I'm not taking any recommendations regarding dialogue - apart from Caledor, Luksy, Covarr, Green_Goblin, and Charlie Beer. And that will end with R07 as well.
With non dialogue, as Lord says above - it's down to if an entry is green or red. All other entries are finalized.
Ah okay, one was a a dialogue issue, but not a recommendation (as I've no idea what should be said), it was just a line before the Reno boss fight in the submarine dock where cloud says "Are we in time?" and it stuck out to me as it seemed a rather unnatural way to say it, not sure if you were aware of it or if it even needs reassessing but thought I'd shout it up all the same.
The other was the move 'Sleep Scale' but I can see that's in white and is finalised.
Really loving my playthrough, this translation is so good! Keep up the great work and best of luck with R06

Also, do you have a twitter handle I can tag you in when tweeting about the mod or a preferred # to use? e.g. #Reunion?