Author Topic: Pat Condell: Hello angry Christians  (Read 4328 times)


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Re: Pat Condell: Hello angry Christians
« Reply #1 on: 2007-09-27 18:05:34 »


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Re: Pat Condell: Hello angry Christians
« Reply #2 on: 2007-10-04 08:22:05 »
That video was pretty funny.  He lost me when he talked about praying to Elvis though.  His whole point was how he was anti-combative towards Christians, but by mocking their belief that makes him no better than the ones saying he will burn in hell.  Disprove it fine, but I think everyone's beliefs should at least be respected, whether you're Christian, Buddhist, or Atheist.  What does he expect "believers" to say to him?  He mocked their belief in something, can they mock his belief in...nothing?  No, they're going to push on him what they believe are the consequences of his actions, eternal damnation.

Since I came to the US, I've found atheists mock Christianity but not other major world religions.  Why is that?  Is it because that is the country's largest followed religion?  If someone is being "naive" to you and believes in a greater power that gives them comfort, why do you care?  If someone believed in the Giant Spaghetti Monster as their deity, I don't care.  It just seems like 99% of conflicts today are started by what color you are, who you have sex with, and who you do/or do not pray to.  I guess it shows as a society we haven't come far, which Pat Condell pointed out nicely.  I just seems to me if your a true "believer" in a deity or atheism, you wouldn't go around pushing your beliefs or confronting those with differing ones.  Both sides are certainly guilty of both.

Box Kitten is adorable.  :-D
« Last Edit: 2007-10-04 08:28:38 by Otokoshi »


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Re: Pat Condell: Hello angry Christians
« Reply #3 on: 2007-10-04 21:36:59 »
What does he expect "believers" to say to him?  He mocked their belief in something, can they mock his belief in...nothing?  No, they're going to push on him what they believe are the consequences of his actions, eternal damnation.

Oh, I suspect that that's pretty much exactly what he wants. :) Well, that and to make people laugh, since he is a former stand-up comedian, nowadays a writer.

Since I came to the US, I've found atheists mock Christianity but not other major world religions.  Why is that?  Is it because that is the country's largest followed religion?

Maybe. Might also be because they are most familiar with it, or some of them might be cultural relativists to some degree, meaning that they might see the concept of religion silly in modern western culture, but are less judgmental when it comes to cultures of other kind.

Or they don't see other religions as 'their business', or they simply don't see a point in mocking other religions in a place where there are not that many believers of the said religions to listen to them.


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Re: Pat Condell: Hello angry Christians
« Reply #4 on: 2007-10-05 01:14:29 »
Quote from: El Ammo Bandito
Oh, I suspect that that's pretty much exactly what he wants.  :-) Well, that and to make people laugh, since he is a former stand-up comedian, nowadays a writer.

Ah, that makes more sense why he is so vocal about it.  You're not a good comedian if you don't draw attention to yourself and poke a little fun here and there.  Never heard of Pat Condell, but this all makes perfect sense now.  Worried he was some sort of Atheist televangelist or something.  :-D

Quote from: El Ammo Bandito
Maybe. Might also be because they are most familiar with it, or some of them might be cultural relativists to some degree, meaning that they might see the concept of religion silly in modern western culture, but are less judgmental when it comes to cultures of other kind.

Or they don't see other religions as 'their business', or they simply don't see a point in mocking other religions in a place where there are not that many believers of the said religions to listen to them.

I see your point.  It could also be that other religions in the US are just not as vocal here about "converting" you.  If you fly below the radar and not annoy people you won't be a target I suppose.


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Re: Pat Condell: Hello angry Christians
« Reply #5 on: 2007-10-23 12:56:47 »
It could also be that Christians are the most fervent about trying to force their beliefs on others. I mean, never mind the past transgressions of the Crusades and the Inquisition, but now adays they still do try to force their beliefs on people, and sigh with pity as you laugh at them. It's really all very frightening when thinking of humanity's hope for the future.


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Re: Pat Condell: Hello angry Christians
« Reply #6 on: 2007-10-23 20:50:07 »
Oh my poor head... thanks for that I needed it.

Oh and sorry for being an asshat El Ammo Bandito, but my poor head was in a very very strange place there for a while.

Onwards and upwards I guess    8-)
« Last Edit: 2007-10-23 20:54:26 by alternate »