Author Topic: The great re-installing!  (Read 2185 times)


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The great re-installing!
« on: 2010-03-19 09:10:15 »
Ever since my computer crashed (roughly 5+ months ago) I have been completely burned out and unwilling to redo all of the work I put into FF7.

Now I think I am finally willing to go through the long and tedious process of re-installing all of the changes not only to the main game, but also my very computer itself (drivers and ffdshow to disable trumotion etc.).

I noticed that thankfully titeguy had made a mod that contains and applies most of my settings and mods so that's alot of work that got cut out (my sincerest thanks to your endevours titeguy).

However there are still some things that need to be done that I will need help with:

1: I need a way to make the game run more smoothly, it has just enough lag to make annoyingly long battleswirls, and 2X longer menu customizing along with longer text seqeunces and FMV's.

2: I completely forgot how to open Char.lpg so I will do some searching around till I find out again.

3: The sound loop is a bit off, and at one point the shortcut stopped working al-together...How is this relevant? Well when I went to the shortcut and clicked to run it, it told me that it couldn't find "ff7music"

4: There is no four!

5: there is a five however! The intro FMV is off with the timing of the sound. it starts out perfect, then the myusic just stops for all of 5 seconds...then continues behind the video.

I made this topic for 2 reasons: 1 was to sort of re-introduce myself since I've been gone awhile.

and 2: I feel like If anyone can help me with these technical difficulties, it's the Qhimm community.

So with all that said and done....what is up, my home skillet?


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Re: The great re-installing!
« Reply #1 on: 2010-03-19 09:18:04 »
Well I can help with 2. IIRC you'll need LGP tools

And I'm taking it you're using the custom graphics driver so I would talk to Aali in regards to the audo/video syncing


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Re: The great re-installing!
« Reply #2 on: 2010-03-19 09:22:36 »
Now that you mention it, I actually had LPGtools saved onto a flashdrive (this isn't the first time I had to backup my computer)

Great advice regaurding Ali though, i'll definately try to get a word with him.

Thanks  :)