titeguy, what res did you render that at? Also, I think you need to stand up the swords a bit more. They seem leaned down away from the screen
I tried to get the angle the same as in the original, but it is pretty steep. They are leaning away from the screen a little, especially the masamune.
A little thing about light source. With the shine on the sword where it is, it seems like the shadows ought to be a little further off to the right.
Hm, I tried forever to decide upon a good way to orient the shadows, but it just wasn't clicking.
What I might do is stand them up more, but increase the resolution of the file so that the swords don't overlap with the menu text, thanks for the input.
EDIT: Okay, completely redone: Swords are now 100% proportional (suprisingly enough, the actual masamune model isn't that much larger than the buster sword model) and shadow is consistent with lighting. Also made ground color resemble original and increased resolution to 1600x1200, input is appreciated: