Author Topic: For the attention of the admin  (Read 26118 times)


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #25 on: 2009-05-30 00:13:20 »

The members there were more than polite initially; the proof is in the pudding. They were snarky with him, but only after he started antagonizing them -and why? Because they didn't adhere to his rigid, and let me emphasize my use of rigid opinion on the matter. He went there seemingly for help, but rewarded their efforts to do just that -assist him- with insults and accusations, and called them all idiot fanboys who were unable to comprehend his superior knowledge of the subject at hand.

Not to worry. The thread in TLS is quite self-explanatory. At least I was amused to no end, and I'm pretty sure our dear admins will be, as well. I might even give them a link to it myself, as soon as they wake up, it's early-o-clock on their timezone right now.

Please can someone remove this thread also :)

Oh no, please don't. This is far too amusing.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #26 on: 2009-05-30 00:23:56 »
I do apologize for coming here. I suppose it wasn't absolutely necessary. But, and I direct this at everyone who read this except Seifer/DLPB(because I know he could not possibly be convinced and I have no interest in convincing him)I really didn't come here to have some lame e-war.
I just, I guess I just wanted to make sure he couldn't just say whatever he wanted about the TLS community. A bit too serious, and I know I'll be laughing at this whole thing later, but now I just feel offended and discouraged. TLS is a good site, they do a lot for the Compilation's fans. 
I have nothing whatsoever against any of you(except DLPB, obviously), my intentions were not to instigate no matter what he says, just for fairness' sake to see that he couldn't cover his tracks and go on with his hideous attitude.
I'll leave you all to your business. I'm sorry to those not involved in this highly regrettable and sad development.
« Last Edit: 2009-05-30 00:26:13 by Kalekka »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #27 on: 2009-05-30 00:32:52 »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #28 on: 2009-05-30 00:59:03 »
Yes I know I said I wouldnt post again but you shpould read this....

Quote from: Seifer Almasy on Today at 00:40:43
so you think it is all hilarious??  Well I dont.  They are signing up in droves and ruining the place, sort it out.

Yes, yes I do. I think you are a pig-headed, arrogant asshat who got exactly what he deserved over at TLS.

They are not signing up in droves, and if anything, they are improving the place. (i added the underlining)

Not to mention that I couldn't do anything about it, even if I wanted to. Other than laugh with the admins. Feel free to contact them, but trust me on this - I've known them for some ten years by now; if someone is going to get kicked out, it'll be you. If I were you, I'd just shut up now.

And... try to order me around again, and I'll post every PM you sent me in public. Actually, I'd rather like to do that right now, but since I'm way too nice, I won't. Yet. Do I make myself clear?


You deserve lifestream forums pal.  I have a better idea.  I will pm people here (who want to help genuinely with the project) to join my forum since I can see you and a few who have joined love the arguments and the trouble.  There is 1 guy from lifestream forums who is helping out, you and the others are simply putting fuel on the fire because you are a big tosser who gets involved with things that do not concern him.

Any reasonable person would not be in agreeance with people signing up to other forums simply to prolong trouble but then, you love it.

Well guess what, I and others here don't.  We want to crack on with some good modding, so do us all a favour and f*** off/.

There are too many nasty little pricks liek you about who derive pleasure from the wind up or the clique (i put it all down to upbringing).  I am tired of seeing you and your ilk.  Can't you get 1 forum adn all stay there?

« Last Edit: 2009-05-30 01:10:55 by Seifer Almasy »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #29 on: 2009-05-30 01:04:55 »
Yes I know I said I wouldnt post again but you shpould read this....

Quote from: Seifer Almasy on Today at 00:40:43
so you think it is all hilarious??  Well I dont.  They are signing up in droves and ruining the place, sort it out.

Yes, yes I do. I think you are a pig-headed, arrogant asshat who got exactly what he deserved over at TLS.

They are not signing up in droves, and if anything, they are improving the place. (i added the underlining)

Not to mention that I couldn't do anything about it, even if I wanted to. Other than laugh with the admins. Feel free to contact them, but trust me on this - I've known them for some ten years by now; if someone is going to get kicked out, it'll be you. If I were you, I'd just shut up now.

And... try to order me around again, and I'll post every PM you sent me in public. Actually, I'd rather like to do that right now, but since I'm way too nice, I won't. Yet. Do I make myself clear?


You deserve lifestream forums pal.  I have a better idea.  I will pm people here (who want to help genuinely with the project) to join my forum since I can see you and a few who have joined love the arguments and the trouble.  There is 1 guy from lifestream forums who is helping out, you and the others are simply putting fuel on the fire because you are a big tosser who gets involved with things that do not concern him.

Any reasonable person would not be in agreeance with people signing up to other forums simply to prolong trouble but then, you love it.

Well guess what, I and others here don't.  We want to crack on with some good modding, so do us all a favour and f*** off/.

Just quoting you, before you get the bright idea to delete your post. :-D

And I assume you don't object to me posting your last PM, either? Well, actually I don't care if you do. So, here goes:

in short you are a tosser like them.

There are a number of people here who are also in my pm who DO NOT want them here because they arent contributing and nor are you

You twat/

Oh! Almost forgot! Byebye! Please don't come back! :-D


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #30 on: 2009-05-30 01:53:11 »
hmmm all this over 1 word lol.

Anyway, i joined here because its an interesting forum. Ive seen the place before, but decided to join to give constructive critisism and help where possible, because i thought the ff7 translation project is something id like to see, and done properly.

I am 1 of maybe 4 people who came here from tls for the same reason, and i dont believe any of us have been rude or done anything wrong here.

The only real critisism ive made is the fact that the translation project is about making an acurate version of the japanese game... with no cait sith... does anyone else see that point?

Anyway this gets a rude response, which i dont care about. But he needs to listen to constructive critisism, instead of just labeling it as an invasion. Thats not what this is. We havent sat around saying "lets get him back, that'll show him."


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #31 on: 2009-05-30 01:58:50 »
no.  It isnt.

The 2 are separate projects and criticism of any mod here is not wanted.

"lets get him back, that'll show him."

Suggest you go and read that thread at LSF
« Last Edit: 2009-05-30 02:00:38 by Seifer Almasy »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #32 on: 2009-05-30 02:21:27 »
I find this whole entire thing completely hilarious really, mostly over Seifer making a mountain out of an ant hill.

Siefer came to TLS expecting us to bend over backwards about a project he's doing. I, myself, was very impressed with him replacing the chibi character models and replacing them with updated realistic version, and I stated this, I thought it was brilliant. But then a few pages down the line, it started to go wrong.

He started recommending lines to retranslate, the most famous being 'flunkies'. He continued to reiterate that this word was wrong. But you know why his reasons for it being wrong? Because he didn't know what it meant when he first saw it. The rest of us in the thread had a good time, lolled, and disagreed saying it was a well known word and that it should stay.

But he wouldn't let it go. He continued to insist on replacing the word (to clones or copies) and therefore ruining the context of which the word was used (Because Cloud and the player don't KNOW yet that they're clones/copies... they're just servants who do Seph's bidding.) And he CONTINUED on with his berating of the word, because he was embarrassed that he was the only one who didn't know what it meant.

So when he found that we still wouldn't agree, he then resorted to the name calling (ignorant arrogant assholeish fanboys anyone?) and then left if a huge tissy, trying to delete all his posts (which were later restored for lulz) because he didn't want his embarrassment to be intact. He wanted it to just be a memory (cwutididthar? :P)

After he left, we lolled in his absence, and yes talked about coming to "pin him against friends" at this forum. But not to ruin it, but more to establish the wrong picture he's painting for our reputation. He's STILL continuing with the name calling, claims he's over it, and yet tells us to gtfo his forum. Is that really the talk of someone who's over it?

Granted I came over here with hostile intentions, but the way that he continued to disagree with an opinion that wasn't his own (I still think Cait Sith shouldn't be removed) he then tells me to gtfo of HIS forum. That it's not MINE. Is that exactly a warm welcome to any member of ANY intentions? He was acting in a much childish way at TLS and we never once told him to leave because he wasn't welcomed. In fact, we encouraged him to stay and provide sources. But when he was caught in the corner and couldn't find said sources (re: 5 forums who don't know the word flunky, all agree with him, the over 9000 Japanese translators at his feet) he then realized he needed to leave and then trash talk us behind our back.

Whooo... that was a whole lot of tl;dr, but hopefully some of you will look at it that way. :)


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #33 on: 2009-05-30 16:41:29 »
Ok so... apparently people are either illiterate or ignorant...

Seifer, Silvers, and Kalekka...

I assume none of you are 13 years old, so please drop it. Each of you are saying you're over it, but you are all continuing it. Sure LS has a right to defend themselves, but that's where the line is drawn, DEFENSE. This argument is NOT being carried out on your forum so it is no longer defense, it is now of the attack category, being that you left your home front and came here. If this was being carried out of your forums then sure post away, but it's not. Now if you want the respect you deserve, please respect us and stop this nonsense, by continuing to post saying you're defending yourselves it goes to ruin the reputation of the LS forums. I'm sure none of you would tolerate this happening on your end so why would you expect any of us to? I'm not asking you to leave entirely, you're more than welcome to be part of this community as well if it interests you, however as I've said a few times already in a few different ways; please stop this childish nonsense, all of you. It's not doing any one any good and is really coming down to be a waste of time when you could be doing something a lot more creative, useful, productive, etc.

Seifer isn't any more right then you, and you aren't any more right than Seifer. This is an argument of opinions, it's something that will never be won. Now please, stop this, drop it, burn it, bury it. Do whatever pleases you to be able to get over this ridiculous topic.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #34 on: 2009-05-30 18:33:49 »
Sure LS has a right to defend themselves, but that's where the line is drawn, DEFENSE. This argument is NOT being carried out on your forum so it is no longer defense, it is now of the attack category, being that you left your home front and came here.

Tell me, what category does the continued bullshit and slander DLPB is spouting against TLS fall under?

If this was being carried out of your forums then sure post away, but it's not. Now if you want the respect you deserve, please respect us and stop this nonsense, by continuing to post saying you're defending yourselves it goes to ruin the reputation of the LS forums.

We could have avoided all of this if the members of TLS had gotten the respect they deserved here in the first place.

If you're going to do nothing but whine about the animal DLPB decided to drag back with him, then I'd advise you to just STFU and let this fizzle out on its own.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #35 on: 2009-05-30 18:40:33 »
It ain't slander, you are proving it right here on this thread.  I have revisited that forum recently and have to say all this BAWWwwwww  and lulz  nonsense paints the picture of children.

I came here and said I had been busy with intolerant fanboys, that doesn't warrant you signing up here.  I have undergone SLANDER on your forum but I am not returning (you have no issue slandering me there when I cannot defend myself).  Why would I?  And more the point, why have you signed up here?  You are an intolerant fanboy and so are many from that forum, most of which seem to have signed up here to prolong it.

In short, you are proving you are intolerant fanboys when you come here polluting my threads with gibberish and telling me not to mod the game.  If you had given me a bit of respect and debated rather than ignorantly and persistently dismissing my comments, this wouldn't have happened.  One person from your forums has spoke to me in PM and he has translated the game and understood my argument.  He managed a post that only 3% of your entire lousy forum could have accomplished and we both conversed in a civilised manner.  What you boys at lifestream are about is fanboyism.  Shoving your own opinions as fact, getting all worked up over 1 word, intolerantly and aggressively seeking to derail threads and trying your best to stop any mod of "my precious game".  It became clear to me that most people on your forum aren't interested in listening or actually seeing any good in change, they are just handicapped by this misguided loyalty to the purity of the game.  It takes 2 to tango.  The majority there including some of those dreadful moderators, have no intention of actually debating or listening or accepting.   I left when I realised I was talking to a pack of THUGS.

As he said, just stop the nonsense.  Don't tell him to shut up, just because he is right; you do that too often.  When you bring your argument to another forum that is called on the offensive.  Try to grasp that simple fact.  I am glad a lot of the bad eggs have signed up here, because you have proven my point about your pathetic behaviour. (I am more pleased that 2 very good japanese speakers have signed up, who have actually contributed)

by continuing to post saying you're defending yourselves it goes to ruin the reputation of the LS forums.

< it doesnt have one anymore.  It has been sussed out.

And I really won't be back here, and if it carries on I will just move my threads to my own forum.  Learn to grow up BAawwwwwww innit.
« Last Edit: 2009-05-30 22:44:49 by Seifer Almasy »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #36 on: 2009-05-30 19:48:34 »
If you had given me a bit of respect and debated rather than ignorantly and persistently dismissing my comments, this wouldn't have happened.

Tell me, is the sky pink in the world you live in? Because if you happen to live in the same world as the rest of us, there seems to be something very, very wrong with your perception of the events so far.

And I really won't be back here, and if it carries on I will just move my threads to my own forum.  Learn to grow up BAawwwwwww innit.

We'll be so sad.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #37 on: 2009-05-30 20:55:50 »
I came here and said I had been busy with intolerant fanboys, that doesn't warrant you signing up here.

Yes it does, since you're clearly misrepresenting the behaviour of people on TLS by, for example, dismissing the entire forum as "intolerant fanboys." In many cases this statement hilariously misses the mark with both words; for example, FFVII isn't even my third favourite game in the FF series much less my favourite game of all time, and it probably wouldn't make a list of the top 50 games I've ever played.

I have undergone SLANDER on your forum


And more the point, why have you signed up here?

To set the record straight about the many false and self-servingly misleading statements you made about events on TLS.

If you had given me a bit of respect and debated rather than ignorantly and persistently dismissing my comments, this wouldn't have happened.

Your comments wouldn't have been dismissed if you had provided the information requested about the alleged Japanese translators who backed up your translations or the supposed five entire forums full of people who didn't know the definition of the word "flunky." Since you proved to be unable to back up your statements with evidence, of course they were dismissed. That's the way debates work; if you don't bother to provide evidence for your statements then they are worthless.

What you boys at lifestream are about is fanboyism.  Shoving your own opinions as fact, getting all worked up over 1 word, intolerantly and aggressively seeking to derail threads and trying your best to stop any mod of "my precious game".  It became clear to me that most people on your forum aren't interested in listening or actually seeing any good in change, they are just handicapped by this misguided loyalty to the purity of the game.

roflcopter. Your 'arguments' were dismissed because the only person you were able to cite as backing up your opinion had also been demonstrated to have made a rather substantial grammatical error in Japanese and thus was rather suspect as a source. The members of TLS are not against all change; you received praise for your updates to the graphical hideousness that is the original game and some of your suggestions were quite well received. What members of TLS are against is change for no reason. Many of the changes you were suggesting were, in members' opinion, not improvements to the game at all and in fact directly antithetical to the vision the creators seem to have had for the game in the first place. Now because some members disagreed with that, they're "intolerant fanboys"? What?

The majority there including some of those dreadful moderators, have no intention of actually debating or listening or accepting.   I left when I realised I was talking to a pack of THUGS.

Read: The majority of people wouldn't agree with my statements, and called me on it when I wasn't able to back them up with links or evidence, so I left.

Note that you have yet to provide as evidence a single example of a moderator posting anything inappropriate, nor did you even bother to make a single post report about anything that allegedly offended you; this despite the fact that you made several posts that quite directly flamed large portions of the forum.

When you bring your argument to another forum that is called on the offensive.

You're the one who brought it here by posting erroneous and slanderous material about the members of TLS.

I am glad a lot of the bad eggs have signed up here, because you have proven my point about your pathetic behaviour.

Lol you do realise the majority of people posting in this thread have taken our side, right? The only person who seems even remotely sympathetic to your arguments has been CarnageHeart, who alleges that you're acting childishly as well.
« Last Edit: 2009-05-30 21:09:37 by V »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #38 on: 2009-05-30 21:09:36 »
I have to agree with Bandito!. this is very amusing. Seifer, you are so wrong and you just keep digging yourself a hole. I am a frequenter of I agree with the people of The Lifestream Forums. I've been there before, and their site is great. I think you are a selfish little bitch who got babied around by his mommy when he didn't get his way. I'm glad the other LS members joined, because they brought proof with their accusations. you on the other hand just started bullshitting all of us into thinking they were wrong. Seifer, you're wrong.

And any of you Lifestream members, PM me. A friendship might be in order.  :-D


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #39 on: 2009-05-31 00:15:24 »
Flunky... V...

By your simply signing up for the purpose of JOINING IN on all the bs that's going on, you're making the LS forums look bad. Do you want to spread a reputation that you can't just drop bs and let it end? Just because Seifer may of bad mouthed you on here as well DOES NOT mean we all take his side. I personally am not taking sides, I've been telling all parties involved to just STFU and let it end, but it's people like you who are making this hard. We all know very well what TLS forums are and I'm sure most of us really like them... I for one have read the forums many times in the past. But if you're promoting this kind of behavior, I wonder what your admins would think? I don't think they would want members that are going around doing this kind of thing. Please think about what you're doing before you do it.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #40 on: 2009-05-31 01:55:44 »
I ask again, how does posting to correct slanderous misinformation being spread about TLS by members with grudges against anyone from TLS make TLS look bad? I couldn't care less about the drama here or picking a fight with anyone, and I sorely doubt anyone else from TLS does either. What I and others do care about is the fact that someone is flagrantly misrepresenting the events that occurred at TLS in an incredibly self-serving manner. and as long as Seifer continues to post untruths, people from TLS shall continue to correct them. It would probably be to everyone's benefit if this thread and future discussions on the topic were simply locked, but as long as Seifer continues to be allowed to spread his untruths, I can think of no valid reason for anyone from TLS to allow him to do so unopposed.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #41 on: 2009-05-31 02:16:39 »
Pretty much, V. 

To restate: TLS members signed up here by their own, individual volition.  This has been stated a couple of times.  It's not like we're part of some crack team of forum paratroopers that the admins have at their disposal.

I find your attempt to play peacemaker admirable, Carnage, however I'm not here because I think you personally or the forum is taking his side.  I'm here to help make sure Seifer doesn't get away with talking shit here and thinking Qhimm's admins will shield him from redress.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #42 on: 2009-05-31 02:51:07 »
Also, I just noticed this edit he made to his last post after my long rebuttal:

by continuing to post saying you're defending yourselves it goes to ruin the reputation of the LS forums.

< it doesnt have one anymore.  It has been sussed out.

lol, other people here don't seem to agree at all.
« Last Edit: 2009-05-31 03:03:51 by V »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #43 on: 2009-05-31 06:05:24 »
I signed up to this forum for the defense of another that I love to be a part of. When I heard that Seifer was still sh*ttalking us behind our backs, assuming that he had gotten away from us, we didn't think it was fair, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't have that.

I'm a certified dramawhore, I could create far more trouble than this is worth, and my peers at TLS can atest to that.

scratch dat, i sux cox. I'll simply say, Sir Bandito, you should come to TLS. You, my friend, have made the most sense in this whole thread.

Despite the drama at TLS, I still found unresolved issues, regarding opinions about the Cait Sith project and the translations. And it seemed that my opinion didn't seem to matter unless I spoke Japanese or simply agreed with him. All in all, he basically told me to gtfo and go back to tls. Not very warm and welcome.

Regardless, I think the point has been made about Seifer and the way he acted. What I still don't get though, is why he continues to call us all ignorant fanboys (the only insult he'll throw our way) when that hardly seems to be the case. But anyway it just goes to show that no matter where you go, you can't always carry around your flunkies with you.

cwutididtar agen? :P
« Last Edit: 2009-05-31 06:53:34 by Silvers »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #44 on: 2009-05-31 19:32:52 »
I ask again, how does posting to correct slanderous misinformation being spread about TLS by members with grudges against anyone from TLS make TLS look bad? I couldn't care less about the drama here or picking a fight with anyone, and I sorely doubt anyone else from TLS does either. What I and others do care about is the fact that someone is flagrantly misrepresenting the events that occurred at TLS in an incredibly self-serving manner. and as long as Seifer continues to post untruths, people from TLS shall continue to correct them. It would probably be to everyone's benefit if this thread and future discussions on the topic were simply locked, but as long as Seifer continues to be allowed to spread his untruths, I can think of no valid reason for anyone from TLS to allow him to do so unopposed.

I signed up to this forum for the defense of another that I love to be a part of. When I heard that Seifer was still sh*ttalking us behind our backs, assuming that he had gotten away from us, we didn't think it was fair, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't have that.

I'm a certified dramawhore, I could create far more trouble than this is worth, and my peers at TLS can atest to that.

scratch dat, i sux cox. I'll simply say, Sir Bandito, you should come to TLS. You, my friend, have made the most sense in this whole thread.

Did you read what I said? All you're doing is adding fuel to the fire. You guy's defended yourselves already. By continuing this it's just forum harassment. You should damn well realize that Seifer lacks a certain level of maturity, but you're no better at this point by continuing the fight after everyone already knows what happened. Not a single one of us praised Seifer for what he did, but you act like that's what happened. I've been trying to get this bs to end from the very start, but with all of you ignoring me it's like you're acting like children. You take things in the context that you want to see it in just to continue the fight which no longer has any relevant purpose.

I've made a post on your forums concerning this, and a very simple one. I didn't attack any one in it, so don't get all defensive, all it was is asking for you all to stop. Simple as that.

To quote one of your admins.

I have to say that I'm actually kinda proud of the guys who signed up there and set the record straight on the guy.

LMAO @ the posters of Qhimms seeing how fucking wrong he was. I can't believe he'd try to slag us and expect no one to see his BS. I guess that's why he deleted his posts.

He's just digging himself deeper, and deeper. Lawl.

Notice he said he's proud of your setting the record straight? He didn't say anything about continued harassment.

I'm all fine and dandy with there being justice, however at this point it starting to be that you guys are in the wrong for being unable to drop this. I just want it to end, plain and simple.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #45 on: 2009-05-31 20:36:47 »
How does anything in this thread equate to harassment or "adding fuel to the fire"? Seifer makes false statements, we correct them. It's his choice to keep bawwwwwing about things that didn't happen. Which, since my first post, he hasn't - in fact, you are the only one continuing this at this point.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #46 on: 2009-05-31 21:08:50 »
How does anything in this thread equate to harassment or "adding fuel to the fire"? Seifer makes false statements, we correct them. It's his choice to keep bawwwwwing about things that didn't happen. Which, since my first post, he hasn't - in fact, you are the only one continuing this at this point.

By the continuous posting and lack of being able to get over a subject that is done and over. We all know what happened, we know Seifer went too far in what he did, and we all don't care what Seifer continues to say on the subject. But then for example, there's you, being someone who seems to not want it to end. It's done, its over, it's been concluded. There is nothing left to prove, there is no longer any point to make. Stop it, get over it, end it.


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #47 on: 2009-05-31 23:52:22 »
Apparently my last post went completely over your head. You're now the one who's prolonging this by attacking people for simply defending their board. The only reason "continuous posting" is even still happening is because you keep attacking people who simply are here to make sure no one has any misunderstandings about the record being set straight. If you really all understand that Seifer is full of sh*t, then great, there's nothing further on-topic to discuss. If you really want it to end so desperately, then stop attacking us. You called me "someone who seems to not want it to end" - that's a personal attack, and it's blatantly contradicted by the fact that I advised the moderation team, who seem to be MIA, to lock this topic and all further discussion on the topic. As long as TLS or I continue to receive personal attacks in unclosed threads, I will continue to defend them. If you want this "discussion" to stop, then stop posting about it. Or at least, stop attacking people who only want to make sure the record is set straight. The last several post been haven't even been discussing events on TLS, they've just been you arguing with people who want to make sure no one has any misconceptions.

Not to mention, you evaded the question. I asked how anything in this topic equates to "forum harassment," which you explicitly called it in reply #44, or "adding fuel to the fire," which you have used several times. How does simply repeating the truth equate to harassing anyone or prolonging a debate if everyone already agrees with the truth? If there's really nothing to debate in our statements, then you attacking people for simply repeating the truth is prolonging the debate, and could conceivably be construed as harassment as well.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-01 00:13:51 by V »


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #48 on: 2009-06-19 12:02:29 »
Thread hijack! :mrgreen:

Well, not really. See, I promised this Seifer Almasy fellow, that I'd publish PMs (or should that be PMS, in his case?) sent by him. Well, here goes:

you think you are intelligent but you are just a childish loser who has nothing to say.  Did you know sarcasm is a poor man's wit ;)  Well you do now.   I have met many people like you, brainless antics are always a tell tale sign


good day


For great justice lulz and so forth.

And... oh, please, please continue to make an ass out of yourself, I enjoy it so. :-D


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Re: For the attention of the admin
« Reply #49 on: 2009-06-19 12:14:33 »
Brain dead troll.   Petty little wind up merchant.  Too many of you around.  You won't recieve any more posts from me here or PM because you aren't worth it.  

Small minded prick.  You don't add anything to this community or indeed to any forum you visit.  Just another bored, mindless little baby.  if I could get my hands on you id break your neck.  Big hard man on the net eh ;)
« Last Edit: 2009-06-19 12:28:53 by Seifer Almasy »