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Messages - Quid?

Pages: 1 [2]
Not yet completed, but for a fast job I am not far to be there:

You need the three files this time of course.
In quick addition I filled in several stuffs like cover, the jump forward\backward in the change command, fixed the attack...

I found the 2X cut but didn't change it just yet, I have been suddently annoyed by some dummied out sequences that I am not sure should be this way as I was nearing the end of the custom ab file. So I will take a little more time to test these, probably tomorow before finishing up and checking the limits call sequences last.

It seem you are in a lucky strike, I saw by opening your rtaa and rtda that your custom Zack has the exact same geometry than vanilla SOLDIER models, (which should be logical but it could have been changed) and so I was just able to inject it in no time 7 new animations that I made for enemies SOLDIERS from my mod, and I copied as fast the anim 7 from the template to interpolate it, which make a not so bad victory pose actually.

Anim 16 : ko

Anim 17 : wounded idle

Anim 18 : escape

Anim 19 : throw item (ally)

Anim 20 : throw item (ally)

Anim 21 : victory pose

Anim 22 : throw item (ennemy)

Anim 23 : throw item (ennemy)

Also, well it seem I don't need to test too much to find what is what in the rtab, by comparing yours and that of the vanilla Cloud I am managing now to fill most of the mismatched animations pointers I wasn't sure about before. In a hour or so you should be able to see all that in game, even stuffs you didn't ask. I guess I took the excuse to check more on the playable versions of ab files.

Yeah, after a more thorough look, some other sequences need to be adjusted, including the attack command. The thing is that it look a lot like the sequences for the other physical commands like 2X cut and so on, so I definitely need to test them to be sure of which is which in your custom rtab file.
I will do that when I get back home from my day.

About the victory pose, currently it is set to 0F, so anim 15 in decimal, if it's good for you I will set it to anim 07, which look more the part of a pose than 11\12?

And about limits, I had forgotten them since I rarely work on playable chars battle files but these animations aren't stocked in the da file, they have separate files in the magic.lgp, though they also  seem to be called by the ab file, in the last calls. I will have to check them too, that they call the right anims ID I guess. Your Zack limits will probably look like Cloud's, but I will see if some fast customization can be done, it shoudn't be too complicated with the braver limit at least, and will see about the others.
Hell, since I am generous I might even do that new death\ko anim for your custom Zack, I have done plenty of those for my mod's enemies, they aren't such a investment when you have taken the hand at it.

Ok, I replaced the animations called for magic, E.skill, and summon in your ab file to match the sequence done by the SOLDIER 1st.
I also replaced the items throwing with a quick and unique animation, the number 9, before it was set to the idle anim 0.
I cheched the file structure, though quikly but it seem good enough to get through the game, except for the death anim call which call a animation that doesn't exist, the number 10 in hexa, so the 16 but as you might know, your template anims goes from 0 to 15.
And I don't think that stuffs like manip, d.blow and others are all pointed to fitting animations either, but I looked only quickly as I work on my mod, so you will tell me what else might need a repointer.

A playable character death anim is only one frame so it's really not that much to do in kimera, I can add you this new 16 animation in the da and all you would have to do would be to rework it in a single frame that match, but tell me if you want to do it. Otherwise, you could get through the game if you manage without your 'Zack\Cloud' ever falling to 0hp, or you will likely get a freeze or a crash when that happen.
A other, dirtier solution would just be to point the death anim call to the idle anim and that would at least prevent the crash or freeze.

And, ah yeah, I am not 100% sure that I isolated the X2\X4 sequence in your ab, they are slighty different that in the files I studied, I will have to test them to be sure, so I didn't touch them for now. Anyway, the ab file with magic and items repointed:

But do you want this character to be playable and replace a other party member or is it a enemy in battle?

If it is to play it, you don't necessary need to do hexa code in ab and da files, but you will need the kimera tool.
The most simple way for this one, replace Cloud's head with your Zack head, then the not so simple but doable part if you have the patience, rework Cloud's animations in kimera so that your Zack won't just be a 'Cloud clone' when he move.

If your Zack is for a enemy to fight and you don't want him to look like a clone of the first class SOLDIER when he move, same thing, but if you want to add him new moves as well, then yes you will need to do some hexadecimal.

I can help in the second case with the hexa code, send me your Zack 1st class files and I will put him some new animations templates that you will then be able to reshape in kimera for item throwing or other new moves, with corresponding new 'ab sequences' that you will later link to in the scene.bin with proud clod tool, or I can explain how to do it yourself,  but the kimera part of the job you will have to learn as it's something that can take time, and most likely be ready to fail a few times before you get it right, I sure failed more than a few times on my end.

Ah, if it's for the first case, a playable Zack, I can't help you to add him new moves, none that will actually be selectable in game anyway, with the enemies you can control their moves\attacks and corresponding animations with the scene.bin, however for the playable characters it's different and I woudn't even be sure where to start to add a new selectable command, if you think of things like that.
But the playable characters already have all the required animations to work as such, except for Sephiroth who lack death, cover, 2X 4X cut, poses for inflicted status, and maybe a few more other animations, so I really recommend you to use a already playable character template for that case, and as I said just rework it's animations in kimera to fit whatever way you see Zack moves and style.     

I did some things on enemies da and ab files, however if I could help you here depends on what exactly you want to do?

Badaway, thanks, Nfitc1. With the wiki and threads like this one I figured out many things I dreamt of.


General Discussion / Re: Project edge and discord
« on: 2023-04-15 18:45:09 »
I guess you're right and we don't use the same internet. Just since I woke up, I used my Philips hue account to turn the lights on, I used my YouTube account to watch some videos, used my plex account To watch a movie, my Crunchyroll account to watch chainsaw man, played riichi city mahjong which required a steam account and a riichi city account, then played elite dangerous which requires a steam account and an fdev account, all of which while using my VPN which uses an account. I checked my bank account which used my account,  paid my spectrum cable bill through my account, downloaded a poker manager app which required a Google play store account, got an email for a GitHub PR which requires an email account to receive and a GitHub account to commit. I used my Spotify account on my drive to the poker game I'm at. As I sit and play cards, I'm playing chess using a account, and of course I've checked discord and now qhimm... So 17 accounts just today so far and the day isn't over. My password manager (which is an account in and of itself) has about 250 accounts in it. So if you go the whole day without using even half as many accounts, then yeah I guess we use the internet differently and yeah it's foreign to me. From my point of view, it seems weird to limit myself to what I can do on the internet just because I have to enter an email address and a password. Seems like a small price to pay. The smallest, in fact. Or how you can dislike something if you refuse to make an account to even try it. Especially if the subject matter is of interest and contains information and downloads you(collective) desire. Which meets your qualifications for making accounts... That's all. But oh well...

Yep, that is a hell of a lot  of accounts and internet use, we have different ways of using and considering this tool, but naturally this isn't about who has the "right way", just that nobody should be forced in, or out of a way.
Here I checked internet this morning, went on qhimm last, now it's the evening and I had no need or reason to use internet between the two today. As I write this message I am doing other stuffs at the same time, going from checking scripts of my modding hobby to making myself something to eat.
Sure I have a bank account and a few other necessities of the same kind in modern society, I didn't mean those things even if I woudn't mind having alternatives to them as well sometimes, but it isn't the issue now.

I have no problem with people using applications to communicate on whatever they want, and this really used to be no problem at all since those applications weren't "murdering" forums, until discord came along apparently.
You can check a forum and see if you like it, or if you have something to write before registering, it remain a public source of infos. That you can't even do that with discord when it's apparently the thing that 'replace' forums nowaday, is a bother to me even if I reconize that you are right and that a email + a password isn't a big price to pay, if that's really all.

Maybe someday I will give in, out of necessities just like with bank accounts, but right now it isn't one. I just have to say that I agree with ff7maniac on the general principle that posting links on a forum isn't a time sinker, and I know since I mod too, the time sink is making the mod. I don't say this out of a selfish want in this case, I don't personally care for pure graphical modding, but to quote you, power to those that do, and naturally even more power to those who like making them.
So it's nothing personal or nefarious toward anybody but I sincerely keep wondering how coming to a forum if only the time to at least dumb\copy paste what you have already released elsewhere, useful infos, tools or whatever else would be a bigger time sink. 

PS: This message wasn't written toward anyone or anything in particular, more in context of the discord issue and how it somehow manage to force itself as the "replacement" of public forums when it doesn't even offer the most basic function, public infos search. I won't rehash it nor am I forcing anything or anyone toward a change or a other goal they don't want.
Modding isn't a garanteed public service and modders do what they want, including how they want to share, and if they want to share their work after all.

General Discussion / Re: Project edge and discord
« on: 2023-04-14 16:14:53 »
You have to make accounts to do pretty much anything on the internet besides using google to do a simple search or downloading torrents from a public tracker.

Euuuh, not at all. The only accounts I have are where I might have something to say, informations and downloads I ever wanted so far were and still are available without subscription. Maybe we just don't use the same internet, or for the same purposes, but anyway your message was low and unwhorthy of a moderator, so I wanted to say something even if it's probably pointless. Well, you never know, but speaking only for me, how could I know if Discord is something I could like since I can't even read what's happening on it without making a account, and yes, on principal, this bother me.

There is a fine line between many things, and comment like your last one are just blurring it even more, they don't help to see it or speak to the root of a problem. That's all I can say, not speaking about the work of Jusete or how he choose to share it but your last comment.

Helpfile documentaion!
Be sure to check out the addendum to opcode 93h.

Does this helpfile still exist or is it not relevant to the final version, Nfitc1?
Creating new 93 manually still pop the 'exception error', i have been getting around the problem for a long time by copy pasting existing 93 from other AI, but i just saw this quote in your first post and i wondered if there was something else to do that i didn't know about all this time regarding this fickle opcode?
There is no helpfile in the final version though?

Thanks for this tool while i am on the topic, it took me some time to master the battle AI ,so to speak, but i have been doing a lot of things with it.

FF7 Tools / Re: Extract Texures Model from Battle.lgp
« on: 2023-03-18 13:54:39 »
D'accord, j'ai eu un doute si tu voyais la différence entre les textures et les fichiers p\bones du model.

Bon, cherches 'cmd.exe' sur ton pc, normalement il doit être dans un répertoire system comme 'C:\Windows\System32', ou quelque chose de similaire si tu es sur un autre système d'exploitation, mais tu dois avoir une fonction recherche rapide?
Une fois que tu as trouvé cmd.exe, fais en un copier-coller vers le répertoire où tu as placé vincent tim, là où se trouve le tim.exe que tu vas dédier au convertissage de textures pour te faciliter la vie, puis ouvres les propriétés de ta nouvelle fenêtre d'ouverture cmd.exe, et dans l'onglet compatibilité, coches la case 'exécuter ce programme en tant qu"administrateur'.

Ensuite ouvres ton nouveau cmd.exe, et tu verras que son chemin d'accés par défault est le même répertoire où tu l'as placé, et dans lequel doit aussi se trouver tim.exe, ce qui t'évite de taper le chemin vers tim.exe chaque fois que tu voudras t'en servir.

Ensuite places une de tes textures à convertir dans ce répertoire, et si elle n'a pas d'extension 'tex' affichée, comme c'est le cas des textures des battle models, ajoutes lui cette extension via la fonction renommer, sinon vincent tim refusera de la reconnaitre\l'ouvrir pour la conversion.
Donc renommes 'RTAC' en 'RTAC.tex', pour l'exemple.

Enfin, crée un nouveau répertoire à l'intérieur où tes textures converties seront exportées, pour moi c'est 'tex convert', mais appelles le tien comme tu veux, il faut juste que ce répertoire existe, et soit bien sur appelé dans ta ligne de commande comme destination des fichiers convertis.

Une fois que c'est fait, rouvres ton nouveau cmd.exe, et tapes, ou copie-colle ta ligne de commande:
tim -e rtac.tex tex_convert

Evidemment tu changes 'tex_convert' par le nom de ton répertoire de destination, et là ça doit marcher, ou bien c'est que j'ai oublié de te préciser un détail...

Et de là, tu devrais mieux comprendre le readme de vincent tim (j'espère), qui a des modèles de lignes de commandes pour la re-conversion, mais c'est le même principe. Aprés j'avoue que je me sers rarement de tout ça car je travaille peu sur les textures, mais quand ça me prend ou que j'en ai besoin, ça marche.

J'ai l'impression d'oublier quelque chose pourtant... Hm, dis moi déja si ça t'aide à mieux t'y prendre.

FF7 Tools / Re: Extract Texures Model from Battle.lgp
« on: 2023-03-18 00:55:46 »
Désolé, je pensais que le readme de vincent tim était assez explicite, il ne faut pas ouvrir le tim.exe, mais l'éxécuter par une fenêtre de commande windows ou similaire, comme sur ce screenshot:

Là j'ai exécuté la ligne de commande:
tim -e rtac.tex tex_convert

Aprés avoir ajouté l'extension .tex à RTAC via un simple 'renommer', et j'ai eu:
que je pourrais donc retravailler en image avant de reconvertir en 'tex'.

Mais est ce que les textures sont vraiment ce que tu cherches, je n'en suis pas sur?
Je ne connais pas le guard scorpion de la team avalanche, mais le vanilla n'a aucune 'texture'.

C'est le mien, un peu recoloré\assombri par rapport au jeu vanilla.
Il n'y a aucune texture à chercher dans ce cas, seulement ses fichiers p dans kimera:

Tu recolores avec l'option paint, l'icone en forme de saut de peinture en bas à droite, et polygons color en haut à gauche si tu as besoin de bien voir les délimitations des polygons. choisis les couleurs rgb via la palette au milieu à gauche. C'est simple, le seul problème c'est de trouver les code rgb de la couleur que tu as en tête, ce peut prendre un peu de temps parfois.

Est ce que ce n'est pas plutôt ça que tu cherches? Est ce que le guard scorpion de la team avalanche a des fichiers compris entre son AWAB et AWAM? Si il n'en a pas, c'est qu'il n'a pas plus de textures que le model vanilla, ou alors ils ont utilisés une technique qui ne me dit rien du tout.

FF7 Tools / Re: Extract Texures Model from Battle.lgp
« on: 2023-03-17 14:48:18 »
Hello there, Shampignon.

Battle models tex files aren't that different in structure from the fields models.
Let's take Cloud battle model, his files goes from rtaa to rtda.
RTAA is like the 'hrc' file in the field model
RTAB is the script that conmmand animations sequences (complicated subject to get into but it isn't your question here)
RTAC is one of his texture
RTAD is a other texture

Then, from RTAM to RTBI, those are the bones\p files of Cloud.
RTCK to RTCZ are his weapons
And finally, RTDA is his animations file

So the 0 you see in show textures option when you have Cloud battle model in kimera is the file RTAC, his eyes, and 1 is RTAD, his mouth.
Each battle model is structured the same way, and the textures files are always those between XXAC and XXAL, you see the principle? If there isn't that many files between XXAB and XXAM, it means that the vanilla model doesn't have the maximum textures files possible, like in Cloud's case.

There are at least two tools to convert them if rework them is your goal, vincent tim from Myst6re, and FF7 tex tool, from SeiferAlmasy: (edit, found both links, not far indeed)

Well it has been almost three months and I setted the problem aside after many complex failures at solving it, and then, coming back to it I finally figured it out!

All along it was right there, the only and yet perhaps "dumb" thing I didn't think of.
Ok, In aqaa there is 16 vanilla animations + 16 weapon animations.
On those, only 10 are used in the vanilla game, and the six remaining are "dummy" unused animations.

I knew this, but I didn't want to touch or delete the unused anims and in all my attempts I was increasing to that number of total animations for the model, which was exactly the source of the problem.

When quantumpencil wrote this:
1: Yes, that's because weapons actually have their own animations, for player model characters they are offset by 0x34 within the **da files (and this is, unfortunately, how the battle engines finds them). If you want the weapon to animate, then you will need to repack a corresponding weapon animation at index 0x6 + 0x34.

He meant that somehow the battle engine search by a set number of body animations for the corresponding weapon animation when a weapon bone is involved. If it isn't clear, player model characters have 34(hex) body animations, and unless you know bettter than me you don't want to change that number. In the shinra soldier case, he has 10(hex) body anim, and it's the same thing, decrease or increasing that number just throw off every calculations made by the battle engine, whatever they might exactly be. You have to make due with the unused animations which are already there, to summarize.

So by replacing the unused animations, the weapon animations aren't throw off and everything is solved as far as I can tell after a few tests, finally.
I can live with this, especially since it is not relevant to models without weapon bone and that the few which have one also have a few unused anims to work with if I feel like it.

Boy it seem so stupid now, especially after all the more complicated attempts that I tried to understand the problem.

Well, maybe someday it will help some other traveler on this road.


I am a bit desesperate so I hope there is still someone who can help.
Simply, I add new animations to a da with hex editing, and after a few miss and try things are getting better.

Except with the weapon of the model, aqaa if it's relevant, in game the said weapon, the bludgeon\club is flying\disapearing\jumping around as soon as any new animation has been added to the DA file.
Screens if it help:

I can't find any reason within the DA for this behavior of the weapon, yet if it's the vanilla file without new animation it's all good, I add a new animation, it's not. Oh and in kimera every frame look fine. I didn't use "compute weapon" either, I tried on a backup to see if it solved the issue, but it didn't.
I also update the AA\skeleton with the appropriate numbers of both body and weapons animations. Any idea?

Edit, sorry, just when I finally decide to ask, I find a thread with the path to my answer:

1: Yes, that's because weapons actually have their own animations, for player model characters they are offset by 0x34 within the **da files (and this is, unfortunately, how the battle engines finds them). If you want the weapon to animate, then you will need to repack a corresponding weapon animation at index 0x6 + 0x34.

Thanks to quantumpencil. The search function never found this thread for me, oh well.

Edit2, sorry again, I just don't understand what the logic\pattern is and where I am supposed to place the weapon animations after all. If in fully working aqda vanilla the first body animation start à offset 04(hex), and it's corresponding weapon animation start at offset 1410, I don't see what Quantumpencil meant at all... All I get is that there must be a very strict positionning in the hexa, but what is it's logic\calculation?

WIP / Re: Sephiroth mod
« on: 2019-11-13 09:05:29 »

Looking at your video, it seem you swaped characters data in the kernel.bin to make this? It is a fast way but not a complete one, as you noticed. You should start working with makou reactor tool if you want to go on with your idea, it's the best field scripting tool and it also allow to swap field models among many other things.

As for battle models, I would suggest you to stop swaping kernel.bin data, it turns characters into 'Nibelheim flash back Sephiroth clones', which isn't very interesting for the gameplay. I would rather suggest to 'convert' the battle models you want into Sephiroth with Kimera tool, though it can be long because most of the time you can't just swap bones and leave it as it is to get a decent enough result, and keep various animations like limits in working order.
I wrote a tutorial to begin with modeling work but it's in my native language, french.
Unless you understand it, I could try to translate the relevant part about battle modeling bases if you would like but I don't have the time right now. Just let me know if it interest you.

General Discussion / Re: Export FF7 Battle models
« on: 2019-10-29 13:19:54 »
Kimera don't export the files to a new format so you aren't using it wrong. Proud Clod is for modding battle formations, enemies stats and AI, not the models.

I only read about graphic packs like Reunion or Satsuki pack, I don't use them but from what I understand, the latter at least do convert models to png format somehow. So it must be possible.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-10-29 02:31:59 »
As of now my objectives are:

1.   To change some lines of dialog in existing scenes.
2.   To add some extra newdialogue to existing scenes.
3.   To add some new scenes with new dialogs. (with “scene” I refer to the moments in the game where the characters enter into a place, walk around, their models do some animations, talk to each other, all without input from the player except for pressing the “confirm” button to make the dialog advance, for example the “date” scene in the gold saucer).

My questions would be:

1.   ¿How difficult would be to do those changes?
2.   ¿Is there any program / tool that would allow someone to do those changes without prior programing knowledge?
3.   ¿Could I apply those changes on top of the “Vanilla Combat” version of N.T.?
I should clarify that I intend to create this mod only for personal use, and in no way I mean to disrespect the authors of N.T. I ask this because I wish to use Aerith in the story changes I want to implement, and N.T. already has her modded back into the game, also because the translation of the scrip is a lot better in N.T. version that it is in the base game.

Well, that is it, many thanks in advance, and I hope to read your answer soon. :)

You can do all this with makou reactor:

You don't especially need to know a script langage or to have previous experiences with modding, I think so at least since I do have a bit of experience but this tool is convenient to the point that it 'speak' normally to the user in most areas, making the field scripting very easy to understand quickly, compared to other games.
Though modding any game is time consuming, especially since projects can tend to grow the more things you learn to do.
I must wait for a moderator approval so my apologies if this post show up after Sega Chief or someone else already answered.

General Discussion / Re: Export FF7 Battle models
« on: 2019-10-29 02:12:10 »
It depend on what you are trying to do, if it is to mod the game, have you tried Kimera?
FF7 models are divided in parts and doing modifications can mess up the animations if you aren't careful, again it depend on your goals but I don't think you could check how your models are holding up in that regard with a program like blender, while you can with kimera.

If it is for a other purpose than modding the game, I think there are some converters used by graphic packs to put models in png format somehow but I can't tell you what tools they use for that. They must be around though.

The expected enemy animation index is slightly different to the player character animation index, so when taking a hit without adjustments an invalid animation gets played and it hangs. To get around this problem you can manually adjust the Damage Taken animation to a different ID. Add this to the enemy's pre-battle AI:

12   2060
11   4088
60   08

That translates to:
Self.DamageAnimID <- 8

Thank you, thank you and thank you, Sega Chief. It is working great! I thought about something like this yesterday, except I must have made a mistake and I putted it in the main script, not the pre-battle, it caused crashes that almost made me give up and go back to the Rufus animations.
You just saved me from settling with a more limited option.

I tried animations 5 and 6 as well as 8, they are also working on a Vincent's based character.
One thing, I don't understand where is the < in your code (no 45 opcode), or what it's purpose would be?
To me it reads: Self.DamageAnimID - 8
Which is enough?
Anyway it works and I am keeping the info in my notes.

And thanks for your Tifa's anims list, I will be keeping it as reference as well. Much more detailled than my Vincent list for sure.

Ok, I have solved problems 2 and 3 but the first is still bugging me.
I took a couple screenshots if it can help someone to reconize the problem:

The model take a hit, does a half kneel animation then come back to it's idle anim... Then nothing else happen, the camera just stay on him and no one else will act, including party members if I select them a command or if I don't.

About problem 2, I tried animations one by one and made this list, it's not very complete as far as details and accuracy goes for some anims, but maybe it could help someone else who has trouble sorting out which anims attack and cast magic in party members:
Vincent anims:
03 change, move forward
04 change, move backward
05 taking damage?
06 taking damage?
07 fall on ground?
08 dodge?
09 steal?
0A 360 degre turn on self, taking damage?
0B dodge?
0C gun sling?
0D run, runaway?(anim freeze the fight)
0E run again?(anim freeze the fight)
0F Character disappear
10 dodge?
11 materia casting 1
12 fall forward and disappear
13 yet again a dodge?(anim freeze the fight)
14 attack, Shoot
15 attack, Shoot 2
16 attack, Shoot 3
17 attack, Shoot 4
18 attack and move forward without going back to initial position
19 attack, Shoot 5
1A attack, Shoot 6
1B attack, Shoot 7
1C attack, possible mime?
1D materia casting 2
1E Enemy talent casting
1F Invocations casting


I hope this is the right place for this, I am doing a bit of modeling for something and I can't figure out the following questions so far.
Long story short, I made a new foe battle model using Rufus's animations, but they turned out too limited for my purpose, so I switched the model to use Vincent animations. My troubles:

1, Whenever the new model take damage, the fight freeze, it's not a crash, everyone keep moving in their idle animations but noboby will move to do something else, player party included.

2, Depending on which animation I choose in Proud Clod for the attack commands of my model, the game crash in the fight's beginning, and I have made loads of testing to make sure it does come from the physical attack animations choices. Some animations will play without crash, but so far none of them is one that shoot a gun. I had a lucky break with magic casting and found fastly a animation that work, but for the physical I seem to be doom at trying the 40 animations from Vincent one by one? Or can someone tell me which animations numbers are supposed to be the attack in the party members models?

3, Because of the Vincent's skeleton/animations, the model have several weapons attached to it, and of course I can see them in Kimera but how do I choose one for the model in game?
Battle models don't have rsd files that seem editable like the field ones, and I know I can delete the weapons files and give my model a hand with Rufus's gun for example, that was what I did at first, but I realised that the game were actually looking for the weapon(s) file during some crashes, so I tried working with them but not only I can't figure how to make one show up in game, it hasn't solved my 2 other problems above neither.

Please, and thanks in advance for saving my sanity.

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