Author Topic: [FF7PC] Ultima Espio Aeris patch  (Read 336658 times)

ultima espio

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Could you post some samples of her new dialogues?
I think it would be cool if the comunity could give some opinions & suggestions on what she say.

Here's what she says when you arrive in Midgar after the parachute scene:


"You know, {Cloud}
I used to be scared of the sky.
I felt like it was pulling me in...
I never thought I'd be parachuting
back into Midgar!"

I thought that that would be the perfect place to throw a Crisis Core reference in :P

I think I have only 1 animation left to do. Its got 300 frames :|

It took me 45 mins to do 90 frames...It'll take me hours to do it. I'll have to find another way around it...

Maybe if I just make a new model of Aeris based on Tifa's Hierarchy...just for that scene. It should work.
« Last Edit: 2010-09-13 14:30:05 by ultima espio »


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Sounds great, please consider putting some "cute" coutes to balance the deep meaning ones,
keep up the good work :)

Tenko Kuugen

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Sounds great, please consider putting some "cute" coutes to balance the deep meaning ones,
keep up the good work :)

the story left 'cute' behind it when Aerith got stabbed by Seph ( and they forgot to phoenix down her )


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I dissagred with that last post, I think one of Aerith's main atractives is her ability to stay cheerfull even in dire times, I mean, if you come to think about it, the history left the "cute" behind when it spiraled around an evil megacorporation that exploits the very lifeblood of the planet to makes a corrupt corporate empire, one that conducts biological research to crate superhuman soldiers using procces that may cripple or kill the subjets, while all together making misserable the lives of thousands of people that are force to leave in sunless slums cause they could no affort a place in the upper plate of Migdar, so ¿who will be willing to care about flowers and smile in a world like that? Aerith that is who.
She never left her "cute" side behind even thought she had both of her parents killed by Shinra, lost contact with Zack, had to live in the slums herself, and was frequently chased by Shinra's thugs, as you can see she at a lot of reasons to be grim and gritty, yet she is not, she make the choise to stay on the bright side and be happy, that is a very important part of what she is and it could not just be "left behind" in this project.

Tenko Kuugen

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'cute' will still feel wrong in the aftermath of the forgotten city. Especially as events are really, really shocking and serious there


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She isn't all THAT cheerful. I think in that situation she'd be serious but still try to cheer Cloud and the others up. She might try to put a "It isn't all that bad" spin on things.

ultima espio

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I may even go as far as to have her laugh when the characters talk about her death, or have her looking miffed because she's standing right there. I can't decide which.


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Personally I will try a mixed approach, a start with serious part  like "I'm really relieved that you (Cloud) came back from me..." toned down with a little light comment like "...I knew you cared about me more than you showed mr. Soldier" she then should begin regaining her cheerfull self lil by lil during the rest of the game, so to the end of the game she may have completely rebuild her self-confidense and be ready to face Sephiroth, in fact will be interesting to have Cloud try to convince her to stay out of the last mission in fear Sephiroth will hurt her again, but she adamantly deciding to stay in something in lines of... "Of course I'm scared, but I won't run away".

Anyway I think the most important thing is to make she show she is happy to be back with her friends but still concerned with the fate of the planet. :)

ultima espio

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"This is the final battle. Are you sure you want to go?"

"Yes, I have to. I'll be ok, I have a body guard right?"


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D'aww, that line is so sweet! It's perfect.
May I help you write some of her lines as well? I'm actually putting off my playthrough of FF7 till this gets released.

ultima espio

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Yeah, sure. ATM I'm writing my own lines, but it's nice to see what others write.

So...if you guys post what you have written for any scene, I'd write something for it, then compare them to see what should be in.


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That last last dialogue soo Aerith that it automaticaly make me smile  :)
Great job Ultima


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Oh, I forgot to mention that it should be this :

"Yes, I have to. I'll be okay, I have a bodyguard, right?"


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Just a quick idea
Almost at the ending, there is this video where Aerith's hand strech to save Cloud and then is remplaced by Tifa 's hand, may it be possible to cut the video short before it is changed, I mean now that she is there, she could help Cloud herself, I may be a small but cool change.

ultima espio

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I wasnt going to mention it but...I was going to have her fade out like the ghost in the church...


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You mean making Aerith fade out?
Please don't do that it will be depressing


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She dies, I don't know how her fading out will be any more depressing. How about I just beta the script? As checking each scene and making up lines...  :| I'll get lazy.


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Well since you are going through all the work of bringing her back and giving her new lines why don't go all the way out and go for the happy ending, you know Aerith & Cloud surviving together.
I know this will crash with the events in Advent Children, but it's not like it will that much of a crime to just assume an alternate ending, in fact I think the reason that Aerith & Cloud remain popular even after so long, it is becasue alternate versions of their love history have been feactured in other Square-Enix games, she is protected by Cloud in a chapter of Final Fantasic Tactics, and they reunite at the ending of Kingdom Hearts 1, in fact Cloud's history in that game is about him making a deal with Hercules's nemesis Hades in order to recover his "light", and we all know that Hades is the greek god of the dead souls, so that is about how much he cared about her, he was ready to make a deal with the devil himself in order to have her back.
So please consider just letting them stay together, I think Cloud would be happy about it and a lot of fans, me included, will thank you a lot.  :D
« Last Edit: 2010-09-16 00:35:33 by ClanD »

Tenko Kuugen

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Well since you are foing through all the work of bringing her back and giving her new lines why don't go all the way out and go for a happy ending, you know Aerith & Cloud surviving together.

I will not be making any changes to the main story, it'll end up like a fanfic.

I know this will crash with the events in Advent Children, but it's not like it will that much of a crime to just assume an alternate ending, in fact I think the reason that Aerith & Cloud remain popular even after so long, it is becasue alternate versions of their love history have been feactured in other Square-Enix games, she is protected by Cloud in a chapter of Final Fantasic Tactics, and she reunites with him at the ending of Kingdom Hearts 1, in fact Cloud's history in that game is about him making a deal with Hercules's nemesis Hades in order to recover his "light", and we all know that Hades is the greek god of the dead souls, so that about is how much he cared about her, he was ready to make a deal with the devil himself in order to have her back.
So please consider just letting them stay together, I think Cloud would be happy about it and a lot of fans, me included, will thank you a lot.  :D

I disagree. Most of all, canon in KH2 is that Tifa is Cloud's light. She says so right after the fight against Sephiroth in KH2. He doesn't give a shit about either Aerith or Tifa though, he just runs around and looks for Sephiroth. The whole 'light' thing in KH1 is more metaphorical anyway.

Secondly, there are about as many people that will NOT be happy with what you propose as there will be happy ones, making this a very sharp double-edged sword.

I say, keep the story at it is. See the first quote anyway.
If I want fanfiction, I can write some myself.


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I was not suggesting to change the whole history, just the ending, I only put the KH reference to ilustrate my point that alternate versions of Cloud and Aerith have already been made (In fact Aerith is not even dead in the KH1 plot)
In fact as far as the project as evolved, the history as already undergone a significant change  in order to give Aerith more playtime, as giving her dialogues means giving her interaction with the other party members, the only way to actually accept this patch and keep strictly attached to the cannon, will be go with the previous suggestion of the "ghost aerith" bringing her back with a transparent model, without dialogues, without anybody noticing her presence, just for the sake of gameplay.
Then again the ending won't change that much, the Advent Children movie, makes clear that the planet and all the main characters survive the ordeal, (even president Rufus that I tought was vaporised by a "Weapon"attack) the only thing that will change is that Cloud won't become depressed and lonely, has he was seen in AC.
About the "double edge sword" I agreed with you, this game in particular have been subjet to intense debate, and there is no real consess on anything about it, for starters some people even argue if the game is good or not, and there is some people that absolutly hate Aerith, while others (like me :) ) love her, everyone is free take their side, but I guess that many of the people interesed in this patch actually liked the flower girl, so my point is that  my "happy ending" suggestion won't appeal to all the final fantasy 7 fans, but I think it will appeal to many final fantasy 7 fans that actually liked Aerith, those that didn't liked her or think that the game was perfect the way it was, and that her permanent death was indeed necesary just have to abstent from using this particular patch.
And again, maybe I was not clear enought, I didn't mean to change the  ending video, (it is amazing) or anything, I just mean that she should not dissapear, just have them all escape the crater together, then you could just assume that she and cloud are ok, or if you want to keep with the cannon establised by AC assume that she returned to the lifestream shortly after the battle.
After all the original ending was not very explicit about the fate of the heroes, exept for Red XII who seems to have two kids some hundreds of years later.


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Kingdom Hearts was nothing but a combination of Square Enix(soft) and Disney characters designed to make a lot of money. What happened in that storyline is entirely separate from Final Fantasy VII. I am also a fan of Aeris, but I believe the games original plot-line should be kept.

The happy ending would just skew all the events that take place after Final Fantasy VII. Not that I am a huge fan of Advent Children, in fact I flat out think it ruins Final Fantasy VII, but we were not the original authors. That would be the folks in the offices of Square Enix.

So I vote to keep the original feel and plot the same. Even if Ultima Espio is already making a drastic change by bringing Aeris back from the dead, but it is a mod. One that seems to be neat and fun! ^_^.

Or on a different note, perhaps he could release alternate versions. One with the happy ending, and one with  Aeris just fading out like a ghost.

I don't know, I am not much for stating my opinions, because I always sound like a jerk. ^_^.
But that is just my view on it.



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Or on a different note, perhaps he could release alternate versions. One with the happy ending, and one with  Aeris just fading out like a ghost.

That sounds very reasonable to me

Or there may be a third option, Aerith could tell Cloud that after they defeat Sephiroth she has to return to the lifestream in order to control the power of "Holy" and make sure that the energy of the two magics in collision is somehow contained, cause otherways the planet may be saved but a immense amount of people (maybe most of the human race) will be destroyed by the explosion, this possibilty (the human race being wiped out of existence by the will or power of the planet) is refered by Red XIII's "Grandfather" in Cosmo Cayon so it adjust well to the cannon, so after Sephiroth is defeated she voluntary returns to the lifestream alive, with a nice parting frase and the promise that she and Cloud will be togeter again when the right time comes.

I like this scenario because it covers most of the pros with almost no problems, say:

1. We could have Aerith during the whole game for full game play experience, she will be in all the way to the final battle, ready to kick Sephiroth's ass for some payback.

2. It works all together with the "Advent Children" plot, in fact it may explain pretty well with she is able to help Cloud with the powers of the lifestream, because she is living within it.

3. It also works with Cloud s grimmy actitude in "Advent Children" he just miss her a lot, and blames himself for letting the things go so critical that Aerith have to part with him in order to save the world.

4. The "We will be together again when the time is right" works in two different ways and both are cool:

It could mean that they will reunite whitin the lifestream when Cloud is ready, this goes along with one of the last scenes of "Advent Children" after bein seriously wounded in the last battle, Cloud find himself alonside Aerith in wath I think is the inner part of the lifestream, but Aerith tells him that is not the time jet and sends in back to the world of the living as he regains conciense in the old churn.

Or it could mean that in the future (a sequel maybe ¿Final Fantasy VII-2?)  she will return to the world of the living with the help of Cloud.

5. Her act of selfless sacrifice will remain as great as always, even greater as she also take active part in kicking Sephiroth's butt, but will be a lot less sad.

I think it will be a lot better that she just vanishing like her batteries run off or something. :-P

Well that is my proposal I hope you like :)

ultima espio

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Yeah, I expected something like this to happen.


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Yeah, I expected something like this to happen.

Just say NO. I really like the fading out idea, everyone else's suggestions sound like something out of a bad fanfic.


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Well my last post was going along with the idea of she leaving at the end, I just wanted she to she to have a motive and a farewell cuote, sorry if I over-extended, I got a little carried away when it comes to final fantasy.