I found this Gameshark code not so long ago and i was wondering is it possible to implement it to a certain enemy lets say Cactuar so you could fight Jumbo Cactuar eveytime you encountered that enemy it was its max size. Im doubting this is possible but i don't know for sure untill i ask, anyway heres the code.
Enemy 1: 8015475A ??00
Enemy 2: 801552F6 ??00
Enemy 3: 80155E92 ??00
Enemy 4: 80156A2E ??00
Enemy 5: 801575CA ??00
Enemy 6: 80158166 ??00
05: Tiny
20: Twice normal size
30: Three times normal size
40: Four times normal size
50: Five times normal size
60: Six times normal size
70: Seven times normal size
7F: Greatest size possible
80: Upside down, greatest size possible
90: Upside down, seven times normal size
AO: Upside down, six times normal size
B0: Upside down, five times normal size
C0: Upside down, four times normal size
D0: Upside down, three times normal size
E0: Upside down, twice normal size
FO: Upside down, normal size
F5: Upside down, tiny
If the code alerted is in the enemy model itself i guess im out of luck but i don't know untill i ask eh?