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Topics - Covarr

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Troubleshooting / MOVED: Hello please help
« on: 2019-05-31 17:36:05 »

FAQs and Tutorials / "Help! My game's screen is cut off!"
« on: 2019-02-17 21:45:25 »
Right click the game's exe, go to properties. In the compatibility tab, there should be an option to override your system's DPI settings. The exact wording varies by version of Windows, but 99% of the time this will fix this issue.

Completely Unrelated / MOVED: ff7 NT mod help
« on: 2018-04-30 20:21:05 »

PC Gamer has this sweet retrospective on the PC port of FF7 and its development. It doesn't go into too much detail, but it's a fun read.

Completely Unrelated / WOOHOO ENGAGED
« on: 2016-12-17 20:55:03 »
I'm on vacation with my GF in Texas this week to meet some of her family. This morning, I proposed, and she said yes! SHE SAID YES!


Completely Unrelated / Majora's Mask short fan-film
« on: 2016-11-22 19:46:57 »
One of the best things I've seen this year:

See the video for his thoughts on the matter:

General Discussion / FF7 released on Android
« on: 2016-07-07 15:53:08 »
FF7 is on Android. I don't trust it to not be strawberries, considering Square Enix's history on Android of crashing when you switch tasks, extremely intrustive DRM, and poor optimization... but who knows, this could be good after some patches to fix the messed up colors and not working at all on Android N, but who knows.

As of today, in response to several recent incidents, I have made a few minor tweaks to the rules, as follows.

1. First, under Asking for Help, I have added:
  • Be patient. We can't all be online all the time, and nagging will make us want to help you less, and may lead to warnings.
This applies to troubleshooting help, waiting for mods to update, etc. we have had far too many members over the past two weeks creating a hard time for people who were working on mods, and more drama than I'd like over it. If I continue to see this sort of behavior, I will take action.

Among other things, that means if a question has already been answered, accept that answer. If you're told "I'm still working on it, it'll take a few more hours", then wait instead of complaining. If someone is trying to help you get something working and they're not posting fast enough, do not post again asking why they haven't answered yet.

2. Second, under Reporting Posts, I have added:
Only use the report button to report actual rule infractions. Do not use it to report mods or tools that don't work, missing download links, members being unable to solve your problems despite their best effort, or updates that take longer than you hoped. If you cannot cite the exact rule being broken, chances are pretty good you shouldn't be reporting the post. Abuse of the report button will lead to warnings and potential moderation.
I am serious about this. Don't report posts just because you disagree with them. Don't report posts just because they weren't helpful enough. This button is only to be used if someone has actually broken a rule. I would prefer it if, when reporting a post, you would actually quote the rule in question. Not just for my sake, but for your own, so that you can know for sure that what you're reporting is actually something worth reporting. If you can't find a rule against it, don't report it.

We are open to suggestions for things that you think should be rules but aren't currently. We won't necessarily take those suggestions, but we're open to hearing them and discussing them among staff. But it's hardly reasonable to expect us to take action against a post that you think SHOULD be against the rules but isn't.

3. One final rules and moderation point: In the interest of stopping drama in its tracks, I am going to start taking a very liberal interpretation of our Don't Be a D*ck rule. We've got a solid community here that's made some really impressive mods over the years, and many of us have made lifelong friends because of this site. The last thing I want is for that to be torn apart by hostility and aggression like I've seen recently, and I'm not afraid to issue high warn levels, or if necessary, even bans, in order to keep the peace. I would rather not have to resort to this, but I will if I feel it's needed.

Let me take off my admin hat for a moment and put on my regular dude hat: I have long believed that it is more important to be kind than to be right. This is one of the most central points of my personal philosophy, and something I consciously and deliberately brought with me when I first became a moderator here a couple of years ago. I can attest first-hand that this philosophy has worked wonders for me; I am generally a joyful person even in the face of emotional pain, arguments, etc., and this mindset is at the heart of that. I, Covarr the person, beg you all personally to keep this in mind so that Covarr the moderator doesn't have to take action. Give it a try; choose kindness over rightness or winning, and chances are pretty good you'll never have cause to be moderated. That'd certainly be a dream come true for me.

Completely Unrelated / FF7 sliding menus (fake)
« on: 2015-12-19 19:22:01 »

Just an experiment. Tell me what you think.

edit: Just a video editing experiment, not a mod. Here's a before-and-after: and an explanation for what I did can be found below.

I found this really sweet remix of 'Holding My Thoughts In My Heart', remixed by Martin w/ Sun:


With his permission, I've converted it to a looping OGG format suitable for use in the Steam version, or the 1998 version with the latest Aali's driver. If you want to replace the original, you will have to rename it tender.ogg and put it in the /data/music_ogg folder.


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