Did a fresh install from Steam
Named a USB drive FF7DISC1 that I keep plugged in the computer
Ran FF7_GameConverter_0.11.exe
The converter showed "" as the path found (I supposed it meant it didn't find any path)
Entered "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII"
The converter said
WARNING: DESTINATION is in a system folder...
This can cause some errors with mod installations...
Should I use a non-system folder?
Said Y
The converter did its stuff... Then it showed this and open the Final Fantasy VII configuration window:
Please check over the settings for FF7Config...
1) Sound tab should have a Sound device set.
2) Perform the Sound and MIDI tests.
3) Graphics-Tab can be ignore.
Did just that, everything was fine.
The converter did more stuff and asked:
Install the Laptop Keypad patch?
(Only necessary if keyboard does NOT have a NUMPAD)
Said N
And the converter ended with
Installation complete.
Press any key to continue...
Renamed ff7_en.exe to ff7_en_Steam.exe
Executed The_Reunion_R06.exe
Clicked Next
Accepted agreement, clicked Next
Folder (C:\Games\FF7) was already selected, clicked Next
-American English
-Incorrect character names
-Incorrect place names
-Series canon
Clicked Next
Clicked Install
(Installation took a while)
Used SYWinstaller.422 (ran SYWv4installer.exe)
-Fields background upscaled textures (SYW v4.10 "ArkTsukiVock")
-Battle background upscaled textures (SYW v3.17)
-Magic and combat Fx HD textures (Kela51 v1.05)
-Worldmap upscaled textures (SYW v4.10 + Avalanche minimaps)
-Minigames upscaled textures (SYW v2 + Grimmy english translation)
Chose output folder (C:\Games\FF7)
Left Iro compression to: Nothing
Clicked Install with The Reunion (R06 and above)
(Installation took a long while)
Closed the installer once finished
Replaced movies at C:\Games\FF7\data\movies by SatsukiMovies
Made a backup of the Options.ini in C:\Games\FF7\The_Reunion
Made the following changes:
full_screen = y
vsync = y
Model_Overhaul = y
_60fps_Battles = 2
Game_Time_Is_Realtime = y
Battle_Arena_HPMP = y
Battle_Key_Press = y
At first the game was wider than the screen (and cropped) and I realized that changing the "Scale and layout" in the display settings from Windows 10 to 100% solved it.