Hi there. I recently bought the FF7 re-release but while playing I realized just slightly too late that I had missed the Leviathan scales at the submarine dock (even though I got the other miss-able items). So I came across this program, edited my save to have the scales (they show up under key items in my inventory ingame), which is great. However I still get the "Can't go through here" message when attempting to pass the flames at Wutai. I assume the game sets another flag/variable when the scales are obtained properly. I also tried changing the save location (using my earliest save which was just after I had boarded the sub) except when I go back into the submarine dock room the red sub is back again and there is only one uninteractable chest that I can see.
Is there any way I can make it so I can pass the flames? I know how to use cheat engine so even a memory address would be helpful if Black Chocobo can't do it.
Otherwise, does anyone have a save file where I can redo the underwater reactor quest (or at least the part just before the boss) so I can figure it out myself?
Any help appreciated, thanks.
Edit: figured it out with the help of Black Chocobo's "advanced mode" and some judicious save file comparison: the last bit (ie. in binary) of the z_38:153 variable has to be set to 1 rather than 0.
Also I don't know the meaning of the SLOT variables but additionally SLOT:1031 should be the same value, however I only changed z_38:153 and I was able to put out the flames - after I saved ingame then rechecked it in Black Chocobo, SLOT:1031 updated itself to the new value anyway (they're probably the same address right?).
So yeah just as a suggestion for future versions, you should probably set this bit when someone adds the Leviathan scales to their inventory because this is what the game does when you open the chest. At the moment Black Chocobo just changes SLOT:0BE9 which makes the key item appear in your inventory (as it should) but doesn't actually have any effect otherwise as I originally described.