Author Topic: Best animated movie?  (Read 23380 times)


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Best animated movie?
« on: 2009-09-16 12:56:26 »
The most complete art in my opinion. What are your favourite animated movies and why?


My favourites have to be either The Prince of Egypt or Bambi. Prince of Egypt because of the great songs and story. Bambi because of the story and the theme, also because it was one of my favourites as a kid. :-P

Prince of Egypt -
Bambi -
« Last Edit: 2009-09-16 12:59:00 by Hermoor »


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #1 on: 2009-09-17 04:23:15 »
Akira :-D

Ghost in the Shell :lol:


BUGS life  :-)

NEMO  :cry:

WALL-E :roll:

The Treasure something something from Disney ( I think that was the last 2d/3d animation from them.. I think :|)


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #2 on: 2009-09-17 04:43:29 »
You haven't seen Samurai X???  :-o Go see it!!

I also thought that the initial D third stage movie was excellently done.

I agree with you on GitS and FF7AC and WALL-E. All masterpieces.

It isn't really something you can describe, though, why a movie is good. It's something you have to see to understand.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #3 on: 2009-09-17 07:23:55 »
Gin iro no kami no Agito

Mononoke Hime


Eureka Seven pocket full or rainbows (dont know japanese name, and cba to google)


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #4 on: 2009-09-17 11:16:28 »
Anime and advent children, why am I not suprised.  :roll:
Akira grin

Ghost in the Shell - Good
FFVII AC - All action no story
BUGS life - All 3d movies from disney are good but in my opinion nothing stands out.
NEMO - "----"
WALL-E -  "-----"

It isn't really something you can describe, though, why a movie is good. It's something you have to see to understand.

Gin iro no kami no Agito - Never heard about it before
Mononoke Hime - Princess monoke? One of the best anime movies for sure, but the animation isn't great.
Aladdin - A classic!
Eureka Seven pocket full or rainbows - Never heard about it, sounds lame -_-

Nii-chan no Baka!



May I also Add:

Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind ( correct me on this )

Mezzo Forte (forget the ecchi on this..but it makes up for the confusing story..Lots of action!)

Resident Evil 3d animation ( forgot the "R" title of it )

RahXephon Movie ( May raise eyebrows )

Old Geezer anime/cartoon:

The Last Unicorn

Transformers Animated Movie ( Optimus Prime demise!)

Bravestarr Movie

Hows that! Aniki?...


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #5 on: 2009-09-17 12:05:54 »

Gin iro no kami no Agito - Never heard about it before
Mononoke Hime - Princess monoke? One of the best anime movies for sure, but the animation isn't great.
Aladdin - A classic!
Eureka Seven pocket full or rainbows - Never heard about it, sounds lame -_-
gin iro no kami no Agito is name Origin: Spirits of the past in English. wiki: It is one of the best anime movies ever made with a really great soundtrack.
Eureka 7 is also an anime. The series wich i love and the movie might be better. The movie follows a similar story to the series, but COMPLETLY different. As with most tvseries to movie adaptions in anime. rahxephon comes to mind :) But about the movie, i dont think one would like the movie if that one didnt see the series.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #6 on: 2009-09-17 17:27:05 »
The Last Unicorn
The Last Unicorn FTW!
Best animated movie ever. I saw a showing of it at CMU once. They somehow had a version with NO songs in it. Now that was good.
I never found that version again. And BTW, don't bother with the DVD version. They cut out all the swearing   :-(

How about Heavy Metal? Too cliche? I really liked that one.

P.S. The Transformers movie scarred me as a kid. I remember my favorite character dying in the first 10 minutes to a silly Weird Al song... Not right for my child-mind.
« Last Edit: 2009-09-17 17:29:44 by Opine »

Timu Sumisu

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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #7 on: 2009-09-17 17:39:39 »
I have a soft spot for The Man Who Planted Trees By Frederich Bach, its an animated version of a childrens book, beautifully done, its about 30-40 minutes (i think)

As to anime, I recall Last Exile standing out with fantastic animation


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #8 on: 2009-09-18 03:55:59 »
How about the Anime based on a submarine..( I forgot the title of it ) It was also unique ( for me )...

Edit: Think It was Blue Submarine 6 or something ( ?)

Sol Bianca
Gundam Seed: C.E. 72 Stargazer
FMA: Conqueror of Shambala
Macross Movies


Voltes V: Last Episodes ( It was made to a movie in our Idk if it counts)


Bible Black - It gave lots to think about women in crisis and in heat!...*wink*  :wink:


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #9 on: 2009-09-18 22:19:49 »
If we're going off cartoons, hmm... I watched and enjoyed a lot as a kid. I didn't particularly care for a lot of Disney ones, but Lion King really stood out at me and had a great theme about facing your problems. I also liked the animated Robin Hood cartoon where he was depicted as a fox. Speaking of foxes, The Fox and The Hound was another good one. The Lion King is probably more complete, but I always enjoyed The Fox and the Hound most.

The only anime I ever enjoyed was Berserk. I never got around to watching the Heavy Metal movies, but I've been wanting to.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #10 on: 2009-09-19 04:54:29 »
You know there exists animation outside anime right?

Yup.... I'll have to admit I am an...

Anime Maniac!!!

And I wasn't even trying to hide the way.

Sure I liked other animations besides Japanese made ones. But I just can't shake the fact that Anime Is lke...Freedom of expression 100x Magnified!!

There's no limit to the imagination. They animate it so wild and vivid..that even the "ero" ones have a bit of value if you look at it in a different light.
It would go where no one else could...Desire and Curiosity intertwine with so much ferocity..It excites even the minds of geniuses. If you watch closely to the other American based cartoons today they're already basing there shows on similar Anime characteristics and genres...

I believe Anime set the stage for exploration beyond the normal everyday typical Cartoons. Its diversity in motion..


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #11 on: 2009-09-19 05:56:45 »
Hmm, I really like Aladdin and the Lion King. I also enjoyed watching Toy Story when I was a kid. Good times *sigh*.  :|


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #12 on: 2009-09-19 12:04:23 »
The animation that started it all was snow white, 1924 I think...

Started it all, as in being the first animated movie, first animated feature film, or started it all in some other sense?

Because it most certainly is not the first; released in 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is predated by several animated feature films, and many more shorter animations. One would think that you'd know this, considering all your apparent hatred for anime and fawning over western animation.

BTW, did you know that Lion King - made by your precious western company, Disney, is a blatant rip-off of - OMG! - an anime called Kimba the White Lion? Perhaps that's why you didn't list it... :-D


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #13 on: 2009-09-19 12:57:51 »
1937 pardon me :evil: Snow white was the first full-length cel-animated feature in motion picture history...before it, just small unrealistic clips had been made. So in a sense it started it all...

Dunno about unrealistic, but El Apóstol runs for 70 minutes at 14 fps. Hardly a short movie. It also predates Snow White by 20 years, having been made in 1917. Or to be more specific, ran, as there are no surviving copies of it.

Where did you get this from? Seems to me you wanna get it going... :wink: But yeah most animes are just made to attract young people and please fan boys. So most of the anime out there is just crap. And if you look at "tv anime" like Pokemon etc...the animation is crap. Now there are some good ones, the best ones that can stand up to disney in my opinion is. Miyazakis or whatever his name is, howls moving castle and that fim with the kid at a bath house...there are some western animes as well I think. Vampire hunter D...I think was made by westernes?

I hope you are not suggesting that most of western animation is not made for young audiences? Or that the run-of-the-mill stuff, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (talking about the animation, not the comic book!), Biker Mice from Mars, majority of Marvel stuff and the like are somehow superior to anime with similar target audience?

For example, there's a distinct difference in quality when Simpsons switched over from being animated in US to being animated in Korea. If I was trolling like you seem to be, I'd proclaim that as a proof of Asian animation being far superior to Western animation.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #14 on: 2009-09-19 14:05:12 »
Pardon the intrusion, But it seems there's another "war" brimming so to speak...

If its any consolation...

I would agree with Hermoor regarding the fact that Not All Anime (TV based) and Western TV based animations are not superior compare the the movie ones. But do you think that its is simply a routine in a sense?

Follow this comparison:

The reason why the big Western animation co. likely Pixar, Disney, WB,... spend so many Hundreds of dollars in creating an 1 hour animated flick is because they don't have what it takes to Animate. Sure they made it big with the CG's and SFX. But with collaborations of Japanese Animators if ya know...

And also the fact that Japanese TV Anime sucks is not because of poor animation.. or Story for that matter...Its because they have to fit everything into a 30 min. show. Anime was the first one to go beyond the boundaries of everyday animation and if they wanted they would release their shows in a 1hr programming format. But since it's only for the kids, and Not really "real" people..they stuck it to 30 mins. slots...

Now here comes the movies...Western Animation Movies=Big Time!     Japanime Movie= Soso or Depends on the fame

The reason behind this is because Western animators are willing to spend Money for the film...But remember too much is a bad thing.
Japanimation relies on whether the character and story would be emphasized as a movie and not just your everyday Anime. Money is not an issue( sometimes even if its low budget, you wouldn't even notice because they where animated cleanly ).

SO the whole point of it should be Western animation and Eastern Anime should just be...well..Friends..Actually they are already...

If you watch the was Western made but with an Eastern Action based theme.  It s a mix of both worlds so to speak..


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #15 on: 2009-09-19 14:06:59 »
You mean cartoon network? Or Tv animation in general? Tv series are crap, both anime and western animation. But today I think there is more anime crap than western crap on tv.

TV animation in general. But, bzzzzzt! Wrong answer!

Hereby I present you two made-for-TV anime series, and challenge you to find something Western that was made for TV and is equally deep and thought provoking;

Serial Experiments Lain


Neon Genesis Evangelion

We got spider man, batman, and some comic books. While the asians got thousands of anime series that are made just so that they can make toys on the characters. To please anime freaks...hrrmm kudistos megistos...hrmm...

Did you know that X-Men alone has six so called core titles, five secondary titles, three alternate universe titles, sixteen past titles and five alternate universe past titles? That makes 35 different titles of X-Men alone. Of course, Marvel publishing policy being what it is, you have to buy more than one title, as they tend spread story arcs over to several titles.

That's a bit more than 'some' comic books, methinks. Not to mention quite a merchandise.

I'm not sure how many full production movies with great animation has been released in asia. If you compare to what has been released in america. But I suspect disney and other western animation companies has made more than mizayaki...correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm so not counting just to satisfy your curiosity, but comparing Disney Studios and Studio Ghibli during the same time frame (because Ghibli has existed for a lot shorter time than Disney), it would seem that Disney has released 25 animated features (one of these being a remake), and Ghibli 18. Not bad, considering that at least my belief is that Walt Disney Studios is the larger of the two.

Not to mention the whole notion of comparing Disney + other Western animation output to that of a single Japanese studio is just plain stupid. Just like trying to prove anything by comparing how many films someone or something has made.

Here's an useless piece of trivia; Ron Jeremy has made 1170 movies. That is one thousand, hundred and seventy. Which would probably make him the best actor ever, with your logic. :-D


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #16 on: 2009-09-19 15:33:44 »
Hereby I present you two made-for-TV anime series, and challenge you to find something Western that was made for TV and is equally deep and thought provoking;
That cover looks good, searched on youtube and found this.
Bad animation once again, I haven't seen the cartoon...cuz I don't watch cartoons :p But from the clip on youtube with the crying school girl. It doesn't seem very deep. And I'm not a expert at cartoons, so I'm not sure I could find something western that could challenge the crying school girl.

Perhaps you should actually watch it, before calling it not very deep? It does have 13 episodes, and an actual plot. As for the minimalistic animation, for Lain it works as an effect as well. Again, you should watch it to understand. Had you picked Evangelion, you'd have found actual recycling of frames for budget reasons.

There seems to be a pattern here; 'better' animation for you seems to mean more animation. Do you dispute the fact that Ghost in the Shell actually is very skillfully animated, even though it does take a minimalistic approach compared to average Western animation? Certainly not as minimalistic as Lain, but still. More movement does not always equal better animation. Much like Michael Bay movie does not always ever equal good movie, even though they have plenty of action. And movement. And explosions. Big, fucking huge explosions. Too bad that Bay is a hack as far as actual directing goes. But I'm sure you'd like his work. :P

Everything that has to do with tv is for merchandise. But even x not as bad as some of the animes that are being made as we speak to milk anime freaks on money.

Does that make animation worse? Evangelion is both critically acclaimed and has every kind of merchandise you can think of, and plenty you never even thought possible. Yes, it's a cash cow for Gainax. Does that mean it's bad?

How does it come that western is much much more popular than the big anime movies? And get much more attention than anime movies you think? Because most of them are very deep and are considered master pieces. Just look at this trailer below, if you can find a trailer more powerful made for a anime movie show it to me. I doubt your school girl movies can stand up to something like this.

Not even going to reply to your actual 'points', simply because they are true only in your head.

But here's the trailer you asked for. Maybe you should educate yourself and actually watch it? It is considered to be the one of the most emotionally moving, powerful animated films ever made.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #17 on: 2009-09-20 01:12:54 »
I don't see why there's an argument going on here, when you cut through the crap, that Japanese animation is somehow "deeper" than western animation or visa versa. Most Japanese animation has more complex themes, definitely, but complex does not equal deeper. I could argue that The Fox and The Hound, rife with childish songs and simplicity is just as deep because of that simplicity. We can connect with the idea of being best friends with someone, moving away, growing apart, then seeing each other later in life as opposites. That is deep because nearly all of us have had that happen to us, and it sucked. How many of us have gone through a post-apocalyptic setting dealing with child abuse by greedy superiors trying to meet their own goals at our expense?

I get it, I get that you have to think more and I've grossly skimmed an idea, but so what? You think about the stories more and more, but it still doesn't connect with you. The only thing you walk away with is gratification that you understand fully what the director was trying to convey, a vague philosophy about one thing or another. But does it apply to you on a mental or emotional level?

I guess what I'm getting at here is that Japanese animation intends to bond you to the characters in the film, make you experience their lives and connect with their actions. It's emotional, but mostly because you feel for the characters. Western animation - comedy aside - tries to connect with the viewer and create scenarios that parallel life experiences they can already relate to or will likely experience at some point in their life. It's simplistic emotion. It's no surprise that the two styles are so different, with Westerners (me included, I'm not ashamed to say) fueled by simple emotions and the Japanese being more philosophical.

Regardless, this is all a bit moot anyhow. Western culture is so different that anime is mostly viewed as "nerdy" and nobody wants to associate with it. This puts a serious cap on efforts to tell epic stories, and is a large reason why most epic stories make their way into live action and not anime here. Nobody can possibly say with a straight face that westerners have not created MANY live action stories with complex themes. If animating these ideas was more profitable without that "nerd" stigma attached to it, it would happen more often.

My two cents on the matter, agree to disagree if you see things differently cause I'm not slinging mud over it.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #18 on: 2009-09-20 01:39:13 »
Akshually, I'm just having fun on Hermoor's expense. :P

He seems to be trolling - looks like he has done lot of that after having his ass handed to him in the FFX-thread. Or, maybe he truly thinks that the 'Ewwww, it's popular, I shall not like it!'-spiel will make him somehow more mature. It doesn't, like Kudistos pointed out. Or most likely it's bit of both.

In any case, this time he picked a subject that'll prove ever so slightly difficult for him. :) Other than that, I have no particularly grand passion either way.

How many of us have gone through a post-apocalyptic setting dealing with child abuse by greedy superiors trying to meet their own goals at our expense?

I'm quite aware that the quote above is hardly the point of your post (point that I mostly agree with, btw), but I felt like it deserved a comment;

For the last part... do you really want me to answer that? :P I'd have a long story, but it's not really for public's ears. For the rest, I think you are taking the setting bit literally and simplifying it a bit, you can take the post-apocalyptic out of Evangelion and it doesn't make that much of a difference, IMHO. It's just the setting, not really the point of it.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #19 on: 2009-09-20 02:36:32 »
Fair enough, props for the dedication in that case. I lose interest in arguments pretty quickly, even just poking fun.

At first I started to go into a huge paragraph about that show then said screw it because I realized how silly it was to pick it apart. Like I said, grossly skimmed.

I'll take your word on the long story.

For the record I'm not putting down the Japanese style either, after all I'm on this forum having enjoyed FF7 and plenty of other RPGs that arguably fit the same design form as a lot of Japanese anime. I just can't sit down and watch anime, but to be fair I don't sit down for much of anything anymore aside from the occasional documentary or fight.

Anyways I'm already out on this, so I'll step aside and you two can continue.

Timu Sumisu

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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #20 on: 2009-09-20 04:18:10 »
hermoor, all i seem to draw from your arguments about poor animation (TV, anime or whatnot) has to do with framerate (now i am somewhat innebriated) but... take it from an animation student, all framerate does is make movement smoother, by in large for people with weak eyes and brains (too lazy to explain the process) in which the brain fills in missing frames and creates the motion in your head. Good animation is like good <insert any type of storytelling>. Have a good theme, and tell it, and having seen many gigs worth of anime in my years (sorry, not terrabytes... havnt watched that much) they usually have significant themes, worth telling, albeit in a more indepth and less obvious manner than western films (tsetra said sometihng like this, but nehow).

i suggest you take a break frmo making arguments here and either and learn how to argue, lest you make yourself the next seifer.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #21 on: 2009-09-20 14:04:56 »
There is even anime porn...I mean wtf.


I take it that you have issues with that - I'd like to hear what they are.

You might also want to see Fritz the Cat, while you are formulating your reply. Might open an eye, or too.

This is my opinion, now I know some of you will disagree, because some of you are anime fanatics. I think this is even more than a's probably a fact.

Thinking about for example lion king. When Simbas father died,

Evangelion, when Shinji's father might as well have been dead, considering the attitude and abuse he received from him. It wouldn't be terribly far fetched to assume Shinji would have been happier, if his father actually was dead.

loosing your best friend Fox and hound.


Prince of Egypt, leaving your home and family behind, because they really are bad.


Bambi, once again loosing your mother and following in your fathers footsteps.

OMG, Evangelion. Well, Shinji kind of tried to follow in Gendo's footsteps, at least to a degree that he sought his approval.

Alladin, wishes and dreams/love.

Can you guess what I'm going to say? Evangelion. Unrequited love, too. At least two kinds of it, akshually.

But of course, the alternative I offer is made for TV - thus shit, not to mention made in Japan, thus bad. It's even badly animated - it's bloody obvious that Gainax was out of money and time by the end of it! :-D IMHO, my only real issue with Evangelion is the question whether it's actually deep, or just pretentious. It's certainly very close to the limit, and some stuff - like the occasionally excessive name dropping of Judeo-Christian mythology - I believe to exist merely for the 'Oh, cool reference'-value, instead of having much of a real meaning.

Anime is very grand and not as emotional on a human level if you compare to western animation.

Sure ain't. Keep telling yourself that. BTW, did you watch Grave of the Fireflies?

Plus there is a lot of sh*t in anime too (porn, ridiculous tv shows etc)

And this differs from western animation how, exactly?

Not to mention, live action movies. There are pr0n movies, actually there are bloody huge pile of them (case in point: Ron Jeremy and his 1170 movies). By your logic, live action movies are bad because there's live action pr0n, not to mention several horrid game shows, reality TV shows and what have you.


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #22 on: 2009-09-20 14:53:12 »

I take it that you have issues with that - I'd like to hear what they are.
Teenagers and grown men jerking of to cartoons is just not natural. Cave men jerking of cave paintings...get the idea? Not even the neanderthals were that stupid.

I see. :-D I also assume that you deny the possibility that a work of art might have erotic qualities, yes?

Or is this merely 'It's not natural'-issue with them, too? :)

Anyway, I don't recall if you have ever stated your views about homosexuality, but I just became curious about them. I have a guess what they might be, as well... :-D

I quote myself on this one...evangelion is very mixed right? It's not about one thing, but about everything!!! Set in a school enviroment with bad animation, and screaming crying anime/doll looking girls with pink and purple hair...distasteful is the right word...
*A distasteful mix of every story told in the past. (Final Fantasy VII)

Not really, if you can get past the premise of post-apocalyptic (to be specific, post-cataclysmic is probably more accurate) setting with giant robots. What's left is a growth story of a young boy. That's what Evangelion is about, if you ask me. Mind you, not the easiest growth story, Anno reflects many of his own issues - which he had plenty at the time - on Shinji. If you'd ask me to sum the whole series in one sentence, it'd be this "Things can always get worse, no matter how bad they were." - that's true at least as far as Shinji is concerned.

Majority of Evangelion happens outside the school, for that matter. And considering that the protagonists are 14 year olds, would you seriously expect them not to go to school? That, if anything, would be unrealistic.

I seem to be forgetting something. It's been a long time since I watched Evangelion, and I do not particularly care for the remake they are apparently doing, but I do not recall any girls with pink hair. Or purple, for that matter. Misato's is black, if you are thinking about her - black enough that it'll look like deep blue or purplish in certain light.

For crying... well, Asuka has a pretty darn good reason for it - on the rare occasion she might do it. Rei doesn't cry much. Much like she doesn't smile very much, either.

For that matter, while almost all characters are archetypes to some degree, I for one considering for example Shinji to be way more realistic protagonist than most. Yes, he whines. He does have kind of a good reason for it. He's not overly brave superhero-type, but more of a everyman, or everyboy, who gets scared, too.

And just for shits and giggles, several years after seeing Evangelion, I met a woman who might as well be the person Misato is modeled after - they are so much alike that it's kinda uncanny. :-P

So, I'd hardly call Evangelion's cast unrealistic. Archetypal, yes, unrealistic, no.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #23 on: 2009-09-20 17:19:57 »
This thread is hilarious :-D

Hermoor, what do you think of ethnic minorities? I'm sure you'll have something interesting to say :-P


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Re: Best animated movie?
« Reply #24 on: 2009-09-20 17:56:51 »
I see. grin I also assume that you deny the possibility that a work of art might have erotic qualities, yes?
Sure, art can be see the difference?

What I see is someone trying to cherrypick. You tried that at the FFX-thread, remember? :-D

Well, in any case, neither of them do anything for me. One of them is not particularly well drawn, not to mention I don't have a thing for nekomimis, other just isn't very erotic to begin with.

I also am amused by the fact that you seem to imply that one of them is art, while the other is not. :lol:

In any case, just for shits and giggles, here. Some of the images found there might not be worksafe.

I have a guess what they might be, as well... grin
It's against nature.

I thought as much. :-D

*A distasteful mix of everything....reminds me of that reality tv show called Big Brother...

It would seem that you have trouble understanding what you just read. :-D But hey, your loss. Not to mention that your argumentation is quite amusing, looks like you don't have much left and what you have don't seem very valid either, but it's not like that has stopped you before. :-P

BTW, is it warm in De Nile? :-D

This thread is hilarious :-D

Verily it is! :-D

Hermoor, what do you think of ethnic minorities? I'm sure you'll have something interesting to say :-P

Hush now! Don't ask him things like that, or he'll might tell us that they are against nature! Being, you know, ethnic. And minor, too! :-D