Hi, I've been largely absent from the ff7 modding scene for a few years due to work obligations but I recently started working on some old projects again.
I've been editing some animations for one of my projects and have hit a bit of a roadblock, at current moment I'm adding new animations to the SAAA skeleton specifically the ones that are missing and I've had a lot of success, using some resources online specifically the wiki.ffrtt and the work of borde and L Spiro. At current moment I'm working on animation #6 the 'death' animation that the SAAA skeleton is missing. It works in game and functions exactly as I want it to apart from one thing. For some reason the weapon is not where it should be and I cannot open the animation in Kimera, I assume this is because weapon animation data is stored in a separate file or a separate place in the **DA file, i've been looking online but can't find any information on the topic and I thought that maybe somebody more experienced would have an idea of where I should look.
Thanks in advance.
EDITSo i've found something strange, editing the value at offset 40(decimal) in the **AA file seems to effect which animations have a weapon in them, for instance in my case I have added animations 6, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22 & 34 to the SADA file. Changing the value to 01 removes the weapon from all but animation 0 and 1, but when I do this I am able to edit these animations in Kimera without causing a runtime error. If however I keep it at the default value these animations are unable to be edited.
Basically I'm just curious if the weapon animation data is inside the **AA file(Though i doubt it due to it's length).
EDITAlright finally got back to this after a few months.
So, if I was a smarter man I would have used scripts to organise all the animations in a database, I could have written a tool to do this of course but that would take weeks or months and this is more of a hobby that I come back to every few months.
So yeah i'm not breaking new ground or anything but i'll keep a link for my current SAAA & SADA files if people want to get further along with it, also i'm not an animator and I don't have animation software so the animations I added are terrible and were only made in Kimera THEY ARE INTENDED TO BE REPLACED IN THE FUTURE.
BTW, everything was done here with a Hex editor and Kimera, so yeah, very crude I know.