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Messages - FeuFeu

Pages: [1] 2 3
Elements of the story can be found there (especially the Plot twists part) :

Now, stop creating stories, if you can't provide a source, please :-P

Completely Unrelated / Re: Nintendo Wii ( 56k Warning )
« on: 2006-06-07 16:29:17 »
No, he did X, I know that for sure.

Indeed, in coordination with Junya Nakano & Masashi Hamauzu.

He also participated in the FFXI OST, along with Naoshi Mizuta & Kumi Tanioka. His contribution was quite small, though.
Finally, FFXII soundtrack was composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, who also worked on Vagrant Story and FFT (two extraordinary soundtracks, IMO).

More on topic : I still don't know whether I'll buy a PS3 and/or a Wii. I don't care about the console itself, it's all about the games after all. And right now, I have many games waiting for me on PS2 and GameCube :-P

I'm really bad at guessing someone's age, but let's try this test anyway. Ok, I'll admit I practiced a little beforehand on the first website Google returned when I searched "guess age" :-D

1. I'd say she's pretty... perhaps ! There's too much makeup to tell for sure. Anyway, she's a bit attractive.

2. Less invasive makeup but still tricky enough to make it hard to guess. And the fact is I can't guess at all how old she is. She could either be 13 or 18 to me. *roll a D20, get 4... roll again* Ok, she's 17. I don't find her attractive.

3. Absolutely not. Except from the chest, she looks no more than 13 to me. And knowing that puberty can start very early, I'll stick with 13.

I'm sure I've messed up somewhere, if not everywhere. Like Qhimm and L. Spiro, they really aren't girls I would date (if I omit the fact I'm married :-P).

Sad Jari, I'll really laugh hard if you tell us one is actually over 20 :lol:

Super Drag and Go might be the answer. Very cool extension, I use it all the time without even thinking about it anymore :wink:

Didn't mean to sound harsh, sorry (smileys are there for a reason).

Yeah right, if that was actually the case then most RPG's wouldn't have a level-up system.
That's just a way to increase the durability of a game in 99% of the games I know : FFX would be one of the exceptions, Penance is nearly unbeatable without max stats. Still, it doesn't remove the fact there's almost always no point to level up to the max, instead for a feeling of accomplishment : in that way, yeah, it better take some time to reach level 99. Would you level-up everyone to level 99 in one of the Suikoden ? That would be nuts, and level 60 is the most you'll ever need.

Anyway I believe leveling up in FF7 is really too easy. IMO, the remake should actually make level-up harder, it would encourage looking for the right strategy instead of spending some time buffing up your characters and killing any boss in one attack or two (genuine question : where's the fun in that ?).

If FF8 lets level-up be so easy, it's because leveling up is not a good thing in this game. Monsters stats increase faster than yours and then makes the game more difficult. Keeping low level actually makes the game easier.

On a side note, I don't want to go through a game being low level. I just hate using level up to remove all interest of one of the main part of a RPG, ie battles.

Radiosity and Covarr : You've obviously never tried a Low Level challenge :-) Beating the game while keeping your characters as underleveled as possible (level 28 when you finish the game) is really fun. And it proves than power-leveling is absolutely useless.
I suggest you try as least once : you can find anything you need on GameFAQs if you need advice (many specialized FAQs are about this and we are a little community on the message board that helps people playing challenges).

Level-up is for sissies and munchkins :-P

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-24 07:25:43 »
NothingImportant : I see this overlapping issue is fixed, thanks :-D
Unfortunately, the color problem with the banner is indeed there and I really don't understand WTF is going on (tried something offline, didn't work). By the way I think it isn't worth worrying, the final logo has a white background.

VINCENTVAL : No offense, but I highly doubt an table-based HTML 4.0 design satisfies halkun. The design is nice, but the coding part is really out of date and not easily maintainable.

Q-Gears / Re: The 'Why' Eclipse thread
« on: 2006-05-21 23:12:10 »
3) It doesn't have a subversion plugin yet  :cry:
Actually, there's one : Subclipse

You can get it via the Update Manager using the URL (the installation process is detailed in the link just above). I have it at work for a Java project, it's really easy to use 8-)

Completely Unrelated / Re: The day of rockening!
« on: 2006-05-20 23:20:29 »
Just saw Lordi's performance on Youtube. My wife and me were crying from laughing so hard :-D

That was truly great, glad to see Finland crushed everyone and won with that song !

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-20 09:01:58 »
Also, FeuFeu, is the image background the same as the div background? In your screenshot, it doesn't look like it. I dunno why the background would appear white, the div on the right uses the same method of choosing color. :|

Oh, didn't noticed that :? Well, I'll look into it Monday.

About the link descriptions, it might be easier to use the title attribute : the description would then appear in a tooltip and you wouldn't have to worry about its position or visibility.

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-19 20:14:17 »
Yes, I know that but the problem is still there on 1024x768. The default font on Linux is bigger, thus the line wrapping. I can make it happen on Windows as well, if I decide to use a larger font (using CTRL+ and CTRL- with Firefox is great to detect this kind of issue). The box should adapt with the text it holds :wink:

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-19 15:20:13 »
There's a little alignment issue with Firefox on Linux (Fedora Core 4)

Anyway, that's looking nice. Keep up the good work ! :wink:

(I might join and try to do a layout, if I find some time)

0x100 and 0x120 for armor and accessories ? Is the "compressed" inventory IDs expanded on two bytes when it's loaded from the savemap ?

I've compared what you get with one of my epsxe savegame at the beginning of the game. I also have 0x00 for the Buster Sword and the Bronze Bangle. Barret's equipped Gatling Gun is 0x20. Considering Buster Sword and Gatling Gun are (respectively) 0x80 and 0xA0 in the inventory listing, you have to substract 0x80 from this value to get the weapon value when equipped.

In Jenova, this is found in charedits.cpp, ie. in the void CCharEquip::OnSelchangeWeapon() function. You'll see some 128 there, because of this "conversion". That's the trick :wink:

By the way, the armor need not be converted. But for the accessory, you have to subtract 0x20 from the inventory ID to get the equipped ID.

Announcements and site development / Re: Temporary forums
« on: 2006-05-12 22:09:57 »
Indeed, it looks like edited messages are flagged as new.

This is yet another reason that makes me feel phpBB is overrated : switching to SMF was definitely a good choice ^_^

Python quite limited ? You've got to be kidding me :-P
Companies like Google or the NASA make an extensive use of Python, and I need not explain that they're far from being insignificant :lol:

Python is popular for being "batteries included", having a rich and versatile standard library which is immediately available, without making the user download separate packages. The Python Library Reference sums up what is available without installing anything else : regular expressions (re), data compression (zlib, gzip, bz2...), text manipulation and formatting (string, codecs, formatter), file manipulation (os, os.path, filecmp...), serialization (pickle), web (urllib, ftplib, email, HTMLParser, xmllib...), multimedia (audioop, wave...), cryptography (md5, sha, hmac), simple GUI (Tkinter, turtle) and many more.

About object-oriented programming, this tutorial explains how to do it.

It's one thing to learn the language, but knowing the API is really different. If Java looks more powerful, it's because they blur the frontier between the language and the API.

And should you need something not present in the Standard API, there are many excellent third party librairies available : PIL (Python Imaging Library), PyGame (videogame dev), wxPython (extensive GUI library)...

The only case where Python really falls behind is if you desperately need speed : in that case, it's better to go with C/C++.

A pretty entertaining way to discover the possibilities of Python is by doing the Python Challenge, "the first programming riddle on the Net" as they defined themselves.

In the end, it's just a matter of taste :wink:

Archive / Re: Aeris in "Weapons awakening" fmv?
« on: 2006-05-11 12:46:58 »
The Sapphire screenshot is in fact Diamond, notice the large "shoulders" and the color. You have to remember that each Weapon has its own color.

You should compare your "Aeris" screenshot with the Junon Raid video where you can see Sapphire more closely. It matchs really well.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Need some help with Java
« on: 2006-05-11 11:50:05 »
Ok, there's no obligation then.

The "Java is slow" statement is outdated in fact. The earlier versions (1.1, 1.2) were indeed awfully slow. But that's not the case anymore : the JVM has been greatly optimized since then (thanks to the Just-in-Time compiler).

I also do a lot of Java at work (among many languages), but I wouldn't advice someone to learn it as a first language. And I don't really agree with your friend :-P Indeed, Java is nice and easy but definitely not what a really good programming language should be. It's trying too hard to be foolproof and I don't believe it to be the goal of a programming language. It's alright to have automatic memory management and other things to help the developer. But the more I use it, the more I feel the language is holding me back.

I'd rather recommend learning Python. The clarty of its syntax makes it really easy to learn and the source code is understandable even when you're a complete newcomer. But it's also a powerful language which comes with an extensive standard library. I won't go into details, everything I could say is already much better explained on the official site

Completely Unrelated / Re: Need some help with Java
« on: 2006-05-11 07:18:09 »
Oh nice, never noticed they updated :lol:

It's been two years since Java 5.0 was released :-) Version 6.0 is on the way (already available in beta since February).

chaoscontrol : I'm a bit curious, but why Java in the first place ?

Archive / Re: Aeris in "Weapons awakening" fmv?
« on: 2006-05-11 07:09:40 »
a dead Aeris as big as a Weapon ? :?

First you see Sapphire and Diamond inside the crater. Then outside there's Ultimate Weapon (and the Highwind) before she "takes off". Finally you see the 4 remaining that are still in the crater rising up : Sapphire, Diamond, Emerald and Ruby.

I really think the Aeris you're seeing is Sapphire Weapon.

General Discussion / Re: Limit System?
« on: 2006-05-11 06:29:21 »

I totally agree about Nintendo being innovative and daring. In almost every field... EXCEPT game characters. Please don't generalize my opinion :-)
And I also really hope Sony gets punished one day for all the features they "invented".

Indeed, as long as games are good, I can overcome it. For example, I found the Donkey Konga series really fun. But that's not always the case. "Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix" was a lame attempt to have a DDR-like on the NGC in my opinion.

About GTA... I think they'd rather modify some bits before releasing it : you'd then play as Wario/Waluigi/Bowser, being able to plan abduction of Peach and fry a bunch of Toads on the way, and of course, you'd be pursued by Mario/Luigi wearing cop uniforms. Oh man, I can already see it on the stores :-P Nevermind...
Anyway I'm not implying there can't be a game like this on a Nintendo console, that would be forgetting Resident Evil 4 and other similar games.

While I also love Nintendo and am a proud owner of a GameCube, I also hate them for their lack of creativity when it comes to game characters. I'm sick and tired of their countless Mario/Donkey/Zelda/etc games : i.e. Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Mario Foot, Mario Party, Paper Mario... Is it too hard to introduce new heroes ? Nostalgia and solid fanbase cannot excuse this.
From this point, they seem far worse than anyone else.

I'm glad they don't this when it comes to console... It won't stop me from buying a Wii, but the games, or more accurately the absence of nice games will surely make me think twice about it. I won't buy another Mario game ever again unless it's really worth it.

Completely Unrelated / Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-05-01 12:40:30 »

Completely Unrelated / Argument
« on: 2006-04-26 16:46:31 »
I apologize for the trouble, then.

As promised, here's my current wallpaper : Joan Kartright (from War of Genesis 3)

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