Hi all ! This is a big update !
I worked tirelessly (literally..) to bring a tool that can edit IA monster !
Quite a journey as I started as not even knowing where to start !
Now you have a tool that can visualize in a fancy manner (in excel) all the data from all monster, even their **AI** !
Then, you can modify it as you like, and it will transform it back to .dat file for you to be able to test it and share it to the world !
I am really excited, I worked really hard, searching for the maximum of info from the game, trying to improve my soft and making it usable by all (little gui, but that want to become an adult haha)
Special thanks to @m... for all the setup, couldn't have done it without him.
Don't hesitate to play with it and ask for help, I am ready to help you learn it. If enough people are interested, I might consider doing a video tutorial.
Also if you see possible improvement, propose it so I can implement, this is still a tool that can be improved !
The link :
https://github.com/HobbitDur/ifrit-enhanced/releases/tag/1.0The original post: