just a few suggestion
I wanted translate ff7 to Czech labguage 4years ago(i didnt know about this forum), i used Cosmo, this editor is good bt for translating bad. I wrote email to ficedula, but no respose(too late, quit of develop?)
Some years later I found Sapphire, this program looked great, but I got some errors.
Just why isnt cosmo good for translating, loveless is simmilar
some areas have same or very similar text, eg.m1stin, m1_1, m1_2,... I must all translate again and again, I just need some bind this area together, if I change in m1stin, it change m1_1, m1_2,... too.
All text in m1stin is same as text in m1_1, ..., so If I translate all text in m1stin, I want atomatic translate(copy, update) in m1_1, ...
Next is order of areas, I think that best order is in file maplist in flevel.lpg, there area have good order for translating. Of course best is order of areas as game is played. Good can be just enter name of area to edit, dont need choose from list.
It is long time i cant remeber all reason why was translating bad.
(i dont mention nationals characters, this is not problem of text editor)
If I write somethig stupid, so sorry.