Hi all
Some say it's the best mod for Final Fantasy VII
Some say that it's the best thing man has made since sliced bread
All we know it's called NPC-RP v0.7 ooo wait it called FF7-PRP v0.1
FF7-PRP is short Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project
But b4 i give the link out need to say some stuff
(1) This is a call to all on the forum that can make FF7 models. I ask you to join the team to make one or two models
(2) THANKS To Sword & Cazador of the Qhimm forum for beta tester the patch
(3) I removed all safety check's for this patch, all them will be turned back on in the next patch
Sorry i was so late with this. Been having some pc probs
As all of us on the team are busy now days. The chance of us getting this patch done is slim. So we need some people that can make model's.
What we looking for ?
(1) Model's that are like the ones we have done
(2) some that can make a min of 3 new model's
There are no Pictures right now. I haven't had time to take any
Will take some soon or if you can take some i will put them on the 1st post so people can see them and put your name below the Picture
The patch has some Beta model's in there they won't crash the game tho
Please note that the patch is HIGHLY Experimental
Ok i been keeping you from Downloading it here we are
1st your going to need a max install of FF7 and in its default location
:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII
Right here we are i got all the bugs i think
time for some Q/A
What mods will work with this one
None ( The SaiNt Higher Resolution FFVIIPC was going to work with it but i had to pull it )
As of right now but feel free to test what ones will
I get random files on my desktop after the crash lol files named TF2D and similar....i also get a balk text document called apps
that was a bug iin V0.1 now FIXED in V0.1.1
What patches do this have in it
V1.02 , chocobo patch and the battle crash
( Thank to the forums Wiki Page info and the forum that had so info )
could we get some screens please of the new models ofcourse
I was busy fix the bugs and over 100 people downloaded the patch and none posted one Picture
I guess that i have too
Can you host it some where besides filefront
Yeah no probs just give me a day or two
Want to see if any bugs in this one
Here is the update as i said
http://files.filefront.com/FF7+PRP+Installerrar/;9917934;/fileinfo.htmlA mirror