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Messages - ThunderPeel2001

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You're nothing if not a bundle of contradictions, DLPB. Thanks for your hard work.

Another question: I was wondering what's with the new colour scheme for the Limit/Time bars? I know it's optional, but I just wondered why? Does it match the Japanese PSX version or something? Is it just because it's more aesthetically pleasing? I was just wondering as there's no explanation in the read me. Thanks.

Re: The Lunar Harp. It's a key item within the game, but actually the characters talk about it being commonplace ("a girl passed through and she had a lunar harp"). Maybe it should be lowercase, as it appears to be common.

Thanks. I like the Achievements in the Steam version, so I'll probably keep it.

As for the Quit menu, I'm afraid it's gone for good.

Just out of interest, what's your reasoning for this?

PS - A minor bug: When characters are talking about the Lunar Harp, it should be capitalised because it's a proper noun. Just as it is for Temple of the Ancients or Cosmo Memory.

Yes, I play over SteamLink as I just said. I don't have Alt-F4 :( I now have to force close it through Steam. Not the end of the world.

The reason it wasn't in the original game is that you just turned off your PS when you were done. Console games of that era didn't have "quit" options. The PC version should really have a quit option, as you can return to the operating system afterwards, even if it's just for players who don't know about Alt-F4.

Actually that makes me think of one great feature that Reunion could have: Remove the need to press 'X' on the keyboard before playing. Or allow a controller to skip past it. It's a stupid thing they added that makes lives difficult for SteamLink owners!

Edit: One more question. Have you altered Cloud's control in any way from the Steam release? I swear he's suddenly incredibly more difficult to control with an analogue stick. Is it just my imagination?


Why did you remove the Quit menu option, btw? As someone who plays over SteamLink this was a VERY useful feature.

DLPB, I guess you've seen this bug before? Where a character now goes in front of the menu system during a battle? It happens when Aerith does her Level 4 Limit Break, for example.

The 60fps thing is amazing, and I love the new menu (although I miss Summon instead of Sum) but I can't tell if the camera is slightly crazier or if it's just a z buffer issue that's putting characters infront of the menu system?

If your concern is whether there are "enough Japanese characters" in the game to warrant keeping the names of the items you mentioned intact it's irrelevant because they are inherently Japanese in nature.

Nope. Nothing to do with characters in that sense at all. I'm just interested. The question has absolutely nothing to do with Beacause or DLPB's choices whatsoever, and I only ask because DLPB is in a good position to answer it being the probably the world's foremost expert on the script.

I understand your concerns, as I was originally on that boat before, but you have to face that's just how it stands. If all else, you can always revert the things you dislike with the appropriate tool as suggested before. I know someone has done so with Green_goblin's PS1 port of Beacause on RHDN.

Yep, I'm not interested in antagonising DLBP. I just wanted to share my thoughts as someone who has actually taken the time to analyse and consider his choices, rather than someone complaining for the sake of it, but I don't want to argue about anything and that's why I suggested we just move on. From his responses, it seems I fundamentally disagree with his philosophy towards the translation, and that's not going to change for either of us.

Personally I just wish he'd stayed focussed on fixing things that are confusing for the player and got in the way of the storytelling, and left it at that. (The original item/enemy names still have value to people following guides/walkthroughs, for example.) Instead he's treated this as a completely fresh translation, and that's his prerogative to do so, and I just have to accept it.

I've actually finally installed Beacause and started playing with it, and aside from a few minor matters of personal preference, it's already proving to be a vast improvement. As I said before, I'm incredibly impressed by the attention to detail he's poured into it, and I'm very grateful his translation exists.

Yes, I see that option, and I installed it with those options enabled last night. It's good to see that the characters haven't lost their voices. (Even Barrat still speaks similarly, despite what I'd feared.) However your response is completely besides the point of my post. It doesn't matter one bit that you give options to not change them. That's got nothing to do with what my post is about at all.

Let's not discuss my thoughts on your decisions further.

I would, however, love to hear an answer to my question. Roughly how many Japanese characters would you estimate the game has?

I know this has been done to death, so I apologise in advance. You must get this all the time. Sorry.

I'm still in the camp of people who are worried to try Beacause simply because the apparent adherence to literal translations (which I know you deny). I can't think of a better example of this than the changing of Phoenix Down to Phoenix Tail... simply because you were (apparently) unfamiliar with "down" to mean feathers and think "tail" is more explicitly (and literally) correct. Meanwhile, every other FF game in existence uses "Down" and, additionally, it makes perfect sense that it's a rare part of the mythical bird that grants life -- its down.

Looking through the document, I see that there are other literal changes that remove flavour: Eg. Hyper becomes the very literal and dull "Stimulant". Megalixir becomes "Last Elixir", which doesn't help a new player understand that's a more powerful version of an Elixir. Shrapnel becomes "Bomb's Fragment" (shrapnel is the perfect word for this). Bikini Briefs becomes "Bikini Underwear". It's hard to see why these changes are better.

And there are lots more unnecessary changes, too: Lance becomes Pike. Sector becomes District. Staff becomes Rod. Armlet becomes Bracelet. Glove becomes Gauntlet. Mallet becomes Hammer. Pot becomes Vase. These words are synonymous with each other, and didn't need to be changed at all.

There are times when a translation is very difficult, like the comedic/absurd "Orthopedic Underwear", implying the underwear was too old for Tifa at the time. This was changed to "Frilly Underwear", which loses all intention, even though it reads better. "Game Over" becomes "All Over". "Greased Lightning" becomes "Flash Lightning". "Head Hunter" becomes "Neck Hunter". All of which lose intention in the re-translation.

Qhimm's concern about changing things that a Japanese person would consider common into something an English player would be confused about are present, too. Consider changing Amulet to Omamori. A Japanese player would know this was an amulet... which is what it was called in the original translation, but an English player is left scratching their heads. Same goes for Hachimaki, a Japanese headband, which was called Headband in the original. And again with changing Autograph to Signed Shikishi.

That said, I'm unbelievably impressed by the attention to detail, and there are COUNTLESS examples when your translation is a genuine, undebatable correction. In those instances it's fantastic.

I should really reserve judgement until I feel brave enough to actually try the translation for myself. It's not fair to complain without having done that. So feel free to ignore me (I actually fully expect you to, you must have responded to these sorts of comments hundreds of times by now).

I do have one question I'd love for you to respond to, though: How many Japanese characters did FFVII have?

I wonder if we could Kickstart a fund to have Alexander O Smith do a proper translation... You've actually done a great deal of the heavy lifting, including the creation of software tools to make the job easier.

I've made an effort to stop using exclamation marks :P  I haven't even started to remove them yet.  The Japanese script is loaded with them and it's not good grammar.

Not meaning to be difficult, but isn't that going against the intention of the original authors? I'm sure it's just as bad grammar in Japanese.

Sorry to resurrect this thread, I just want to alert people to the fact that all support will be handled on the official mod page from now on. I still get messages about this, so please go here instead of pinging me elsewhere:

This mod has probably been superseded fancier ones now, though. (I guess Reunion, with its new script, does this automatically now?)

Hi there, sorry if this has been asked before, but what's with the lack of a space between letters and commas? I assume that was an earlier mistake in Beacause and not actually something that's in the final translation? Sorry if this has been asked before. It's been years since I was last here!

Edit: I have a strange feeling I've already asked about this and it was fixed previously.

Releases / Re: FF7 - XBox 360 Controller Fix [2.1]
« on: 2014-02-08 00:28:34 »
Can you provide just the files that need to be replaced? It wont let me install it because its not seeing my steam version, prolly cuz its on a separate hard drive location

Sorry about the delay in noticing this message. You can get the files and manually install them here:

Good luck!

Misc. Graphical Releases / PSX Button Images
« on: 2014-01-08 14:26:36 »
I've been asked a few times for copies of the PSX images I started. You can download the PSD here and use them however you want:

If you want to give me a credit should you use them, that would be cool. Thanks :)

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-12-13 10:49:16 »
Well this thread suddenly became weird and creepy :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: Server is up!!! Yeyyy!
« on: 2013-12-11 20:23:59 »
Hmm. Looks like the images and CSS files are being overloaded... Just getting pure text version now :)

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-12-11 19:43:26 »
I'm pretty swamped at the moment :( What size were you thinking? x2? x4? I could give it a shot, if I have the time. Don't let me stop you, mugenginga!

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-12-01 22:41:33 »
There's always white...?

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-11-30 23:11:03 »
it's probably just warped by the blur or by the game :)

Yes, that's exactly what I've been saying.

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-11-30 14:34:31 »
The buttons (at least in the screenshot) are 31x32. So, like I say, if something looks a pixel or two off horizontally (like the Square button you mention, Dan), it may be because of this, and not because of anything mugenginga is doing. Just a thought.

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-11-29 16:34:22 »
I noticed something in the screenshots -- the buttons are no longer round...? Weird.

The red circle is perfectly round -- but something is making mugenginga's buttons slightly squished:

I guess hardly anyone will notice it, but it's a bit weird. If you're having difficulty perfectly centering things by one or two pixels, this may be the culprit.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII's Menu Gradients...
« on: 2013-11-28 11:52:05 »
Do not rush... they did the exact same thing like DLPB and FBX in some point... and I'm positive the qhimm members work had higher level of quality.

FBX did it later. DLPB (and Assimi) converted the OST. Square Enix replaced it with the original PSX music (not the OST) -- so it was slightly different.

But regardless of the quality (which was fine, I have to say) simply the fact that they did it at all, blew my mind. Clearly there is money in SE assigned to making these games better... so I like to remain optimistic :)

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII's Menu Gradients...
« on: 2013-11-27 22:11:03 »
very unlikely.  They will update a few things like that crap font they did, and if they hav the source code, perhaps other minor fixes, if not, it will be an Aali driver job again.  They aren't going to waste resources for this when they will get tons of money for very small work. Same with ff7... the contempt they showed there releasing it with midi sounding oggs was laughable.

Not sure if you can be so cynical any more... The redid all the music for FFVII after fans complained on the Steam forums. I never would have believed it, but they did.

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-11-27 22:06:08 »
Great, thanks very much. I look forward to seeing the final font sheet!

If anyone wants to mess around with what I began with, the layered PSD is here:

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