Author Topic: Real Life believes  (Read 60109 times)


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #100 on: 2008-04-25 06:24:45 »
I just find it funny that the discussion went from the lifestream to the chaos theory and "butthurt christfags". The fact I'm reading this with a Mickeys in hand just makes it worse.

Yes I am an alcoholic. No I don't care how you feel about it.

Dias Flac

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #101 on: 2008-04-25 14:37:50 »
What is so fulfilling about religion anyway?  Religious morals really are obsolete and ignorant.  Why can't humans live without religion, its like humans in modern times are bound to end up with a religion.  Are humans that weak? 
I'm a pantheist, not an atheist. (there is a difference)  I only became a pantheist after an event of an aesthetic experience, which religious people always seem to put under the rug no matter what kind of aesthetic experience it is.  Soon after, I found myself thinking differently, and later I discovered through my own logic and reasoning, that my morals were superior to those with a religion.  Why?  Because I never wanted to believe in a mystical adoration like God.  I now know from my previous experience of nature, that there are much more pleasant things in the Universe than a God.  I've never had the urge to hurt somebody, or lie to somebody, or to have ugly, pointless, uncontrollable sex.  I've never had the urge to do anything that humans have defined as being "terrible" because I believe in the universal nature around us, not a God.



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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #102 on: 2008-04-25 16:04:44 »
[flame]   Who decided your morals are superior to someone elses?  You?  I thought so.   Just because the world has declared what is right and wrong doesn't necessarily make them that way.  Your belief that you have superior morals only shows how immature you are.  Just because you claim to leave a perfect and sinless life makes you a liar.  If you have never had the urge hurt someone then you are a pushover who will go nowhere in life,  if you've never lied then you need to realize your own denial,  if you've never had "ugly, pointless, uncontrollable sex" then you're probably still a teenager who wishes he/she would be noticed by the opposite (or same) sex.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Pantheism does involve the belief in God (or at least an eternal existence).  That's why it's not atheism.  [/flame]

P.S.  The majority of my beliefs lay in Pantheism.  And please try to refrain from getting "butthurt"; if you want a debate then let's have a calm and mature one.

Dias Flac

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #103 on: 2008-04-25 16:45:56 »
Well, I suppose if you'd have my mind, you would understand.  It is undeniable that religious people are quite violent.  Just examine the war that is going on today, it's all because of blind faith.  Hmmm..

1. i have no reason to use violence because there is such a thing as reasoning through language.
2. i have no reason to lie to anyone cause the world I know is awesome and real.
3. i'm sure teenagers crave sexual lust when they are about 13 or something, thinking about sex all the time instead of love will get you HIV, so yes I have discarded sex from my mind, and no i don't try to get attention sexually because I'll get HIV.
4. i don't use the ten commandments, my morals are setup much more different, sort of complex and confusing.
5. go read Dr. Dawkins book the "god delusion"
6. pantheism uses the term God as an entity of nature and the physical laws of science and not of an omnipotent being.
7. i'm pretty sure someone one could tell if I'm a good person or not, so far people I know, know that I am a good person, so that leads me to believe that I am a good person.
8. take it easy on me, i'm only 17. :-D


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #104 on: 2008-04-25 18:48:34 »
3. i'm sure teenagers crave sexual lust when they are about 13 or something, thinking about sex all the time instead of love will get you HIV, so yes I have discarded sex from my mind, and no i don't try to get attention sexually because I'll get HIV.

While power of suggestion might indeed be great, I'm pretty sure that you are about as likely to get HIV from thinking about sex, as you are to get pregnant from thinking about sex. Hmmm... immaculate conception. Yummy.

They... uh... told you about condoms in school? Please say yes.

Dias Flac

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #105 on: 2008-04-25 19:05:23 »
Yes they told me about condoms in school, which is a terrible thing to say to a child or teenager.  You wanna know why??
Because it basically tell kids to go out and have sex with a condom so they can be safe.  Wearing a condom when you make pseudo love to your partner is basically telling them that you hate them and you don't want to raise a child together and live happily ever after.  Sure you would get some protection from HIV, but you would still get what I like to call "mental HIV"
Face it.  Sex is a psychological killer.  Humans have sex just to fulfill there needs that should not even exist, but memetically speaking they sadly do exist.  Humans use the acts of reproduction to have unnecessary sex, and they don't even make love to ensure the survival of the human species only as a responsible decision, people nowadays just do it non-stop; if you disagree then you must be a fool.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #106 on: 2008-04-25 19:24:49 »
Yes they told me about condoms in school, which is a terrible thing to say to a child or teenager.  You wanna know why??

Yes. Very terrible. Because it would be so much nicer if all those teenagers who are busy hating each other getting some would just drop dead. Literally.

Because it basically tell kids to go out and have sex with a condom so they can be safe.  Wearing a condom when you make pseudo love to your partner is basically telling them that you hate them and you don't want to raise a child together and live happily ever after.  Sure you would get some protection from HIV, but you would still get what I like to call "mental HIV"

Darn it, you should only have sex to make babies, with someone you plan to spend the rest of your life with. Preferably in the dark, under covers and dressed.

Surely it can't be something that two people can enjoy together? Oh noes! Not at all! For it is handiwork of the Satan! Satan, I tell you! I sound sufficiently Fred Phelps-like?

Face it.  Sex is a psychological killer.  Humans have sex just to fulfill there needs that should not even exist, but memetically speaking they sadly do exist.  Humans use the acts of reproduction to have unnecessary sex, and they don't even make love to ensure the survival of the human species only as a responsible decision, people nowadays just do it non-stop; if you disagree then you must be a fool.

Face it. Sex isn't evil just because you can't get any.

Dias Flac

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #107 on: 2008-04-25 20:09:20 »
Hah!!  Good!  I hate sex and the idea of sex!  When the time comes my child will be super awesome!
I wonder what your kid is gonna turn out like??


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #108 on: 2008-04-25 20:18:42 »
I'd settle for sane.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #109 on: 2008-04-25 20:29:20 »
Well I feel that obese went a little bit far with the flame but I will admit that he has alot of valid points. Also "it is undeniable that religous people are violent"....uhhh no they aren't, under most circumastances I have found that religous people avoid conflict all together but if they only SAY they believe in their religion then they probably won't follow it.

an example of this would be: a christian who claims to be religious but has casual sex when it is unholy to do so before marrige, as long as they are actually commited to the religion then there should not be any aggressive behavior in that person.

Also I wouldn't declare that "my morals are superior to others" because you are most likely lying or delluded into believing that and may also indicate that you have a very egotistical personality (emphasis on the word MAY). Also, just because you don't believe in religion and that it is holding humanity back doesn't mean that you are right, let people decide for themselves.

Lastly, I can't see why you would hate the idea of sex unless it was because you feel as if the opposite sex wouldn't like you. That was just a hypothosis by the way so let it be known that I am not saying that it is true. And your child will be like every other child in the world, nothing special.

Dias Flac

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #110 on: 2008-04-25 21:11:58 »
Its not that I don't feel that the opposite sex doesn't like, I just don't want to be an STD infected swinger.
My version or idea of "sex" is much much much MUCH more passionate to those of the people I know.  Many people I know have sex with their partners just to shut them up or avoid later confrontation of some simple minded obstacle in their lives.  Is that moral or love?  No.  From my point of view, sex has become immature and violent.  If you don't believe me, just look at the rape statistics.
  People act like they have to always insert their penises into a woman's flower of life everytime to make love; no!  Just holding your partner in your arms in your own skin and knowing in both of your minds that you care for each other is considered love making in my book.  Reproducing is just a responsible and adult decision in a couple's life.

Dias Flac

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #111 on: 2008-04-25 21:16:48 »
Oh yeah.  By the way.  I was just comparing my morals to some religious people I know or know of, not to every single person on the planet.  I'm obviously much cooler than Osama bin Laden or Saddam Huessen.  They can't even make their God appear to make them Final Fantasy VII mods!  hahahahaaa!!   
  Sorry if I offended anyone!!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D
« Last Edit: 2008-04-25 21:19:05 by Dias Flac »


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #112 on: 2008-04-25 22:12:40 »
Good reply. In the last arguement I was just in every time I would say something, no matter what it was, the antagonist would always come back with an offensive remark that sometimes had no relevence. And to your newly revised morals to sex, I agree, sex has become much too casual especially among's shocking as well as sad. (hopefully I don't get a "you only say that cuz you can't get any" remark)


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #113 on: 2008-04-26 05:46:00 »
Its not that I don't feel that the opposite sex doesn't like, I just don't want to be an STD infected swinger.
My version or idea of "sex" is much much much MUCH more passionate to those of the people I know.  Many people I know have sex with their partners just to shut them up or avoid later confrontation of some simple minded obstacle in their lives.  Is that moral or love?  No.  From my point of view, sex has become immature and violent.  If you don't believe me, just look at the rape statistics.

Shouldn't you... I dunno, have some sex in the first place, before you start making statements? You know, so that you'd know what you are talking about. Just consider it research, if you get moral obstacles otherwise.

People act like they have to always insert their penises into a woman's flower of life everytime to make love; no!  Just holding your partner in your arms in your own skin and knowing in both of your minds that you care for each other is considered love making in my book.  Reproducing is just a responsible and adult decision in a couple's life.

Oh! I almost forgot.

Top Ten Female sex fantasies. Read it and weep.

Methinks that them girlies might want bit more than a hug occasionally.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #114 on: 2008-04-26 08:47:49 »
Uhh...El Ammo I wouldn't suggest telling people to go have sex, especially when they are pretty much against it in the first place. You don't even know how old he is and you're telling him to go have sex and THEN and ONLY then talk about how bad it is....that's pretty pointless and hypocritical for him don't you think?

As well as the fact that since we don't know what his age is, it is a possibility that you could be telling him to break the law (applies if he is under 18) and let's not forget that there is a risk to having sex. I won't say that it's bad but if you just randomly have it with people you barely know or don't care for then you're pretty much asking for alot of trouble.



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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #115 on: 2008-04-26 09:50:45 »
I believe that Jari was just being sarcastic... And Dias Flac already said that he is 17, so I'm pretty sure that he is 17 today too.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #116 on: 2008-04-26 12:20:38 »
Uhh...El Ammo I wouldn't suggest telling people to go have sex, especially when they are pretty much against it in the first place. You don't even know how old he is and you're telling him to go have sex and THEN and ONLY then talk about how bad it is....that's pretty pointless and hypocritical for him don't you think?

Like dziugo said, he is 17. Unless he lied to us, of course. Old enough to have sex.

Am I suggesting that? Or am I questioning the validity of his claims, when he doesn't seem to have any idea what he is talking about?

Besides, he might even cheer up if he got some.

As well as the fact that since we don't know what his age is, it is a possibility that you could be telling him to break the law (applies if he is under 18) and let's not forget that there is a risk to having sex. I won't say that it's bad but if you just randomly have it with people you barely know or don't care for then you're pretty much asking for alot of trouble.

Doesn't apply where I live, doesn't apply in several (most?) US states, certainly doesn't apply in Spain for example... age of consent is actually under 18 in most countries. Perhaps you should read up, before you start making claims?

Pray tell, what risk this might be? Risk of getting beat up by an angry boyfriend? He should learn to run faster, in that case. Risk of discovering that sex might actually be fun and enjoyable? Ooohhhhh, that would be bad.

I believe that Jari was just being sarcastic...

Just a little bit.  :-D

EDIT: Oops, sorry dziugo. Your name is really hard to type. :-P
« Last Edit: 2008-04-26 14:19:59 by El Ammo Bandito! »


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #117 on: 2008-04-26 12:38:03 »

Pray tell, what risk this might be? Risk of getting beat up by an angry boyfriend? He should learn to run faster, in that case.


Dias Flac

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #118 on: 2008-04-26 17:13:05 »
Yes I am 17, seriously, no joke, not even kidding, why would I lie about such a trivial thing???  I see what your trying to do El Ammo (let me reassure you that I'm not trying to be condescending about this) your trying to present me with random information to keep me from proving a point.  And my point is that MODERN sex is stupid.  Sex wouldn't have gotten to where its at now if so many people hadn't taken it the wrong way.  So many things have become so easy to identify as being sexual; like for instance, a woman in a tight leather, "skimpy" police uniform with 10 layers of makeup on her face can be defined as being lustful or sexual.  Is this a joke?  If its really true, it just shows how weak the human species is.  This type of attitude of finding a woman in a "skimpy" police uniform sexual, is just adding to our already unstable urges for sex.  These new developed urges created from stupidity, make sex so vile and disgusting.  I mean come on now, penis enlargement pills (if your partner really does love you, he\she would accept you no matter what)  and all these different sexual positions, like anal sex!!!!!  Seriously, do you really want faeces on your penis??? 

And that age of consent crap is just ludicrous.  And no, I don't need to have sex to find out if I would like it or not, because I already know that I don't like it.  Even if they do have protection, there still at risk, condoms can break ya know.  Did I mention the STD's?  Below 18....  I take it that none of you've seen a young pregnant teenager struggle psychological, financially, and physically with the burden of her child.  Your trying to intertwine morality with laws.  And be honest, some laws are really dumb, and the age of consent one is really dumb.  If any of you plan to have kids or already have kids, would you let them go out and have sex with a person they are supposedly in love with before there 18??  The perfect age of consent should really be somewhere in between 25 - 30.

Finally to the point that El Ammo made about womens sexual fantasies. 
Of course women have these sexual fantasies because their men or partners have already presented them with sex, so they are bound to end up thinking about doing more explicit things in sex.  They are trained by their partners to want more and more sex.  And there is always the possibility of their partner having sex with someone else, think of what that could lead to: STD's, rape, and possibly death!  Maybe men should actually try and do what I had said to do to make love, who knows it might be much more romantic and passionate, and you might learn something about your partner, rather than having your woman get penetrated by two different guys.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #119 on: 2008-04-26 17:37:35 »
I like sex.
My girlfriend wants it all the time.
I see no problem with this.
Sex = The shit.
No sex = Plain shit.
My point is, I like sex, I have sex lots, and I don't objectify people, and I have no worries about my girlfriend having sex with someone else, just because we have sex and don't "make love".


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #120 on: 2008-04-26 17:40:07 »
This really should be split into two topics, with this half going to Completely Unrelated.

Dias Flac, I completely understand what you're trying to say, and I agree it's almost disgusting that humans are hardwired to have sex a lot and then die as if that's our only purpose in life. But at the same time, I'm going to have to take a shot in the dark and guess you're a virgin, because it's pretty obvious you have no clue about pleasing a girl. Romance and passion, sure, but that's not enough. Does the term "g-spot" mean anything to you? Plus all girls are different. One might fantasize about banging you in the ass with a strap-on, another might be old fashioned and just want missionary, then another will be a dumbass that thinks she's in love just because you've got money in your wallet. And I dare say most girls, at least in my experience, confuse lust and love far too often. Being romantic and being too "soft" WILL push a lot of girls away.
Well, there's way too damn much to fill you in on. Find yourself a crazy chick without STDs who wants you to choke her out while you're going at it, ignore all thoughts that go like "I shouldn't do this", stop trying to suppress your instincts trying to go against nature, and then read what you just wrote and tell us you still agree. You're not going to.

Dias Flac

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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #121 on: 2008-04-26 18:00:20 »
Uugh..  I've had enough of this.  Maybe I'm becoming so powerful that I'm taking a whole new route in evolution!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #122 on: 2008-04-26 18:06:57 »
These new developed urges...

Yeah, right.

...created from stupidity, make sex so vile and disgusting.  I mean come on now, penis enlargement pills (if your partner really does love you, he\she would accept you no matter what)  and all these different sexual positions, like anal sex!!!!!  Seriously, do you really want faeces on your penis???

Gee, I was under the impression that scat play and anal sex were two different things. If you really want to know, I'm not into scat (that being said; if someone else is... it's their business and their business only - I don't mind), but anal sex can be great and I find it particularly enjoyable if a girl massages my prostate while performing oral sex on me. And yes, you give a prostate massage by sticking your finger up someone's ass - because that's pretty much the only way to reach it.

Maybe you should try it, before you declare it evil.

And no, I don't need to have sex to find out if I would like it or not, because I already know that I don't like it.

:-D are trolling, right? Have been since you started posting in this thread, I presume.

Even if they do have protection, there still at risk, condoms can break ya know.  Did I mention the STD's?  Below 18....  I take it that none of you've seen a young pregnant teenager struggle psychological, financially, and physically with the burden of her child.

Yes, condoms can break. Feel free to have sex without one, if you'd prefer. Also, you do not seem to understand that condoms (98% effective against unwanted pregnancy) can be used together with other methods of contraception, including morning after pills and even abortion.

Fact: one doesn't get pregnant in this day and age, unless one either wants to, or is extremely careless or stupid.

And finally; you assume too much. Details, however, are something I will not discuss here, or with you.

Your trying to intertwine morality with laws.  And be honest, some laws are really dumb, and the age of consent one is really dumb.  If any of you plan to have kids or already have kids, would you let them go out and have sex with a person they are supposedly in love with before there 18??


The perfect age of consent should really be somewhere in between 25 - 30.

Preferably over 80. Would take care of the entire problem in one generation.

Finally to the point that El Ammo made about womens sexual fantasies. 
Of course women have these sexual fantasies because their men or partners have already presented them with sex, so they are bound to end up thinking about doing more explicit things in sex.  They are trained by their partners to want more and more sex.  And there is always the possibility of their partner having sex with someone else, think of what that could lead to: STD's, rape, and possibly death!  Maybe men should actually try and do what I had said to do to make love, who knows it might be much more romantic and passionate, and you might learn something about your partner, rather than having your woman get penetrated by two different guys.

Ooooookay. Yeah, that must be it. :-D

EDIT: Especially considering your email address... you are trolling. But you are fairly amusing troll, indeed. :-)
« Last Edit: 2008-04-26 18:14:02 by El Ammo Bandito! »


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #123 on: 2008-04-26 18:09:38 »
Uugh..  I've had enough of this.  Maybe I'm becoming so powerful that I'm taking a whole new route in evolution!!!!!!!!!

Extinction is nothing new.


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Re: Real Life believes
« Reply #124 on: 2008-04-26 18:19:22 »
....that was a VERY random comment you just made there...
El Ammo, I wasn't sure about his and that was why I tried to be so vague about it. And there are SOME states in the U.S that have that rule but he might not live there. And the way you said "maybe you should read up before you start making claims", first off I didn't make any claims I made a bunch of "what if" questions, if I claimed anything then I would have said something like:
"he's underage to have sex" but what I DID say was that it was a possibility that he is underage.

Secondly I don't like how you said it, even though I just explained how the whole "read up" thing didn't apply here it still makes it seem as though you treat everyone here with no respect except maybe squeeble, why squeeble? because the whole time you've been here he's the only one you didn't insult

And as for dias, the whole "trying to intertwine morality with law" thing: I was telling everyone here that El Ammo was telling you to go have sex when it may or may not be illegal and I think it should be noted that Law vs. morality is YOUR DECISION no-one else's