Author Topic: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...  (Read 20393 times)


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #25 on: 2010-03-16 18:59:02 »
I'll probably get it second hand or when it goes platinum. I've heard very mixed reviews about this game and all of the objective facts I've heard about it make me think that I'll hate it. It's hilarious that the improved technology seems to have limited what developers can do with JRPGs in this generation. Aren't technological developments meant to allow developers to do more things with games?

I can't believe Skweenicks actually said "are you kidding me?? we can't make towns that high res! It'd take forever!"

Did it never occur to anyone that when the advanced technology is forcing you to make the entire game one long ass dungeon that perhaps the game would be better off without 1080p models and textures?

Allow me to make a point here....
2 of most entertaining games I've played in the past 3 years:
2 of the least entertaining games I've played in the past 3 years:

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #26 on: 2010-03-16 19:05:34 »
I don't think it ever did occur to them.

The town fiasco is Squeenix admitting that graphics are more important than content; when they had to choose between the two, they went with the graphics. It looks like good graphics really are bad for the gaming industry; apparently, gameplay and other irrelevant aspects of a game have to be fitted around the need for good graphics.

And the game isn't even in 1080p; it's 720p on the PS3 and 576 on the 360.


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #27 on: 2010-03-16 19:08:43 »
One of the absolute best games I've played in recent memory was Cave Story.  No one can say people enjoy it for the nostalgia.

I think the reason for this is the less graphically intensive, and lack of voice acting gives your imagination more freedom to make them sound and look like whatever you want.  The same reason books are always better than the movie.  Using your imagination just makes it better somehow.


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #28 on: 2010-03-16 19:19:44 »
At least we have things like the Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade (Wii just sucks) guaranteeing that games that aren't graphically intensive also have a place in the market. For that I'm thankful..although I'll admit that I've had more fun playing flash games on newgrounds for free than I ever have with a PSN or XBLA game.


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #29 on: 2010-03-16 19:59:37 »
One of the absolute best games I've played in recent memory was Cave Story.  No one can say people enjoy it for the nostalgia.

That game made me wanna cry sometimes. T_T Really good game...


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #30 on: 2010-03-17 03:27:26 »
Exactly!  Made buy one guy using 8bit graphics and MIDIs.  No one can honestly say they don't like Cave Story.  NO ONE!!!! >:(


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #31 on: 2010-03-17 03:31:25 »
Exactly!  Made buy one guy using 8bit graphics and MIDIs.  No one can honestly say they don't like Cave Story.  NO ONE!!!! >:(
I just downloaded and started playing Cave Story and I can say that it's really well done. Usually the fewer developers there are for software, the more elegantly made it is. Take Winamp for instance, the winamp team consists of pretty much 5 or so developers at any given time, and it's pretty much the most well-made piece of software on my computer.

BTW, cave story reminds me a lot of Level Up!, a game I linked to above.


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #32 on: 2010-03-17 03:32:37 »
BTW, cave story reminds me a lot of Level Up!, a game I linked to above.


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #33 on: 2010-03-17 11:29:37 »
Also, did someone above say that this game is split into chapters? For I dislike games that are chapterized. *is rage*.
Yeah. It's 13 chapters as far as I know(I lost the will to play when game opens) and 11 of them are awfully linear. And even then it's just one big location comparable to one or two from FFXIII. Not much huh?

Destructoid's review put some nice and valid points about the game, like:

Team always talks about saving Cocoon, their home, about some kind of patriotism but the game never really attaches you to the world. It seems like it's more playing with itself than with player.

2 of the least entertaining games I've played in the past 3 years:
FF13 is about as entertaining as SC4 for me. Hardly.

Usually the fewer developers there are for software, the more elegantly made it is. Take Winamp for instance, the winamp team consists of pretty much 5 or so developers at any given time, and it's pretty much the most well-made piece of software on my computer.
The same with indie games. World of Goo, Flower, Plants vs Zombies, Braid. Each one of those games are made by small teams, they aren't made to be blockbuster hits. It's for pushing new ways to have fun and making quality product. Less about money which drives major companies.


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #34 on: 2010-04-01 17:52:03 »
I got FFXIII on Monday, and here are my thoughts on it so far (about four hours in, I think, can't be bothered to check)

I'm really liking the story so far. The characters are interesting and unique, and none of them are super-emo like Squall. The world's mythology is fascinating, and quite interesting to read, albeit a bit wordy. The datalogs are loaded with interesting stuff, but also with retelling the story that's already been seen so far, so you have to skim through it to find the good parts. Also, Vanille's accent is REALLY distracting, but other than that the voice acting is solid, and really adds to the experience.

The battle system is awesome. It can be a bit easy at times, though I suspect that's because I'm not very far in the game yet. I'm really liking paradigms, especially being able to make my own, it's better than Gambits in XII, IMO. The experience crystogen system is kind of novel, but intuitive, and not distractingly complicated like the equivalent systems in X and XII were. As a whole, it works really well.

The field is a mess. I'm constantly fighting the camera, especially when I go up hills or stairs. It wants to zoom way too far in, so that your character blocks your vision, and it rotates when you don't expect it to. This problem is thankfully easy to work around, by relying on the minimap for most of your navigation, only keeping an eye on the main game screen for items (which are anywhere where there's a dead-end) and when trying to get a preemptive strike on enemies.

When people said this game is linear, they weren't kidding. There's no towns (so far), no shops, very few NPCs, and as much exploration as in a 1999 FPS. The different environments all look and feel different from each other, but as a whole the game has been an exercise in running through halls, straight streets, corridors, and narrow paths, and stopping whenever there's a battle or cutscene. I knew to expect linearity out of this game, but figured it would be in the form of a lack of sidequests or decisions. I hadn't realized that even the individual areas are completely linear. It'd be nice to be able to backtrack more than just the current area, even if there's no good reason to.

Graphics and Music:
No surprises here. It's gorgeous, just like in the trailers and gameplay videos that have been all over the internet for a while. The music is enjoyable, but I wish I could hum along with it as I could with previous games (I know, no Uematsu this time around).

Final Words:
Overall, this game seems to be relying solely on the story and battle system. It's a damn good thing these are so strong, because if either of them wasn't GREAT then it'd be easy to just stop playing and not finish the game. As it is, I'm driven to keep going. Here's hoping there's more to do after a few more hours.


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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #35 on: 2010-04-01 18:37:11 »
I've gotten no further than I had a couple of weeks ago, trading it in for Splinter Cell Conviction once that's out.

I just can't keep playing, it's trash, plain and simple, it's a generic JRPG disguised as an FF game.

Colonel Ramsay

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Re: So, Final Fantasy 13 is pretty rad...
« Reply #36 on: 2010-04-01 18:42:48 »
I've gotten no further than I had a couple of weeks ago, trading it in for Splinter Cell Conviction once that's out.

I just can't keep playing, it's trash, plain and simple, it's a generic JRPG disguised as an FF game.

That about sums it up.  What is annoying is that despite it being so flawed in a number of ways, it is generally getting a 8/10 and I don't think that is fair when we compare it to the likes of 6,7,8,9 and 10. Still, if you look at review sites there are far more user reviews slating it than is the norm for a FF game, so maybe the bubble has finally burst. I checked up on the game before I bought it, I watched tons of vids and read a load of negative reviews (they seem to help me decide more than the positive ones).  I felt duped and robbed by X-2 and XII and damned if I was gonna make that mistake a 3rd time.

Like someone else here mentioned, because of HD they spent most of their time trying to wrestle with its new problems and thus a lot of what makes an RPG good was thrown out in favour of graphics.  All they ened to do is realise that a good game doesn't need 1080 or 720p, all it needs is a great gameplay for replayability, and good story for gripping the player.    Graphics should come after those 2, never before.

I suppose one major issue is as was said also, a lot of people like games because of graphics, and enix responds now more than ever to what sells the best.  Mass market appeal is killing this series.
« Last Edit: 2010-04-01 18:46:24 by Colonel Ramsay »