Author Topic: [FF7PC]FF7 SYW "ArkTsukiVock" (v4) upscale : Battle, world map, fields, videos  (Read 213139 times)


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Hi everyone, I am not sure this is the best place to post this, but since I'm using the SYW mod and I see people are being quite helpful here, I just thought it would be a good place... Just tell me if I'm wrong.

So basically I am trying to install FF7 with the SYW mod and the Reunion... That part I managed, but I'm not sure I did it the best way and I have a problem and questions :

- I noticed there is a big change in color between the FMVs and gameplay screens (I think the gameplay is when the colors are not good)... It's obvious after the intro that switches to the first background and when told you can run by pressing X and a direction, when the background changes to a FMV showing the reactor (see pictures below).

How could I prevent that?

- I have replaced the movies at C:\Games\FF7\data\movies by SatsukiMovies
but I have noticed there also are movies in :
C:\Games\FF7\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\Direct\movies (lastmap.avi and starfield.avi)
C:\Games\FF7\The_Reunion\BASE\New_Translation (ending2.avi and jenova_e.avi)
should I replace them by the corresponding SatsukiMovies (lastmap, ending2 and jenova_e)?

Now ideally, I would also use FFNx (so I can use dds files) and the Character Overhaul Seven (ChaOS) mod (if it brings something compared to the character overhaul from the Reunion). The thing is I am not sure they are compatible with what I've already done... If they are compatible, how would I proceed to install them on top of the Reunion and the SYW mods?

For reference, I've written below (in the spoiler) everything I did (if I did something wrong, please tell me what I should have done)...


Spoiler: show

Did a fresh install from Steam
Named a USB drive FF7DISC1 that I keep plugged in the computer
Ran FF7_GameConverter_0.11.exe
The converter showed "" as the path found (I supposed it meant it didn't find any path)
Entered "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII"
The converter said
WARNING: DESTINATION is in a system folder...
This can cause some errors with mod installations...
Should I use a non-system folder?

Said Y
The converter did its stuff... Then it showed this and open the Final Fantasy VII configuration window:
Please check over the settings for FF7Config...
1) Sound tab should have a Sound device set.
2) Perform the Sound and MIDI tests.
3) Graphics-Tab can be ignore.

Did just that, everything was fine.
The converter did more stuff and asked:
Install the Laptop Keypad patch?
(Only necessary if keyboard does NOT have a NUMPAD)

Said N
And the converter ended with
Installation complete.
Press any key to continue...

Renamed ff7_en.exe to ff7_en_Steam.exe
Executed The_Reunion_R06.exe
Clicked Next
Accepted agreement, clicked Next
Folder (C:\Games\FF7) was already selected, clicked Next
   -American English
   -Incorrect character names
   -Incorrect place names
   -Series canon
Clicked Next
Clicked Install
(Installation took a while)

Used SYWinstaller.422 (ran SYWv4installer.exe)
   -Fields background upscaled textures (SYW v4.10 "ArkTsukiVock")
   -Battle background upscaled textures (SYW v3.17)
   -Magic and combat Fx HD textures (Kela51 v1.05)
   -Worldmap upscaled textures (SYW v4.10 + Avalanche minimaps)
   -Minigames upscaled textures (SYW v2 + Grimmy english translation)

Chose output folder (C:\Games\FF7)
Left Iro compression to: Nothing
Clicked Install with The Reunion (R06 and above)
(Installation took a long while)
Closed the installer once finished

Replaced movies at C:\Games\FF7\data\movies by SatsukiMovies

Made a backup of the Options.ini in C:\Games\FF7\The_Reunion
Made the following changes:
full_screen = y

vsync = y
Model_Overhaul = y
_60fps_Battles = 2
Game_Time_Is_Realtime = y
Battle_Arena_HPMP = y
Battle_Key_Press = y

At first the game was wider than the screen (and cropped) and I realized that changing the "Scale and layout" in the display settings from Windows 10 to 100% solved it.


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you already have everything working that i can see, including kaldarasha's models (they are included in the reunion)

the change between fmv and the game is caused by just that: a change between a movie and the field file you walk around in, when you ride the ropeway to the gold saucer you will see another transition like this (and in several others places as well, cant remember them all), the movie is always going to look quite a bit better because the field file has several graphical limitations that dont exist in movies

a seamless change would be near impossible, and there is nothing that can be done about that


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Thank you for your reply...
I didn't remember that much of a change between the FMVs and the game but I guess last time I have played it was a long time ago so I probably just forgot...
I guess that settles it then, now I just have to enjoy the game.  ;D

And Satsuki, those upscaled backgrounds look really awesome, thank you for the time an effort spent on that mod!


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Hi satsuki ,

First off, nice work on this mod. It's great.
I was wondering if you could let me know on how to "de-scramble" the upscaled images so that they can be viewed normally in all their glory without using FF7.exe



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Long story short... you can't T_T


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Haha. Never mind :\ I was able to use the images in the source folders in the end for what I needed.
Thank you for replying and for the awesome mod  :D


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Hello, Satsuki!

Firstly, congrats on your amazing mod! It's really awesome and I'm eager to play FF7 with it!

Unfortunately, I'm having problems on activating it. I'm sorry if you answered this before, but I wasn't able to see a solution.

I followed these steps:

1) Installed FF7 (Steam)

2) Installed Reunion R06f

3) Ran SYWinstaller.4.22 (I checked every pack and selected the option "Install with The Reunion"

But when I run the game, it looks like this

Could you please, help me? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I appreciate your attention


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Hello, Satsuki!

Firstly, congrats on your amazing mod! It's really awesome and I'm eager to play FF7 with it!

Unfortunately, I'm having problems on activating it. I'm sorry if you answered this before, but I wasn't able to see a solution.

I followed these steps:

1) Installed FF7 (Steam)

2) Installed Reunion R06f

3) Ran SYWinstaller.4.22 (I checked every pack and selected the option "Install with The Reunion"

But when I run the game, it looks like this

Could you please, help me? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I appreciate your attention

looks like its working from that screenshot, go to where you installed reunion and find options.ini and change "model_overhaul = n" to "model_overhaul = y" and you'll get the modded character models as well


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looks like its working from that screenshot, go to where you installed reunion and find options.ini and change "model_overhaul = n" to "model_overhaul = y" and you'll get the modded character models as well

It's worked!!
I'm very happy, thank you so much!!


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first, thanks for your amazing work. I have a ton of questions... but mainly:
1.- Is there a mirror for downloading this mod?? around the world, there are many countries that cannot access  mega downloads.
2.- Can this mod be installed without 7th Heaven nor The Reunion nor anything like that??


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1.- Is there a mirror for downloading this mod?? around the world, there are many countries that cannot access  mega downloads.
2.- Can this mod be installed without 7th Heaven nor The Reunion nor anything like that??

1. can't help you there, satsuki (the creator of this mod) would have to upload somewhere else, and its not easy finding a place for a file this large

2. yes, but requires more work, this mod wont work without aali's graphics driver or trueodin's graphics driver, so you'd have to install one of those and configure it to get it working,
i've never even bothered with that because both 7th Heaven and The Reunion do this for you so its mostly pointless


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Hi Satsuki,

I tried using the file from the repo and it came back as a Trojan. I checked it in Windows Defender and then in VirusTotal. Can you or anyone else assist?


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Sometime vb6 software (even empty ones) are reported as trojen of misc virus.
There's no virus here, just tell defender to ignore it


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hi satsuki!
i tried to convert every single folder (world battle char) with the png files in iro ones with 7th heaven, but not worked. should i install your mods with reunion then? 7th heaven was good for me, but i couldn't figure out why not work, the mod of the other guy (the one with cloud not a puppet) iro worked flawless


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Just use the provided converter it's working.
Why do you want to do it with 7h instead of the provided converter ?


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i'm kind of a weirdo that likes to hide Cloud behind stuff and take screenshots of the fields, thought i'd share some of these if anyone is wondering what the fields will look like with this mod
note that some of these may also be enhanced with reshade (again, these are all in-game field files... not part of a FMV)

this first one is my desktop background, and probably will be for life (or until we can upscale to 4k) :P

Cloud! Get down from there! What are you thinking?
« Last Edit: 2020-08-15 22:06:56 by -Ori »


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New version 4.5.0:
-Re programmed the pack builder from vb6 to to avoid as much as possible false positives with antivirus

No need to download this version if you already have your packs ^^


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Hi satsuki, thank you so much for the mod it looks great. However I've got one problem. I can load it alright with the Reunion mod, but everytime I open the game, being in fullscreen mode or not, the in-game screen is always oversized comparing to the windowed screen and I don't know if it's because of the Reunion configuration or not because I've tried to change it as much as I can and it's still like that.

Can you recommmend any way to fix this? Thanks!
« Last Edit: 2020-08-23 18:19:12 by harutoshinta »


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Hi satsuki, thank you so much for the mod it looks great. However I've got one problem. I can load it alright with the Reunion mod, but everytime I open the game, being in fullscreen mode or not, the in-game screen is always oversized comparing to the windowed screen and I don't know if it's because of the Reunion configuration or not because I've tried to change it as much as I can and it's still like that.

Can you recommmend any way to fix this? Thanks!

go to your The_Reunion folder and find options.ini, right click it and hit edit

full_screen = y
window_x = 0
window_y = 0
window_width = 1920
window_height = 1080
preserve_aspect = y

where i have the 1920 and 1080, change those to your desktop resolution and see if that fixes it
(if your resolution happens to be 1920x1080 then you can just use those exact values)

if you happen to have more problems with this, you should go to and click the link to join our discord, since this is a reunion config issue and has nothing to do with satsuki's mod

edit: kudos Rumbah
« Last Edit: 2020-08-24 21:29:55 by -Ori »


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Thanks! It didn't work though. I'll join the Discord later.


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For me it looks like a HiDPI issue.

Try right clicking your ff7 exe, Settings, Compatibility, Change high DPI settings, activate overwrite high DPI settings to application.

Save and try again.


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For me it looks like a HiDPI issue.

Try right clicking your ff7 exe, Settings, Compatibility, Change high DPI settings, activate overwrite high DPI settings to application.

Save and try again.

Wow thank you so much! It works now! Thank you!


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Hi, I'm extremely new to pc gaming let alone modding.  I'm having real trouble trying to install this mod.  I think I've done everything right; I've downloaded and installed the steam version of the game, installed reunion, and attempted to install the mod.  But when I open the installer, I don't see the prompt to install with reunion. Every time I open the installer it looks like this:

I might be missing something really obvious, so please excuse my ignorance...


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your link isnt working, you gotta change the permissions on it to anybody

the install with reunion button is on the lower-right side, if you are getting the installer to work right

edit: looks like satsuki removed the 'install with reunion' feature out of spite (argument with reunion's creator)


in the meantime if anyone is having trouble installing this in reunion, PM me (or go to and click the discord link) and i'll walk you through it

some weak-ass tea to remove that feature - there are dozens of less pc-savvy people who can no longer figure out how to get this working... this does nothing to hurt dlpb, he doesnt give a f***, just hurts regular working folk that are trying to kick back and play this game the way they want... oh well, just another thing to draw people to reunion's discord
« Last Edit: 2020-08-27 16:16:20 by -Ori »


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You seems realy agressive for no reason.
Anyone can install this pack with reunion in an easy way (just need to convert to png and read reunion's readme file)

I remove the reunion feature for some raisons and nothing to do with dlpb
-I've make the full installer from zero in c# to avoid vb6 falses positive, so i checked and optimized the code, i've removed useless feature (reunion and iro compression level)
-I removed the iro compression feature because iro's compression is only usefull for distro otherwise it'll make the use of iro slower and as iro car be 7z for distro no use here.
-I removed reunion installer because:
1)you can install it from png with copy/paste files in the reunion folders
2)i can't auto-manage file replacement, witch mean that my files will overwrithe the existing one in reunion install folder or the the renuion's one will remains and avoid my file from being used
3)as i don't use reunion myself i wont be able to do the tests needed if a bug occurs
>>So as there's no safe way to auto-install with reunion, i kept the option to convert dds to png and anyone can use use safelly the converted files with reunion

So if one day reunion provide a "safe way" i can use to make my mods work without the risk of overwriting existing installed reunion mods i'll probably get the option back.