Author Topic: Neighborly Love, Freedom, and Diversity  (Read 15628 times)


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Re: Neighborly Love, Freedom, and Diversity
« Reply #25 on: 2006-06-02 16:11:06 »
I think peoples guesses here are lower than what they would have put had it been in a different thread.

Girl C looks 18 to me but doesn't do anything for me, Girl B I quite like the look of, again.. she looks about 17-18 to me and Girl A looks easily in her 20's though again she does nothing for me.

*Waits for Jari to tell me they're 12*


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Re: Neighborly Love, Freedom, and Diversity
« Reply #26 on: 2006-06-02 21:10:42 »
I'm really bad at guessing someone's age, but let's try this test anyway. Ok, I'll admit I practiced a little beforehand on the first website Google returned when I searched "guess age" :-D

1. I'd say she's pretty... perhaps ! There's too much makeup to tell for sure. Anyway, she's a bit attractive.

2. Less invasive makeup but still tricky enough to make it hard to guess. And the fact is I can't guess at all how old she is. She could either be 13 or 18 to me. *roll a D20, get 4... roll again* Ok, she's 17. I don't find her attractive.

3. Absolutely not. Except from the chest, she looks no more than 13 to me. And knowing that puberty can start very early, I'll stick with 13.

I'm sure I've messed up somewhere, if not everywhere. Like Qhimm and L. Spiro, they really aren't girls I would date (if I omit the fact I'm married :-P).

Sad Jari, I'll really laugh hard if you tell us one is actually over 20 :lol:

Sad Jari

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Re: Neighborly Love, Freedom, and Diversity
« Reply #27 on: 2006-06-03 21:47:05 »
Ok, seems that 24 hours have passed, and nobody else wants to try. :)

Girl A) Do I find her attractive? Hell yes, and even though I knew her age before seeing the picture, I still think that she looks about 19. Of course the makeup and hair - which might be done by professionals seeing that apparently she is the current Miss Teen Finland - play a big part in it. And are actually one reason why I think she would be so "old", if I saw her in real life; I don't ever recall seeing 16 year olds wearing a makeup like that. Most of them tend to go for the smutty raccoon-look. :lol:

Girl B) She is gorgeus. And also dangerously young looking. I thought that she was about 17 the first time I saw the picture - meaning that I certainly wouldn't have hit on her. Because not only would that mean that she would be bit more than half my age, but also close to age of consent which is 16 here. Rather surprised I was, when I found out her age.

Girl C) I knew her age before seeing the picture, and I've never formed my own opinion. Simply because her body and her age are in such a conflict. :| I don't find her particularly attractive because her face simply looks way too young, and if I'm correct she still has quite a bit of baby fat on her.

Her face doesn't look so overly young here, but I didn't use this picture because it doesn't display the most misleading feature of hers - which I'm sure you have figured out.

That being said, I'm not talking about dating them when I talk about them being attractive. But rather if I would have sex with them, should a girl like that hit on me (because with the exception of the first one, I surely wouldn't hit on someone so young looking).

Sad Jari, I'll really laugh hard if you tell us one is actually over 20 :lol:
Sadly I can't. I used to have a picture of a 20 year old who very much looked like 15 year old, but I couldn't find it. I also thought about posting a picture of Yuko Ogura for example, but they are not that easy to date accurately, since she has been doing modeling for several years - and I figured that at least some people would recognize her.

I have to say that someone guessed very well early on. I wonder if it's easier when you are closer to their age?

Anyway, it's time for the truth:

Girl A) Current Miss Teen Finland, like I said earlier. 16 years old. Closer to 17 actually, if you want to be anal about it.

Girl B) Just some Finnish girl who has a gallery. 14 years old at the time the picture was taken.

Girl C) I was bit surprised that none of you recognized Saaya Irie. She certainly is an internet celebrity. She was also 11 (eleven) years old at the time that picture was taken.

Only in Japan can a 11 year old have her own photobook where she poses in swimsuits and her own Idol DVD where she... poses in swimsuits. Hardly pr0n or anything, but they are made for ogling.

She has a band, if you are wondering how she came to be an idol.

So, the prize - that does not exist - goes to Relf for almost flawless performance. I suppose that the last one was telepathy, since Saaya is 12 now. Congrats.


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Re: Neighborly Love, Freedom, and Diversity
« Reply #28 on: 2006-06-04 01:12:38 »
Well, in all fairness, I am 16. Thus I see a lot more people in those age groups, as my school deals with kids 12 - 18, so you get good at guessing grades.