of America that must not be forgoten. Besides, Kim Jong Il isn't exactly the kind of person I'd lose my time defending.

-About your last message Midgard, I wonder if you've thought about your "survival of the strongest" policy carefully. Everyone gets sick sooner or later. More importantly, everyone ends up growing old and improductive. Must those individuals get discarded by society? Keep in mind that it will eventually happen to you, to your familiars and friends. Also don't forget the fact that stronger doesn't necesarily mean more productive. Who is more productive, Stephen Hawkins or a profesional football player?


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I am a conservative and I have to say that I also believe that Bush isn't the most...competant...president we've ever had - don't get me wrong, he's not the least competant either, but he's certainly not as good as he could be.  But to compare him to Hitler?!  I laugh at such a juxtaposition!  Bush may not be a strong, great leader, but he's not a mass murderer.


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  Bush may not be a strong, great leader, but he's not a mass murderer.

Actually, Hitler was a strong, great leader, so the comparison really doesn't fit!  :-P


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-About your last message Midgard, I wonder if you've thought about your "survival of the strongest" policy carefully. Everyone gets sick sooner or later. More importantly, everyone ends up growing old and improductive. Must those individuals get discarded by society? Keep in mind that it will eventually happen to you, to your familiars and friends. Also don't forget the fact that stronger doesn't necesarily mean more productive. Who is more productive, Stephen Hawkins or a profesional football player?
Of course that there will be exceptions. I guess my thoughts were ruthless, but keep in mind that if the sickly were discarded by scociety, the world would be a better place. Now, on the humanitarian side of my mind, I cry out "NO!". But if you think about it, for a long time, you can see what I mean. Its not good for you, but it will aid the world in a way greater way.


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Quote from: Midgar
Being an American, I see the retards getting the foods that they do not deseve.

When I first saw this, I reserved judgement.  I thought that maybe you meant Americans were "retarded" in general because they are so wasteful.  Lets face it, Americans do use the majority of the world's resources whether it is energy, food, or fuel.  I suppose you made yourself clear.

So you propose Involuntary nice.  This term is also more or less known as murder.

Quote from: Midgar
I guess my thoughts were ruthless, but keep in mind that if the sickly were discarded by scociety, the world would be a better place.

Wow, thats a quote to remember.  So what would define a person as sickly?  Better yet, who would have the power to not only define "sickly", but also diagnose it, leading to the individual's...err sorry "retard's" death?

Who do you thinks wastes more resources, this "retard" taken care of at a hospital or residence, or some Hummer driving, fast-food crazed, always leaves the water running and lights on Average Joe American?

Quote from: Midgar
But if you think about it, for a long time, you can see what I mean. Its not good for you, but it will aid the world in a way greater way.

I have helped both physically and mentally challenged children.  They are all children and I'm amazed that someone could put such a low value on life.  These people have emotion, comprehension, and needs just like any other person.  Why can't they live?  It's far worse to be called an idiot than a retard.  Retards don't have a choice, they play the cards they were given.  Idiots either choose to remain uneducated or achieve blind ignorance.  In my opinion, your posts stink of ignorance.

So kids, lets put our thinking caps on and "think about it, for a long time" to "aid the world in a way greater way."

Option #1 Involuntary Euthanasia
Lets go on a killing spree for all the retards YAY!!!

Option #2 Conservation?
What's this talk that scientists around the world have been shouting for years?  Conservation and replenishment of natural resources?  While they urged the issue, American Big Business was able to put the stigma of "Tree Hugging Hippie" on those that followed it.  We all know that George W. Bush doesn't know what conservation is.

Well Midgar, I hope your close family lives a long and wonderful life with you.  As the years go by and your family and friends retire and are no longer serving the society, much like these "retards" you described, figure out if their is an appropriate time for their euthanizing.


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I understand why you got a bit angry Otokoshi, but you've been too agresive. I'm not a good speaker so I don't think I'll be able to change your mind Midgard, but at least I'll try.
You said that It would be better for the society. But let me ask you, how would that help? There would be some resources saving but... do you really think that there is a lack of resources? I mean, the UN has calculated that the CURRENT production of food it's enough to feed twice the current population.
The only problem is the distribution of all those resources. And take it for sure, those who you call sick are consuming an insignificant pice of the pie.


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Quote from: Borde
I understand why you got a bit angry Otokoshi, but you've been too agresive.

Aggressive? No, I'm being blunt.  An aggressor is trying to instigate a confrontation.  I merely quoted his own words and gave him some thoughts to think about.  The guy wants to kill off all the retarded persons of the world and I'm called aggressive.  HA!  :lol:

Quote from: Me
Well Midgar, I hope your close family lives a long and wonderful life with you.  As the years go by and your family and friends retire and are no longer serving the society, much like these "retards" you described, figure out if their is an appropriate time for their euthanizing.

If this is the aggression you are refering to, I suppose its hard to convey sarcasim with worded text.  Though I do wish Midgar and his loved ones the best, I really do, I hope he takes this thought to heart.  Maybe then he can appreciate the value of a life a little greater.


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Well, sorry if I ofended you Otokoshi.