Author Topic: ATTN Seifer Almasy  (Read 67211 times)


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #75 on: 2009-06-22 08:46:06 »
What you say I imply is not at all what I imply. Whether this is intentional misdirection, or due to the way you've chosen to interpret my words, I cannot say. What I can say, is that it's a ridiculous cause to attempt to defend the maturity of the attackers in this thread, least of all Bandito. If you click back to page 1, there, you'll notice he's initiating a charade toward Seifer with the mock goal to engage him in physical combat, not to mention all of the aggressive undertones sprinkled in the posts preceding and inside of this thread. I have not insulted his Bandito's maturity in any way, however - I have pointed out that there is a distinct lack of maturity in his behavior, at least as seen in this thread.

Should you find the nature of such a thread mature, you have a great deal of growth to accomplish. For that, I do not fault you, but others should not have to suffer because you, or anyone else, has not yet realized the true nature of social courtesy. Such a simple, fundamental axiom applies here: "Two wrongs don't make a right".

Disagreements will always be made, and conflicts will happen, but this thread, or anything like it, should never be the end result.

What you say I imply is not at all what I imply. Whether this is intentional misdirection, or due to the way you've chosen to interpret my words, I cannot say.

(Incidentally, I apparently misinterpreted yours; perhaps I read too much subtext into your responses).

I have never said Bandito, or indeed anything in this thread, was perfectly mature. The "perfectly mature" thing would be to keep reminding Seifer that his temper is simply digging him into further holes, or simply to abstain from commenting at all. However, the "perfectly mature" action does not always bring the kind of self-reflection necessary for a true personality change. We can tell Seifer to get a hold of his temper as much as we want, but no matter how often we tell him to do so, this will not make him realise his faults if he is unwilling to admit they exist. As I said, I went through a very similar sequence of actions on another message board long ago; what ultimately drove me to the realisation was that I was suffering the same kind of abuses at the hands of others as a direct result of my own actions. It was only after a period of particularly severe abuses that I finally came to this realisation; had I not received those abuses, I would never have undergone the period of self-reflection necessary for me to learn this lesson. As a result, I am actually grateful to the people whose "childish" actions eventually forced me to this realisation.

No, the term of yours with which I brooked disagreement was "childish," because of its absurd severity; it implies the behaviour of a six-year-old, which is naturally overcome with age. Clearly this is not the case, as anyone will be able to determine by simply observing the world in which we live, rife as it is with all kinds of absurd intrigue that make the behaviours in this thread look downright civilised. It is "childish" to sleep with a teddy bear; it is not "childish" to engage in behaviours which are carried out by humans of all ages. Grossly destructive? Often. Lacking in warmth? Probably. Bullying? Maybe. Childish? No.

My disagreement with your posts has nothing to do with the fact that I "have not yet realised the true nature of social courtesy," and I find your implication that I have not to be particularly insulting coming from someone who presumes such an advanced degree of compassion for others. I simply feel that a society in which everyone feels the necessity to tiptoe around offending one another to be completely anathematical to my principles; it reeks of the absurd kind of political correctness that gets people censured for using "man" rather than "person" as a job description.

Your assertion that "others should not have to suffer" is naïve at best. Suffering is, more often than not, what brings personal growth. I am not saying that suffering should be deliberately inflicted in all cases, but I am saying that its infliction is not in all cases socially destructive. Sometimes it's actually necessary.

That said, of course there's no guarantee that Bandito will respond to his treatment here by learning the lesson he so urgently needs to learn. But there's no social responsibility on anyone here to treat him with kid gloves just because he apparently has a lot of growth to do.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-22 08:52:47 by V »


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #76 on: 2009-06-22 09:04:27 »
There's another good one: "Mind your own business."
A post centered around telling me that the subject is none of my business, in a thread completely unrelated to yourself - while I don't generally agree with the notions you assert, it seems difficult to miss the gross hypocrisy, if you hold these beliefs.

V, you can drag this into a massive debate on human philosophy, but that's another form of misdirection. If you have to take something this far to justify the antisocial, immature behavior exhibited in the thread to begin with, it seems to completely defeat the point, and simply produces more angry flailing in the wind.

Indeed, the conflict should have been between two people - this thread was in response to threats of violence from Seifer, which was in response to Bandito pissing him off, which was in response to Seifer's attitude over something or other. Like I said, both sides are wrong, two wrongs don't make a right, and so forth - in the end the behavior in this thread is still not justified. And, yes, calling someone out in a thread like this is childish, especially in making a public display out of it. Perhaps not on the level of a 6 year old, but it's definitely something a 12-16 year old would do. Perhaps we should start a debate on when a person stops being considered a child, and how childish might apply in a metaphorical sense. Or perhaps there's no getting through to the aggressors in this thread, which is partly why Seifer is gone - but I trust the rest of us appreciate the truth of what's happened here, and I hope the mods/admins take a more aggressive stance on nipping these things in the bud in the future.

That's the end of the subject for me. Feel free to irrationally justify your behavior and make aggressive statements against me henceforth, though I warn you that I cannot be your new Seifer. ;)


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #77 on: 2009-06-22 09:09:27 »
Everyone else beside MrAdults: Eat all the dicks.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #78 on: 2009-06-22 09:37:55 »
V, you can drag this into a massive debate on human philosophy, but that's another form of misdirection. If you have to take something this far to justify the antisocial, immature behavior exhibited in the thread to begin with, it seems to completely defeat the point, and simply produces more angry flailing in the wind.

How is pointing out that growth comes from suffering a form of misdirection? I explicitly said the behaviour wasn't "mature", so I don't see how I'm misdirecting anything. My point is that getting as worked up over it as you are, or this guy:

Everyone else beside MrAdults: Eat all the dicks.

has been, is pretty absurd. And no, calling someone out on their threats of violence or laughing at their constant bouts of anger is not "antisocial." It's what most human beings would do in a similar situation. Maybe most of them wouldn't make a thread about it in public, but they'd respond to the threats in private or request for a staff member to deal with the problem. Bandito simply chose to take the approach he felt was likely to generate the most humour.

Indeed, the conflict should have been between two people - this thread was in response to threats of violence from Seifer, which was in response to Bandito pissing him off, which was in response to Seifer's attitude over something or other. Like I said, both sides are wrong, two wrongs don't make a right, and so forth - in the end the behavior in this thread is still not justified. And, yes, calling someone out in a thread like this is childish, especially in making a public display out of it. Perhaps not on the level of a 6 year old, but it's definitely something a 12-16 year old would do.

I thought this was essentially a semantic argument, but apparently not. There are constant cases of people who were much older calling out actual threats in person. I believe people such as Alexander Hamilton and Alexander Pushkin have died as a result of them. It's the sort of thing people of all ages do; most people only "outgrow" it if they become pacifists or are so naturally submissive that they simply don't bother to respond to provocation, though most people won't take it as far as an actual gunfights because when push comes to shove, most people don't mean what they say.

Or perhaps there's no getting through to the aggressors in this thread, which is partly why Seifer is gone - but I trust the rest of us appreciate the truth of what's happened here, and I hope the mods/admins take a more aggressive stance on nipping these things in the bud in the future.

Should it really be the responsibility of mods/admins to cater to the whims of emotionally unstable people such as Seifer, even if they are contributing to hacking projects? As someone who's managed countless internets communities throughout the years, my experience is that catering to the whims of the emotionally unstable just results in the entire community being run according to the whims of the emotionally unstable. The mods could ban Bandito just because Seifer and a couple of others have a problem with him, but where does it stop? Do they ban everyone whom Seifer has a disagreement with? The thought is absurd. Alternatively, they could close threads like this one, but that would only direct the conversation elsewhere. Certainly a revision of the rules can be made, but any alteration of the rules that would prevent someone from making a thread calling someone out over their constant threats of violence seems to me so draconian as to forbid the creation of any thread that might even potentially offend someone. Maybe you have some ideas for more constructive rules, but from the way you've been ranting about other people's conduct throughout this entire thread, it sounds to me like you want politeness to be enforced.

Feel free to irrationally justify your behavior and make aggressive statements against me henceforth

lol, and where have I been doing that?


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #79 on: 2009-06-22 09:39:40 »
By not respond to and/or ignoring this post you are hereby agreeing that you do indeed eat all the dicks.

On a side note, Cassandra Leo, I feel that Skrewdriver is an overrated artist, that anyone who claims to be an anarchist is retarded and that your managing of internet communtities isn't anything to boast about. If you've dedicated that much of your life to it by the time you're 25, you should probably re-evaluate your life decisions.

Furthermore, if you look closely at what MrAdults was saying and how it was being presented, you've become the victim of a very clever troll. And the age range that was presented was mocking you, not to be taken seriously as you have done.

I know for a fact that he is giggling at your child like justifications, and the very fact that you feel you must attempt them.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-22 09:51:55 by HeWhoWas »


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #80 on: 2009-06-22 09:57:47 »
On a side note, Cassandra Leo, I feel that Skrewdriver is an overrated artist

I would not disagree with you here.

that anyone who claims to be an anarchist is retarded

I am not actually an anarchist despite my custom title, though I sympathise with many of anarchism's principles. My custom title refers to the comic book character from which I derive my name.

your managing of internet communtities isn't anything to boast about. If you've dedicated that much of your life to it by the time you're 25, you should probably re-evaluate your life decisions.

Nah, the internet's pretty damn important for activism dood. I'm convinced I've built the initial foundations of a fulfilling life.

Furthermore, if you look closely at what MrAdults was saying and how it was being presented, you've become the victim of a very clever troll. And the age range that was presented was mocking you, not to be taken seriously as you have done.

I know for a fact that he is giggling at your child like justifications, and the very fact that you feel you must attempt them.

Oh noes, I have been trolled on the internets. After sticking up for someone else's trolling. brb, committing suicide.

or not.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-22 10:03:25 by V »


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #81 on: 2009-06-22 10:00:53 »
Quote from: MrAdults
A post centered around telling me that the subject is none of my business, in a thread completely unrelated to yourself - while I don't generally agree with the notions you assert, it seems difficult to miss the gross hypocrisy, if you hold these beliefs.

I state this after the thread had run its course, yet you felt the need to convey your moral high horse as if it pertained to the topic, or if anyone cared.  So I don't make a "gross hypocrisy," how was this thread related to you again?

Quote from: MrAdults
which was in response to Seifer's attitude over something or other.

Glad you got all your facts straight before you posted your opinions in a topic where nobody had asked for them.

Quote from: MrAdults
Like I said, both sides are wrong, two wrongs don't make a right, and so forth - in the end the behavior in this thread is still not justified. And, yes, calling someone out in a thread like this is childish, especially in making a public display out of it. Perhaps not on the level of a 6 year old, but it's definitely something a 12-16 year old would do. Perhaps we should start a debate on when a person stops being considered a child, and how childish might apply in a metaphorical sense. Or perhaps there's no getting through to the aggressors in this thread, which is partly why Seifer is gone - but I trust the rest of us appreciate the truth of what's happened here, and I hope the mods/admins take a more aggressive stance on nipping these things in the bud in the future.

If you don't like the contents of the thread, nobody is holding a gun to your head, so don't read it.  What is it you would have the mods do?  It was completely unrelated and had nothing to do with you.  You keep talking about others taking actions on a forum where you have no say.  You can start your own forum if you feel all this free speech between two parties, neither of them you, is giving you sleepless nights.

Quote from: MrAdults
Like I said, both sides are wrong, two wrongs don't make a right, and so forth - in the end the behavior in this thread is still not justified. And, yes, calling someone out in a thread like this is childish, especially in making a public display out of it. Perhaps not on the level of a 6 year old, but it's definitely something a 12-16 year old would do. Perhaps we should start a debate on when a person stops being considered a child, and how childish might apply in a metaphorical sense.

So if you had no business in this topic, why not make that fascinating debate about childhood behavior in your own thread instead of derailing the topic for the two people it was intended for?  This thread's premise doesn't seem childish in the slightest.  Forming a witty response to a childish, violent threat is not only hilarious but is taking the high ground in my opinion.

Quote from: MrAdults
That's the end of the subject for me. Feel free to irrationally justify your behavior and make aggressive statements against me henceforth

What you have failed to do is justify any of your behavior in this thread.

  • Topic does not concern you, yet you enter the discussion anyway.
  • Mount your high horse and make statements of how all behavior on the internet is to be conducted.
  • Criticize the administering of a forum that hasn't broken any of its rules, only your own ideals.

I only entered this topic after Seifer Almasy had clearly left the forum and your ongoing off-topic posts of your ideals and "good internet behavior" became increasingly lengthy and ridiculous.

Quote from: MrAdults
I warn you that I cannot be your new Seifer

We may disagree, but I would never hold you in such a low regard.

Quote from: HeWhoWas
Everyone else beside MrAdults: Eat all the dicks.

Way to back up all that MrAdults has stated about maturity.  I wonder who this is... HeWhoWas... Seifer?  An IP check would be nice.

Quote from: HeWhoWas
By not respond to and/or ignoring this post you are hereby agreeing that you do indeed eat all the dicks.... Furthermore, if you look closely at what MrAdults was saying and how it was being presented, you've become the victim of a very clever troll.

This one's not that clever.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #82 on: 2009-06-22 10:16:52 »
I am the manifestation of your sexual frustration, being channelled through Seifer, relayed to MrAdults whom is posting via a proxy.

I'm also clairvoyant, which is why I set this account up in Feb, to deflect suspicion.

On a side note, V, for someone who claims they're not anarchist, you certainly have a lot of links, quotes and other bits and pieces promoting anarchism on your MySpace page. Also, can you hook me up with that blonde on the right hand side of your Profile Pic?
« Last Edit: 2009-06-22 10:20:23 by HeWhoWas »


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #83 on: 2009-06-22 10:32:26 »
I haven't signed into MySpace in like two years dood; what you see there isn't exactly a reflection of who I am currently. (I still sympathise with anarchism but let's face it, it's never going to happen in our lifetime, so advocating it is kind of pointless). I am kind of flattered that you feel like stalking me this much though.

And she's been in a relationship for like the last five years, otherwise I'd have made a pass at her myself by now.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-22 10:34:03 by V »


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #84 on: 2009-06-22 11:05:11 »
Congratulations, you have driven away Seifer, well done, har har.

Who will be next I wonder?

What saddens me the most is the lawlessness in these forums, that no moderator cared that an entire topic was created to target and humiliate a specific member.

There is nothing more I can say here which hasn't already be said.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #85 on: 2009-06-22 11:50:07 »
Quote from: HeWhoWas
Everyone else beside MrAdults: Eat all the dicks.

Way to back up all that MrAdults has stated about maturity.  I wonder who this is... HeWhoWas... Seifer?  An IP check would be nice.

At a quick glance - and this means no IP information - that seems unlikely. Before someone even suggests it; I'm not privy to the actual logs made by the forum server - some people have had hissy fits about such a possibility before. I have my own way of getting poster IPs, which is actually a side effect of something else, not intentional trap as such.

BTW, hey there, Otokoshi. Nice to see you. :)

Aaron and Otokoshi have made my points better than I ever could have, so no point in going there at least right now. Besides, I've got that meeting to attend to, so gotta run.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #86 on: 2009-06-22 14:29:40 »
Without IP Logs, how about some common sense? Or 2 mins worth of investigating? Here are a few hints.

1) This account was made in Feb. Unless you DO believe that Seifer has clairvoyant abilities, then it's unlikely he's going to have an account made for this amount of time to simply rush to his defence.

2) While you're checking the sign up date, a quick google of my email address will result in a forum that was frequented by a well known game developer. A glance at MrAdults profile would show you that that is the same developer.

3) I'm much more intelligent than any of you, including seifer.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #87 on: 2009-06-22 16:55:17 »
3) I'm much more intelligent than any of you, including seifer.

Oh, hai Spiro! Long time no see. :-P


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #88 on: 2009-06-22 20:22:52 »

His rules say that you can't wind anyone up!!!!! Ha ha ha oh man.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #89 on: 2009-06-22 20:46:14 »
One thing about his forums, before anyone gets any bright ideas... do not go there to wind him up to spam.

Seriously. That wouldn't be cool at all.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #90 on: 2009-06-22 21:44:59 »
This is not right.
I agree with Koral  100%
why are you targeting this one member!
And why is there no moderator stepping in!

you know,
He may be an arrogant jerk at times.. but he is still a good guy...

I just hate seeing how, one guy got driven out, and no one did anything to stop this from occurring!
Its just not right!


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #91 on: 2009-06-22 22:05:22 »
He drove himself out by acting the way he did. People (V/Ryu) tried to approach him about the way he was acting and he outright flamed them for their help. Productive of Seifer? No. Does he deserve to be gone now? Yes. Is Cait Sith a character with a purpose? YUS


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #92 on: 2009-06-22 22:16:15 »
I personally didn't like Cait Sith myself.
I don't plan to argue this with you though.

But, why go to such lengths to drive someone away?
Why was no one mature enough to just drop it??


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #93 on: 2009-06-22 22:29:32 »
that is obvious: he/they wanted seifer out of here.

maturity has nothing to do with this.
responsibility, well, that's something else.

And i am not talking about Bandito here


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #94 on: 2009-06-22 22:54:56 »
No, not really.

For myself, I can say that I not only want, but expect him to start acting like a grown up. No more double standards, no more having their cake and eating it too.

If he wants to act like an arrogant ass, then he should be able to take criticism.

If he wants to get abusive, then he better be able to take some criticism for that, too. Whatever form the said criticism might take.

Simply put; this is not a private kindergarten for him. People are not expected nor supposed to take shit from him, and not do anything about it.

As for the TLS' members; why on earth would they want to drive Seifer away from here? Think about it for a second. It makes no sense.

If you want more elaborate explanation, just read V's posts above. He says pretty much the same thing, but better than I can.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #95 on: 2009-06-22 23:03:16 »
Point taken.

But I have stated my own views, and now all the facts are out there for people to make their own judgement on what happened here in this topic.

I have nothing more to say.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #96 on: 2009-06-22 23:13:52 »
Yeah, I think that everyone has pretty much stated their views. Or perhaps rather; almost everyone's view has been stated by someone (else).

So... if someone wants to post here about who was wrong and who was right and whatnot, go ahead, but don't expect any new particularly enlightening revelations; pretty much everything has been said already.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #97 on: 2009-06-22 23:47:35 »
He left.

He has a forum of his own, my understanding is that the projects continue there. The URL has been posted in several places, including this thread.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #98 on: 2009-06-23 01:54:28 »
Yeah, I think that everyone has pretty much stated their views. Or perhaps rather; almost everyone's view has been stated by someone (else).

So... if someone wants to post here about who was wrong and who was right and whatnot, go ahead, but don't expect any new particularly enlightening revelations; pretty much everything has been said already.
Are we on to welcoming input, now, instead of spewing venomous, fabricated garbage (Otokoshi, at least) at anyone that doesn't agree with us? ;) I tend to consider you all more or less one mind, or at least, a bound group of delusional sociopaths relying on each other to continually rationalize your own behavior. No offense intended, such is often the case with antisocial behavior in these sorts of small communities. People like V, please don't think I'm lumping you in there - it's quite clear that most of the parties involved are the longer-standing members of these forums.

Since we're throwing views in now, here's my last thought - I've been moderately disgusted on a personal level by a couple "senior" members here, the fact that this thread was allowed to exist, and the already-mentioned mob mentality adhered to (an even more horrible prospect in a populace statistically prone Asperger's - perhaps this helps display the complete lack of empathy for anyone but yourselves). What would I have the mods do? Remove any thread directly intended to humiliate and/or drive away a member of the forums. Oh no, the horrible fascism of it all. Down with capitalism!

So that said, I find it hard to justify continuing to contribute to these forums with actual substance, and will be relocating my future endeavers, and any additions to the Dissidia project (regarding format specifications and/or tool updates), elsewhere. I would like to find another forum for these purposes, to keep the contributions and input more organic, but in the mean time, those interested can check my web site for updates. And yes, I'm certainly not the only productive member of these forums disgusted enough by what went on here to jump ship. So congratulations, again, on your mature solution to getting rid of someone you don't like - though I think it may have had side effects.


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Re: ATTN Seifer Almasy
« Reply #99 on: 2009-06-23 02:13:35 »
Are we on to welcoming input, now, instead of spewing venomous, fabricated garbage (Otokoshi, at least) at anyone that doesn't agree with us? ;)

More like making concluding statement, so that peoplez of the interwebs don't have to ask too many times.

So that said, I find it hard to justify continuing to contribute to these forums with actual substance, and will be relocating my future endeavers, and any additions to the Dissidia project (regarding format specifications and/or tool updates), elsewhere. I would like to find another forum for these purposes, to keep the contributions and input more organic, but in the mean time, those interested can check my web site for updates. And yes, I'm certainly not the only productive member of these forums disgusted enough by what went on here to jump ship. So congratulations, again, on your mature solution to getting rid of someone you don't like - though I think it may have had side effects.

Please do. The door is that way.

Thank you for your congratulations, and so far the side effects seem quite positive.